According to Corona et al. (2023), nutritional stress significantly contributes to weakening and loss of colonies; it is intrinsically linked to colony health and vigor, habitat degradation, pollen diversity, and innate foraging differences among bees from different colonies. Pollen deprivation induces bees to forage early, which is associated with accelerated aging and reduced longevity of these insects (Perry et al. 2015; Corona et al. 2023). With food restriction, colonies undergo a population adjustment to balance pollen demand and supply. In our experiment, the estimated amount of food that bees were able to bring into the hives is compatible with the minimum amount needed to maintain about 4,000 individuals, considered a small colony of honey bees (Danner et al. 2017). The weight of bees can be influenced by increased food availability, resulting in positive effects on the health and longevity of adult bees, provided that the diet is nutritionally balanced (Ihle et al. 2014). In our study, the weight of bees upon emerging from the combs was favored by the more suitable nutritional conditions of colonies with food supplementation (Table 1).
During the brood phase, honey bees require 125 to 187 mg of pollen. As adults, about 3.9 mg of pollen is needed daily, with peaks during the nurse bee phase (Brodschneider and Crailsheim, 2010). In this phase, consumption is higher to ensure the proper development of the hypopharyngeal glands. In our study, newly emerged bees from the SF- treatment consumed about 2.27 mg of sunflower pollen per day during the first five days of life (Table 2).
Bees from colonies subjected to food restriction consumed less food than those that developed in an environment with greater food availability during the brood phase, considering sunflower pollen untreated with fungicide (Table 2). Thus, it is considered that food restriction during the brood phase hinders the development of the bee in the adult phase, with no compensatory gain in food consumption during adulthood. Larvae reared during deficiency of an essential nutrient may become adults with lower survival or impaired brood care and foraging skills (Brodschneider and Crailsheim, 2010).
Bee bread is useful as a source of antioxidants that protect cells against oxidative damage to the cytoplasmic structure within cellular organelles and in the extracellular fluid (Martinello and Mutinelli, 2021). Bee bread from different botanical sources has different antioxidant capacities, more related to specific profiles of flavones and phenolic acids (Borycka et al. 2015), highlighting the importance of protein nutrition for the physiological well-being of bees (Wright et al. 2018).
Food contamination with fungicide caused reduced food consumption, independent of their being from well fed or nutritionally deprived colonies. The sensitivity of bees to pesticides may be linked to the life stage of the bee (Zhu et al. 2020), as changes occur in endocrine and metabolic activity during behavioral maturation related to age, inherent to the transition from nursing tasks to foraging (Robinson, 2002). Forager bees show higher detoxifying enzymatic activity than bees working solely within the colony (Smirle and Robinson, 1989; Berenbaum and Johnson, 2015). However, it seems that susceptibility among castes depends on the type of pesticide being evaluated, as some active ingredients are more toxic to foragers in comparison with nurse bees (Barascou et al., 2022).
Sunflower pollen has been indicated in some studies as having lower nutritional quality compared to various other types of pollen (Schmidt et al. 1987), with low protein content (Radev, 2019), and low levels of two essential amino acids for honey bees, methionine and tryptophan, below the minimum required by bees (Nicolson and Human, 2013). Pollen has a complex chemical composition, including amino acids, lipids, sugars, secondary metabolites, and other elements (Palmer-Young et al. 2019). Indeed, plant secondary compounds have stood out for their potential positive impacts on pollinators, including protective action against pesticide exposure (Ardalani et al. 2021). Bee foraging on various plant species favors obtaining a more balanced and nutrient-rich diet (Vaudo et al. 2015). The hypothesis that adequate nutrition can protect animals against the adverse effects of stressors, such as pesticides, is a well-established perspective in biology (Wahl and Ulm, 1983).
Antioxidant defense systems in honey bees encompass both enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms, both crucial for mitigating damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Corona et al. 2023). Among the antioxidant enzymes, glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase (CAT), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) are noteworthy. Simultaneously, non-enzymatic components such as glutathione, NAD(P)H, and vitamins C and E, actively participate in neutralizing ROS (Badiou-Bénéteau et al. 2012; Tawfik et al. 2020).
GPx activity was higher in the thoracic homogenate of bees that consumed more food. According to Wahl and Ulm (1983), sensitivity to oxidative stress in bees is reduced with improved pollen quality. Therefore, considering the low quality of sunflower pollen (Radev, 2019), we presumed that lower food consumption implies lower activity of this enzyme. A reduction in GPx enzyme activity observed in bees exposed to food contaminated with fungicide may be due to a reduction in energy availability in cells, given the inhibition of the respiratory chain inherent to the action of the active principles bixafen and trifloxystrobin (Bartlett et al. 2002; Oliver and Hewitt, 2014; Nicodemo et al. 2020).
CAT enzyme activity was only altered in the SF + group, which was lower than in the other groups. Even though there was no significant difference in food consumption between SF + and RF+, it is suggested that the slightly higher consumption in the former group may have resulted in a more effective action of the active principles bixafen and trifloxystrobin in reducing cellular work capacity. In this sense, the antioxidant defense would not neutralize the levels of ROS generated by exposure to the fungicide.
The GSH:GSSG ratio is recognized as a fundamental indicator of intracellular redox balance and antioxidant capacity. In our study, this ratio was not affected by the nutritional management of the colonies of origin of the bees or by feeding on food contaminated with fungicide. The concentration of NAD(P)H was higher in bees that consumed more food, with no effect detected of the pesticide, considering the exposure level, which was according to the fungicide application protocol. These results may differ from those obtained in other investigations (Kapoor et al. 2011; Bal et al. 2012; Chakrabarti et al. 2015) regarding the impact of pesticides on the concentration of these non-enzymatic oxidants. However, the differences between populations, doses, and exposure modes used in each of the works should be considered.
A significant increase in lipid peroxidation levels, evidenced by the marker MDA, was observed in samples of bees fed pollen from inflorescences exposed to the triple-action fungicide, regardless of the dietary management of the colony of origin of the bees. The active principle protioconazole blocks the sterol biosynthesis pathway, which is fundamental for the organization and structuring of cell membranes (Schuhmann et al. 2022). Lipoperoxidation is recognized as a sign of cellular damage and oxidative stress, which can affect bee cells exposed to xenobiotics (Balieira et al. 2018).
Regarding longevity, we observed that the fungicide affected bee longevity. Bees that developed in supplemented colonies during the brood phase and did not receive contaminated food during adulthood lived 16.6% longer than bees that had restricted feeding during the brood phase and received uncontaminated food. The greatest impacts on bee survival were observed when bees developed during the brood phase in colonies with food restriction and, during adulthood, received food contaminated with fungicide, with a 20.5% reduction in the average survival of workers compared to the longer-lived bees (SF-), highlighting the synergistic effect between food restriction and exposure to fungicide.
The longevity of honey bees is reduced when exposed to pesticides; however, the presence of some phytochemicals in food, even those without nutritional value, can mitigate the effects on bee survival (Liao et al. 2020). The availability of food in greater quantity (Mattos et al. 2017; Hýbl et al. 2021) and of higher quality (Castle et al. 2022; Costa et al. 2022) can favor the health and survival of bees exposed to pesticides. Despite the use of the pesticide according to application protocols, there was damage to the health of these insects. Therefore, it is suggested that the recommendation for the use of this fungicide during the flowering period of target crops be reconsidered.