In this study, we aimed to investigate the influence of mixed-strain housing on aging-related phenotypes in mice. Surprisingly, even though the cohousing lasted for 21 months, we did not detect statistically significant differences in most phenotypes regarding body composition, food intake, behaviors, and lifespan. Only 2 out of 19 examined parameters showed significant differences between the two housing conditions after correction. Body weight change in BALB/c, but not in C57, showed a significant difference between the two housing conditions. Additionally, C57BL/6 mice displayed a higher trend of activity levels on running wheels in mixed housing conditions, while BALB/c mice displayed a lower trend of activity levels on running wheels in mixed housing conditions, suggesting a strain-dependent housing effect on these phenotypes.
Although most examined phenotypes were similar between the two housing conditions, our experiments identified several differences between aged female C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice. Specifically, C57BL/6 mice exhibited higher total water intake and less body weight change. A previous study suggested lower anxiety levels in C57BL/6 mice32, which was also identified in this study. Most importantly, consistent with a previous report33, we showed a longer lifespan in C57BL/6 mice under both housing conditions, suggesting the robustness of the lifespan difference between these two strains. It is also worth noting that, while earlier studies reported no differences in PR interval and QRS interval between 6-month-old C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice34, our research identified significant differences in these parameters in aged mice. This suggests that age may reveal distinct electrocardiographic characteristics between the strains that are not apparent in younger mice.
Several studies have used C57 and DBA/2 mice to explore the influence of mixed-strain housing on physiology and behavior. Although a few phenotypes, such as social behaviors, were affected, most studied phenotypes remained unchanged25,30,31. Notably, the cohousing duration in these studies was relatively short. In contrast, our research extended the cohousing period to almost two years, focusing on outcomes in aged mice. However, despite this long-term cohousing, our studies still found no significant differences in most examined phenotypes, including lifespan, suggesting minimal influence of cohousing on mouse health and aging. These results align well with previous studies and support the feasibility of a mixed-strain housing strategy, which can potentially benefit individual identification for mouse management and split-plot design for experimental purposes.
Despite our study detecting insignificant differences between same- and mixed-housing conditions in most parameters, we cannot exclude the possibility that some limitations in our experimental design may have diminished the observed influence of social partners. For example, other aging-related phenotypes, such as cognition or hormonal regulation, may be more sensitive to social environments but were not investigated in this study. Additionally, the genetic differences between these commonly used research strains may not be large enough to create a significant social influence, especially in a stable mouse facility with consistent factors such as temperature, lighting, and food quality, which further reduced potential influences from social partners. Moreover, long-term cohousing may lead to adaptation, normalizing behavioral and physiological responses over time, potentially explaining the pronounced differences observed in some studies but not in ours. To better understand the social influence on aging, future research should consider these limitations and optimize the experimental design to maximize the effect of social partners.
In summary, our studies using C57 and BALB/c mice revealed limited influence of mixed-strain housing on lifespan and several age-related phenotypes. These results support the possibility of cohousing different strains during mouse husbandry, which can be advantageous in certain circumstances. More importantly, our studies provided valuable insights for future research on social effects on aging. While we explored several physiological outcomes, many parameters still require further investigation. Additionally, extending the scope of research to include different age groups, genders, and other commonly used mouse strains may help create a more diverse environment, potentially leading to more striking differences after cohousing. Future studies exploring this aspect may enhance our understanding of the complex interplay between social environments and aging processes, shedding light on how varying social conditions can modulate health outcomes, disease progression, and overall longevity. These insights could inform strategies to improve laboratory animal welfare and management, provide translational benefits for understanding social influences on aging in humans, and potentially, develop more effective interventions to promote healthy aging and improve quality of life across species.