G. americana seedlings show different responses to contrasting luminous ambiences and in function of K2SiO3 doses, suggesting phenotypic plasticity owing to morphophysiological adjustments. We observed that in both ambiences, regardless of K2SiO3 doses, seedlings showed restricted root growth owing the limitation of the container during the experimental period. Based on the results, we asked the question: G. americana seedlings are sensitive to cultivation in full sun because it is a species classified as late secondary?
Yes! Cultivation of G. americana under full sun can be considered stressful in the seedlings stage. Shaded seedlings had better morphophysiological performance, reinforcing the species' sensitivity to full sun, especially at 45 days, but foliar application of K2SiO3 contributes to the growth and nutritional status of seedlings. We accept our initial hypothesis that Si and K act as relieving agents of this stressor for this species, inducing tolerance.
The less intense green color and necrotic spots on the leaves of seedlings grown in full sun may possibly be associated with lower chlorophyll content, although not quantified in this study. Excess light promotes degradation this photosynthetic pigment, damage to chloroplasts, and photo-inhibitory photochemical activities in the reaction centers of photosystem II – PSII (Oguchi et al. 2021; Shevela et al. 2023), indicating sensitivity to this cultivation condition. Similarly, Campomanesia xanthocarpa O. Berg. also had lower photochemical yields under exposure to full sun conditions (Bartieres et al. 2023), and the authors associate these responses to photo-oxidation.
In addition, under high irradiance, in our study represented by full sun cultivation, the light saturation point occurs, i.e., the plant cannot absorb and use all the light and chemical energy, respectively, and then part of the electrons that are dissipated in the reaction centers during photochemical activities in PSII unite with molecular oxygen and H+ in the chloroplast lumen, forming ROS (Lu et al. 2021; Pospíšil et al. 2022). These compounds are harmful to the photosynthetic apparatus, as they cause damage to the integrity of the membranes, leaking electrolytes (Sachdev et al. 2021; Kesawat et al. 2023), in addition to oxidation of photosynthetic pigments, especially chlorophylls, decreasing leaf metabolism and carbohydrate production.
In this sense, K2SiO3 plays important roles on metabolic regulation of antioxidant defense system. Si contributes to increasing the activity of enzymes such as catalase, peroxidase, and amino acid proline, in addition to activating aquaporins, improving water uptake, and hydraulic conductivity (Abbas et al. 2015; Avila et al. 2021; Teixeira et al. 2022). Eugenia myrcianthes Nied. seedlings treated with 2 mmol of Si had better photosynthetic and tolerance responses (Foresti et al. 2024), demonstrating its stress-relieving effect, similar to our study with G. americana. In most studies, the mechanisms action of Si in mitigating the water deficit are described, but do not report its role in alleviates the effects of light stress, and our study points to these new discoveries.
It is notable that the application of K2SiO3 promoted changes in the dynamics of other mineral elements, suggesting an antagonistic or synergistic interaction. The reduction in N can be explained by increase in K in seedlings with increased of K2SiO3. This is because cycling occurs in the plasma membrane and depletion of excessive rates of unidirectional influx and efflux between these elements (Britto et al. 2014; Hou et al. 2018). Similar to our study with G. americana seedlings, Hou et al. (2019) reported an antagonistic relationship between N and K in Oryza sativa L., interaction reinforced by Coskun et al. (2015).
The increase N in seedlings under full sun may be associated with the activation mechanism of the most efficient protection system in this stressful condition. From N assimilation pathway, the biosynthesis of amino acids such as glutamine and glutamate occur (Bredemeier and Mundstock 2000; Reitzer 2003; Harper et al. 2010), that in addition to preventing damage from ROS (Liao et al. 2022; Müller et al. 2024), contributes to protein synthesis and carbohydrate accumulation (Gonnet and Díaz 2000; Cooper and Jeitner 2016).
However, although seedlings under full sun had higher N content than those in the shade, showed lower Mg contents, and possibly reflected in the content of chloroplast pigments. Mg is part of the structure of the chlorophyll molecule and its reduction or deficiency in plant tissue impairs the synthesis of this pigment (Papadakis et al. 2023), as observed in our study with G. americana seedlings under full sun, a fact reinforced in the visual appearance of leaves with less intensity of green color.
The increase in K in the G. americana seedlings with K2SiO3 doses is explained by the fact that the product contains K in its composition (15% K2O), in addition to being applied foliar, which may have facilitated its translocation route to other organs. This is because, according to Chérel et al. (2014), it is believed that much of the K in the plant does not come only from root absorption, but also from recirculation in the phloem; therefore, when applied via foliar, it becomes a supplementary source, in addition to its availability in the soil, which possibly contributes to its better distribution and use efficiency.
We believe that reduction of K in seedlings under full sun with linear increase in K2SiO3 doses at 90 days may indicate the use and targeting of this nutrient for metabolic adjustments and protective pathways in order to alleviate this stressful condition. From the point of view of mineral and physiological metabolism, K in high concentrations in the cytosol favors protein activity and homeostasis cellular functioning (Johnson et al. 2022), improving the performance of photosynthetic apparatus.
In addition, K plays a role in osmotic adjustment and maintenance of cellular water status. (Mostofa et al. 2022), in which there is regulation of stomatal opening and closing signaled by ABA and mediated by K through its efflux in guard cells (Humble and Hsiao 1970; Andrés et al. 2014), alleviating water loss from excessive leaf transpiration owing to rising temperatures, especially in full sun. Conversely, in the shade as the condition is not considered stressful and did not require investment in protection mechanisms, seedlings accumulated more K in the tissue.
The increase in P in seedlings with 10.0 mL L–1 K2SiO3 indicates greater efficiency in the use of this nutrient, since in the soil the levels were lower as the K2SiO3 doses increased, reverse answer, suggesting better uptake, and translocation to seedlings. In the literature, there are descriptions that the Si–P relationship is synergistic, which favors its availability to plants (Schaller et al. 2019; Barman et al. 2023), as observed in our study. According to Hu et al. (2020) plants treated with Si show greater exudation of malate and citrate in the roots related to the P content in soil and plant, and promotes metabolic stability.
When P is converted to Pi, it is transported into the tissue, in which it is converted into ATP, energy molecule, favoring activity ATP synthase, production of NADPH, regeneration of Rubisco, and the photosynthetic process (Carstensen et al. 2018; Khan et al. 2023; Kayoumu et al. 2023), reflecting in growth and biomass production of G. americana seedlings. The inversion of Mg to P requirement with 10.0 mL L–1 K2SiO3 indicates energetic investment in production of carbohydrates rather than in cellular structuring in this condition.
Increased Ca stimulates signaling in plants through several stress proteins and genes (Gupta et al. 2023), in addition to promoting membrane stability and cell tissue rigidity (Hepler 2005; Wang et al. 2023), especially under full sun at 45 and 90 days, similar to K and P.
With regard to luminosity, the classification in the ecological succession varies depending of species and its age, as generally in the initial phase of seedlings or young plants they tend to present a certain light, water and even nutritional requirement, while in adulthood it can reestablish itself, adjusting to others requirement. Therefore, potential for phenotypic plasticity and ecological resilience is important, as plants naturally adjust for survival, but generally with lower performance. In our study with G. americana, although seedlings are sensitive to full sun due to being late secondary at this stage, foliar application of K2SiO3 alleviated stressful effect this condition. This information is necessary in forestry planning, both in nursery and in the field, because if the classification of the species is not taken into account, high mortality rate, and seedling replanting can occur, which makes forestry activities costly.
The increase in diameter favors the survival of the seedlings, in which the values of this characteristic are lower in the shade, as the evaporation of water from the soil is lower, favoring the maintenance of water status in the soil and in the plant, characterizing more favorable condition for its morphophysiology, not need to invest in adjustment strategies. Conversely, under full sun the increase of D is desirable, as it ensures the translocation of organic and inorganic solutes in this condition more efficiently, and the application of K2SiO3, especially in 5.13 mL L–1, favored this increase. The role of Si on stem diameter is still uncertain and little discussed in literature, but increases were observed in Zea mays L. (Amin et al. 2016), and Cucurbita pepo L. (Salim et al. 2021), similar response in G. americana.
However, we emphasize that the growth of the shoot must be proportional, that is, in height and diameter, so that there is morphometric stability. In the shade, greater HDR compared to full sun can be explained by hormonal relationship. This is because in an environment with low light exposure, auxin is preserved, and then vegetative growth occurs more accentuated as a result of the elongation of the internodes (Xie et al. 2022), which indicates possible etiolation depending on height and varies between species.
Conversely, under full sun when applying 6.51 mL L–1 K2SiO3, HDR was lower as a result of the increase in D when using a similar dose in this light condition, indicating greater balance in the distribution of photoassimilates, in addition to being more robust and avoiding the possibility of tipping over both in the nursery and in the field after transplanting. In our study, HDR is more associated to D than directly H, since H values did not vary depending on cultivation conditions, possibly owing to container restrictions.
The presence of K in K2SiO3 plays a role in osmoregulation through osmotic adjustment. According to Asensio et al. (2020) and Ávila et al. (2022), K acts in the control of transpiration and intracellular water content, and in our study this response is essential especially in full sun conditions. This action is due to, in addition to osmotic adjustment, its participation in protein synthesis, enzymatic activation of H+-ATPase, and antioxidant defense system (Marschner 1997; Johnson et al. 2022), which maintains high photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency.
In general, better growth responses in shaded seedlings are associated with more favorable climatic conditions. In nursery, black screen (Sombrite®) reduces temperatures and improves relative air humidity, reducing damage caused by multiple stresses (thermal and water) modulated by excess light. When seedlings are produced or grown in the shade, the evapotranspiration rate is lower compared to full sun and this keeps leaf metabolism more stable (Bartieres et al. 2023). In the field, shading can be achieved by inserting G. americana close to pioneer and initial secondary species in the area.
Another mechanism of action of Si is to improve the architecture of the leaves, leaving them more erect, which favors the capture light energy, better photochemical yield and photosynthetic efficiency (Sume et al. 2023), which ensured the leaf area of G. americana seedlings with application of K2SiO3. Furthermore, generally shaded plants tend to increase LA as a compensation strategy, i.e., to maximize the capture of light energy per unit area owing to lower active photosynthetic radiation incident in that ambience (Bartieres et al. 2023), while under full sun reduction may be justified to minimize excessive water loss (Reis et al. 2023).
Plants adjust to different conditions as a mechanism to escape stress, and lower SRR under full sun indicates that seedlings are investing more in the root system than in shoot, since there is possibly greater evaporation of water in the soil. As for K2SiO3, seedlings that received its application showed better shoot characteristics, as in LA and SDM, which explains the higher SRR.
Analyzing the effect of each dose in the two luminous ambiences at 45 days, it is clear that seedlings under full sun and which received application of K2SiO3 showed better production of biomass in shoot, and root system compared to those not treated with K2SiO3, reinforcing the beneficial role of this fertilizer on carbohydrates accumulation, reflecting better mineral and photosynthetic metabolism. At 90 days, with the second application of K2SiO3, we found not statistical difference between seedlings in two luminous ambiences, and we therefore suggested that they present the same pattern of biomass production, a fact proven in the DQI.
The better DQI was a reflection of greater characteristics of LA and biomass production with a dose close to 5.0 mL L–1 K2SiO3, regardless of luminous ambiences, reinforcing the effect of K2SiO3 on rustification-acclimatization of seedlings. The DQI represents the balanced relationship between the dry matter factors between the different organs, and growth in shoot, indicating better distribution of water, nutrients, and photoassimilates in the seedlings (Santos et al. 2023b). The higher the DQI indicates better vigor of the seedlings in the nursery and the possibility of better establishment in the field, but according to Santos et al. (2023a) complementary post-transplantation studies are needed in forested or reforested areas.
From the growth results, we emphasize that although G. americana seedlings showed linear increase to K, P, Ca, and Mg with the application of K2SiO3, we suggest that for maximum gene expression and production of photoassimilates, doses close to 5.0 mL L–1 K2SiO3 were sufficient to meet nutritional needs of the species, indicating that K2SiO3 plays a beneficial role in mineral metabolism and physiology.
We accept our hypothesis that K2SiO3 has the potential to alleviate the stressful effect of full sun, but we also found that its application enhanced growth in shaded seedlings. In this sense, if the species is produced or inserted in areas with greater exposure to light, such as borders or without vegetation, foliar application of K2SiO3 acts to induced tolerance. In future perspectives, we suggest understanding the protective metabolism by determining the activity of antioxidant enzymes, amino acids and other non-enzymatic compounds in seedlings under these cultivation conditions.