2.1 Synthesis of high-quality ultrathin Mn3O4 arrays
Mn3O4 is a magnetic oxide known for its non-layered tetragonal spinel structure.23 At room temperature, it adopts the stable tetragonal hausmannite structure with the I41/amd (141) space group. In this structure, Mn3+ and Mn2+ ions occupy octahedral and tetrahedral sites, respectively. As illustrated in Fig. 1a, ultrathin Mn3O4 exhibits a standard non-layered tetragonal crystal system structure (a = 5.762 Å, b = 5.762 Å, c = 9.439 Å, α = β = γ = 90°) and presents a top view of the atomic hexagonal arrangement along the [111] zone axis.
Supplementary Fig. 1 depicts the experimental setup used to synthesize ultrathin Mn3O4 array single crystals on a mica (KMg3(AlSi3O10) F2) substrate through CVD technique. In brief, NaCl and MnCl2·4H2O were utilized as precursors, and the growth process took place in an Ar gas atmosphere to facilitate the formation of the Mn3O4 array structure. Figure 1b displays the optical micrograph (OM) image of the resulting Mn3O4 arrays, showcasing uniform geometric morphologies. The consistent size and unidirectional arrangement of Mn3O4 domains highlight the precise control achieved in the synthesis process. To confirm the uniformity and phase purity of the ultrathin Mn3O4 arrays across different thicknesses, the Raman spectra presented in Fig. 1c validate the structural integrity of ultrathin Mn3O4. By using the characteristic peak of mica at 263 cm-1 for calibration, three significant Raman peaks corresponding to the hexagonal phase of Mn3O4 are observed, indicating the characteristic lattice vibration modes, which align with previous findings.24,25 Specifically, the A1g mode peak at 658 cm-1 signifies the Mn-O breathing vibrations of Mn2+ in tetrahedral coordination, while the two weak peaks at 317 cm-1 and 371 cm-1 are attributed to the T2g mode of oxygen atom vibrations.
The high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) image revealed the precise hexagonal geometry of the ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets, which exhibited exceptional crystal quality with uniformity at the atomic level and minimal discontinuities or defects (Fig. 1d). The lattice spacing measurement of 0.312 nm confirmed the presence of the (112) crystal plane (Fig. 1e). The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern demonstrated perfect in-plane sixfold symmetry, confirming the high-quality single-crystal structure of the hexagonal phase Mn3O4 (Fig. 1f). As shown in Supplementary Fig. 2, the EDS analysis exhibited a uniform distribution of Mn and O elements, highlighting the consistency of the chemical composition. Furthermore, EELS analysis provided detailed information on the electronic structure of the nanosheets, particularly the Mn L-edge and O K-edge spectra, which revealed distinct "white lines" corresponding to transitions of Mn ions and pre-edge structures consistent with previous data (Supplementary Fig. 3).26–28 The Mn XPS analysis confirmed the presence of Mn 2p1/2 and Mn 2p3/2 spin-orbit states at 652.9 and 641.3 eV, respectively, corresponding to Mn2+ and Mn3+ valence states (Fig. 1g).24,25,29 The full spectrum analysis further supported the presence of these valence states (Supplementary Fig. 4).
Ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets show ferromagnetic behavior at low temperatures, transitioning from paramagnetic to ferrimagnetic states near 48 K, influenced by size and surface effects (Supplementary Fig. 5).30 These properties suggest potential applications in electronic and spintronic devices, advancing data storage, sensing, and spin manipulation technologies.
2.2 High-quality ultrathin Mn3O4 arrays
The oriented growth of 2D nanosheet arrays is of significant importance for the synthesis of single-crystal thin films.8,31,32 On the single crystal substrate such as sapphire, wafer-scale growth of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (such as MoS2 and WS2), has been achieved. This method relies on designing specific c/a ratios and sapphire planes to confine monolayer nucleation at the substrate step edges, thereby achieving unidirectional orientation and single-crystal growth.33,34 Nonetheless, maintaining the orientation and height of sapphire step edges with high precision across a wafer scale remains a challenge.33
We have developed a hydrate-assisted thinning CVD method. By pre-calculating the lattice mismatch between Mn3O4 and various substrates, including mica and sapphire, we found that
Mn3O4 has the smallest lattice mismatch with mica (1.9%). This enabled the precise prediction of the synthesis of controllable ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheet arrays on mica without any pretreatment of the mica substrate. The change in free energy for vertical growth (ΔEver) primarily arises from the binding forces at the upper interface subunits, while the loss in edge energy dominates lateral growth (ΔElat). Therefore, their difference (ΔE) can serve as a criterion for evaluating growth modes (Supplementary Fig. 6).35 In fact, besides the material itself, the surrounding microscale atomic environment may also influence these energies during real growth processes. When ΔE is negative, it favors lateral growth of the material. Additionally, interface adsorption or passivation can suppress vertical growth of the material. Choosing hydrates as precursors, water molecules adsorb on the material surface, lowering ΔE to promote the material's lateral growth. The transition of ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets from isolated islands to continuous films on a mica substrate has been demonstrated through a CVD growth strategy, revealing the microscopic mechanisms behind macroscopic orientation control of 2D materials (Fig. 2a-c, Supplementary Fig. 7). Notably, nearly 100% uniformly oriented ultrathin Mn3O4 triangular nanosheets were observed on the mica substrate, a stark contrast to the antiparallel orientations of previously reported 2D TMDCs grown on the same substrate.36 This unique unidirectional alignment not only demonstrates the orientation selectivity of ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets during the crystal growth process but also highlights the strong interaction with the mica substrate. Further statistical analysis, as illustrated in Fig. 2d, validates the consistency of nanosheet orientation, attributed to the growth of ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets being influenced by a dual-coupling guided mechanism.38 Initially, the interaction between Mn3O4 and the substrate induces epitaxial growth. Subsequently, the interaction between nanosheets determines the preferential growth in a single direction. As shown in Fig. 2e and Supplementary Fig. 8, the lattice constant of mica (a1 ≈ 5.3 Å) equals \(\:\sqrt{3}\:\)a2 of Mn3O4 (a2 ≈ 3.12 Å), with a mismatch rate of 1.9%. The lattice constant of sapphire (a3 ≈ 4.81 Å) equals \(\:1.5\)a2 of Mn3O4 (a2 ≈ 3.12 Å), with a mismatch rate of 3.3%. This perfect lattice matching achieves strong interaction between mica and Mn3O4, inducing the epitaxial growth of ultrathin Mn3O4.
The surface roughness of ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets of different thicknesses grown on the same mica piece has been measured, and their flatness is confirmed by the root mean square roughness (Rq) of 0.13 nm and the height profile shown in Supplementary Fig. 9 Mn3O4 synthesized via CVD exhibits outstanding air stability. Even after being exposed to air for over a year, its surface morphology remains nearly unchanged, which is critical for the fabrication of devices using high-κ gate dielectrics (Supplementary Fig. 10). The reduction of surface defects in dielectric materials significantly improves the performance of 2D semiconductor electronic devices. By precisely controlling the growth conditions of CVD, ultrathin Mn3O4 single crystals of various thicknesses can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 2f. At a relatively suitable growth temperature (923 K), ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets demonstrating controllable atomic thinness down to 2.8 nm are presented. Figure 2g shows a schematic illustration of the fusion of two isolated single crystals. As shown in Supplementary Fig. 11 presents AFM images of ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheet arrays grown at different times, and the height profile further demonstrates the thickness consistency among different islands on the same mica (all around 11.2 nm), providing a feasible solution for synthesizing reliable and uniform non-layered ultrathin single-crystal films.
2.3 Dielectric properties of ultrathin Mn3O4 single crystals
To further explore the potential of ultrathin Mn3O4 as a dielectric material in sophisticated electronic devices, a graphene dual-gate FET is utilized to measure the dielectric properties. This evaluation method has been validated in previous studies, effectively measuring the dielectric capabilities of materials.15,43 In Fig. 3a, a dual-gate graphene FET is fabricated by integrating few-layer graphene with ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets (~ 50 nm), employing advanced transfer techniques. In this article, ultrathin Mn3O4 and 285 nm SiO2 function as the dielectric layers for the top and back gates, respectively, with the device channel spanning 4.5 µm in width. This configuration facilitates independent modulation of channel carriers via separate adjustments of top and back gate voltages. The R-Vtg characteristics exhibits the graphene channel's bipolar conductivity under back gate voltage modulation in Fig. 3b. The alteration in the Dirac point voltage signifies shifts in the charge neutrality point, illustrating the capability of back gate voltage adjustments to effectively modulate the channel charge.44 The observation of a minor shift in the top gate voltage corresponding to the graphene Dirac point is attributed to the competing capacitance effects arising from simultaneous voltage applications to both the ultrathin Mn3O4 top gate and SiO2 back gate dielectrics. The back-gate VDirac shows a linear dependence on the Vtg (Fig. 3c). This relationship hinges on the capacitance ratio of the top gate to the back gate (CTG/CBG), encapsulated in the following formula:
where C, ε, and t stand for capacitance, effective dielectric constant, and thickness of Mn3O4, respectively. Given the characteristics of the back gate dielectric SiO2—CBG at 11.6 nF cm− 2, \(\:{\epsilon\:}_{{\text{S}\text{i}\text{O}}_{2}}\) at 3.9, and thickness at 285 nm—the dielectric constant for 50 nm Mn3O4 calculates to 171. For a refined measurement of Mn3O4's effective dielectric constant, systematic analyses were performed on ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets with thicknesses ranging from 20–66 nm, as detailed in Supplementary Fig. 12. This comprehensive analysis confirmed a correlation between the dielectric constant and the thickness of ultrathin Mn3O4.
As shown in Fig. 3d, a peak dielectric constant of 237 was measured for 39 nm Mn3O4. A decline in the dielectric constant with reduced Mn3O4 nanosheet thickness aligns with trends
observed in other 2D dielectrics. Such behavior is convincingly explained by the interface effects in nanoscale dielectric layers, particularly where the interface capacitance (Ci) at the electrode/dielectric interfaces manifests a dielectric constant lower than the material’s intrinsic
bulk value, a phenomenon known as the "dead layer" effect.45,46 These "dead layers" act as additional series capacitors, reducing the overall dielectric constant relative to bulk material values. In alignment with the International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (IRDS),47 which stipulates that the most cutting-edge MOSFETs (5 nm node FinFET) necessitate an EOT below 1 nm, the findings illustrated in the inset of Fig. 3d reveal that Mn3O4 thicknesses below 39 nm meet this EOT criterion, with the EOT for 21 nm thick nanosheets dropping to as low as 0.57 nm. As shown in Supplementary Fig. 13, a dual-gate MoS2 FET was fabricated to further confirm the ultra-high dielectric constant of 149 for the 48 nm Mn3O4.
Beyond the dielectric constant, parameters such as optical band gap, leakage current density, and breakdown field strength are critical in high-κ dielectric materials research.48 The optical band gap of ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets was accurately determined through ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, which revealed a pronounced absorption edge at a wavelength of approximately 300 nm (Fig. 3e). Analysis utilizing the Tauc plot method yielded an optical band gap of 3.89 eV (inset of Fig. 3e). This is close to the theoretically calculated band gap of 4.21 eV (Supplementary Fig. 14).Additionally, the band gap was corroborated by examining the low-loss region in the electron energy loss spectrum (EELS) of ultrathin Mn3O4 crystals, affirming a value of approximately 3.9 eV as shown in Supplementary Fig. 15. The leakage current characteristics of a metal/Mn3O4/graphene dual-gate structure under operational voltages, revealing an exceptionally low leakage current of 10–14 A, equating to a current density of approximately 10− 7 A/cm2 (Supplementary Fig. 16). These findings emphasize the high insulating performance of ultrathin Mn3O4, attributed to its wide band gap.
Comparative optical imaging conducted before and after the breakdown of devices with disparate thicknesses substantiated the electrical stability of the ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets, which demonstrated Ebd exceeding 13.2 MV/cm (Supplementary Fig. 17, Supplementary Fig. 18). This performance aligns with the benchmarks set by the IRDS for breakdown field strength (> 10 MV/cm).47 Remarkably, for 66 nm Mn3O4 nanosheets, an increase in voltage leads to a significant escalation in leakage current to the µA range. Despite this, no breakdown-induced short circuiting or current disorder was observed, with the Ebd consistently maintained at 9.5 MV/cm. (Supplementary Fig. 17d). This resilience is ascribed to the high dielectric constant of ultrathin Mn3O4. As shown in Fig. 3f, the large Ebd (13.2 MV/cm) and low EOT (0.57 nm) of the ultrathin Mn3O4 outperform those of other advanced dielectric materials. It provides an important physical foundation for further scaling of micro and nanoscale devices and for providing a stable dielectric environment.
2.4 High performance of MoS2 FET with Mn3O4 dielectric
The high dielectric constant and atomically flat surface of ultrathin Mn3O4 nanosheets suggest their significant potential for integration with 2D semiconductor devices. Few-layer MoS2 was prepared on the SiO2/Si substrate through mechanical exfoliation to construct Mn3O4/MoS2 top gate FETs. Reportedly, vdW gaps effectively prevent carrier tunneling, significantly reducing gate leakage current.10,15,18 This feature stems from the chemical inertness and lack of dangling bonds on vdW material surfaces, allowing stable and definitive vdW interfaces with two-dimensional materials.56 As shown in Fig. 4a, observation of the cross-section with TEM confirmed the existence of an accurate vdW gap of approximately 6.5 Å between Mn3O4 and MoS2. This clear interface ensures no interface disorder above the MoS2 channel, with the ultrathin Mn3O4 gate dielectric forming an ideal coupling. Furthermore, EDS analysis revealed a high degree of uniformity in the elemental distribution at the interface, proving the formation of a high-quality vdW interface between Mn3O4 and MoS2. This discovery not only highlights the potential of using Mn3O4 as a top gate dielectric in optimizing the performance of 2D FETs but also provides an essential physical basis for designing 2D electronic devices with low leakage current and high stability.
Mn3O4/MoS2 top-gate FET was fabricated on a SiO2/Si substrate, as shown in Fig. 4b, where the SiO2/Si also served as the back gate dielectric and electrode roles when necessary. Through Ids-Vg characteristic curve measurements conducted at various drain-source voltages (Vds), as shown in Fig. 4c, the excellent gate control capability of 22.9 nm Mn3O4 as a gate dielectric for MoS2 FETs was demonstrated, achieving an Ion/Ioff ratio of nearly 108 at operational voltages from − 0.8 V to -0.2 V. Further electrical performance analysis showed a linear Ids-Vds relationship in the low Vds region and gradual saturation in the high Vds region for the MoS2 transistor, indicating good ohmic contact performance and sufficient gate modulation effect (Fig. 4d). During both forward and reverse top-gate scans, for different orders of magnitude of Ids, the SS remained below 100 mV/dec (Fig. 4e), highlighting the efficient dielectric modulation capability of ultrathin Mn3O4.
Furthermore, the extremely low gate leakage current (10–14 A) (Fig. 4f), equivalent to a current density of 10− 7 A/cm2, corresponds to near the detection limit of the measurement system, significantly below the low-power limit value (10− 2 A/cm2), demonstrating tremendous application potential in MOSFETs.57 Minimal gate hysteresis of about 5 mV and a very low DIBL of approximately 20 mV/V further confirm the perfect vdW interface formed between Mn3O4 and MoS2 (Supplementary Fig. 19). These measurement results not only highlight the high efficiency and low power consumption characteristics of the device but also confirm the effectiveness of Mn3O4 as a top gate dielectric in improving interface quality and overall device performance.
As shown in Fig. 4g, ultrathin Mn3O4 is a material with a suitable wide bandgap and ultra-high dielectric constant. The dielectric constant of 237 for ultrathin Mn3O4 is among the highest reported for ultrathin dielectric materials, far surpassing other non-layered oxides and composite oxides (exemplified by εr ≈ 105 for SrTiO3 and εr ≈ 117 for TiO2.) The search for ultra-high κ dielectrics provides a viable solution for the further scaling of future transistors Various important performance parameters of the FET with Mn3O4 as the gate material are detailed in Table S1.
High-κ dielectric environments are generally considered to improve MoS2 mobility, as it helps reduce charged impurity scattering, providing a good encapsulation effect.58As shown in Fig. 5, the encapsulation by Mn3O4 increased the MoS2 FET mobility from 11.3 cm²/Vs to 22.6 cm²/Vs. The performance of the FET has nearly doubled, enhancing the excellent conductivity of the transistor. The mobility of MoS2 FETs before and after the transfer of Mn3O4 using dual-probe field-effect measurements is detailed in Table S2. Correctly utilizing high-quality monocrystals and 2D materials to construct vdW interfaces is crucial for optimizing device performance.