Due to the rising occurrence of ED in young men, affecting around 30% of those over the age of 40 [3], there is a growing interest in researching a curative therapy for this condition. Li-ESWT has gained increasing acceptance as a novel therapy for patients with ED in recent years. This therapy has shown considerable effectiveness in treating a range of medical conditions, including bone abnormalities and ischemic cardiomyopathy [6].
Li-ESWT seems to have a positive effect on the treatment of ED by stimulating the existing stem/progenitor cells, leading to increased cell growth and faster regeneration of penile tissues [7]. Concentrated shock waves induce micro-trauma (shear stress) in the targeted tissue, which stimulates the production of pro-angiogenic factors. As a consequence, the treated tissue undergoes neo-vascularization, leading to increased blood flow [8].
The effectiveness of the optimal treatment environment is still a subject of discussion, mostly due to the variations in treatment protocols stated, such as the kind of shockwave generator used, the energy flux density applied, the number of shockwaves administered each session, and the duration of the therapy. In our investigation, we utilized a concentrated SW generator to administer 5000 shocks each session, encompassing the entire penis, at an EFD of 0.1 mJ/mm2 for a duration of 6–12 weeks. These specific parameters were generally accepted and stated to provide more favorable outcomes when contrasted to other approaches [9].
The existing literature in this field provides strong evidence that researchers widely agree on the large favorable impact of LI-ESWT on improving the ED, as compared to sham treatment. Yuan & al. performed a systematic review of eight research investigations and found that Li-ESWT had a positive impact on participants' subjective ratings, particularly in the IIEF-EF domain. Additionally, Li-ESWT led to improvements in objective measures such as EHS and penile hemodynamics, specifically in regard to PSV [10]. In a comparable manner, Yao et al. conducted an analysis of 16 RCTs and found that therapy with Li-ESWT led to a rise in both the IIEF and the EHS among individuals with ED, particularly in those with moderate ED. Nevertheless, there was no significant improvement in the rate of positive reactions to the sexual experience profile (SEP2) and (SEP3) [11].
The present research focuses on three primary issues following Li-ESWT therapy for ED. First of all, it aims to determine which subgroup, based on the degree of ED, would have the most improvement. Additionally, a thorough assessment of hemodynamics of the penis, namely the measures of PSV and EDV. Furthermore, this work aims to examine the influence of several risk factors, such as age, HTN, DM, cardiovascular illnesses and smoking, on the effectiveness of Li-ESWT therapy.
In 2016, Kitrey and colleagues performed a work to examine the impact of Li-ESWT therapy on a group of 37 participants. 86% of the participants reported experiencing severe ED, with twenty participants (54%) stating that they were able to produce erections sufficient for penetration the vagina. In addition, the authors said that 15 individuals (40.5%) saw a positive change in their EF based on the MCID criteria following one month of follow-up after therapy with Li-ESWT [12]. In line with previous research, Kalyvianakis et al. conducted a study on 34 patients who reported moderate ED. They specifically investigated the potential benefits of Li-ESWT tissue regeneration characteristics for this subgroup of individuals. The results showed that 27 out of 34 patients (79%) achieved the MCID following undergoing Li-ESWT treatment. The follow-up period for assessing the outcomes was 3 months [13]. In addition, a study conducted by Zanaty et al. randomly assigned 50 individuals to be given either Li-ESWT therapy or oral on-demand Tadalafil 20 mg. The researchers found that the median change in IIEF-5 score was 5.2 in the Li-ESWT group contrasted with 7.4 in the Tadalafil group following one and a half months. Following a follow-up of 3 months, the median shift in IIEF-5 score was 6.4 in the Li-ESWT group and 5.6 in the Tadalafil group [14].
During our investigation, we observed substantial improvements in the patients' scores for the IIEF-EF domains, EHS, and achieving the MCID. These improvements were consistent with previous studies and was seen for up to 30 months following Li-ESWT therapy. One notable discovery was that those suffering from mild ED saw the most favorable results, as 71% of them sustained improvement until the last follow-up. Our findings revealed that a considerable percentage of patients with severe or moderate ED continued to experience the positive effects of Li-ESWT even after the follow-up period.
Although there is a large amount of literature accessible in the area, there is a scarcity of studies on the objective ultrasonography assessment of hemodynamics of penis following Li-ESWT therapy of ED. Kalyvianakis et al. conducted a double-blinded RCT including 46 men with vasculogenic ED. They evaluated the PSV at the onset of the work and three months following therapy. The findings revealed a noteworthy improvement in PSV, with a mean rise of 4.5 cm/sec in patients who underwent Li-ESWT [15]. In contrast, Yamaçake and colleagues documented a lack of improvements in Penile Duplex ultrasonography parameters when comparing sham therapy to actual treatment in a separate randomized controlled trial including 20 kidney transplant patients who were experiencing ED [16].
In a recent study conducted by [8], 30 individuals with moderate ED underwent Li-ESWT treatment. The researchers observed a substantial rise in the helicine arteries number identified by duplex imaging, as well as improvements in the penile brachial pressure index and PSV. These findings suggest an important rise in corporal neo-vascularization. The findings of our research not only confirmed the improvements of PSV following Li-ESWT, but also revealed a substantial reduction in EDV. This suggests that patients with minimal arterial insufficiency and/or modest venous sinusoidal leakage might regain the ability to have a normal EF. Therefore, the neo-angiogenesis enhances the flow of blood in the arteries and increases the pressure in the corporal tissue, overcoming the veno-occlusive dysfunction [17].
Additional study is required to assess the impacts of various factors of risk on Li-ESWT treatment, despite some existing advancements. Mason et al. found that Li-ESWT treatment may provide benefits for individuals with moderate and mild ED and properly controlled DM in the short term. Nevertheless, subjects with severe ED had less favorable responses. In addition, Li-ESWT treatment has been shown to alter a significant majority of non-responders to PDE5i into responders among diabetic males [18]. In a separate uncontrolled trial comprising 50 patients, [19] argued that individuals who reported ED alongside cardiovascular risk factors and/or well-managed HTN experienced a demonstrable advantage from Li-ESWT treatment in comparison to those without such conditions, albeit only in the short term.
In regard to the aforementioned issue, our research has also shown a notable inverse relationship among the attainment of the MICD and the occurrence of uncontrolled DM. Remarkably, we have also discovered a substantial correlation among increasing age and achieving MICD. The reason for this discovery may be attributed to the fact that penile ischemia alterations, which result in a shortage of smooth muscles, are the main cause of pathophysiological changes in older males [20], As a result, the older age group benefits the most from the neo-angiogenic consequences of Li-ESWT treatment.
The primary limitation of the work discussed here is the lack of a control arm. This may be due to the patients' unwillingness to undergo nonbeneficial sham treatment throughout the research period. Furthermore, the limited number of individuals with severe ED may impede the application of the findings within this specific group of participants. Moreover, we utilized a specific Li-ESWT protocol, hence our results can’t be generalized to the utilization of other Li-ESWT producing protocols or systems.
An important advantage of the present work is that we systematically included all types of individuals with ED in our study, and then we evaluated the data for each subgroup independently. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, this research is the first one to evaluate the long-term effects of Li-ESWT treatment on participants, with a potential follow-up period of up to 30 months. Furthermore, our research is unique in its description of a substantial impact on the parameters of EDV of the penile duplex as a result of improved blood flow in the penis. Our data includes an examination of a regression model to examine the impact of various risk variables on obtaining the MICD following Li-ESWT treatment. This is worth mentioning. Overall, we have expanded upon prior studies and included novel concepts that are regarded as a useful contribution to the area of LI-ESWT treatment for ED.