Cells with distinct bioenergetic capacities display varying ATP levels
Cells that are metabolically active generally exhibit higher levels of ATP due to their increased bioenergetic demands. The terminal phosphate group of ATP carries a highly negative charge which can be mobilized via various chemical reactions within the cell, providing energy that allows cellular work to be performed 4. To profile ATP production in cells with varying bioenergetic capacities, we utilized ATP-Red, a fluorescent probe that specifically targets ATP, shows a strong positive correlation with ATP concentration, and does not cross-react with other metabolites 5. In the absence of ATP, the probe forms a closed ring structure. When ATP is present, the covalent bonds between boron and ribose are broken by the negative charge, opening the ring, producing fluorescence (Fig. 1A). Based on these properties, we hypothesized that profiling changes in cellular ATP content could help determine metabolic dependences by flow cytometry. We began by evaluating the optimal concentration of ATP-Red for flow cytometry by serial dilution (1.25 µM to 1.10 µM) in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells (MDCK cells, 0.2x106 cells/well). A dose response curve was observed where higher concentrations of ATP-Red (5 and 10 µM) correlated with stronger fluorescence intensities (Fig. 1B). Cell viability was unaffected by ATP-Red concentration (Figure S1A). Next, we sought to determine the optimal timing for incubation. We observed that all timepoints studied displayed significantly robust fluorescence intensities relative to control (Fig. 1C); however, timepoints greater than 20 minutes affected cell viability (Figure S1B). Based on our results, we chose the following conditions for subsequent experiments: ATP-Red (10 µM) incubated for 20 minutes.
We next asked whether our experimental conditions could detect differences in cellular ATP content between cell lines with differing metabolic activity or substrate availability. Compared to unlabeled cells, we observed a significant shift in ATP-Red fluorescence in MDCK cells (canine kidney cells, (Figure S1C)), unstimulated splenic CD4+ and CD8+ T cells (murine, Figures S1D-E) and lymphoblastoid cell lines human, (Figure S1F) to varying degrees. For ATP-Red to be useful in profiling metabolic dependences in bioenergetics, it must be able to respond to changes in cellular metabolism, i.e., fluctuations in ATP concentration. To answer this question, we first applied glucose at increasing concentrations 30 minutes before staining with ATP-Red. We observed that glucose supplementation (100 mM and 250 mM) augmented ATP production (Fig. 1D) with normal viability (Figure S1G).
After demonstrating ATP concentrations in supplemented states, we next assessed the dynamics of ATP production in activated cells. T cells undergo metabolic reprogramming following activation which includes a marked increase in glycolysis, OXPHOS, and ATP production 6. To examine changes in ATP content due to cellular activation, we stimulated mouse splenic T cells with anti-CD3/CD28 for 72 hours. Flow cytometric analysis with ATP-Red displayed increases in ATP concentration of CD4+ (Fig. 1E) and CD8+ (Fig. 1G) T cells along with markers of activation (Figs. 1F and 1I).
Differential glycolytic dependence revealed through ATP
As a major energy generating pathway in intermediary metabolism, glycolysis has evolved in nearly all organisms, with glucose being the most common source of cellular energy and a substrate for many biochemical processes 7, 8. By inhibiting hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, ultimately impairing glycolytic flux, 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) is an important tool for studying substrate level phosphorylation and glycolytic flux (Fig. 2A) 9. To determine the utility of ATP-Red in defining glycolytic dependence, we evaluated ATP production in the presence of 2-DG in MDCK cells, Jurkat cells, and lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). These cells were chosen due to their distinct origins, roles, and metabolic demands. To ascertain the optimal concentration of 2-DG for our experiments, we evaluated cell viability across a gradient of doses. The concentration of 100 mM was identified as the ideal dosage, striking a balance between effective inhibition and maintaining cell viability (Figures S2A-S2F). Following 2-DG treatment, MDCK cells (0.2x106 cells/well) showed a notable decrease in ATP fluorescence, indicative of a glycolytic dependence of 68% to total ATP synthesis (Fig. 2B). Similar to MDCK cells, ATP fluorescence in LCLs (0.2x106 cells/well) and Jurkat cells (0.2x106 cells/well) was also decreased (Fig. 2C and 2D), albeit to lesser extent, indicating glycolytic dependences of 28% and 27%, respectively. Our findings that in MDCK cells glycolysis accounts for a larger proportion of cellular ATP production when contrasted with LCL and Jurkat cells.
To corroborate glycolytic suppression by 2-DG, we performed extracellular flux analysis on MDCK cells (0.4x104 cells/well), where we replicated our flow cytometry protocol timing: 250 mM glucose was injected into the well at 20 minutes followed by 100 mM 2-DG 20 minutes later. With this method, MDCK cells experienced a 51% decrease in extracellular acidification (Fig. 2E), consistent with our observations using ATP. Additionally, we determined the ATP concentration with a colorimetric method in MDCK cells treated with 100 mM 2-DG. ATP concentration was reduced by 61% compared to the untreated control (Fig. 2F) substantiating our results obtained with ATP-Red (Figs. 2B-2D).
Differential FAO dependence revealed through ATP
Beta-oxidation of mitochondrial fatty acids (i.e., FAO) leads to the production of acetyl-CoA for the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and reducing equivalents for the respiratory chain. Both can lead to the production of ATP through OXPHOS (Fig. 3A). Carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 (CPT1) is an essential component of the carnitine shuttle, the mechanism by which long chain fatty acids, a primary fuel, enter the mitochondria for FAO. Etomoxir is a CPT1 inhibitor, used to assess the role of fatty acid oxidation in cellular metabolism (Fig. 3A). In MDCK, LCLs and Jurkat cells, the optimal dose for FAO inhibition was determined by viability as above, yielding an optimal dose of 100 µM (Figures S3A-S3F). To understand the contributions of FAO to ATP production, we evaluated the effect of etomoxir on ATP fluorescence in MDCK cells (0.2x106 cells per condition). The observed decrease in fluorescence following etomoxir treatment (Fig. 3B) suggested an FAO dependence of 39% for ATP production. To compare FAO dependence in cell types with distinctive metabolic profiles, we incubated LCLs and Jurkat cells with etomoxir as above. LCL cells also showed a reduction in ATP fluorescence in response to etomoxir (Fig. 3C), indicating and FAO dependence of 32%. Similar results were found for Jurkat cells (0.2x106 cells/well), albeit to a lesser degree: FAO dependence of 24% (Fig. 3D). To corroborate the changes with etomoxir treatment, we studied palmitate oxidation by extracellular flux analysis. MDCK cells (0.4x104/well) were treated with palmitate or BSA (mock control) for 20 minutes followed by etomoxir (100 µM) injection 20 minutes later. In MDCK cells, etomoxir resulted in a reduction in OCR (Fig. 3E), analogous to our ATP fluorescence readings in MDCK cells. Additionally, we determined the ATP concentration with a colorimetric method in MDCK cells treated with etomoxir (100 µM). Using this method, an FAO dependence of 38% was observed, nearly matching our ATP-Red studies (Fig. 3F).
Differential OXPHOS dependence revealed through ATP
Mitochondria are ubiquitous organelles within eukaryotic cells due to their essential function of supplying cellular energy in the form of ATP 10. Originally identified as an antibiotic produced by fungi, oligomycin is a potent inhibitor of mitochondrial ATP synthase (Fig. 4A), and useful in assessing OXPHOS dependence 11. To profile OXPHOS dependence with ATP-Red, we treated various cell lines with oligomycin. Optimal dosing of oligomycin (10 µM) was determined as above (Figures S4A - S4F). We first evaluated the effect of oligomycin on ATP production in MDCK cells (0.2x106 cells per condition). With oligomycin, we observed a reduction in ATP production (Fig. 4B), suggesting and OXPHOS dependence of 39%. In LCL cells (0.2x106 cells/well) and Jurkat cells (0.2x106 cells/well), oligomycin (10 µM) also decreased ATP fluorescence (Figs. 4C and 4D), indicating OXPHOS dependences of 35% and 43%, respectively. To corroborate our findings, we measured the OCR by extracellular flux analysis in MDCK cells (0.4x104 cells/well). Following oligomycin treatment, OCR fell by 52% (Fig. 4E). Additionally, we determined the ATP concentration with a colorimetric method in MDCK cells treated with oligomycin (10 µM). Similar to our ATP-Red results, we observed a reduction in ATP concentration, indicating an OXHOS dependence of 46% (Fig. 4F).
Underpinning cellular energy production, the chemiosmotic hypothesis describes how ETC components generate a proton gradient to drive ATP synthesis 12. To elucidate the specific metabolic dependences of individual ETC components, MDCK cells underwent targeted inhibition. Optimal concentrations of rotenone (RO, targeting NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, CI), 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP, targeting succinate-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, CII), antimycin A (AA, targeting ubiquinol–cytochrome c oxidoreductase, CIII), and sodium azide (AZ, targeting cytochrome c oxidase, CIV) were determined as described above (Figures S4G – S4O). Initially, the effect of RO (2 µM) on CI was assessed by measuring ATP fluorescence in MDCK cells (2 × 105 cells per condition), revealing a CI dependence of 18.1% (Fig. 4G). Confirmation of CI inhibition was achieved by evaluating the OCR using extracellular flux analysis post-treatment (Figs. 4H and S4P). Subsequently, CII was investigated using 3-NP (400 µM), revealing a CII dependence of 16.6% (Fig. 4I). Similar to rotenone, treatment with 400 µM 3-NP led to a substantial reduction in OCR (Figs. 4J and S4Q). Assessment of CIII involved treating cells with antimycin A (2 µM), resulting in a CIII dependence of 24% (Fig. 4K). The associated decrease in OCR post-treatment paralleled the effects observed with the other inhibitors (Figs. 4L and S4R). Lastly, CIV was evaluated using sodium azide (6 mM), revealing a CIV dependence of 32% (Fig. 4M). OCR assessment confirmed a significant decrease, consistent with the observed impairment in ATP production (Figs. 4N and S4S). Collectively, our ETC complex dependence data underscore its integral role in maintaining mitochondrial ATP production, with complex-specific inhibitors inducing distinct reductions in cellular respiration and energy output.
Mathematical integration of metabolic dependences for comprehensive bioenergetic profiling (MitE-Flo)
Utilizing selective inhibitors targeting critical junctures in glycolysis, FAO, and OXPHOS (Fig. 5A), we incorporated our findings to establish bioenergetic profiles. The inhibitors' efficacy in reducing ATP production manifests as fluorescence shifts (i.e., diminished ATP fluorescence), offering insights into each pathway for ATP generation (Fig. 5B). By quantifying these shifts via flow cytometry, we ascertained the metabolic pathway dependences by calculating the geometric mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) (Fig. 5C). An integrated mathematical model (Fig. 5D) enabled us to quantify the metabolic dependence of each pathway for cellular ATP production. In MDCK cells, our analysis revealed glycolytic, FAO, and OXPHOS dependences of 42.8%, 25.9%, and 32%, respectively.
To incorporate ETC dependences into our understanding of overall OXPHOS functionality, we applied our MitE-Flo system in a manner akin to our earlier analysis of central metabolic pathways (Fig. 5E). The extent of inhibition caused by targeted inhibitors, leading to a fluorescence shift, informs us about the ETC complex dependences on ATP production within mitochondria (Fig. 5F). Based on these calculations (Fig. 5G), we determined the contributions of complex I (8.7%), II (6.9%), III (10.2%) and IV(10.4%), normalized to OXPHOS, to ATP production in MDCK cells.
MitE-Flo delineates metabolic dependences in mitochondrial disease
Cells affected by mitochondrial dysfunction exhibit metabolic adaptations to cope with impaired OXPHOS. For example, in a mouse model of mitochondrial encephalopathy, increased flux through glycolysis helps compensate for impaired OXPHOS 13. To determine the utility of MitE-Flo to determine the metabolic phenotype of a disease state marked by compromised bioenergetics, cells deficient in the nuclear genes Surfeit 1 (SURF1) or NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S4 (NDUFS4) were studied. SURF1 is an integral component of ETC complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase, COX) biogenesis. NDUFS4 is a nuclear-encoded accessory subunit of the mitochondrial membrane respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase (complex I). Deficiencies in either of these genes produce OXPHOS dysfunction. We chose to edit MDCK cells specifically, based on the robust bioenergetic profiles displayed above. SURF1 KO and NDUFS4 KO cells demonstrated lower levels of ATP-Red consistent with OXPHOS deficiency (Fig. 6A). Glycolytic dependence was markedly elevated, exceeding that of wild-type cells; an allostatic adaptation facilitating ATP production (Figs. 6B and 6E). OXPHOS (Figs. 6C and 6E) and FAO (Figs. 6D and 6E) dependences were decreased as expected for mitochondrial disease. We further validated our findings by creating a bioenergetic plot (Fig. 6F), integrating glycolysis (ECAR) and OXPHOS (OCR) measurements from extracellular flux analysis. Echoing our MitE-Flo results, the SURF1 KO and NDUFS4 KO cells exhibited impaired OXPHOS with an increase in glycolysis. This glycolytic upsurge persisted after normalizing for ATP content (Fig. 6G).
We next studied the contributions of individual ETC components. Treatment with the drugs resulted in a slight viability reduction in SURF1 KO and NDUFS4 KO cells (Fig. 6H), likely due to their inherent mitochondrial vulnerability. Nonetheless, the viability levels were sufficient for subsequent ATP-Red concentration assays in live cells. Comparative analysis of the ETC dependence using the calculations above indicated a marked decrease in the activities of complexes C-I to C-IV in SURF1 KO and NDUFS4 KO cells (Figs. 6I − 6L). The greater depression in SURF1 KO was not surprising since COX is the final and rate limiting step of the respiratory chain 14. After adjusting for the overall OXPHOS dependence, the depression of CI to CIV activity in SURF1 KO and NDUFS4 KO became more evident (Fig. 6M). Extracellular flux analysis of MDCK cells also confirmed this overall depression of OXPHOS (Fig. 6N).
MitE-Flo delineates metabolic dependences in dark zone and light zone germinal center B cells
While MitE-Flo had proven effective in defining bioenergetic phenotypes in a disease state like mitochondrial disease, our next goal was to investigate small, previously inaccessible cell populations to characterize normal physiology. In the highly adaptive milieu of germinal centers (GC) where affinity maturation transpires, activated B cells undergo brisk proliferation with somatic hypermutation (SHM) in the dark zone (DZ, CXCR4+), followed by selection and class switch recombination within the light zone (LZ, CD23+) 15, 16. Gene expression analyses and extracellular flux analysis have partially characterized the metabolic phenotypes of GC B cells, indicating a predilection for oxidative OXPHOS and FAO generally 16, 17, 18. However, LZ and DZ GC B cells may exhibit distinct bioenergetic profiles, a phenomenon not yet documented in the biomedical literature. To define the utility of MitE-Flo in immunometabolic investigations, we sought to elucidate the metabolic dependences of DZ and LZ GC B cells; cells previously inaccessible to direct bioenergetic profiling. To promote GC formation in the spleen, C57BL/6J mice were immunized with sheep red blood cells (Fig. 7A). LZ and DZ GC B cells were identified utilizing a focused gating strategy (Figure S5A). The viability of the sorted cells was comparable (Fig. 7B), but DZ GC B cells prevailed in number (Fig. 7C), mirroring their proliferative vigor. Post-sorting of GC B cell fractions (Figure S5B), LZ GC B cells manifested amplified HIF-1α and HK2 mRNA levels (Figs. 7D and 7E) compared to DZ, suggesting a shift towards glycolysis 15, 17, 19. Elevated HIF-1α protein levels in LZ GC B cells, as assessed in permeabilized cells by flow cytometry, further supported a glycolytic phenotype (Fig. 7F). ATP-Red analysis disclosed an enhanced ATP concentration within DZ GC B cells, indicative of increased metabolic demands (Fig. 7G). MitE-Flo, complemented with cell-specific markers, was then applied to delineate metabolic and ETC dependences for both DZ and LZ GC B cells. Corroborating our PCR findings, LZ GC B cells displayed equal dependences on glycolysis and OXPHOS whereas DZ GC B cells prioritized FAO and OXPHOS, after ATP level normalization (Figs. 7H − 7J and 7O). To conclude our examination of LZ and DZ cell populations, we assessed the energetic performance of mitochondrial complexes C-I to C-IV, determining their contributions to ATP production relative to their overall OXPHOS dependence (as depicted in Fig. 7H). By employing our equations, we determined the different ETC complex dependences. Our analysis revealed consistently higher ETC dependences across all complexes in DZ cells (Figs. 7K-N). After normalizing for relative ATP levels, we demonstrated an increase in FAO and OXPHOS dependences in DZ GC B cells (Fig. 7O). ETC dependence analysis, normalized to OXPHOS, uncovered nearly equal CI - CIV dependences in DZ GC B cells, suggesting an overall boost in ETC complexes (Fig. 7P). Taken as a whole, we have shown MitE-Flo to be an indispensable instrument for decoding the bioenergetic landscapes of GC B cells, a complex and unique cell population.