Combining the results from LARCH and Circuitscape with the monitoring data from Nikolić et al. (2019) provides a good overview of potential conservation measures for each network. Although Circuitscape analyses show that the connectivity of some viable networks might need improvements (Table 2) certain discrepancies should be noted, as connectivity between network areas identified by the “circuit” method is significantly larger than expected based on within-network connectivity (Fig. 3a, b; Table 2). The connectivity results provide insight into the potential improvement zones for restoration measures to improve natural grassland cover and enhance the likelihood of long-term survival of EGS and grassland species in the study area. Thus, spatial plans should include an increase in habitat surface area, habitat density, and habitat quality (Verboom and Pouwels 2004; Bierwagen 2007; Kalarus and Novicki 2015; Van Teeffelen et al. 2015; Albert et al. 2017; Benedek and Sîrbu 2018; Benedek et al. 2021; Barão et al. 2022). The study confirmed that between-network and within-network connectivity is poor in the majority of identified habitat networks located north within our study landscape (i.e., all situated north of the ID_8 network). In this area, we should perform landscape-level conservation planning to increase the percentage distribution and density of natural grassland habitats and habitat-level measures to ensure adequate habitat management and improve the presence of transitional habitats. This approach would enable viable networks at the regional level in the most efficient way (Jackson and Fahrig 2012; Chen et al. 2023). The results yielded by this study, along with the produced maps, provide an example of where good spatial governance could support EGS and other natural grassland species and ecosystems.
Even though criticized, the species-specific network approach in highly modified agricultural areas is suitable since the complexity of its application is neutralized with biodiversity localized in the remaining semi-natural parts of the landscape (Jalkanen et al. 2020). For example, the identified KP in this study needs connections to all local populations by improving surrounding grassland habitat network links (e.g., to secure connections between the identified KP and other populations in the different parts of the network ID_2). Similarly, connecting the KP with other mapped but abandoned habitat patches by increasing the amount of habitat along with improving the quality by establishing regular habitat management (mowing or grazing) could potentially ensure the stability of such network. Sometimes translocation of individuals to those abandoned habitats might be necessary as some networks are isolated (e.g., in the network ID_9). Management of the sustainable network links is crucial when considering network cases such as the viability in the ID_2 network, which depends much more on the environment than on stochastic demographic processes (Ćosić 2015), highlighting the importance of spatial factors in the preservation efforts aimed at this part of the studied landscape. Furthermore, connecting isolated habitats characterized by medium-size capacity and populations with sufficiently large densities embodied in moderately permeable landscapes (e.g., ID_4) by steppingstone grassland corridors will increase the viability of populations within the network (Howell et al. 2018; Mims et al. 2023; Mohammadpour et al. 2023; Kim et al. 2024). Finally, improving grassland habitat density within the sustainable network in its impermeable parts (e.g., KP and other habitats in network ID_5) would positively affect abandoned habitats within the adjusted unsustainable ones (habitats in network ID_1, whose capacity needs improving). This comprehensive strategy would also enhance the local as well as the regional population’s resilience to the predicted increase in the frequency of extreme weather events because more extensive and more stable populations have a better chance of survival (Coetzee 2017; Frankham et al. 2017; Ashrafzadeh et al. 2020).
Transitional habitats that individuals use during dispersal differ significantly from those suitable for life and reproduction (Pulliam 2000; Cushman et al. 2013). In the present study, areas with only one or two inhabited or abandoned habitats (ID_3, ID_6, ID_7, ID_10, and ID_15) are essential for connectivity between networks and the connection of regional populations in the landscape. Furthermore, in improving the connections, we should simultaneously improve habitat and landscape characteristics (Howell et al. 2018; Fahrig 2019). Promoting connectivity between networks is relevant since even a few immigrants can establish gene flow between populations. This assertion supports the findings reported by Ćosić et al. (2013), indicating no genetic bottlenecks for EGS in Vojvodina in the recent past. As shown by available evidence, changes in land use can potentially prompt EGS to leave unsuitable areas. For example, Nikolić et al. (2019) have established that, compared to the historical prevalence of EGS populations in Vojvodina, they have recently moved east and south, where they currently thrive in the most significant numbers.
Researchers used the LARCH model in several studies to estimate the viability of populations on several dispersion scales (Van der Sluis et al. 2003; 2005; 2009; Pazúrová et al. 2018). The model relies on ecologically evaluated landscape indices (habitat suitability and capacity, dispersion, and population size) from the perspective of an analyzed species or group of species. The previous practice has shown that habitat capacity is a sensitive model parameter (Verboom et al. 2001; Verboom and Pouwels 2004; Regolin et al. 2021). For this reason, we conducted additional field research to evaluate the habitat capacity values yielded by the LARCH model. Moreover, even smaller areas can support more extensive and stable populations in these habitats, as shown by genetic analyses (Ćosić et al. 2013), indicating that combining model output with local knowledge improves the robustness of the results. For our research, the evaluation of habitat quality might even be further enhanced via quantitative methods such as analysis of satellite images and vegetation indices.
In the present study, for EGS - a grassland habitat specialist, we evaluated spatial connectivity within and between the habitat network scale to provide an overview of all connectivity links and potential corridors (McRae et al. 2008; Zeller et al. 2012). The scale of this spatial variation has already provided insights for natural grassland restoration and the proposal for designation of some regions of Vojvodina as designated ecological zones for protecting grassland ecosystems (Nikolić et al. 2019). Information related to the permeability of certain landscape areas is helpful to identify areas in which one should direct investments to promote grassland connectivity. For example, in their study, Ćosić et al. (2013) demonstrated that historically, the Danube is a barrier between populations. Still, the Tisza River is not. This assertion is confirmed by establishing the Vojvodina landscape matrix permeability. In addition, our analysis aids in identifying parts of functionally unlinked areas within and between networks, representing areas at which to focus revitalization measures of the grassland cover to support EGS viability and grassland biodiversity.
However, our findings are insufficient for determining how common EGS movements are, as the assessment of habitat connectivity within the heterogeneous matrix depends not only on individual traits but also on the available empirical data on the movement of individuals (Zeller et al. 2012; 2014). Therefore, the main limitation of the present study stems from the need for more information. Future research should focus on telemetry studies, landscape genetics analyses, and obtaining improved habitat maps (e.g., EUNIS level IV). Findings yielded by such investigations would significantly improve the current knowledge of the movement of EGS individuals through the landscape matrix and the response of individuals and populations to changes in land use. This information might help to improve parameters for dispersal capacity and permeability values of the landscape. This knowledge might be helpful in prioritizing the conservation measures needed in the northern part of the region where networks need to be connected to protect currently occupied networks, like networks ID_9 and 11–14.
In conclusion, conservation measures at the regional level could yield results quickly, establishing sustainable habitat networks capable of buffering climate change in the long term (Beier et al. 2008; Albert et al. 2017; Keeley et al. 2021). The implementation of active measures related to land use designation for agricultural activities and restoration of natural grassland habitats need to consider the ownership structure of parcels or the inclusion of the private sector into conservation initiatives (Waldron et al. 2020). Moreover, when planning designated areas, a comparative analysis of people's societal and economic needs that depend on the targeted landscape is mandatory. In this context, the spatial approach can be precious, as it facilitates collaboration among different sectors and interest groups on strategic planning (Keeley et al. 2019; Hilty et al. 2020). Finally, even though this study only focused on the European ground squirrel as a model organism, the conceptual and methodological approach we used and the results we obtained might be applied for other species and ecosystems to prioritize between conservation measures to improve habitat quality, increase habitat quantity or improve connectivity (i.e. Hodgson et al. 2010).