In the 2000s petro-based plastics production has continuously increased due to industrial growth, from 1.7 million tons in the 1950s to 300 million tons in 20151. Meanwhile, the global plastic circular economy policies encompass the solution for reducing the amount of plastic waste in the environment2. The plastic waste caused severe environmental issues, with the cumulative amount in soils reaching 8 billion tons3,4. Therefore, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has signed the 'Plastic Treaty' to curb plastic pollution. Thus, biodegradable plastics have gained attention as an alternative solution to these environmental issues5. Once the biodegradable plastics return to the soil at the end of the life cycle, they undergo a relatively rapid decomposition process. The observation of the degradation is possible within a few years6. Meanwhile, conventional petroleum-based plastics take hundreds of years to decompose7-9. A long period of experiments is required to observe the behavior and changes during the degradation in the soil when the waste plastics are buried in10.
The degradability of biodegradable plastics has been proven, but limited to ex-situ methodologies in closed systems where the temperature, air flux, and moisture content are controlled11-14. The standard methods use an ideal design by capturing carbon dioxide as the evidence of degradation from the biodegradable plastic incubation15-17. The ISO standard specifies a methodology for testing compost, sediment, and soil biodegradability under aerobic and anaerobic conditions18, but only under closed and controlled conditions16. However, there is a limitation in capturing all the carbon dioxide generated during the test without loss, leading to potential errors. This presents a significant obstacle for application in in-situ environments. Furthermore, because all biodegradable plastics release CO2 regardless of type, it is impossible to track specific plastic types. The degradability test also relies on physical changes, such as morphological deterioration and weight loss of the biodegradable plastics19,20. However, these physical measurements inevitably disturb the degradation media, making long-term continuous tracking difficult.
To understand the decomposition rate and degree of decomposition of each plastic when various plastics are mixed in landfills or perennial farmland, it is necessary to go beyond comprehensive carbon dioxide emissions and trace the specific indicators. Therefore we estimated the degradability of biodegradable plastics with a real environment-applicable method that overcomes the previous limitation. We revealed the changes in soil properties derived from the degradation of biodegradable plastics which was a limitation in previous studies21,22. To preserve the in-situ environmental conditions, the soil changes were observed by installing a lysimeter, which is a field-applicable instrument that can trace the substances in soil23 (Fig.1). It has been used to monitor the physicochemical properties in soils impacted by crop, horticulture, landfills, and animal carcass disposal24. Though the lysimeter has a long history in soil research, plastic, which is one of the significant environmental concerns of the current generation, has not been adopted yet. Utilizing a lysimeter to directly confirm the influence of numerous biotic and abiotic factors in the soil environment25, we possibly detected the plastic degradation products flowing into soil water and the leachate.
This study suggests a novel approach to identifying the degree of biodegradation in natural soil media, ultimately taking a step closer to a sustainable environment. It presents the possibility of simulating the real environmental conditions in which biodegradable plastic-based wastes circulate as natural elements in the soil. Also, the pioneering method quantitatively estimates the degradation of biodegradable plastics and enables qualitative analysis of plastic-specific degradation even under mixed plastic conditions. It is possible to verify a clear degradation process and provide basic knowledge that guarantees the reliability of the rapidly growing biodegradable plastic market.
Natural soil degradation condition
We investigated not only the degradation of biodegradable plastics in a natural open system but also the condition of the degradation media (Fig. 2). The temperature and water content of soil media were observed for 30 months during the plastic degradation, which trends were statistically identical between inside (lysimeter) and outside (background) of the incubation barrier (Fig. S1).
The climate in South Korea has four seasons such as summer, fall, winter, and spring, with different temperatures and humidity. The annual temperature ranges from 36.1°C at the highest in summer to -27.3°C at the lowest in winter and the atmospheric humidity varies between 30~70%. Plastic degradation in natural environment conditions occurs within these ranges (Fig. S2). However, soils in the ecosystem have a buffer capacity to maintain the resilience of the physicochemical properties. The condition of soil media where the actual plastic degradation occurs is different from what the weather information indicates. The soil temperature ranged from 28.5 °C to 0.6 °C in different seasons, while the water content maintained a steady range of 0.2 to 0.4 m3 m-3 (Fig. 2A).
We statistically calculated the degradation condition by the four seasons. The seasons were classified every three months starting from June (Table S1), which represents the summer (June to August), fall (September to November), winter (December to February), and spring (March to May). Fig. 2B encapsulates the dynamics of soil temperature and moisture content across different seasons. Soil temperature provided a significant impact on the biodegradation of plastics causing microbial activities to break down biodegradable plastics into monomers. During the summer period forming a microbial activity-friendly environment, the organic matter including biodegraded monomers was produced26. However, as the soil temperature dropped during winter, the environmental condition for microbial activities became unfavorable resulting in the lowest values of soil EC and the least amount of monomer produced.
In summer, the soil temperature is relatively high and stable, with an average of around 25°C, conducive to robust microbial activity which is essential for the biodegradation process. The soil water content is consistently near 0.3 m3 m-3, which suggests an optimal hydric state for microbial enzymatic activity and the sustenance of microbial communities responsible for plastic degradation. In the case of fall, there is a noticeable decline in soil temperature, potentially leading to a moderated biodegradation rate as microbial metabolism slows. Despite this, the soil moisture content remains largely unaffected, averting the compounding negative impact on biodegradation that would accompany drier conditions. The monitored soil condition can be implicated in the biodegradation of bioplastics in actual environments.
Conversely, the marked reduction in soil temperature recorded during winter, maintaining an average below 15 °C, is likely to substantially decrease microbial degradation activity. However, the persistence of soil moisture content at 0.3 m3 m-3 throughout the season implies that moisture-related limitations to microbial activity are minimized, which may partially offset the temperature-induced reduction in biodegradation rate. The progressive increase in soil temperature observed in spring augurs well for the reactivation of microbial degradation processes after the winter slump. The sustained optimal moisture content further supports this reinvigoration, ensuring that the biodegradation process does not face hydric constraints.
The soil temperature is the primary seasonal driver that could impact the biodegradation in soil, with variations between seasons. In contrast, soil moisture content remains relatively constant, indicating that water availability is unlikely to be a variable constraint throughout the year. The resilience of soil moisture content amidst seasonal temperature fluctuations provided a stable medium for biodegradable plastic degradation. We identified the seasonal patterns of soil temperature and moisture, which are critical for the strategic planning of bioplastic waste management and the development of biodegradation models in natural soil conditions.
The indicator of degradation in soil
During the degradation progresses, the polymers are broken down, and the monomers are produced and mixed with the soil water. The monomer analysis demonstrated a pattern similar to that of soil EC. The leachate from the soil without biodegradable plastic did not contain monomers.
Driven by the degradation of biodegradable plastic, the soil electrical conductivity (EC) fluctuated (Fig. 3). The EC of the soil in the lysimeter showed a significantly different trend from that of the background soil in specific seasons. The soil EC refers to the number of salts in the soil, and it varies with the acidity and the number of displaceable ions27. For the whole experimental period, soil EC in the background maintained an average of 0.61044±0.06511 dS m-1 without significant differences among the seasons. The soil was non-saline (less than 2 dS m-1) and in the average range of Korean upland soil28. However, the EC of the soil in the lysimeter drastically increased in summer and fall. While the considerable increase occurred from June to November annually, the winter and spring remained the parallel trend with the background soil.
The strikes of soil EC in the summer and fall seasons gradually reduced by the year. Significant difference lasted for the first two years, and it converged to the degree of background soil in 3rd year (Fig. 3). The first summer recorded a maximum of 3.646 dS m-1 which is 450% higher than that of the background control soil (lysimeter maximum: 3.646 dS m-1; control soil maximum: 0.812 dS m-1, difference of 2.834 dS m-1). Subsequently, after the parallel maintenance of EC in winter and spring, the difference rose to approximately 320%, with a maximum of 2.196 dS m-1 in the lysimeter soil.
The change in soil EC can occur due to the degradation of plastics since soil media provides a suitable condition for hydrolysis. Enough water can be preserved by the water-holding capacity of soils and keep reacting on the plastic particle surfaces. Hydrolysis-derived degradation of plastic generates the organic acid substances, and additional charges from the products contribute to the increase of soil EC. The position of the soil sensor in the reservoir (63.5 cm) of the lysimeter was at the mid-depth. Thus, the content of organic acids and EC can be higher when it is accumulated in deeper soil.
The biodegradable plastics mixed with the soil in the lysimeter were actively degraded under anaerobic conditions, and the most active degradation that alters soil EC occurred in the initial period. Considering that biodegradable plastic degradation occurs in categorical procedures, such as biodeterioration, bio-assimilation, and mineralization, hydrolysis acts as a trigger to facilitate the subsequent biological degradation. Once the early phase of degradation (hydrolysis) is accomplished, the reduction of soil EC indicates the succeeding bacteria-based degradation will enhance.
The soil leachate was expected to contain biodegradation products, and we analyzed the monomers in it qualitatively and quantitatively. Since the monomers determine the biodegradability of plastics, it is possible to estimate the biodegradation more accurately and plastic specifically. When multiple types of plastics are mixed like in a real landfill, it is necessary to track the degradation of specific monomers rather than count on the comprehensive carbon dioxide emissions. The target substances were succinic acid (SA) and 1, 4-butanediol (BD) for poly(butylene succinate) (PBS), adipic acid (AA) and BD for poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT), lactic acid (LA) for poly(lactic acid), and 3-hydroxybutyric acid (3-HBA) for poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHVB).
The presence of monomers in leachate is the outcome of the inflow of decomposition products including organic acid substances in the soil into the soil water. As shown in Figure 4, the number of monomers detected was different for each kind of biodegradable plastic, but the elution of monomers showed similar patterns. From immediately after the incubation, the amount of monomer detected increased. However, from fall to winter and spring seasons, the number of monomers hardly changed. This was the result of the decrease in the activity of microorganisms involved in the degradation of biodegradable plastics during the winter period when relatively low temperatures were maintained. In the summer and fall of the second year when soil temperature rose again, the detected number of monomers increased back. However, compared to the first year, the number of monomers detected in the summer and fall of the second year decreased. The number of monomers demonstrated a pattern similar to that of soil EC. That is, the change in soil EC is expected to be the result of the degradation of biodegradable plastics, and this was verified through qualitative and quantitative analysis of monomers in leachate.
Among the target monomers, HBA was detected at the highest concentration, followed by SA, BD, and AA in that order. This result suggested that the degradation of PHA in soil occurred at a faster rate than in other biodegradable plastics. In the case of PLA, a degradation product, LA, was not detected in the first year but started to be detected during the last sampling period in November 2022. These trends can be unaligned with the previous plastic biodegradation test results in a closed system because industrial composting conditions are a lot different from natural ones which needs in-depth further research.
Validation of Plastic Degradation and Soil Safety
The degradation of biodegradable plastics in the soil was confirmed through total organic carbon (TOC) analysis of leachate. The biodegradation analysis method of aerobic plastics set by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD 301B)29 or the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 22404)30 measures the amount of carbon dioxide produced during decomposition. Since the standards are made in a closed system that controls the environmental conditions necessary for the biodegradation of plastics, it is assumed that the source of carbon dioxide only arises from the biodegradation of plastics. This study was carried out under the open system, but it was highly possible that the carbon dioxide generated because of the degradation of biodegradable plastic flowed into soil water and changed the amount of TOC. Moreover, ISO 22404 states that the amount of carbon dioxide can be indirectly measured through TOC analysis. As a result, it was confirmed that the TOC values of leachate had a similar tendency to the soil EC. (Fig. 4).
We also analyzed the leachate sample ("210706") with the highest values of EC, rate of monomer content increase, and the TOC using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) to measure elements qualitatively and quantitatively (Fig. S5). There are two possible explanations for the elevated levels of Mn. First, the bare land used in this study was previously a vegetation cycling field, which could have resulted in an increase in magnesium and manganese due to nutrient uptake and photosynthesis31. Second, Mn-oxides present in the soil may catalyze the breakdown of organic matter into smaller compounds through oxidation32,33, potentially producing the monomers from biodegradable plastics and contributing to an increase in TOC. However, more detailed and targeted analyses are needed to draw definitive observations.
Territorial toxicity was determined through the germination tests using two different soil leachate samples: "210706" and "220506" (least amount of monomers and EC values). The seed germination rate of "210706" was 0 % but recovered up to 92 % a year later with self-purification of soil through microbial activities. On the other hand, that of "220506" was not significantly different from the control sample. Moreover, to determine if a specific monomer could affect seed germination, individual monomers that were detected in the soil leachate were investigated as well. As a result, AA presented the lowest EC50 and significant difference at the solution of 3mg 100mL-1. On the other hand, SA and BD did not affect seed germination at the concentration detected in soil leachate. (Fig. 5 and Table S4, S5).
In addition, the TOC and seed germination in soil leachate presented significant differences from the control samples. The results of TOC indicated that the production of carbon sources was more fulfilled through plastic biodegradation, and the biodegradation directly affected the TOC values in leachate. Moreover, through the seed germination test, it was determined that specific monomers may cause adversity to plant growth in the short term, but the soil environment can still recover with it through microbial activities. The highly produced organic acids derived from the biodegradation of plastics, on the other hand, could promote soil aggregation and increase microbial activity, thereby improving soil quality. Therefore, a longer term of monitoring and analysis will be necessary to draw verified conclusions.
Prospective Applications
The ultimate purpose of biodegradable plastics is to simultaneously cultivate land and biodegrade plastics. Beyond simply understanding that biodegradable plastics degrade under natural conditions, continuous research is needed to investigate how the byproducts of plastic degradation affect plant growth. It is currently in the limelight and corresponds to the goals pursued by environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues or sustainable development goals (SDGs).