Our observations (orbital-selective suppression and spectral weight transfer in the γ-band) are consistent with previously reported results on OSMP10. However, there are still questions to be resolved: for example, what triggers OSMP and why is the β-band suppressed in the same way as the γ-band. Previous experimental/theoretical studies suggested that octahedral rotation is responsible for the OSMP10,22. One study suggested that the rotation sufficiently reduces the γ-band width for Mott localization22, and the importance of unit cell doubling due to the rotation has also been discussed10. In both scenarios, octahedral rotation plays a significant role in OSMP; thus, a larger rotation angle may lead to a stronger OSMP effect. However, the OSMP occurs after the octahedral rotation angle saturates to the maximum value at x=0.5. Our results show that the OSMP has the appearance of octahedral tilting distortion, and that the strength of the OSMP (spectral weight suppression of the γ-band) is roughly proportional to the tilting angle17,22. Therefore, even though octahedral rotation significantly reduces the bandwidth of the γ-band, the OSMP in CSRO is in fact triggered by octahedral tilting and not rotation.
The mechanism by which tilting triggers the OSMP can be understood by reference to the bandwidth change in each conduction band (Supplementary Information 5). As suggested in previous reports, octahedral rotation hybridizes dxy and dx2-y2 orbitals, leading to bandwidth reduction in the γ-band21. In addition, at x < 0.5, octahedral tilting hybridizes the γ and dyz/dzx(α-, β-bands), resulting in additional bandwidth reduction of the -band. In short, octahedral tilting further reduces the bandwidth to a sufficient degree to trigger the OSMP.
It is important to understand why the β-band is suppressed simultaneously with the OSMP. Since the OSMP occurs in the -band, Mott-localization in the β-band may be expected to occur in a similar fashion to that in the -band. However, while the electron occupation number of the -band ( ~ )is appropriate for Mott localization in a doubled unit cell10 (Supplementary Information 7), the electron numbers of the α- ( ~ ) and β- ( ~ ) bands are inappropriate for Mott localization9,10. Therefore, a mechanism other than Mott localization is needed to explain the suppression of the β-band.We can gain insight into the origin of β-band suppression from previous studies4,6-8,15,16. Some experimental results on 3d iron-based superconductors (IBS) suggest that the emergence of OSMP leads to KH between itinerant (dyz/dzx) and localized (dxy) bands4,15,16. Interestingly, CSRO (0.2 ≤ x < 0.5) exhibits the OSMP (similar to IBS), as well as HF-like behavior6-8; thus, the KH mechanism should be considered.
As seen in Figs. 4a and 4b, the β-band dispersion is significantly renormalized in a similar way to KH, as schematically illustrated in Figs. 4c and 4d. Here, the OSMP-driven localized γ-band plays the role of the localized band in KH, and the β-band provides itinerant electrons. Therefore, as the OSMP is strengthened from x = 0.5 to x = 0.2, the β-band is renormalized to β´ via KH with the γ-band. In this way, as shown in Fig. 2, the OSMP and KH vary simultaneously with changes in doping and T. Thus, suppression of the β-band can be understood as a result of incoherent-to-coherent crossover due to KH24,25. Our FS and Fermi momentum data (Figs. 1 and 4) also support the KH scenario. The β-band FS is reduced with OSMP (Figs. 4f and 4g) and the electron occupancy (n) of the β-band decreases from 0.72 (x = 0.5) to 0.63 (x = 0.2) with OSMP.
Furthermore, our ARPES results reveal that the β- and γ-bands are hybridized at temperatures lower than40 K (see Fig. 3d). Considering the logarithmic temperature dependence of Kondo effects, this temperature (< 40 K) is of a similar order to the incoherent-to-coherent crossover temperature T*(14 K for x = 0.2) for resistivity6,8,26 and the antiferromagnetic peak temperature Tp(12 K for x = 0.2) for magnetic susceptibility8,26 (Supplementary Information 4). Therefore, hybridization between the β- and γ-bands is likely due to KH which usually accompanies both incoherent-to-coherent crossover and antiferromagnetic states. Moreover, the theoretically estimated TK value is in agreement with our experimentally observed value. HF systems exhibit scaling behaviour with respect to which is given as5
[mJ/(K2mol)], (1)
where Ys and R are the Sommerfeld coefficient and gas constant, respectively. The Ys value is about 200-250 mJ/(K·mol) for CSRO (0.2 ≤ x ≤ 0.5)7 and thus the estimated TKis about 40-50 K, which is consistent with our experimentally estimated value (40 K). In this regard, the β-band suppression is likely due to KH between γ-(localized) and β-(itinerant) bands.
Then, the next question is why only the -band is involved in KH, while the -band remains unaffected. This phenomenon can be understood by reference to momentum-dependent-interaction theory, which is essential for explaining ferromagnetic-Kondo systems25,27-30. In that theory, the proximity of two bands in momentum space is one of the most important factors leading to interactions between them. As can be seen in Fig. 2, the β- and γ- bands are located close in momentum space. Therefore, KH can occur more easily than with the α-band, as illustrated in Fig. 4d.
Our work has important implications for aspects of both Mott and Kondo physics. Although CSRO was the first candidate proposed for demonstrating the OSMP, the existence of the OSMP in CSRO has not yet been universally agreed10,11. Our systematic x- and T- dependent studies not only settle this issue by demonstrating the gradual evolution of the OSMP but also provide clues to the microscopic mechanism of the OSMP by demonstrating the coincidence between octahedral tilting and the OSMP. Furthermore, this is the first to address KH among 4d orbitals. The OSMP-driven localized band enables KH with other itinerant 4d bands. Our work advances understanding of OSMP and Kondo physics in 4d TMOs, and suggests a key role for octahedral tilting in layered perovskite as a control parameter of physical properties.