Named a top technology of 2020, the V2G system provides grid energy supply-demand balancing and reduced transportation related GHG emissions alongside greater renewable integration opportunities. The V2G which stands for vehicle-to-grid allows the electric vehicles to be charged by thags electrical grid that in then can discharge electricity back into them as needed The two main functions of a V2G system within this context are:
The V2G block has five types of car-user profiles. These profiles could be the result of different driving styles, differing charging routines or any other factors that may influence how well V2G will work.
Profile 1: Work charging at all times of dayThis profile likely represents those that are able to charge their electric vehicles while they're at work during the day. This implies they will most likely return at home battery charged - maybe even fully or partially [5], [7], [9–16].
Profile 2 - Long Commuter (may charge at their place of work): This is similar to profile 1 but simply has an expanded commute. The upshot is that the battery of an electric vehicle could be a low at point 2, but still help top off and recharge if he or she can park while working.
Profile 3: Single occupancy electric vehicle commute drivers that do not have the option to charge them at their job This describes people who can drive TO work in an EV no problem but they are unable to recharge while AT WORK. This means by the time they make it home in the evening, their car batteries are more likely to be depleted.
People staying at home - This profile most likely includes those who do not normally commute to work and are spending the daytime in their homes. Profile 4 They will be fully charged, or not completely discharged depending on their usage profile.
Car-user profile 5: Night shift workers They are also possibly not driving during the day, so they could have different charging behaviors than the former profiles. There might be traits of this profile...the list goes on...
1) Charging Schedules
People who work during the night can charge their electric vehicle in daylight while they are sleeping or at work. As a consequence, the V2G system may have to provide power on occasions that are different from those with previous pro- files [5].
2) Discharging Patterns
An EV owner returning from a long night shift with an electric battery car may find it completely discharged, or half run-down, depending on how many hours he has worked. This means that the V2G system might have to support the grid in what can possibly be a time of reduced electricity consumption at early hours [1].
3) Driving Habits
Night workers may still have to commute to and from work, but their routines can be more erratic than those of the typical 9 − 5 worker. For example, if they live farther from the workplace than they do today, then perhaps that means lower traffic or a longer commute.
Profile five increases the total complexity of an V2G system as it requests a intelligent structure to control and share the power for that different charging and discharging patterns [1].
Bear in mind these are kind of hypothetical profiles and might not perfectly represent behaviours/tendencies different drivers have. Different scenarios can be tested using several profiles in order to study the performance of V2G system and potential benefits.
4) Load
The microgrid load is a combination of residential consumption and an asynchronous machine, simulating industrial inductive effects. IM behaviour is a square relation between its rotor speed and the mechanical torque as compared to residential consumption following specific power factors, patternized. A day-long simulation of wind and sun (sun generally peaking at noon, while the strength of wind varies with multiple peaks and valleys) In practise, a household energy consumption profile can be approximated by the split of load in residential use since people consume more during day and less at night. There are three primary activities to be carried out during the day, and this will affect both of them or is explained [17–20].
For example, the loss of a big nuclear plant might see demand fall to 200GW but when up after two hours only reach halfway while locked down asynchronous machine pick-up which would push put over 70cO2 factories.Any partial shading in the afternoon will also decrease the frequency of solar power, but only for households on this system.
Third, the wind farm will be finally tripped at maximum output 22:00 hours of turbine. This lead to a sharp reduction of the wind farm generation and hence, further frequency decrease. With the assistance of specialist software and hardware systems that can model and simulate these types of events, they may even evaluate if/when we lose power in outbuildings (the stability of our microgrid), which will help them develop plans to reduce frequency changes during such events.