4.1 Interpretation of survey and museum data
Our comprehensive investigation, which included a detailed review of field survey data and an examination of specimens from five prominent insect collections in Taiwan (Fig. 2), found no evidence supporting historical claims regarding the presence of L. delicatula in Taiwan.19,20 Despite extensive searches, no voucher specimens of L. delicatula were discovered in any collections, nor were any living specimens detected across the diverse habitats surveyed. These results make us cast doubt on the validity of previous records, suggesting potential misidentification.21 Furthermore, a nymph specimen used in the phylogenetic analysis by Yeh et al.56 was confirmed to belong to L. delicatula based on its molecular data. This specimen was collected in Taiwan, while detailed collection data was missing (Yeh, personal communication). This unique finding, lacking complete collection data, limits our ability to reasonably incorporate it into our overall conclusions. The application of iNEXT3D provided a statistical measure of the coverage of our survey. The sample completeness curve approaches an asymptote as over 2,000 individuals have been sampled, indicating that our field surveys have likely encompassed the range of most lanternfly species in Taiwan, including regions that were historically believed to be inhabited by L. delicatula (Fig. 3). This statistical validation suggests that the non-detection of L. delicatula is not due to inadequate sampling but rather reflects its true absence or extreme rarity in the region.
Additionally, during our examination, morphological similarities between certain individuals of L. meliae and L. delicatula were noted, further supporting the misidentification hypothesis. Comparative studies involving detailed morphological and genetic analysis are required to clarify this point conclusively. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that our review of iNaturalist database did not reveal any observation data of L. delicatula from either India or Vietnam, despite claims of its presence in these countries by previous researches.1,3 Instead, we identified several observation records of L. imperialis from India, with a few individuals morphologically similar to L. delicatula. The absence of concrete occurrence data for L. delicatula and the morphological similarities between L. delicatula and L. imperialis raises questions about the accuracy of the records in these two countries. Similar to the situation in Taiwan, we speculate that records of L. delicatula in these countries could have resulted from the misidentification of species that are similar in appearance. Nonetheless, these conclusions necessitate further validation through future discoveries and the examinations of voucher specimens. Although our survey was extensive, we recognize that it did not encompass potential private or amateur collections which might not be accessible or held to the same curatorial standards as institutional collections. While such collections could theoretically contain additional specimens, our findings reflect the accessible and scientifically curated records, which suggest a high degree of survey completeness within the acknowledged limits.
4.2 Ecological niche modeling reveals unitability and potential shift for Lycorma delicatula
Our predictions confirm that most areas in Taiwan are unsuitable for L. delicatula (Fig. 4A), aligning with the findings of Wakie et al.57 but contrasting with those of Jung et al.58 Globally, we observe notable discrepancies in regions such as Europe, South Australia, Southern Africa, and Argentina (Fig. 1B), where Wakie et al.57 indicated higher suitability. These discrepancies may stem from differences in the environmental variables considered, notably elevation, which was excluded from our model but may have been included in theirs. Jung et al.58 presented a scenario favoring tropical regions for L. delicatula, contrary to the species' known distribution patterns (Fig. 1A).30 This suggests their model may overestimate suitability in these climates, potentially due to differing assumptions or model inputs. In the United States, our model identifies the Northeast as a suitable habitat for L. delicatula (Fig. 1B), consistent with the research by Wakie et al.57 and contrasting with that by Jung et al.58, who suggested higher suitability in the Southeastern United States. This variation underscores the significant impact of selecting model parameters and the climatic data underpinning the analysis. Regarding the Korean Peninsula, our model suggests high suitability across the region (Fig. 1B), mostly aligning with the conclusions drawn by Wakie et al.57, but there is a reduction in suitability in northern areas. In stark contrast, Jung et al.58 highlight only southern coastal areas as highly suitable, and Namgung et al.59 point to a greater suitability in lower elevation areas.
Our results provide insights into the potential distribution of L. delicatula under current and future climate scenarios (Figs. 1B, 4A, 6, S2–S15). We predict a contraction of suitable habitats in Asia, especially in China, with a northward shift in Europe, potentially making Central European mountainous areas new niches for the species. Japan is identified as an area for potential expansion, indicating the species' adaptability to changing climates, while Korea is expected to maintain its current suitability levels. Contrary to the situation in Korea and Taiwan, North America presents a different scenario. Our model forecasts a northeastward expansion of suitable habitats, which could potentially expose new regions to invasion risks as the climate warms. This finding contrast sharply with the westward expansion predicted by Jones et al.10, which emphasizes the role of human activities in the species' dispersal across the United States, including a likely emergence in California by 2033.
The comparison between our static habitat suitability models and the dynamic spread models from Jones et al.10 highlights the complexities of predicting invasive species movements. While our models focus on environmental suitability, the approach by Jones et al.10 integrated temporal dynamics of dispersal, emphasizing the limitations of relying solely on climatic data for forecasting changes in species distribution. For the U.S., the potential for new invasion fronts necessitates enhanced surveillance and proactive management strategies to address the anticipated spread, particularly in newly vulnerable areas. This comprehensive approach is crucial for developing effective biosecurity measures tailored to the specific challenges posed by changing climates and human influences on invasive species dynamics.
4.3 Implications for Taiwan’s biodiversity and agriculture
The comprehensive field surveys and detailed examinations of museum specimens show no evidence for the presence of L. delicatula in Taiwan. Our ecological niche modeling also indicates that under current climatic conditions, the majority of Taiwan offers low habitat suitability for L. delicatula. Based on the expected changes in climate, our models suggest alterations in the suitability of habitats, which may lead to a further decrease in the already limited areas that are marginally suitable. A comparison with the iNaturalist records of host plants associated with L. delicatula reveals that in most locations where these plants are present, the habitat suitability remains uniformly low, with no scores exceeding 0.2 (Fig. 5). This suggests that despite the presence of necessary flora, the overall environmental conditions of Taiwan are unsuitable for L. delicatula’s survival, indicating that this pest is currently unlikely to exist in Taiwan.
However, our analysis also found that some high-altitude regions such as Lishan, noted for their valuable agricultural outputs, may present marginal conditions favorable for L. delicatula. These areas, therefore, demand targeted monitoring to prevent any accidental introduction and establishment that could severely impact local ecosystems and economies. The threat of competitive exclusion, particularly affecting native related species like L. meliae, which is already in decline,21 could be a potential concern, because the development of L. delicatula from first instars to adults can be supported by chinaberry (Melia azedarach L.),60 the major host of L. meliae. Moreover, the introduction of L. delicatula could have a negative influence on the vineyards in Taiwan as grapes (Vitis spp.) are particularly vulnerable to this pest and could suffer significant production losses.61 Some major growing regions of grapes in Taiwan, such as Taichung and Nantou,62 are at high risk due to their overlap with the habitats of L. meliae and relatively higher suitability for L. delicatula in particular areas. These findings underscore the necessity for continuous monitoring and proactive biosecurity strategies to mitigate the potential future establishment of L. delicatula. Developing a comprehensive understanding of both the current ecological potential and the anticipated pathways of this invasive species is crucial to formulating effective protective measures against the dynamic threats posed by invasive species under evolving climatic conditions.
4.4 Reflections and future work
While both our practical surveys and ecological niche modeling indicated the absence of L. delicatula in Taiwan at this moment, the model revealed that partial higher-altitude areas such as Lishan, known for their unique microclimatic conditions and valuable agricultural yields,32 could potentially support the populations of L. delicatula if there is any accidental introduction in the future. As a result, it is crucial to maintain continuous monitoring and public awareness, especially in high-altitude agricultural zones. Multifactorial models that consider a range of ecological and human factors (e.g., Jones et al.10), are essential for accurately predicting potential invasion pathways and for establishing effective biosecurity measures. Future research should further explore how invasive species might adapt to new environments and assess their potential ecological impacts using advanced modeling techniques. This approach is essential for developing targeted strategies to protect Taiwan’s biodiversity and agricultural resources from invasive threats under shifting climatic conditions. On the other hand, this study emphasizes the importance of robust data validation and adaptive research strategies, as highlighted by contributions from citizen science initiatives such as iNaturalist.26,27 Although these platforms play a crucial role in advancing scientific knowledge, their data must be approached with caution. For instance, problems like misidentifications can drastically distort species distribution models, potentially resulting in incorrect assessments of ecological impact.63,64