A 58-year-old male underwent UCBT for refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (PTCL-NOS) from an HLA two-antigen mismatched unrelated male donor following a reduced-intensity conditioning regimen consisting of fludarabine (Flu), melphalan (Mel), and 4 Gy of total body irradiation (TBI). Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis consisted of cyclosporine A (CsA) and methotrexate (MTX). He achieved neutrophil engraftment on day 20 after transplantation. On day 28, bone marrow (BM) aspiration showed hypocellular marrow that possessed 46, XY, and complete donor chimerism was confirmed by the analysis of BM mononuclear cells using a short tandem repeat (STR) analysis. On day 41, he developed grade III acute GVHD affecting the skin and gastrointestinal tract, which was treated with systemic prednisolone (PSL) in addition to CsA. After the improvement of acute GVHD, PSL and CsA were gradually tapered and discontinued on day 138.
On day 125, blast cells (3.0%) appeared in the PB, with mild anemia (hemoglobin concentration of 100 g/L) and thrombocytopenia (110×109 /L), increasing to 15.5% by day 146. BM analysis on day 140 showed granulocytic and megakaryocytic dysplasia with excess blasts (6.0%) that possessed 47, XY, + 21 (Fig. 1a-b). The blasts were negative for myeloperoxidase, and positive for CD4, CD7, CD33, CD41, and CD61 based on flow cytometric analysis. STR analysis of BM cells showed complete donor chimerism. Therefore, he was diagnosed with donor cell-derived myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts 2 (DC-MDS-EB2) and treated with azacitidine at 75 mg/m2 for five days from day 151. Then, blast cells disappeared in the PB on day 174. After receiving four cycles of azacitidine, he underwent allogeneic BMT from an unrelated male donor following a reduced-intensity conditioning regimen consisting of Flu, busulfan(Bu) and 4 Gy of TBI. Tacrolimus and MTX were used for GVHD prophylaxis. Both PTCL-NOS and DCHN remained in remission 65 months after the second transplantation. His clinical course is shown in Fig. 1c.
To identify somatic alterations involved in the development of DCHN in this case, we retrospectively performed targeted-seq of 376 genes implicated in hematologic malignancies [4] using BM (DCHN-BM) and PB (DCHN-PB) collected on day 140 and 150, respectively, after the onset of DCHN as well as recipient PB samples before UCBT (Recipient-PB) as a negative control. We identified GATA1 (c.C189A, p.Y63X) and KMT2C (c.G7270T, p.Q2424K) mutations in DCHN-BM and DCHN-PB samples (Fig. 2a, b). In addition, the copy number analysis using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) detected trisomy 21 and confirmed complete donor chimerism in these samples (Fig. 2a, c). As GATA1 nonsense mutations are well known to cause TAM in DS neonates with trisomy 21 [5], this case was considered to be diagnosed as DC-TAM. To genetically dissect the evolution of DC-TAM clone, we performed targeted-seq of a donor UCB (Donor-UCB) sample and a BM sample collected on day 28 before the onset of DCHN (Pre-DCHN-BM), but found no alterations in these samples (Fig. 2a, b). Then, to detect the GATA1 mutation with higher sensitivity, we performed ddPCR analysis. We detected the GATA1 mutation in DCHN-BM (19.3%) and DCHN-PB (26.3%) samples, consistent with the targeted-seq. Remarkably, a small proportion of the GATA1 mutations were also detected in the Donor-UCB (1.0%) and Pre-DCHN-BM (3.5%) samples, while almost no GATA1 mutation was detected in the Recipient-PB (0.4%) sample used as a negative control (Fig. 2a, d). According to the documentation from the UCB bank, the donor was phenotypically normal at birth and a 6-month medical check-up. Taken together, these results suggest that a GATA1-mutated clone in UCB expanded and developed into DC-TAM after transplantation in this case.