3.1. Physico-chemical parameters and arsenic concentration in surface water and soil on the banks of the Rico stream
The results of the physical-chemical parameters of the surface waters of the Rico stream, in the municipality of Paracatu, are listed in Table 1.
The samples collected in the five points of the Rico stream in the dry and rainy season have pH values close to neutrality, ranging from 6.0 to 7.1 and, therefore, in accordance with Brazilian legislation (Conama 2005).
Hardness represents the measure of the water's ability to precipitate soap due to the presence of calcium and magnesium ions (Rizzatti et al. 2018), being, therefore, calculated from the concentration of these ions (Libânio et al. 2006). Samples P1 and P2, collected in the rainy season, were classified as moderately hard, due to the presence of a large amount of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the water close to the spring, accentuated by the weathering in the rainy season. Following the course of the stream, as it enters the city, a drop in hardness occurs due to the natural sedimentation of Ca2+ and Mg2+. This hardness increases again after leaving the city due to the deposition of untreated domestic sewage, becoming more evident in P5, collected in the dry period, where there is a lower volume of water and the same volume of sewage. Concerning turbidity, a property that assesses the difficulty of water transmitting light due to the presence of suspended materials such as clay, organic matter, plankton, and other microscopic organisms. The main sources of suspended materials are particles originating from weathering processes that occur in rocks and soils in the hydrographic basin, being directly related to mining activities, deforestation, and discharge of domestic effluents (Parron et al. 2011). The waters of the studied region showed turbidity ranging from 0.71 to 8.3 UNT, with no major differences between samples collected in the dry season and rainy season. The turbidity values proved to be low, being within the requirements of the legislation.
To analyze the values of As in the surface waters of the Rico stream, we consider the CONAMA 357 resolution (Conama 2005) and the World Health Organization (WHO 2011), which classifies the studied stream waters as class 2, and determines that the maximum concentration of As is 10 µg.L-1, so that it can be used for human supply (after conventional treatment), primary contact recreation, protection of aquatic communities, irrigation, aquaculture, and fishing activities.
We found (Fig. 2A) that the only surface water sample collected in the summer (rainy season) that showed a high concentration of As, was point 5, with a value 300% above the limit. As for the samples collected in the winter (dry season), all five points showed increased values for As, which represents a matter of concern regarding the consumption and use of water for irrigation. It is important to mention that collection site 1 is the closest to the mining area. On the other hand, the high values of As found in the water of site 5, both in the dry and in the rainy season, can be explained by the natural presence of As in the soils of the studied region and by the residential sewage discharged into the stream.
We observed a seasonal behavior since all samples collected during the summer showed low levels about the winter. Although regional rains during this time of year cause leaching of arsenic-rich soils (Silva et al. 2004), it also ends up diluting the arsenic naturally found in these waters, due to the increased volume of water in rivers and streams. We also have to consider that the mineral form of arsenopyrite, very common in the mining region of Paracatu, can be oxidized, releasing As to the soil and watercourse, due to the influence of some factors such as particle size distribution, low pH values, heat and exposure to water and oxygen (De Andrade et al. 2012). These factors are less influential in the rainy season, due to the increase in rainwater.
The average annual humidity in the city of Paracatu is around 72%, with the months from June to August being the driest and the months from December to January are the most humid. The monthly average of the rainfall index between the years 1973 to 2018 can be seen in Fig.3.
The concentrations of As in soils are above that established by CONAMA resolution number 420 of 2009, which establishes an acceptable value to be below 15 mg kg-1, being considered intervention values in agricultural, residential, and industrial regions above 35, 55, and 150 mg.kg-1, respectively (CONAMA 2009).
According to the results of the analysis of As, in the soil, along the Rico stream, (Fig. 2B) all the sampled points are well above the minimum required by the legislation, with values exceeding more than one hundred times the established limit. The highest values were found in the locations closest to the gold mine, with values collected during the rainy season of 1.502 and 1.545 mg kg-1, in points 1 and 2 respectively. For the dry season, the concentration found was 1.668 mg kg-1 at point 1 and 1.257 mg.kg-1 at point 2. The values found are by what was reported by Rezende et al. 2015, which detected concentrations of arsenic in soils in the city of Paracatu ranging from 32 to 2.980 mg.kg-1.
The Rico stream can present concentrations 190 times higher than that stipulated by environmental legislation and 744 times higher than the average natural concentration of rivers and streams in the region, with high levels of As associated with the natural sources of the Paracatu region and the exploration of gold (Rezende et al. 2015). According to the Minas Gerais Water Management Institute (IGAM 2019) concentrations of As above the level considered safe by CONAMA (CONAMA 2004), can cause several adverse effects to the biological community. According to CETESB (CETESB 2011), the values found classify the Paracatu area as being contaminated and with potential risks, direct or indirect, to human health, considered a scenario of wide exposure.
3.2. Determination of As concentration in particulate matter (PM) of atmospheric air in the city of Paracatu-MG.
The filters containing total suspended particles (TSP) from the atmosphere, coming from the samplers in the municipality of Paracatu were analyzed quantitatively for arsenic (As). The geographic location of the sampling stations is shown in Figure 1.
The results (Fig. 2C) show that the filters in the Mulberry region have the highest concentrations of As, demonstrating a greater risk for the population residing near the gold mine. It can also be observed that in the summer there is an increase in the amount of particulate matter in the city of Paracatu, as it is a period with the occurrence of higher temperatures and a higher incidence of gusty winds. It is important to note that wind gusts can occasionally increase the resuspension of soil particles and dust dispersion.
In rural areas the average concentrations of As are considered to range from 1 to 4 ng.m3 while in urban areas, they range from 5 to 7 ng m3 (measurements carried out in the United Kingdom). In the United States, As concentrations are estimated to range from 1 to 5 ng m3 in remote/rural areas and from 20 to 100 ng m3 in urban areas (ATSDR 2019). However, in methodologies for assessing environmental risks to human health due to exposure to As in the atmosphere, via inhalation, for carcinogenic effects, the average reference levels of As concentration for acceptable risks range from 0.2 ng m3 to 0.6 ng m3 for risks of 1: 1.000.000 (10-6) and 2 ng m3 to 6 ng m3 for risks of 1: 100.000 (10-5) (USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency 2011).
For non-carcinogenic effects, the California Environmental Protection Agency CalEPA, established as a reference maximum level of concentration of As in the atmosphere, by chronic inhalation, as being 30 ng m3. This limit is a concentration below which toxic, non-carcinogenic effects are not expected to appear in the human population (Huang and London 2012).
Although all As values in the PM of this study are below the recommended limits, the accumulation generated by the intake of As present in water, food, and PM can reach high levels in the human organism, being a cause for concern. Mortality and cancer increase in regions where the atmospheric As is greater than 2 ng m3 (Yoshikawa et al. 2008).
3.3. Quantification of As species (As3+, As5+, MMA e DMA) in samples of corn, cassava and fish exposed to water and soil on the banks of the Rico stream.
The Fig. 4 presents the results for speciation of arsenic in samples of fish (Traíra and Dourado), corn, and manioc. All samples showed a total value of As (∑As) above the limits established by RDC 42 (ANVISA, 2013).
The samples of Traíra (fish) showed the highest concentrations of As, with a sum between the species of As of 2.794 mg kg-1, being above the maximum limit of 1.0 mg kg-1. The As3+ species was the most prevalent with 2.233 mg kg-1, followed by As5+ and DMA with 0.381 and 0.180 mg kg-1 respectively. The Traíra belongs to the family ERYTHRINIDAE, whose main characteristics are carnivorous and predatory fish, feeding on other fish, frogs, and insects, which preferably inhabit lentic environments and have nocturnal habits. They are located next to the mud bottom, in rocky or rocky locations, with high resistance to places with little oxygen (Soares et al. 2016). These characteristics explain the higher concentration of As3+, normally present in sediments and in places with little oxygen. Golden fish had a total As concentration of 2.64 mg kg-1, being also above the 1.0 mg kg-1 limit, Golden fish, on the other hand, had a total As concentration of 2.64 mg kg-1, which is also above the limit of 1.0 mg kg-1. It presents 2.63 mg kg-1 of DMA and 0.01 mg kg-1 of MMA. The Dourado is also a species of fish that is carnivorous, which feeds on smaller fish, but also consumes aquatic plants and is usually found in running waters.
The differences of fish species in the kinetic behavior (accumulation and elimination) of As were observed for other fish species, as well as a correlation between the fish family and the speciation patterns of As (Kalantzi et al. 2017). In a recent experiment, the accumulation of DMA in Goldfish was mainly attributed to biotransformation rather than trophic transfer. It has been reported that, within the fish organism, biotransformation and detoxification mechanisms, such as the reduction of inorganic arsenic, received through diet or water, followed by methylation to less toxic organic forms (Zhang et al. 2016). Inorganic arsenic is methylated via oxidative methylation, forming first MMA and then DMA. An alternative methylation scheme in which MMA and DMA are produced using a common As3+-triglutathione complex has also been proposed. In both cases, the sequential formation of DMA can explain its positive correlation (Thomas 2007).
Regarding the results obtained in the cassava samples, total As values (0.758 mg kg-1) were also well above the legal limit of 0.1 mg kg-1. As5+ was the most prevalent, with 0.441 mg kg-1, followed by DMA and As3+ with 0.247 and 0.07 mg kg-1 respectively.
Corn also showed values above the 0.2 mg kg-1 limit, with 0.405 mg kg-1 of total As, which represents the sum of As5+, DMA, and MMA species with 0.31, 0.075, and 0.02 mg kg-1 respectively. When some plant species such as corn and cassava are grown in environments rich in As, it is common to experience a bioaccumulation process (Munera-Picazo et al. 2014). As5+ was shown to be the most bioavailable for both cassava and maize, which represents the greatest risk for human consumption, since the inorganic species of As are the most toxic and remain the longest in the body, as they carry out more connections with biological structures. Such results corroborate the high As values found in water and soil in this region (Fig. 2)
3.3. Allium cepa test
3.3.1. Analysis of toxicity of Rico stream waters
The seeds submerged in the different samples of the Rico stream showed a lower root growth rate than those obtained in the negative control. The results of the cytotoxicity test expressed in Table 2, demonstrate that the roots of Allium cepa are susceptible to toxic compounds present in the samples, causing an inhibition that prevents normal growth of the roots. The sites close to mining showed significant inhibition values as can be seen in points 1, 2, and 3. Although location 5 is the furthest from the mining area, it presented the highest rate of inhibition. This point also showed the highest concentration of As in soil and water samples.
As can interfere with root growth as a result of inhibition of the electron transport chain, replacing phosphate with arsenate, thus causing a reduction in energy production during cellular respiration. (Sharples et al. 2000; Kabata-Pendias 2010).
3.3.2. Mitotic Index
Mitotic index significantly lower than that of the negative control may represent changes originated from the action of chemical compounds on the growth and development of the exposed organisms and MI greater than the negative control as a result of the growth of cell division can be harmful to cells resulting in cell proliferation messy (Leme and Marin-morales 2009). All samples had an IM lower than the negative control (Table 3), proving the existence of toxic substances in the analyzed water. Studies have shown that the reduction in cell activity may be due to changes in the duration of the mitotic cycle (Kumari et al. 2009), which can contribute to cytotoxicity.
3.3.3. Genotoxicity Analysis
Chromosomal aberrations, evaluated for genotoxicity analysis, are characterized by changes in chromosomal structures or in the total number of chromosomes, considered at different stages of cell division, which can occur spontaneously or by exposure to contaminants. Genotoxicity studies were carried out by analyzing the chromosomal aberrations (CA) present in the slides prepared for this study. The changes considered for this study were chromosomal breaks, C-metaphase, losses, bridges, sticky chromosome, and spindle abnormalities (Fig. 5). Approximately 5000 cells were evaluated for each sample.
All samples analyzed showed an increase in chromosomal aberrations present in meristematic cells in cell division when compared to the negative control, indicating genotoxicity. As noted in Table 4, both points 1, 2, and 3 near the gold mine, as well as points 4 and 5, more distant, presented significant chromosomal aberrations in relation to the control, which proves the As-genotoxic effect in stream waters Rich. The work of (Darlington and McLeish 1951; Kumari et al. 2009) suggested that the viscosity may be due to the degradation or depolymerization of chromosomal DNA. Viscosity was also attributed to the entanglement of interchromosomal chromatin fibers. Viscosity is a common sign of toxic influence on chromosomes and is probably an irreversible effect. It can represent a great risk for the human population, which consumes water with a high concentration of arsenic, with observed genotoxic effects.
3.3.4. Mutagenicity Analysis
The analysis of the mutagenic potential was performed based on the frequencies of meristematic cells with micronuclei. The micronucleus arises from the development of some chromosomal aberrations, such as chromosomal breaks and losses, by the development of a new membrane that involves a piece of chromatin that failed to pass to the poles during the anaphase of cell division. The analysis was performed for all phases of the cell cycle (interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase); 5000 cells counted for each sample were studied and the results are shown in Fig. 6.
In this study, all samples showed a statistically greater amount of micronuclei in relation to the negative control (p <0.05), indicating a mutagenic potential. This increase was significantly greater in samples that contained a greater amount of As, as observed in other studies. According to work by (Faita et al. 2013) exposure to As promoted an increase in DNA fragmentation rates and the frequency of micronuclei, in addition to a drop in MI, these responses being dependent on the concentration and time of exposure to the pollutant.
The genotoxic and mutagenic evaluation of effluents containing metals was observed in the work of (Matsumoto et al. 2006), where samples of waters from the Bagres Stream (Brazil), which receive effluents from tanneries caused significant induction of chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei. Studies carried out on the Sava River (Croatia), impacted by urban, industrial, and agricultural effluents, showed through the Allium cepa test the inhibition of root growth, variations in the mitotic index, high frequencies of chromosomal aberrations, and micronuclei in the cells analyzed (Bianchi et al. 2011).