Fimoviruses, also referred to as emaraviruses, are plant-infecting, multipartite, negative-sense RNA viruses, and are members of the Fimoviridae family, consisting of only the Emaravirus genus. (Rehanek et al. 2022). The number of species in the Fimoviridae family has been increasing due to the continuous discovery of new species, reaching up to 32 species (Digiaro et al. 2024; Kuhn et al. 2023). While not all fimoviruses are transmitted this way, some have been shown to be transmitted by specific eriophyid mites (families Eriophydae and Diptilomiopidae) (Rehanek et al. 2022).
Fimoviruses are related to plant-infecting viruses in the class Bunyaviricetes, which encompasses orthotospoviruses (family Tospoviridae, order Elliovirales), fimoviruses (Elliovirales), and tenuiviruses (family Phenuiviridae, order Hareavirales) (Kormelink et al. 2021). Unlike orthotospoviruses and tenuiviruses, fimoviruses’ genome varies in RNA segments (five to ten) depending on species, and RNA segments are primarily monocistronic, not ambisense. Among fimoviruses segments, RNA1 to RNA4 encode proteins P1; RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), P2; glycoprotein precursor (GPP), P3; nucleocapsid protein (NP), and P4; movement protein (MP), respectively. While each fimovirus harbors additional protein-encoding RNA segments (e.g., RNA5 encoding protein P5), their amino acid sequences are less conserved, and their functions remain unclear (Rehanek et al. 2022). However, some fimovirus proteins share amino acid sequence homology among different species [e.g., P5s of rose rosette virus (RRV), fig mosaic virus (FMV), etc.] [summarized by Rehanek et al. (2022)], suggesting they play crucial roles in virus infection and transmission. Another unique fimovirus genome feature is the presence of RNA segments encoding likely redundant proteins. High Plains wheat mosaic virus (HPWMoV) was the first reported to harbor two RNA3 variants, both encoding putative NP (P3) with ~ 80% amino acid sequence identities (Tatineni et al. 2014), followed by the discovery of three other fimoviruses encoding two P3s (Buzkan et al. 2019; Kubota et al. 2020, 2021c). As FMV encodes only one P3, enabling full ribonucleoprotein complex composition (Izhaki-Tavor et al. 2023), the reason for some fimoviruses encoding two NP variants remains unclear. Moreover, some fimoviruses possess two to four homologous proteins; e.g., P6, P7, P8a, and P8b of raspberry leaf blotch virus (Lu et al. 2015) or P5a, P5b, and P7 of Pistachia virus B (PiVB) (Buzkan et al. 2019). At least eight fimoviruses harbor RNAs encoding homologous protein groups (Rehanek et al. 2022). Although the functions and reasons for these homologous proteins’ presence are unknown, they likely hold biological significance and importance.
Fimoviruses possess enveloped virions, also known as double-membrane-bound bodies (DMBs) (Rehanek et al. 2022). Similar to the role of glycoproteins (GN/GC) of orthotospoviruses in enveloped virion formation (Bahat et al. 2020), fimovirus GPs are presumed to be responsible for DMB formation (Rehanek et al. 2022). Among fimoviruses, perilla mosaic virus (PerMV, the species Emaravirus perillae)has the most RNA segments, totaling ten; RNAs 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 6c, and 7 (Kubota et al. 2020). Proteins P1 to P4 are putative RdRp, GPP, NP, and MP, respectively. Proteins P3a and P3b are putative NPs, sharing 83.0% amino acid sequence identity. While redundancy in RNA3 has been observed in some other fimoviruses [HPWMoV, PiVB, and chrysanthemum mosaic-associated virus (ChMaV)] (Buzkan et al. 2019; Kubota et al. 2021c; Tatineni et al. 2014), its biological significance remains unclear. PerMV P5 contains a domain homologous to Glu2-Pro, a glutamic protease encoded by a sadwavirus, and Glu-2 Pro is shared by some other fimovirus proteins (Rehanek et al. 2022). P6a–c of PerMV are proteins with molecular masses of 26.8–30.2 kDa, sharing amino acid sequence identities of 24.4–62.3% with each other (Kubota et al. 2020). PerMV P7, a 28.5 kDa protein, shares weak sequence homology (Rehanak et al. 2022). However, the molecular functions of P5, P6s, and P7 of PerMV remain elusive to date.
PerMV was first identified in glasshouse grown shiso (Perilla frutescence L.) plants exhibiting mosaic symptoms in Kochi Prefecture, Japan (Kubota et al. 2020). It has also been found in other shiso production areas in Aichi, Ibaraki, Oita, and Ehime prefectures (Ehime Plant Protection Office 2022). PerMV is effectively transmitted by the perilla rust mite (PRM), Aculops thymi (Nalepa 1889) (previously referred to as Shevtchenkella sp.) (Kadono et al. 2022; Kubota et al. 2020), and PRM has also been discovered in cultivated or wild-grown shiso plants in Kochi, Aichi, and Oita prefectures (Suzuki et al. 2018).
In Japan, six fimoviruses have been reported: PerMV, FMV (Emaravirus fici), pear chlorotic leaf spot-associated virus (PCLSaV, Emaravirus pyri), ChMaV (Emaravirus chrysanthemi), Vitis emaravirus (VEV, Emaravirus vitis), and Japanese star anise ringspot-associated virus (JSARaV, Emaravirus illicii) (Ishikawa et al. 2012; Kubota et al. 2021a, 2021b, 2021c; Nabeshima and Abe 2021; Shimomoto et al. 2022). Takeyama et al. (2022) reported that the nucleotide sequences of full-length ORFs encoded by RNAs 1 to 5 of 16 PCLSaV isolates collected from the Tohoku to Kyushu regions in Japan showed significantly lower genetic diversity compared to three Chinese isolates (Liu et al. 2020). This suggests that PCLSaV might have been introduced from China and spread only recently in Japan. Chlorotic leaf spot symptoms of pear trees, presumably caused by PCLSaV infection, have been noticed only after ~ 2010 in Japan. In contrast, mosaic diseases on shiso crops caused by PerMV occurred in the late 1980s and around 2000 in Aichi and Kochi prefectures, respectively (Kubota et al. 2020). Therefore, investigating the genetic diversity of PerMV isolates in Japan provides significant insight into the origin and distribution of PerMV. The first objective of this study is to overview the genetic diversity of PerMV populations in Japan by comparing nucleotide sequences of RNAs 1, 2, 3a, 3b, and 4 of 21 field isolates of PerMV collected from Ibaraki, Aichi, Kochi, and Oita prefectures from 2011 to 2015.
During our above investigation, an occurrence of PerMV in South Korea was reported. The RNA segments of the South Korean isolate (PerMV-IS) shared nucleotide sequence identities of 92.09–97.37% with the Japanese isolate, Kochi_Nankoku_2011 (Oh et al. 2023). However, the nucleotide sequences of PerMV-IS were reported only for seven segments (each of RNAs 1 to 7), raising a question about whether PerMV indeed possesses 10 segments as we previously reported (Kubota et al. 2020). The complete nucleotide sequences of PerMV in Japan were determined only for one isolate, i.e., Kochi_Nankoku_2011, which harbors two RNA3s (RNA3a and 3b) and three RNA6s (RNA6a–c). These RNAs and proteins may share redundant functions and be dispensable for infection and transmission cycles; hence, isolates lacking these RNAs might exist. To clarify this possibility, we further attempted to amplify and determine the near-complete nucleotide sequences of all RNA segments of selected isolates in Ibaraki, Aichi, and Oita prefectures and also compared them to those of the previously identified Kochi and South Korean isolates.