For the evaluation of the contribution of the surface potential in the process of sorption by the usage of the modified zeolite, natural zeolite sample was being irradiated by IR, UV, X-ray rays and electrons beam. Based on the determined surface potential valueit has been shown that the surface potential of the zeolite, by staying negative, slightly increases in the absolute values due to IR and UV irradiation. The observed growth of the potential at the UV irradiation is 1.5-2 times higher than in case of the IR irradiation. It can be explained by the fact that IR rays, having the energy comparable with the energy of the hydrogen bond, destructed those bonds on the surface of the solid, due to which the surface partially exempt by polarized water and the screening of the surface potential by the water layer is reduced. The quantum energy of the UV is enough not only for the destruction of the hydrogen bonds but also for the separation of OH group and deviation of metal-ion from its position in the pore of zeolite. This is the reason of the greatest increase of the surface potential of the zeolite in case of the UV irradiation compared with the IR influence. Another behavior has been observed in case of the X-ray irradiation: the surface potential decreases which can be explained by the high energy of the X-ray quantum. It leads to the separation of the electron from the solid surface, due to which the negative potential of the surface decreases. Also the possibility of the influence of the polarization of the studied samples on the process of the reduction of the surface potential is not excluded. The similar results have been also obtained by other authors [2, 12, 18, 24]. The reduction of the sorption capacity can be explained by the decreasing of the surface potential of the zeolite due to the X-ray irradiation which is related to the separation of OH group from the surface of the zeolite and ionization of the surface. In case of irradiation of the surface by the beam of electrons the potential is increased. The reasons of the increasing of the surface potential can be different-implantation of the electrons, structural changes of zeolite, the local heating of the sample due to the adsorption of the accelerated electrons, etc. In the result of the studies, it has been established that the accelerated electrons have significant effect on the granulometric composition of the sample, which depends on the dose of the irradiation: the maximum changes are observed in the high doses range (more than 5 kGr). The initial processes, occurring by the influence of the electrons beam, mainly depend on parameters of the beam and conditions of the irradiation. The defining parameters are the density of the current and the energy of the electrons beam. The increase of the surface potential depends on the cross section of the electron beam and the irradiation exposure time. In case of the low adsorption of energy (up to 1 kGr) the main result of the treatment by accelerated electrons is the radiation charging of the sample surface without significance changes of the physical properties of the zeolites. At the increasing the quantity of the energy adsorption up to 10 kGr the cumulation of the charge is possible which can lead to the power outages. The charge accumulation process occurs differently for strong and weak conductive samples. In case of the strong conductors due to the established equilibrium between in flow and drain of charge, the accumulation of charge doesn’t occur. In the weak conductors the charge is cumulating and its excess is discharged through the breakdown channels. The formation of breakdown channels is one of the important features of the treatment by the accelerated electrons and therefore, also the appearance of the cracks along the boundaries of grain fusion, which leads to the fragmentation of the zeolite. The studies have shown that at the treatment of zeolite by the accelerated electrons its surface properties- electrochemical potential, composition of the sorption layer and so on change.
Thus, it is possible to regulate the sorption properties of the zeolite by the surface potential and reaching the adsorption high indicators. From the above-mentionedit follows that the surface potential can be the effective parameter for the evaluation of the degree of the heavy metals ions-isotopes removing due to the rays modification.
For the effective modification of the sorbents not only the sign and value of the surface potential is important, but also its distribution on the surface.
The surface potential near the pores has been evaluated based on computer simulation. As the sensitive parameter in terms of the influences the changes of the zeolite’s carcass charge have been observed. By this approach the equipotential lines on the surface have been obtained. Figure 3 gives the distribution of the potential of the non-modified zeolite, from which it is seenthat the potential of the electrical field is greater near the pores edge.
The distribution of the equipotential of the surface of the fragment of the model of the zeolite modified by electrons beam is presented in the Fig. 4. From the obtained data it can be suggested that the voltage of the electrical field created the trap for the positive ions and the ion, falling into that field, falls into the pores with the probability proportional to the value of the filed potential.
It leads to the increasing of the negative charge of the carcass, thus, by staying negative, the potential of the surface increases, which, in its turn, leads to the positive ions adsorption increases. It is possible to insure that by studying the spectrum of the zeolite before and after irradiation by electrons (Fig. 5,6).
Figure 5 Electronic spectrum of the non-modified zeolite model fragment surface
The electron orbitals stay maximum replaced, but the energy of the electron increases in absolute value, which increase the probability of the occurring of the redox and donor-acceptor processes, and therefore, also the probability of the ion-exchange. On the other hand, the high population of the orbitals leads to the increase of the surface potential (Fig. 4): the lines of the surface potential become thicken which indicates the increasing of the voltage of the electrical field near the pores. The obtained data indicates that the potential near the pores is higher than the measured potential which leads to the increasing of the field strength near the pores by several orders, compared with other parts of the sample. As the potential is changed from 0.1 to 1 V and the size of the pores is measured in nanometers, the near the pores reaches about 107÷108V/m. In that case these regions act as traps of the positive ions by that increasing the probability of the effectiveness of sorption and ion-exchange.