The assessment and classification of surface soil erosion into sheet, rill, gully, dry-mechanical (human-anthropogenic) and winnowing of soil particles correspond very well to previous studies, as comprehensibly reviewed by Salumbo [9] and Gebrie et al. [7]. The effects of these types of soil erosion on the surfaces of agricultural soils are physical (soil removal, aggregate disorientation), chemical (organic matter and important chemical loss), and biological (a decrease in microbial biomass) [24, 28, 29, 30]. The main causes were attributed to the lack of proper surface soil protection against raindrop impact, decreased aggregate stability, long and steep slopes, intense rainfall, and decreased infiltration by compaction or other means [20, 24]. These changes might have led to complete surface soil layer disappearance and subsequent subsurface soil layer damage [Figure 4; 31]. Similarly, a decrease in soil fertility and soil quality and an increase in crop yield may result because disintegrated aggregates and high soil particle erodibility enable easy detachment and transport of soils by runoff and wind [11, 3], thus leading to surface soil deterioration characterised by different surface soil erosion structural shapes (Table 7). Such deterioration can result in a noticeable decrease in organic matter in agricultural fields and ultimately leads to partial or even complete destruction of soil productivity by damaging soil structure and aggregate stability and reducing porosity, water infiltration rates, soil biological functions, and the storage and availability of nutrients [Figure 4; 5, 32].
Generally, a more meaningful assessment and evaluation of surface soil erosion can be made if the precise objective of such actions is known [6]. For instance, if the main objective is to assess only surface rill and gully erosion, the overall properties, dynamic nature, and classes of soil affected by rills and gullies could be identified in more detail [33]. In the present assessment, the different types of soil erosion were only considered preliminary. Although the target is to evaluate the types and classes of soil erosion, the results of these findings may not be sufficient for future sustainable soil management. However, the assessment provided an overview of the physical surface soil conditions in terms of soil quality and land suitability at erosion-affected sites. Further important information on soil erosion at the same site may still be needed if the complete soil management package is to be applied at the affected site [12]; however, it is believed that the shape pattern after the removal of soil particles of the specified type of soil erosion (Table 8–13) explains the level of soil quality and land suitability for agricultural production. This removal of soil particles corresponding to the stated land quality and land suitability classes was attributed to the weakened structure and aggregates of the surface soils [34]. Thus, areas affected by rills (I, C, S, X shapes) have less impact (Ls1, Ls2, Ls3) and better surface soil quality (Sq2, Sq3) than those affected by gullies (U, V, Y shapes – Ls4, Ls5, and Sq4, Sq5). These classes are tallied with the risk classes of soil degradation defined by Lal et al. [25]. According to their definitions, Ls1, Sq1, Ls2, and Sq2 represent the slight and moderate impact classes because the original surface soil biotic function is still intact, but full restoration of the impacted areas is needed. On the other hand, the Ls3 and Sq3 classifications fall under the poor land class characterised by small channels of the rill because most of the surface area has been degraded. Sq4, Ls4, Sq5, and Ls5 correspond to the extreme class, where re-establishment of the landscape components (soil, vegetation) is needed for some level of agricultural productivity and biotic function (Fig. 6).
Although several methods for assessing overall soil quality and land suitability have been developed based on different criteria, including soil structural quality [21, 35, 36], the procedure used in the present study is important for defining both the inherent and current productivity of the soil at the time of soil assessment in the field [19]. This assessment might also be useful for determining the ability of soil/land to support plants, organisms, and soil nutrients or for determining fertility [3]. Further research revealed that the assessment sites within the surroundings of the affected areas were physically well-drained sand, sandy-loam and sandy-silt textural soil particles (Table 2). These soil particles are physically very loose and can be easily removed by rains, causing sheet, rill, gully and dry-mechanical erosion (Fig. 4; 1, 15, 20a). Based on this observation, the surface soil erodibility at the study sites might be attributed to the impact of raindrops and runoff, which simultaneously enhanced the breakdown of soil aggregates and decreased the strength of the soil structures [20]. Thus, physically, the permanent reductions in crop performance in the affected soil erosion sites are caused primarily by erosion impacts that might have led to changes in soil physical conditions: soil structural quality and aggregate stability (Fig. 4). These problems are related to poor agricultural surface soil management, poor vegetation cover leading to mass movement of sol particles [38]. Sharma et al. [39] considered poor soil management to be one of the factors contributing to the initiation of soil erosion and deterioration of surface soil quality. Poor soil management is also regarded as one of the major threats to food security in most sub-Saharan African regions [15, 40, 41].
Other important factors contributing to initiating and spreading soil erosion in the region might also include poverty and overgrazing, as well as poor environmental government policy [15]. Poverty is important to consider in this observation because the relationship between social factors such as poverty in areas such as Kebbi State, Nigeria, is physically more complex than the lack of good management practices [8]. Critically, poverty may be associated with initiating most, if not all, surface soil erosion occurrences in some parts of the affected sites. For example, in the struggle to sustain their daily livelihood, the poor people in the study sites sometimes have no choice but to fall trees around them, thus causing deterioration of natural vegetation cover and surface soils and leading to erosion and desertification [2]. This is one of the reasons why poverty is considered one of the key factors that exacerbate soil erosion in poor regions of the world [3]. Therefore, if the disappearance of surface soil cover due to sheet, rill, or gully erosion might be due to poverty at the study sites, as reported in the present study, it jeopardises most agricultural soils and annual crop production in the region. This evidence is a good indication of strong relationships between poverty and soil erosion occurrence at most of the affected sites. Overgrazing might also contribute to the occurrence of soil erosion at the study sites. For example, as one of the northern Nigerian regions that supplies meat for national consumption, Kebbi State has become dominated by a nomadic and cattle-rearing community that depends on farm residues for animal feed [1]. The behaviour of these animals is considered to hinder plant canopy development and soil structural strength, which provides protection to surface soils against soil erosion [8], however, the organic manure they supplied to soil during grazing period is a good compost which may be useful to bind the surface soil layer [42].
Despite all the properties of soil erosion observed in this assessment, there is a crucial need to further understand soil erosion in terms of its volumetric impact [3]. The classes and types of soil erosion defined as corresponding to the land quality and land suitability classes in the respective study areas can be used to understand the physical aspects of soil erosion impacts, as suggested by previous studies [6, 11, 19, 43]. It is very likely that this new approach of assessing the physical impact of soil erosion in the field will provide even more direct definitions of surface soil quality and land suitability around soil erosion-affected areas under similar environmental conditions in sub-Saharan Africa or elsewhere in the world.