Both temperature and pH sensors are resistive in nature, exhibiting variations in resistance in response to changes in temperature and pH, respectively. The mean skin temperature and sweat pH levels are approximately 33°C and 6.3, respectively. Consequently, the pH sensor underwent reproducible calibration for pH values ranging from 2 to 13 (Fig. 3a-b), while the temperature sensor was also reproducibly calibrated for temperatures within the range of 25°C to 65°C (Fig. 3c-d). Both sensors displayed exceptional reproducibility, with a cycle to cycle reproducibility of 99.35%.
To characterize the cortisol sensor, cyclic voltammetry was conducted for varying concentrations of cortisol in AS, with the redox peak current in Fig. 3e displaying an inverse relationship with increasing cortisol concentrations. This phenomenon primarily resulted from the increasing insulating property of the sensor surface upon binding of anti-cortisol antibodies to increasing concentrations of cortisol. Figure 3f presents the calibration plot derived from the CV plots shown in Fig. 3e, demonstrating a linear relationship between current response and cortisol concentrations.
To further assess sensor selectivity, the sensor was exposed to a mixture of the target analyte (cortisol) and various co-existing sweat species. Specifically, two different concentrations of cortisol (10 pM and 100 nM) were mixed with interferents including 1 fM IL-10, 1 mM glucose, 1 nM IL-6, 1µM ascorbic acid, 1µM lactate, 1µM tyrosine, and 1 µM CRP. A negligible current variation was observed in the absence of cortisol; however, in the presence of cortisol, a measurable change in redox current was noted, as depicted in Fig. 3g. The EMG signal obtained from the electrode positioned opposite the electrochemical sensor exhibited a peak-to-peak voltage of up to 1.3 mV, as shown in (Fig. 3h), with the highest negative peak reaching approximately − 0.6 mV. Notably, these peak voltages may vary depending on the level of amplification and noise cancellation applied in the developed acquisition circuit and signal processing of the acquired EMG data, although no signal processing was applied in this case. Furthermore, the pH sensor was calibrated at different temperatures, showing a minimal coefficient of variance of less than 2%. Similarly, the temperature sensor underwent calibration at various relative humidity values, with a coefficient of variance of less than 2.8%. These findings are illustrated in Fig. 3i-j, affirming that the pH sensor remained unaffected by temperature changes and that the Kapton tape effectively shielded the temperature sensor from fluctuations in the ambient humidity. Reproducibility and repeatability tests of the cortisol sensor involved measuring three different cortisol levels with three identical sensors over three consecutive days, with results displayed in Supporting Information, Figure S9, indicating the sensor's reproducible and repeatable nature with minor coefficient of variance between measurements on different days. The cortisol sensor also demonstrated resilience against variations in sweat pH and temperature. Calibration plots for different pH and temperature values (Fig. 3k-l) exhibited a coefficient of variance of less than 3.5%, confirming the feasibility of the proposed sensors for on-body measurements. Moreover, pH and temperature-induced variations in cortisol levels were corrected by the onboard pH and temperature sensors.
The correction factors (denoted by the symbol \(\:f\)) for the intercept and slope were calculated at different temperature and pH values utilizing the following equations, with a reference temperature of 25°C and a reference pH of 7.0 (Hossain and Tabassum, 2023; Noushin et al., 2022b):
The cortisol sensor responses underwent correction by recalculating the slope and intercept of the calibration plots depicted in Fig. 3k-l. The corrected intercept and slope values were determined using the following equations (Noushin et al., 2022b):
Cortisol levels measured with our sensor are compared against those measured with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (Supporting Information Figure S10-S11a, Note S2) (Jia et al., 2016). An excellent correlation was observed between the sensor-measured and HPLC-measured cortisol levels with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.99.
Due to the wearable design of the sensor suite, there exists a significant possibility that the sensors may undergo bending deformations during real-world use, particularly in the presence of motion artifacts. To evaluate the durability of the sensor suite under these conditions, the sensors underwent bending at a 45° angle both horizontally and vertically (Fig. 4a) using the Thorlabs Motorized Translation Stage Z8, at a speed of 2 mm/s, for 100 cycles. It was observed that the sensor responses remained relatively stable under both vertical (Fig. 4b-d) and horizontal (Fig. 4e-g) bending conditions. The coefficient of variance for 100 cycles of bending was approximately 2.37%. The slight deviation observed may be attributed to the potential flaking of the LIG from the polyimide substrate (Supporting Information, Figure S2). Additionally, the bending-induced hysteresis is less than 5.23%.
Circadian Rhythm Analysis
Cortisol levels follow a distinct diurnal pattern, peaking upon waking and declining throughout the day in both plasma (Oster et al., 2017) and saliva (Ivars et al., 2015). Previous studies indicate that sweat cortisol levels share similarities with those in saliva (Russell et al., 2014). In this study, we hypothesized that circulating cortisol molecules migrate from eccrine and apocrine glands, where they are gradually secreted into sweat, and ultimately excreted through sweat pores onto the epidermal surface (Katchman et al., 2018). Therefore, it is plausible to speculate that sweat cortisol levels may exhibit a degree of correlation with the circadian rhythm, primarily governed by the body's biological clock and the light-dark cycle (Fig. 4h). If cortisol levels follow the circadian pattern observed in the body's circulatory systems, it could provide valuable insights into several mental conditions (Herbert, 2013; Yehuda, 1997). We tested our hypothesis by monitoring the sweat cortisol levels in a healthy individual over four days. Each day consistently displayed elevated cortisol levels in the morning (AM) and lower levels in the afternoon (PM), mirroring the diurnal patterns seen in circulating blood cortisol levels (Fig. 4i). The cortisol concentration in sweat and analysis of their diurnal patterns can offer valuable insights for psychoneurological studies (Dickerson and Kemeny, 2004; Kudielka and Wüst, 2010) and serve as a crucial indicator for assessing human performance (Mariotti, 2015). For example, the heightened sensitivity of the Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to external stimuli is a key differentiating factor between PTSD and other psychiatric disorders (Yehuda, 1997).
Continuous Stress Analysis
Additionally, we examined the correlation of sweat cortisol levels with stress induced by physical exercise within a brief timeframe. To accomplish this, we chose aerobic activities such as cycling, which is a robust trigger for cortisol secretion (Kanaley et al., 2001). In this investigation, a 55-minute session of stationary cycling at a consistent workload was chosen to analyze sweat cortisol concentrations (Fig. 4j). The sweat cortisol levels were assessed every 5 minutes in a healthy individual for four Days. It was noted that the sweat cortisol levels gradually increased for nearly 40 minutes during biking and then slightly decreased towards the end of the exercise (Fig. 4k), consistent with previous findings (Torrente-Rodríguez et al., 2020) (Sardesai et al., 2023).
Crosstalk Analysis
One critical aspect to consider when designing a multimodal integrated sensor system is obtaining reliable data from the sensors. By "reliable," we mean obtaining clean signals from each sensor without any interference or crosstalk between different sensing modalities. In this study, we observed instances of crosstalk between the cortisol and EMG sensors. The close proximity of the cortisol sensor to the EMG sensor (Fig. 5a) causes the high-frequency pulses generated by the EMG sensor to induce signal drift in the cortisol sensor. This is evidenced by the distortions in the cortisol sensor signal when the EMG sensor’s signal recording is switched ‘on’ and ‘off’, as illustrated in Fig. 5b-c. This phenomenon occurs due to crosstalk observed from the EMG measurement to the cortisol measurement. To mitigate this cross-talk issue, the separation between the cortisol and EMG sensors was increased from 3.0 mm (Fig. 5a) to 5.0 mm (Fig. 5d), reducing the interference between the sensor signals (Fig. 5e-f), a strategy also supported by previous research (Sempionatto et al., 2021). No crosstalk was observed between the cortisol measurements and the pH or temperature measurements.
EMG Signal Interpretation
Analyzing the raw EMG signal is challenging due to its random fluctuations around the baseline (0V), making it difficult to extract meaningful information (Akkaya et al., 2012). Therefore, to interpret the raw EMG signal, a transformation function must be applied. In this work, the sensor patch was positioned on the Pronator Teres muscle in the hand, and EMG data was collected during repeated weight pulling exercises. EMG bursts were evident when the muscle was in motion, while no pulses were observed when the muscle was at rest, as shown in Fig. 6a.
Two widely used functions for interpreting the EMG signal are the root mean square (RMS) value and the average rectified value (ARV), also known as mean absolute value (MAV). The RMS approximates the standard deviation of the signal, representing the extent of deviation from zero (applicable when the EMG signal has a mean of 0V). It corresponds to the square root of the total power within the signal. Conversely, the ARV computes the average of the rectified signal. Figure S12 in the Supporting Information shows the RMS and ARV values computed for the EMG signals recorded at the start and end of the cycling exercise depicted in Fig. 4j-k. The ARV correlates with the RMS of the EMG signal when the muscle activity level is adequately high (Gatewood et al., 2017). The amplitude of the EMG signal is usually computed for a brief time interval (or a fixed window) within which the EMG signal is presumed to be nearly stationary. During isometric contractions, the signal is segmented into windows or epochs lasting around 0.5 to 1 second. Conversely, when examining dynamic contractions, shorter epoch durations are often utilized to capture finer amplitude changes occurring throughout the contraction sequence. By employing a moving average window, the EMG amplitude is assessed for a brief segment (or window) of the EMG signal. Subsequently, the EMG window being examined is progressively shifted forward in time, allowing for the calculation of an estimate for each consecutive portion of the signal. The moving average serves as a straightforward technique for smoothing EMG data, functioning as a low-pass filter that diminishes random fluctuations. Short-duration windows enable the detection of rapid changes in muscle movement, while longer epochs result in a more pronounced smoothing effect of the raw EMG signal. However, computation of moving average on the raw EMG signal might generate some abnormalities. To prevent this, the signal is rectified first (Fig. 6b) before being inputted into the moving average filter. Computing the moving average with epochs that comes with overlap in time (50% overlap or more between successive windows) can contribute to significantly decline in variability of the EMG voltage waveform (Fig. 6c). However, this approach may reduce the ability to detect abrupt changes in EMG signal amplitude. Reducing the cut-off frequencies will lead to a more even EMG amplitude profile. For example, the 5Hz low-pass filter produces a smoother signal (Figure S13) compared to the output depicted in Fig. 6c.
A notable characteristic of the EMG signal is that as its voltage increases, it indicates increased muscle activation (assuming minimal interference from adjacent muscles). This refers to the activation of additional motor units to augment force generation and/or adjustments in the firing rates of motor units (Reaz et al., 2006). Notably, examining the frequency domain characteristics of the EMG signal offers insights into the variations in its frequency components, which are reflected as changes in the power spectral density. Changes in the mean or median frequency of the EMG power spectral density are commonly utilized to monitor peripheral muscle fatigue (Lowery et al., 2002). This is because muscle fatigue leads to alterations in muscle contraction due to changes in the concentrations of various ions (K+, Na+, Ca2+) and metabolites within the muscle tissue, resulting in changes in fiber conduction velocity (Wan et al., 2017). As muscle conduction velocity decreases (defined as the speed at which the action potential propagates through the muscle fiber), the action potential duration increases, leading to a decrease in frequency content within the action potential (Murakami et al., 2014). To verify this phenomenon through the cycling exercise, besides monitoring cortisol levels, we captured the EMG signal at the initiation of the cycling exercise (Fig. 6d) and near the end of a 55 min-long exercise session, as depicted in Fig. 6e. While significant changes may not be readily apparent in these time domain signals, differences are discernible in the frequency domain. The power spectral density of the EMG signal recorded at the onset of the cycling exercise exhibits sharp power response, whereas the EMG signal obtained at the conclusion of the exercise session displays a broader power response. This suggests that at the beginning of the exercise, there are few dominant frequency components (Fig. 6f), whereas at the end, numerous dominant frequency components are present (Fig. 6g). Thus, analyzing the power spectral density of the EMG signal provides deeper insights into whether the signal was recorded at the commencement (less stressed condition) or the conclusion (heightened stress condition) of the cycling exercise. We also compared the power spectral density of the EMG signal measured with our sensor versus the commercial Sparkfuns_myoware 2.0 electrode (Supporting Information Figure S11b). An excellent correlation was observed between the LIG-measured and myoware-measured power spectral density values with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.99.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis using the t-test was conducted to determine the statistically significant differences (represented by p values) in measured cortisol levels or EMG signals during the cycling exercise depicted in Fig. 4j-k. Figure 7a shows the dynamic changes in the cortisol level, while Fig. 7b shows the power spectral density of the EMG signal monitored over 55 minutes during a cycling exercise session with consistent workload. Results plotted in Fig. 7c indicate a highly statistically significant difference between cortisol levels measured at the beginning of the exercise session (denoted by i = 5 min) and at a later stage (denoted by ii = 40 min), with p = 0.0071 (i.e., < 0.01). Similarly, cortisol levels measured at 40 min (denoted by ii) and at the end of the exercise session (denoted by iii = 60 min) demonstrate a statistically significant difference, with p = 0.0271 (i.e., < 0.05). There was a moderate statistically significant difference in the power spectral density of the EMG signal measured at the beginning (denoted by i = 10 min) and the middle (denoted by ii = 30 min) of the exercise session, with p = 0.0454 (Fig. 7d). Likewise, the power spectral density of the EMG signal measured at 30 min (denoted by ii) and at the end of the exercise session (denoted by iii = 50 min) shows a moderate statistically significant difference, with p = 0.0471. These statistically significant results confirm the correlation of cortisol and EMG signals with the stress levels during an exercise session.