This section includes the findings of all the corrosion experiments along with microstructural and phase analysis. The effect of two parameters (biofluids and manufacturing process) on the corrosion rate using ANOVA analysis, and wettability results were also discussed.
3.1 Analysis of phases and microstructure
The XRD pattern of the conventionally cast and DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V alloy indicates the presence of peaks corresponding to the α and ß phases (Fig. 2). The position of peak and the intensities are nearly identical, suggesting a similarity in the hexagonal closed packed (HCP) (α and ß phase). The DMLS Ti6Al4V samples exhibit relatively intense peaks corresponding to the α’, while the weak peak shows ß phase. The results suggest that the amount of ß phase was higher in the conventionally cast Ti6Al4V alloy as compared to the DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V alloy [14].
Figure 3 depicts the SEM images of the cast (Fig. 3a) showing the coarse grain microstructure that is composed of the \(\:\alpha\:\) and \(\:\beta\:\) phase with a longitudinal pockets lamellar structure [26]. The average grain size was measured ~ 26 µm. The grain boundary was not clearly visible and the primary equiaxial \(\:\alpha\:\:\)phase with secondary fine acicular fine \(\:\alpha\:\) phase can also be observed. The microstructure of DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy (Fig. 3c), showed the needle-shaped structure composed of α’+ß phase. The \(\:\alpha\:{\prime\:}\) grains were formed due to the high cooling rate and made the non-equilibrium martensitic needle-shaped structure known as widmanstatten microstructure. The non-equilibrium microstructure (α’+ß phase) is metastable and is sensitive to corrosion.
Some pores (~ 3–4 µm) are also present in the microstructure of DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V alloy (Fig. 3b). The average grain size of the α’ phase in DMLS produced samples was measured ~ 10 µm. The microstructure of the DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V consists of finer grain as compared to the cast Ti6Al4V alloy that, results in higher yield strength. Figure 3b and 3d shows the EDS analysis of the cast and DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V alloy. The α’ phase is higher in the DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V alloy than the cast Ti6Al4V alloy. It is due to the higher concentration of aluminum, which enhances the stability of α’ phase [27, 28].
3.2 Open circuit potential (OCP)
Figure 4 shows the variation of open circuit potential (OCP) with respect to dipping time for the cast and DMLS fabricated Ti6Al4V alloy in all three different biofluids namely, PSS, PBS, and SBF.
These curves can be categorized into two zone (i) in the first zone the OCP value rapidly increases due to dissolution of metal ions from the surface due to the attack of Cl− ions. (ii) in the second zone, the value of OCP gradually increased towards the positive potential, indicating the formation of a protective oxide layer on the W.E. (Ti6Al4V alloy) surface. It is due to the reaction of released metal ions with the oxygen present in the biofluids, which further results into the deposition of oxides on the sample surface. The layer thickness of this oxide increases with time, which stabilizes the OCP value [14] after 1800 sec, indicating formation of uniform passive layer of oxide on the Ti6Al4V alloy surface [29]. This layer of oxide acts as a barrier for further electrochemical reaction, thus enhancing its corrosion resistance [30]. A fluctuating or negative OCP value indicates a higher corrosion rate, while a constant and positive OCP value suggests a lower corrosion rate. The more positive value of OCP denotes the presence of oxide film on the Ti6Al4V alloy surface, which improves the corrosion resistance [31]. The mean values of the OCP in steady conditions for all the cases are presented in Table 4.
Table 4
OCP value of cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy in different biofluids.
Manufacturing process/ biofluids | PSS | PBS | SBF |
Cast Ti6Al4V (mV) | -0.12 | -0.07 | ~ 0.01 |
DMLS – Ti6Al4V (mV) | -0.09 | -0.05 | ~ 0.03 |
The value of OCP for DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V seems to be slightly higher than the cast Ti6Al4V alloy in all the biofluids/electrolyte media. The OCP value for both samples tested in the SBF solution was recorded as lower than that of the PBS and PSS. It has been reported that the pH level of biofluids highly influence the corrosion behaviour of alloy, and in specifically, higher chloride (Cl) concentrations result into more active potential [16]. The lowest value of OCP was observed in the PSS solution due to the presence of the higher chloride concentration as compared to the PBS and SBF solutions. Moreover, the higher concentration of Na2HPO4 and KH2PO4 in SBF react with the Ti alloy surface and act as a barrier due to the formation of passive film [16][32]. From these results it can be concluded that biofluids and the manufacturing process greatly affect the corrosion behaviour of the alloy. The value of OCP in the different biofluids have shown the following order: SBF < PBS < PSS.
3.3 Potentiodynamic polarization (PDP)
The Potentiodynamic polarization (PDP) plot shows a similar corrosion mechanism observed from OCP test results. Both types of samples show passivation during anodic polarization in all the biofluids.
Firstly, all three biofluids show (Fig. 5), that the passive layer on the working electrode (Ti6Al4V alloy) surface begins to dissolve due to the initial increment in potential. This can be considered as the initiation of the corrosion on the Ti6Al4V alloy surfaces. This phenomenon was followed by the passivation region, where the potential increased and the current density remained constant. A wider passive region in the polarization plot is advantageous and shows better corrosion resistance, excellent material stability and superior performance in all three biofluids [33–35]. During the passivation process, a stable layer of oxide film was developed on the W.E., which inhibits further dissolution in the aqueous solution. It can be seen (Fig. 5) in the polarization plot that DMLS-produced T6Al4V alloys have a higher passivation range. Moreover, a wider passive region was also found in SBF followed by the PBS and lowest in the PSS biofluids.
Table 5
Electrochemical corrosion parameters obtained from the potentiodynamic polarization plot for the cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy in different biofluids
Manufacturing process | Cast Ti6Al4V | DMLS Ti6Al4V |
Biofluids | PSS | PBS | SBF | PSS | PBS | SBF |
icorr(µA/cm2) | 0.0988 ± 0.084 | 0.0707 ± 0.067 | 0.05771 ± 0.055 | 0.0758 ± 0.046 | 0.0528 ± 0.039 | 0.0417 ± 0.023 |
Ecorr (V) | -0.4010 ± 0.03 | -0.3820 ± 0.05 | -0.3713 ± 0.07 | -0.3025 ± 0.07 | -0.2827 ± 0.06 | -0.1917 ± 0.09 |
Corrosion rate (1x10− 4mm/y) | 8.05 ± 0.5 | 5.77 ± 0.85 | 4.70 ± 0.20 | 6.23 ± 0.35 | 4.35 ± 0.20 | 3.44 ± 0.15 |
Rp (Polarization resistance) (ΩA.cm2) | 1083 ± 35 | 1592 ± 30 | 1796 ± 25 | 2193 ± 35 | 3084 ± 30 | 3364 ± 25 |
Ip (pitting current) (µA/Cm2) | 0.5610 ± 0.092 | 0.5690 ± 0.079 | 0.5636 ±0.055 | 0.5654 ± 0.042 | 0.5853 ± 0.096 | 0.5690 ± 0.014 |
Epit (V) | 0.1754 ± 0.058 | 0.2269 ± 0.056 | 0.2885 ± 0.074 | 0.4118 ± 0.049 | 0.4533 ± 0.028 | 0.6552 ± 0.037 |
Passivation region | -0.5764 ± 0.009 | -0.6089 ± 0.058 | -0.6599 ± 0.036 | -0.7143 ± 0.004 | -0.7361 ± 0.003 | -0.8470 ± 0.002 |
Table 5 shows the values of corrosion potential (Ecorr), corrosion current density (icorr) (µA/cm2), and polarization resistance (Rp). These values were obtained from the slope of anodic and cathodic regions of the polarization plot, which is further used to calculate the corrosion rate (mm/y) using the Eq. (1) [31] for cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy in all biofluids. A lower value of icorr and higher Ecorr indicate the higher stability of oxide layer formation which further inhibits corrosion and gives a lower corrosion rate [34].
It can be concluded from Table 5 that the DMLS produced samples have the highest value of Ecorr and minimum value of icorr (for all three biofluids) than the cast produced Ti6Al4V alloy. The DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V alloy consists of α’ martensitic microstructure and a small amount of ß phase, which exhibits lower corrosion rate [36, 37].
As compared to the corrosion behaviour of Ti6Al4V alloy in biofluids (Table 5), the SBF has the minimum corrosion rate followed by the PBS, whereas PSS has the highest value of corrosion rate. It is mainly because calcium (Ca) and phosphate ions are present in the SBF, which interact with the Ti ions and form a complex TiO2 on the surface. This further results into the higher corrosion resistance of Ti6Al4V alloy [36].
It is noticed that the value of Icorr and Ecorr in SBF are shown to be higher than in the PBS and PSS. However, the Rp shows the opposite tendency for both cast and DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V alloy. A higher value of Rp denotes the high corrosion resistance in the specific medium.
The pitting potential (Ep) and pitting current density (ip) was computed using the potentiodynamic polarization plot (Fig. 5). The Ep and ip represent the degradation rate on the Ti6Al4V alloy surface. The higher value of Ep and lower value of ip shows better stability of the passive film [34]. The value of Ep also dependent on the type of biofluids. The SBF had the highest Ep value followed by the PBS and PSS. This result suggests that calcium and Phosphate ions are less conducive to pitting as compared to the chloride ions, despite the high Ecorr in PSS. The critical damage in the PSS is due to the presence of Cl- ions that may induce cracking. Overall, the corrosion parameters represent that the DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V alloy has better corrosion resistance as compared to the cast produced Ti6Al4V alloy in all three biofluids.
3.4 Electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
Figure 6 and 7 shows the EIS plot (Nyquist and Bode plot) of the cast and DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V alloy in all three biofluids. Nyquist plot (Fig. 6), show the relation between the real (Z’) and imaginary (Z”) impedance for both the samples (cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy) in PSS (Fig. 6a), PBS (Fig. 6b) and SBF (Fig. 6c). An equivalent circuit or Modified Randle model (Fig. 6d) was employed to fit the EIS data for cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy in different biofluids for analyzing the corrosion behaviour.
The equivalent circuit was constructed using biofluid’s resistance ‘Rs’ (Ω) and oxides film resistance ‘Rf’ (Ω). Additionally, the oxide layer film capacitance ‘Cf’(farad) was used along with double layer capacitance “Cdl’(farad) accommodate the effect of passive film (formed due to interaction of polished Ti6Al4V surface with atmosphere). Due to presence of non-uniform oxide layer on surface, the behaviour of double layer capacitance is non ideal and this was incorporated through constant phase elements ‘Q’ (µF/Cm2).
The double layer formed in this case is highly porous in nature and hence a constant phase element (Q) was used to define the capacitance. Moreover, the charge transfer resistance (Rct) in the double layer is negligibly low, due to which Rct was not used in the fitted equivalent circuit. This could also be confirmed from the very small diameter of the double-layer curve present in the Nyquist plot at high frequency. This is in line with the previous work by Valereto et al. [38]. Alternately, a large diameter curve in the low frequency region confirms the formation of highly stable and defect free passive layer, resulting in fitting the circuit using a pure capacitance and film resistance. Hence, the equivalent circuit (Fig. 6d) was used to fit the Nyquist plot exhibiting lower chi-square value (10− 3). Warburg impedance ‘W’(Ω) refers to the diffusion at the interface of the oxide layer and biofluid. This modification allows more precise representation of the EIS data and corrosion behaviour of the W.E. (Ti6Al4V alloy) in the biofluids. Furthermore, the n is the dispersion constant which represents the denser concentration of passivation film. The various parameters such as Rs, Rf, Q, C, W, and dispersion constant ‘n’ obtained from the equivalent circuit by fitting the EIS data for Cast and DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V Alloy in all three biofluids are shown in Table 6.
Table 6
Vale of impedance parameters obtained from EIS for the cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy in different biofluids.
Samples | Cast Ti6Al4V | DMLS Ti6Al4V |
Biofluids | PSS | PBS | SBF | PSS | PBS | SBF |
Rs (Ω) | 2.181 ± 0.032 | 2.862 ± 0.041 | 3.994 ± 0.059 | 4.582 ± 0.072 | 6.927 ± 0.098 | 8.043 ± 0.076 |
Rf (Ω) | 42.713 ± 6 | 44.791 ± 7 | 51.092 ± 8 | 45.059 ± 5 | 49.182 ± 4 | 56.199 ± 6 |
Q (µF/Cm2) (1x10− 6) | 8.04 ± 0.09 | 9.53 ± 0.12 | 13.21 ± 0.18 | 8.88 ± 0.08 | 9.49 ± 0.11 | 15.24 ± 0.15 |
Cf (Farad)(1x10− 6) | .0111 ± 0.002 | .0115 ± 0.002 | .0122 ± 0.001 | .0114 ± 0.001 | .0118 ± 0.002 | 0.127 ± 0.001 |
Cd (Farad) (1x10− 6) | 18.712 ± 0.150 | 6.789 ± 0.200 | 7.436 ± 0.200 | 16.087 ± 0.300 | 6.283 ± 0.200 | 5.354 ± 0.100 |
W (Ω)(1x10− 4) | 3.966 ± 0.20 | 4.288 ± 0.35 | 5.224 ± 0.15 | 4.175 ± 0.15 | 4.916 ± 0.10 | 6.385 ± 0.20 |
n | 0.436 ± 0.04 | 0.462 ± 0.02 | 0.493 ± 0.04 | 0.464 ± 0.05 | 0.485 ± 0.03 | 0.508 ± 0.04 |
Nyquist plot for cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy in PSS (Fig. 6a), PBS (Fig. 6b) and SBF (Fig. 6c) reveal different semicircular arc, indicating the resistance of surface and interference between the biofluid and Ti6Al4V alloy surface [39]. The diameter of the semi-circle arc (as shown inset Fig. 6) represents the oxide layer resistance ‘Rf’. The higher value of Rf indicates the thickness of the compact layer which further contributes to corrosion resistance [40]. Figure 6, shows that DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy has the higher corrosion resistance as compared to the cast Ti6Al4V alloy, as its Nyquist plot have shown bigger semi-circle diameter. Moreover, it can also be seen that SBF has the largest semi-circle diameter, showing higher film resistance, followed by the PBS whereas PSS has the smallest film resistance. As mentioned earlier, this variation in the corrosion resistance is mainly because of the different thicknesses of protective oxide layer formed on the Ti6Al4V alloy surface. It is also verified by the Rf value that is shown in Table 6 follows the same order of icorr (SBF > PBS > PSS) obtained from PDP results.
The formation of the oxide layer over the passive film results into two capacitances as observed from the circuit fitting data. Additionally, double layer capacitance is also formed at the interface of the oxide film and biofluid. However, due to non-uniform surface of oxide layer its behaviour is not ideal which is accommodated by incorporation of Constant phase elements. The ions diffusion can also be observed from the Nyquist plot, which was incorporated by inclusion of Warberg element. From the graph and the obtained constants (obtained after fitting EIS data) it can be observed that the ion diffusion is different for all the cases. From the EIS plot it can also be observed that the proportion of the semicircle and line is different for DMLS and cast produced Ti6A4V alloy. This is mainly due to the formation of the thickness of the oxide layer which results in higher resistance and Warberg impedance. The same trend can also be observed for different biofluids as the portion of same circle as an impedance to inclined line is larger for SBF followed by PBS and PSS, respectively. This can also be observed from the obtained Warburg impedance value for different bio-fluids. Additionally, the SEM image (Fig. 9) also confirms this phenomenon as thinner oxide layer was formed on PSS which provides lesser impedance and higher diffusion.
The value of n (Table 6) represents the dispersion constant, and the higher value of n means the compact passivation film. From the literature [41] it was found that increasing the dispersion constant n may result high corrosion resistance. DMLS produced Ti6Al4V in SBF shows the maximum dispersion constant value followed by PBS and PSS.
From all these results it can be concluded that the value for DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V alloy has the highest corrosion resistance in SBF compared to the PBS and PSS biofluids, which can also be supported by the EIS results. The dissolution of titanium and further formation of TiO2 provide stability to the oxide layer on the Ti6Al4V alloy sample surface. The dissolution and formation of TiO2 continue to enhance the stability of the protective layer on the Ti6Al4V alloy sample surface. On the contrary, in PSS biofluids, the dissolution of TiO2 is aided and regulated by the presence of Cl− complexes, leading to its faster degradation.
The EIS Bode plot 1 (frequency vs impedance) (Fig. 7a-c), depicts the variation of absolute value of impedance and Bode plot 2 (frequency vs phase angle) (Fig. 7d-f) represents the variation of phase angle. It may be noted from Fig. 7c that DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy has the higher value of impedance in the low-frequency zone, indicating higher resistance of its W.E. and cast produced Ti6Al4V alloy has the minimum impedance value, suggesting the lower resistance value of its W.E. Now considering the corrosion behaviour of biofluids according to the biofluids, the SBF shows the highest value of impedance at the low frequency, indicating the higher Rs which further leads to higher corrosion resistance. However, PSS possesses the lowest value of impedance at higher frequency, indicating the lowest resistance due to Cl and P ions which further induces the dissolution of the oxide layer. The observations are verified by the value of Rs and Rf shown in Table 6.
From Fig. 7 (d, e, f) it can be observed that, cast produced Ti6Al4V alloy immersed in PSS has the lowest value of phase angle between 0.01 and 1 Hz, resulting in the poor corrosion resistance due to the faster charger transfer and lower impedance (Fig. 7d). SBF has the highest phase angle value (Fig. 7f) over a wide frequency of range among all three biofluids for both cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy followed by the PBS. It has a peak value almost equal to 80°, which indicates a more compact film of oxides over surface than the other two biofluids. It can be concluded that DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy in SBF has the highest phase angle in SBF that will provide excellent surface protection against corrosion.
3.5 Corrosion mechanism and morphology of corroded surface
Figure 8 shows the schematic of corrosion mechanism of cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy in biofluids. Figure 8a represents formation of very thin passive layer on the cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy surface due their contact of the environment (after polishing). This layer acts as a barrier and protects from the surrounding environment and prevents further corrosion..
When these alloys are immersed in biofluid, the chloride ion present in the fluid reacts with this passive film and forms pores in it further reaching to the fresh Ti6Al4V surface. As the external voltage increases, the speed of this reaction increases, leading to the pitting corrosion as depicted in Fig. 8b. The interaction of the fresh surface with chloride ion and water results into the formation oxide layer over surface (Fig. 8c & 8d) [42]. This reaction of Ti, Al and V with the chlorine ion and water, resulting in the formation of oxides are shown below [11][43]:
The mechanism of pitting corrosion of the cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V samples in PSS, PBS and SBF lubricated conditions are confirmed by the SEM images and EDS analysis as shown in Fig. 9.
From SEM images it can be observed that pits were formed on cast as well as DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy. These pits are larger for sample corroded in the PSS (Fig. 9a & 9g) which may be due to higher concentration of chlorine ion which results in the dissolution of the oxide layer. Medium and small-sized pits were observed on samples corroded in PBS (Fig. 9c & 9i) whereas very fine pits were noticed on the for SBF case (Fig. 9e & 9k). Apart from fluid, the influence of manufacturing technique on corrosion can easily be noticed as DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy surface have relatively smaller pits (Fig. 9g, 9i & 9k) as compared to cast samples (Fig. 9a, 9c & 9e). The higher corrosion resistance of DMLS produced samples may be attributed to smaller grain size and presence of phases α’, which results into formation of relatively stable oxide layer on the surface as compared to casted one [36, 37].
These oxide layers act as a more effective barrier to penetration by chloride ions and thus minimize the corrosion rate. In SBF, the occurrence of pitting corrosion is slightly lower than the PSS medium. This may be because of the presence of sulfate and phosphate ions in the SBF solution that stabilizes its similar pH values [14]. The samples immersed in simulated body fluid exhibit capacitive behaviour at a wide range of frequencies, suggesting the presence of a stable passive region. However, the damage is more significant in the case of conventionally cast PSS. Severe cracks and dissolved surfaces can be observed from SEM image (Fig. 9a), which may be due to the penetration of hydrides [14]. It may also be due to the more penetration of thinner TiO2 layer by chloride ions in case of casted Ti6Al4V.
The corresponding energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) of the corroded cast (Fig. 9b,9d,9f) and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy (Fig. 9h, 9j,9l) shows that pitting corrosion is more prominent in PSS which results in the formation of oxides. Apart from the Ti, Al and V peaks, an additional peak for chlorine also appears because of the chloride ions concentrations in all three biofluids, which further results into the penetration of the oxide layer during the active dissolution. The high intensity of oxygen (O) peaks were also observed in the SBF and PBS biofluids, which may correspond to the complex passive film on the surface [32][44].
3.6 XRD analysis
The XRD pattern of the cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V are shown in Fig. 10. The XRD plot revealed that the Ti6Al4V alloy surface mainly comprised of α phases and ß phase which was in agreement with the initial analysis (section 3.1) performed before corrosion test (Fig. 3). This shows that no corrosion by-products (phases or compound) were formed on the Ti6Al4V surface in all three biofluids. The absence of corrosion products was attributed to the presence of the dense passive film on Ti6Al4V alloy surface, which act as a barrier to the corrosion process.
3.7 Surface wettability
To have a better understanding of the interaction between the corroded surface and the biofluids, wettability was conducted. This property plays a key role in the cell adhesion process and bioactivity. Utilizing the contact angle (CA) measurement, the wettability of the surface was estimated.
Figure 11 shows the biofluids droplet alongside the measured contact angle for corroded cast and DMLS produced Ti6Al4V alloy samples in all three biofluids. CA values for DMLS-produced Ti6Al4V samples were lower than those for the cast sample. The highest contact was measured in cast-produced Ti6Al4V in PSS solution and the lowest contact angle was measured in DMLS-produced samples in SBF.
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also performed on the results obtained to investigate the effect of the manufacturing process and biofluids on the corrosion rate. The ANOVA results for the corrosion rate are shown in Tables 7. The P value for all the considered parameters was less than 0.05, which shows their statistical significance on the response. The last column represents the percentage of contribution (Pr) to the overall variation, demonstrating the degree of influence on the response.
Table 7
Analysis of variance for the corrosion rate
Source | DF | Adj SS | Adj MS | F-Value | P-Value | Contribution (Pr) ((%) |
Manufacturing Process | 1 | 27.58 | 27.58 | 57.53 | 0 | 63.9 |
Electrolyte | 2 | 08.89 | 4.45 | 9.27 | 0.003 | 20.6 |
Error | 14 | 06.71 | 0.478 | - | - | 15.5 |
Total | 17 | 43.18 | - | - | - | 100.0 |