A 75-year elderly male presented to us with storage and voiding LUTS (Lower urinary tract symptoms) for six months following which he went into acute urinary retention for which he was catheterized. On examination, general and systemic findings were unremarkable. DRE (Digital Rectal Examination) was difficult with grade IV prostatomegaly, however the consistency was firm. The prostate size on ultrasound was 232 cc with 125 cc median lobe bulge, serum PSA level was 6 ng/ml, rest routine investigations were within normal limit. MRI abdomen and pelvis was suggestive of 53 cc prostate with mass lesion 73x66x56 mm arising from the median lobe of prostate and transitional zone, it was T2 hyperintense, exophytic and extending into the rectovesical pouch possibility of PIRADS 5 lesion with heterogenous contrast enhancement (Fig. 1).
TRUS (Transrectal ultrasound) biopsy of prostate was done s/o Nodular Hyperplasia of Prostate with Chronic Prostatitis. The rectovesical mass was biopsied by CT guidance since it was inaccessible via transrectal route, the histopathology was suggestive of spindle cell neoplasm. IHC (Immunohistochemistry) was diffusely positive for Vimentin, CD 34 and STAT6 - signal transducers and activators of transcription 6, confirming the diagnosis of STF. 18F-FDG (Flouro deoxy glucose) Whole Body PET-CT (Positron emission tomography- computer tomography) scan was suggestive of low-grade FDG uptake with heterogeneously enhancing mass measuring 84 x 69 x 68 mm in the rectovesical pouch with no evidence of locoregional and distant metastasis. In view of large prostate size and difficult planes between prostate and bladder patient was planned for Radical Cystectomy with ePLND (extended pelvic lymph node dissection) and conduit formation. The gross cut surface (Fig. 2) showed capsulated fleshy tumor arising from the muscularis propria of posterior bladder wall.
The microscopic examination showed spindle cell tumor with a low mitotic count (1/10 hpf) with morphology suggestive of SFT (Fig. 3) and prostate with acinar adenocarcinoma with gleason score of (3 + 3 = 6) grade group 1 and bilateral pelvic lymph nodes were negative for tumor cells.
Postoperative period was uneventful and patient got discharged after 7 days. Follow up after 6 month with CECT scan was suggestive of no local recurrence.