The present study was a randomized comparative study on 50 known Diabetic patients with lower limb ulcer [31 patients who underwent Conventional Dressing and 19 patients underwent Vacuum Assisted Closure (VAC) dressing] where we aimed to compare the effectiveness of Conventional Dressing with Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) in case of lower limb diabetic ulcer. We found that Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) dressing resulted in less duration for granulation tissue to appear, for wound culture to be negative and less duration for healing. The study demographics of the population showed that the cases were comparable to controls in terms of age, gender and associated comorbidities. In a randomized comparative trial like ours, the similarity of the characteristics of the patient ensures that any difference in outcome is purely due to intervention and not due to chance bias. In our study, most of the patients usually presented with chronic non healing lower limb ulcers due to the chronicity of the disease (T2DM) associated with some other comorbidities. Our study consisted of 50 patients which were randomly divided into two groups, Group A of conventional Dressing of 31 patients while Group B of Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) dressing of 19 patients. Among other studies, Lone et al consists of 56 patients randomly divided in two even groups [7]. Management of foot ulcer is largely determined by grade of ulcer, vascularity, and presence of infection. Current therapeutic options of Diabetic Foot Ulcer management include repeated debridement, pressure offloading, and treatment of ischemia, metabolic stabilization and preventive strategies incorporated at primary healthcare level.Several studies have followed and identified faster healing times with Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) when compared to moisturized saline gauze.Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) is generally well tolerated and, with few contraindications or complications, is fast becoming a mainstay of current wound care. Hence, we planned to use Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) for the treatment and fast healing of Diabetic Foot ulcers. Duration for Granulation Tissue to appear In the present study, compared to conventional dressing,Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) group took less but comparable duration for granulation tissue to appear (9.032SD2.30 vs. 6.94SD2.61, p value-0.29). Among previous studies, Lone et al found that the Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) group took significantly less time for granulation tissue to appear when compared to conventional dressing(66.7% of Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) group patients developed granulation tissue by end of 4 weeks vs. 28% in case of conventional dressing.)(p value-0.049) [7].In D'Souza et AL, it was found that at the end of first dressing on day 4,about 70% of Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) group wounds had red granulation tissue as compared to 47% in case of Conventional dressing which was significantly higher.(p value-0.038) [1]. Time Taken for wound culture to be negative in the present study, compared to conventional Dressing,Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) group took significantly less duration for wound culture to be negative (11.37SD4.47 vs 14.83SD3.89, p value-0.037). Among previous studies, Lone et al showed that the cultures were reported sterile in week 1 itself after application of Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) as compared to week 2 in normal dressing [7]. However, in D’Souza et al, in the Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) group 72.73% ulcers had no bacteria at the end of therapy whereas in the Conventional Dressing group, 79.17% were rendered sterile at the end of therapy (Duration of Therapy-2 weeks) [1]. Duration for Wound Healing In the present study, compared to conventional Dressing, Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) group took significantly less duration for wound healing (36.84SD9.34 vs 43.17SD9.22, p value-0.033). Among previous studies, in Lone et al, the majority of wounds in Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) Group (81.8%) got closed in 5 weeks as compared to only 60% in Conventional Dressing Group in 8 weeks [7]. Five cases in the Conventional Dressing group failed to heal within the duration of 8 weeks (56 Days) resulting in Treatment Failure as compared to only one case in Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) Dressing group. Overall,Vacuum assisted Closure (VAC) Dressing seemed to be a novel method for dressing of lower limb diabetic ulcers with better outcomes than Conventional Dressing.