1.Fresh Herb Yield (kg/ha)
The mean values and groupings of fresh herb yield per plant for different harvest times and different plant density obtained from the experiment are given in Table 3.
Table 3
Mean Values of Fresh Herb Yield of Sugar Grass at Different Plant Densities and Different Harvesting Times Under Rize Conditions and The Resulting Groups
| Fresh Herb Yield (kg/da) |
| 2017 | 2018 |
Plant Density | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages |
25x50 cm | 318,65 c | 502,33 a | 410,49 A | 406,70 a | 417,90 a | 412,30 A |
30x50 cm | 247,69 d | 418,30 b | 332,99 B | 317,43 c | 335,43 b | 326,43 B |
35x50 cm | 193,00 e | 331,25 c | 262,12 C | 257,63 f | 288,50 d | 273,06 C |
40x50 cm | 129,99 f | 322,65 c | 226,32 D | 223,76 g | 275,50 e | 249,63 D |
Averages | 222,33 B | 393,63 A | | 301,38 B | 329,33 A | |
L.S.D. (0,05) | Harvest Time** (26,3353) Plant Density** (15,4829) İnteraksiyon*(21,8962) | Harvest Time (6,32) Plant Density (8,69) Interaction(12,29) | |
As can be understood from the examination of Table 3, the highest average fresh herb yield per plant was 393.63 kg/ha at the 2nd harvest time and the lowest average fresh herb yield was 222.33 kg/ha at the 1st harvest time in 2017. The highest fresh herb yield average was 410,49 kg/da at 25x50 cm plant density and the lowest fresh herb yield average was 226,32 kg/da at 40x50 cm plant density. According to the harvest time x plant density interaction, the highest fresh herb yield was obtained at 25x50 cm plant density (502.33 kg/da) in the 2nd harvest period and the lowest fresh herb yield was obtained at 40x50 cm plant density (129.99 kg/da) in the 1st harvest period. The data of 2018 were in parallel with the results of 2017 and although the numbers were different, the best results were obtained from 25 x 50 cm plant density and the lowest results were obtained from 40 x 50 cm plant density, the second harvest average gave better results than the first harvest average and the fresh herb yield decreased in direct proportion as the row spacing increased (Table 3).
As a result of the research, fresh herb yield values were found to be statistically significant and it was observed that plant height, number of branches and leaf yield tended to increase as the plant density increased and harvest time was delayed. The fact that the increase in 2nd harvest fresh herb yield was higher than the 1st harvest was due to the fact that the longer the vegetation period of the plant, the more fresh herb yield was obtained. It is thought that this is due to the fact that as the harvest time is delayed, the leaves of the plant form more nutrients in the plant. This situation is thought to increase the fresh herb yield depending on the irregularities in air temperatures during the growth and development periods of sugar grass plants and plant densities depending on the length of the vegetation period. The findings obtained as a result of our study are lower than the findings of Aladakatti (2011), Taleie et al. (2012), Tadesse et al (2016) and parallel to the findings of Samadpourrigani (2014).
2. Dry Herba Yield (kg/ha)
The mean values and groupings of dry herb yield at different harvest times and different plant density obtained from the experiment are given in Table 4.
Table 4
Mean Values of Dry Herb Yield of Sugar Grass at Different Plant Densities and Different Harvesting Times Under Rize Conditions and The Resulting Groups
| Dry Herb Yield (kg/da) |
| 2017 | 2018 |
Plant Density | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages |
25x50 cm | 85,66 d | 150,32 a | 117,99 A | 135,45 b | 164,50 a | 149,98 A |
30x50 cm | 68,31 e | 123,06 b | 95,68 B | 101,20 e | 139,20 b | 120,20 B |
35x50 cm | 53,76 f | 100,74 c | 77,25 C | 80,25 f | 129,20 c | 104,73 C |
40x50 cm | 37,12 g | 95,34 c | 66,23 D | 69,93 g | 114,00 d | 91,97 D |
Averages | 61,21 B | 117,36 A | | 96,71 B | 136,73 A | |
L.S.D. (0,05) | Harvest Time** (5,293974) Plant Density** (4,294743) İnteraksiyon* (6,073697) | Harvest Time (4,84) Plant Density (3,55) Interaction(5,03) | |
As it can be understood from the examination of Table 4, the highest average dry herb yield per plant was determined at the 2nd harvest time with 117,36 kg/da and the lowest average dry herb yield was determined at the 1st harvest time with 61,21 kg/da. The highest average dry herb yield was 117,99 kg/da at 25x50 cm plant density and the lowest average dry herb yield was 66,23 kg/da at 40x50 cm plant density. According to the harvest time x plant density interaction, the highest dry herb yield was obtained at 25x50 cm plant density (150.32 kg/da) in the 2nd harvest period and the lowest dry herb yield was obtained at 40x50 cm plant density (37.12 kg/da) in the 1st harvest period. The data of 2018 were in parallel with the results of 2017 and although the numbers were different, the best results were obtained from 25 x 50 cm plant density and the lowest results were obtained from 40 x 50 cm plant density, the second harvest average gave better results than the first harvest average and the dry herb yield decreased in direct proportion as the inter-row distances increased (Table 4).
As a result of the research, dry herb yield values were found to be statistically significant and it was observed that dry herb yield values increased as the plant density increased. In the 2nd harvest, the increase in dry herb yield was higher than the 1st harvest. It is thought that the reason why the increase in dry herb yield was higher than the 1st harvest is that the longer the vegetation period of the plant, the more fresh leaf yield was obtained in the plant, which led to an increase in dry herb yield, and more dry herb yield was obtained in the 2nd harvest due to carding in the leaves. With the increase in plant density, vegetative parts increased, yield increased and as the plant density increased, dry herb yield also increased depending on fresh herb yield. The reason for this is thought to be the similarity between fresh herb yield and dry herb yield in terms of yield (Moraes et al., 2013) and the increase in dry herb yield due to irregularities in air temperatures and the length of vegetation period.
The findings obtained as a result of our study are lower than the findings of Shyu (1994), Tadesse et al (2016) and parallel to the findings of Samadpourrigani (2014).
3.Stevioside Rate (%)
The mean values and groupings of Stevioside ratio in sugar grass plant for different harvest times and different plant density obtained from the experiment are given in Table 5. As can be understood from the examination of Table 5, the highest Stevioside ratio was determined at the 2nd harvest time with 7,01 mg/ml % and the lowest Stevioside ratio average was determined at the 1st harvest time with 6,30 mg/ml %. The highest mean Stevioside ratio was 6,88 mg/ml % at 30x50 cm plant density and the lowest mean Stevioside ratio was 6,38 mg/ml % at 35x50 cm plant density. According to harvest time x plant density interactions, the highest Stevioside ratio was obtained at 30x50 cm plant density (7,47 mg/ml %) in the 1st harvest period and the lowest Stevioside ratio was obtained at 40x50 cm plant density (5,71 mg/ml %) in the 2nd harvest period.
Table 5
Mean Values of Stevioside Content of Sugar Grass at Different Plant Densities and Different Harvesting Times Under Rize Conditions and The Resulting Groups
| Stevioside Content (%) |
| 2017 | 2018 |
Plant Density | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages |
25x50 cm | 6,29 ab | 7,43 a | 6,86 | 7,27 ab | 7,35 ab | 7,310 A |
30x50 cm | 7,47 a | 6,29 ab | 6,88 | 7,69 a | 6,58 c | 7,133 AB |
35x50 cm | 5,73 b | 7,03 a | 6,38 | 6,85 bc | 6,85 bc | 6,846 B |
40x50 cm | 5,71 b | 7,28 a | 6,50 | 6,96 bc | 7,22 abc | 7,090 AB |
Averages | 6,30 | 7,01 | | 7,193 A | 6,997 B | |
L.S.D. (0,05) | Harvest Time (NS) Plant Density (NS) İnteraksiyon* (1,1846) | Harvest Time (0,051) Plant Density (NS) Interaction(0,653) | |
In the 1st harvest period, the highest Stevioside ratio was found in 30x50 cm plant density (7,47 mg/ml %), while the lowest Stevioside ratio was found in 40x50 cm plant density (5,71 mg/ml %). In the 1st harvest period, it was determined that as the plant density increased, Stevioside ratio increased. In the 2nd harvest period, the highest Stevioside ratio was realised at 25x50 cm plant density (7,43 mg/ml %), while the lowest Stevioside ratio (6,29 mg/ml %) was realised at 40x50 cm plant density. In 2018, the highest value (7.69%) was obtained at the first harvest date and 30 x 50 cm plant density, while the lowest value (6.58%) was obtained at the second harvest date and 30 x 50 cm plant density. In the second year values, both plant density averages, harvest date averages and interaction data formed different groups. In general, it can be said that stevioside ratio increased in dense plantings (Table 5).
As a result of the research, no statistically significant difference was found between plant density and harvest times. Stevioside was positively correlated with RebaudiosideA / Stevioside ratio in leaf thickness (Shyu 1994), Stevioside values were higher at 30x50 cm plant density at the 1st harvest, this is estimated to be due to Bian (1981) that Stevioside ratio increases in the beginning period of flowering in sugar grass leaves and Weng et al. (1996) that it is affected by many parameters.
The findings obtained in our study were higher than the findings of Kumar et al. (2012), in parallel with the findings of Shyu (1994), Fronza and Folegatti (2003), Samadpourrigani (2014), and lower than the findings of Huang et al. (1995), Andolfi et al. (2006), Sözmen (2015).
4. Different sugar components (glycosides) in leaves (mg/ml)
The mean values and groupings of different sugar components (mg/ml) in leaves for different harvest times and different plant density obtained from the experiment are given in Table 6. As can be understood from the examination of Table 6, the highest mean of Total Steviol Glycoside (TSG) of different sugar components in leaves was determined at the 2nd harvest time with 11,99 mg/ml, and the lowest mean of Total Steviol Glycoside (TSG) of different sugar components in leaves was determined at the 1st harvest time with 11,14 mg/ml. Different sugar components of Total Steviol Glycoside (TSG) in leaves between plant densities were found to be statistically insignificant and no group was formed. The highest average of Total Steviol Glycoside (TSG) of different sugar components in leaves was obtained at 40x50 cm plant density with 11,82 mg/ml and the lowest average of Total Steviol Glycoside (TSG) of different sugar components in leaves was obtained at 35x50 cm plant density with 10,87 mg/ml.
Table 6
Mean Values of Different Sugar Constituents of Sugar Grass at Different Plant Densities and Different Harvesting Times Under Rize Conditions and The Resulting Groups
| Different Sugar Constituents (mg/ml) |
| 2017 | 2018 |
Plant Density | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages |
25x50 cm | 11,06 c | 12,52 ab | 11,79 | 11,96 c | 12,52 b | 12,24 A |
30x50 cm | 12,69 a | 10,85 c | 11,77 | 13,47 a | 10,85 e | 12,16 AB |
35x50 cm | 10,43 c | 11,32 bc | 10,87 | 10,92 de | 11,32 d | 11,12 B |
40x50 cm | 10,37 c | 13,27 a | 11,82 | 11,80 c | 13,27 a | 12,54 C |
Averages | 11,14 B | 11,99 A | | 12,04 | 11,99 | |
L.S.D. (0,05) | Harvest Time** (0,66207) Plant Density (NS) İnteraksiyon* (1,3497) | Harvest Time (NS) Plant Density (0,304) Interaction(0,431) | |
According to the interactions of harvest time x plant density, the highest Total Steviol Glycoside (TSG) of different sugar components in leaves was obtained in the 2nd harvest period at 40x50 cm plant density (13,27 mg/ml), while the lowest Total Steviol Glycoside (TSG) of different sugar components in leaves was obtained in the 1st harvest period at 40x50 cm plant density (10,37 mg/ml). When the 1st harvest period was examined, the highest level of different sugar components Total Steviol Glycoside (TSG) in the leaf was obtained at 30x50 cm plant density (12,69 mg/ml), while the lowest level of different sugar components in the leaf was obtained at 40x50 cm plant density (10,37 mg/ml). In the 2nd harvest period, Total Steviol Glycoside (TSG) was the highest at 40x50 cm plant density (13,27 mg/ml), while the lowest TSG was the lowest at 30x50 cm plant density (10,85 mg/ml). As the plant density increased, it was determined that Total Steviol Glycoside (TSG) of different sugar components in leaves did not increase. When the second year values were analysed, the highest value was obtained from the 2nd harvest period and the most sparse planting 40 x 50 cm plant density, while the lowest value was obtained from the 2nd harvest period 30 x 50 cm plant density with 10.85, but the other results were very similar to the first year results (Table 6). As a result of the research, the values of different sugar components (Total Steviol Glycoside) (mg/ml) in the leaves were found to be statistically significant. In the 2nd harvest, the values of different sugar components (mg/ml) in the leaves were higher than the 1st harvest. According to the sugar to which different sugar components were bound in the leaf; Stevioside (Steviol + Glucose sugar bound), RebaudiosideA (Steviol + Glucose sugar bound), RebaudiosideC (Steviol + Rhamnose sugar + Glucose sugar bound) and RebaudiosideD (Steviol + Glucose sugar bound) were determined. Since the sum of Stevioside + RebaudiosideA + RebaudiosideC + RebaudiosideD gives the sum of different sugar components in the leaf (mg/ml), the different sugar components in the leaf were determined as 11,99 mg/ml in the 2nd harvest. It is estimated that the rate of Steviol Glycoside increases in the period when the flowering is 5–10% in the sugar grass leaves, therefore, the steviol glycoside values bound in the leaf are determined as high in the 2nd harvest in the HPLC device. Kovylyaeva et al. (2007) found that the % of glycoside constituents Stevioside, RebaudiosideA and RebaudiosideC in 100 g dry leaves of sugar grass plants were found in Russia (5.8; 1.2; 0.5), Ukraine (4. 8; 1.3; 0.3), South Korea (5.5; 2.5; 1.4), China (6.6; 3.7; 2.1), Paraguay (4.6; 1.9; 0.9), Japan (7.7; 1.9; 0.9), Canada (5.0; 0.3; 0.1), Vietnam (15.5; 3.8; 1.4), respectively. The findings of our study were in parallel with the findings of Samadpourrigani (2014) on different sugar components in leaves.
5. RebaudiosideA (RebA) Rate (%)
The mean values and groupings of Rebaudioside A ratio in sugar grass plants for different harvest times and different plant density obtained from the experiment are given in Table 7.
As can be understood from the examination of Table 7, the highest Rebaudioside A ratio was determined at the 2nd harvest time with 2,85 mg/ml % and the lowest Rebaudioside A ratio average was determined at the 1st harvest time with 2,62 mg/ml %. The highest average of Rebaudioside A ratio was 2,80 mg/ml % at 30x50 cm plant density and the lowest average of Rebaudioside A ratio was 2,58 mg/ml % at 35x50 cm plant density. According to the harvest time x plant density interaction, the highest Rebaudioside A ratio was obtained in the 2nd harvest period at 40x50 cm plant density (3,09 mg/ml %) and the lowest Rebaudioside A ratio was obtained in the 1st harvest period at 35x50 cm plant density (2,39 mg/ml %).
Table 7
Mean Values of Rebaudioside A of Sugar Grass at Different Plant Densities and Different Harvesting Times Under Rize Conditions and The Resulting Groups
| Rebaudioside A (%) |
| 2017 | 2018 |
Plant Density | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages |
25x50 cm | 2,65 abc | 2,94 ab | 2,79 | 3,01 abc | 2,94 abcd | 2,98 |
30x50 cm | 3,01 ab | 2,58 bc | 2,80 | 3,20 a | 2,58 d | 2,89 |
35x50 cm | 2,39 c | 2,78 abc | 2,58 | 2,70 cd | 2,78 bcd | 2,74 |
40x50 cm | 2,42 c | 3,09 a | 2,75 | 2,90 abcd | 3,09 ab | 2,99 |
Averages | 2,62 | 2,85 | | 2,95 | 2,85 | |
L.S.D. (0,05) | Harvest Time (NS) Plant Density (NS) İnteraksiyon* (0,4444) | Harvest Time (NS) Plant Density (NS) Interaction(0,387) | |
As a result of the research, the highest Rebaudioside A ratio was realised at 30x50 cm plant density (3,01 mg/ml %) and the lowest Rebaudioside A ratio was realised at 35x50 cm plant density (2,39 mg/ml %) in the 1st harvest period. In the 2nd harvest period, the highest Rebaudioside A ratio was realised at 40x50 cm plant density (3,09 mg/ml %), while the lowest Rebaudioside A ratio (2,58 mg/ml %) was realised at 30x50 cm plant density. In the 1st and 2nd harvest periods, it was determined that the increase in plant density did not cause an increase in Rebaudioside A ratio. The values of RebaudiosideA (Steviol + Glucose sugar) sugar component in the leaf were found to be statistically significant. In the 2nd harvest, RebaudiosideA values in the leaves were found to be 3.09% at 40x50 cm plant density by HPLC device. When we examined the 2018 values, the highest value was obtained from the first harvest period and 30 x 50 cm plant density with 3.20%, followed by the 2nd harvest period and 40 x 50 cm plant density with 3.09%, and the lowest value was obtained from the second harvest period and 30 x 50 cm plant density with 2.58%. However, when the obtained data are evaluated in general, it is seen that they are in great similarity with the first year data (Table 7). As a result of the research, it was found that there was no statistically significant difference in RebA ratio in terms of averages. The interaction was statistically significant and it was observed that RebA ratio tended to increase in the 1st form of dense sowing and 2nd form of sparse sowing. It is thought that this situation can be explained by the opinion of Shyu (1994) who reported that there is a positive relationship between leaf thickness and RebA/Stevioside ratio.
The findings of our study were in parallel with the findings of Andolfi et al., (2006), Goyal et al., (2010) on Rebaudioside A ratio and lower than the findings of Sözmen (2015).
6. Rebaudioside C (Reb C) Rate (%)
The mean values and groupings of Rebaudioside C ratio in sugar grass plants for different harvest times and different plant density obtained from the experiment are given in Table 8.
As can be understood from the examination of Table 8, the highest Rebaudioside C ratio was determined at the 2nd harvest time with 0.91 mg/ml % and the lowest Rebaudioside C ratio average was determined at the 1st harvest time with 0.88 mg/ml %. The highest mean Rebaudioside C ratio was 0,97 mg/ml % at 40x50 cm plant density and the lowest mean Rebaudioside C ratio was 0,78 mg/ml % at 35x50 cm plant density. According to the harvest time x plant density interaction, the highest Rebaudioside C ratio was obtained in the 1st harvest period at 40x50 cm plant density (1,00 mg/ml %) and the lowest Rebaudioside C ratio was obtained in the 2nd harvest period at 35x50 cm plant density (0,76 mg/ml %). In the 1st harvest period, the highest Rebaudioside C ratio was obtained at 40x50 cm plant density (1,00 mg/ml %) and the lowest Rebaudioside C ratio was obtained at 35x50 cm plant density (0,80 mg/ml %). In the 2nd harvest period, the highest Rebaudioside C ratio was realised at 25x50 cm plant density (0,96 mg/ml %), while the lowest Rebaudioside C ratio (0,76 mg/ml %) was realised at 35x50 cm plant density. In the 1st and 2nd harvest periods, it was determined that the increase in plant density did not cause an increase or decrease in Rebaudioside C ratio.
Table 8
Mean Values of Rebaudioside C of Sugar Grass at Different Plant Densities and Different Harvesting Times Under Rize Conditions and The Resulting Groups
| Rebaudioside C (%) |
| 2017 | 2018 |
Plant Density | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages |
25x50 cm | 0,87 bc | 0,96 a | 0,92 A | 1,06 b | 0,96 c | 1,010 A |
30x50 cm | 0,99 a | 0,86 bc | 0,92 A | 1,15 a | 0,86 d | 1,005 A |
35x50 cm | 0,80 cd | 0,76 d | 0,78 B | 0,93 cd | 0,76 e | 0,845 B |
40x50 cm | 1,00 a | 0,94 ab | 0,97 A | 1,11 ab | 0,94 cd | 1,025 A |
Averages | 0,91 | 0,88 | | 1,063 A | 0,880 B | |
L.S.D. (0,05) | Harvest Time (NS) Plant Density (0,6105) İnteraksiyon* (0,0863) | Harvest Time (0,089) Plant Density (0,058) Interaction(0,082) | |
When the values obtained in the second year are examined, the highest value was obtained from the first harvest period and 30 x 50 cm plant density with 1.15%, while the lowest result was obtained from the second harvest period and 35 x 50 cm plant density with 0.76%. When both these results and the averages of harvest time and plant density are analysed, it will be seen that they are very similar to the first year values. As a result of the research; it is seen that the averages of the RebC ratio in terms of the number of harvesting periods are not statistically significant, and in terms of plant densities, although it is statistically significant, it is not statistically significant except for 30x50 cm plant density. It is thought that the difference in the mean of 30x50 cm plant density and the values in the 1st and 2nd form interactions is due to the fact that the plots were affected differently due to the fact that the land where the experiment was established has a slope of more than 30 degrees.
The findings obtained from our study were found to be higher than the RebC ratio of Kohda et al. (1976).
7. Rebaudioside D (Reb D) Rate (%)
The mean values and groupings of Rebaudioside D ratio of sugar grass plants at different harvesting times and plant density are given in Table 9.
As it can be understood from the examination of Table 9, the highest average Rebaudioside D rate was determined at the 2nd harvest time with 1,32 mg/ml % and the lowest average Rebaudioside D rate was determined at the 1st harvest time with 1,19 mg/ml %. The highest mean Rebaudioside D ratio was 1,40 mg/ml % at 40x50 cm plant density and the lowest mean Rebaudioside D ratio was 1,16 mg/ml % at 30x50 cm plant density. According to the interactions of harvest time x plant density, the highest Rebaudioside D ratio was obtained in the 2nd harvest period at 40x50 cm plant density (1,56 mg/ml %) and the lowest Rebaudioside D ratio was obtained in the 1st harvest period at 35x50 cm plant density (1,07 mg/ml %).
Table 9
Mean Values of Rebaudioside D of Sugar Grass at Different Plant Densities and Different Harvesting Times Under Rize Conditions and The Resulting Groups
| Rebaudioside D (%) |
| 2017 | 2018 |
Plant Density | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages | 1. Harvest | 2. Harvest | Averages |
25x50 cm | 1,25 bc | 1,20 c | 1,22 B | 0,00 f | 1,20 c | 0,600 D |
30x50 cm | 1,22 c | 1,11 c | 1,16 B | 0,67 e | 1,11 d | 0,890 A |
35x50 cm | 1,07 c | 1,43 ab | 1,25 B | 0,00 f | 1,43 b | 0,715 C |
40x50 cm | 1,24 bc | 1,56 a | 1,40 A | 0,00 f | 1,56 a | 0,780 B |
Averages | 1,19 | 1,32 | | 0,168 B | 1,325 A | |
L.S.D. (0,05) | Harvest Time* (NS) Plant Density (1,3368) İnteraksiyon* (0,1890) | Harvest Time (0,090) Plant Density (0,063) Interaction(0,089) | |
In the 1st harvest period, the highest Rebaudioside D ratio was realised at 25x50 cm plant density (1,25 mg/ml %), while the lowest Rebaudioside D ratio was realised at 35x50 cm plant density (1,07 mg/ml %). In the 2nd harvest period, the highest Rebaudioside D ratio (1,56% mg/ml) occurred at 40x50 cm plant density (1,56% mg/ml), while the lowest Rebaudioside D ratio (1,11% mg/ml) occurred at 30x50 cm plant density. In the 1st and 2nd harvest periods, it was determined that the increase in plant density did not cause an increase or decrease in Rebaudioside D ratio. When 2018 data were analysed, no significant results were observed in the first harvest period, but the second harvest period was similar to the first year data. Again, plant density averages and harvest period averages are in parallel with the first year results. As a result of the research; RebD ratio was higher both in the first and second harvest periods and in the average harvest period at 40x50 cm plant density. When evaluated in terms of plant densities, it is seen that RebD decreases as the plant density increases, although it is not directly proportional. In terms of the number of cuttings, although high data was obtained in the 2nd cuttings, it was not found to be statistically significant.
Our findings are in harmony with the findings of Kohda et al. (1976) who stated that RebD in the leaf increased during the flowering period of 5–10% and as a result, RebD increased and RebD in the leaf was around 1.43%.
The first year figures of this study were taken from the master's thesis of a student named İrfan OMAY.