Nearly half of the enrolled sick neonates had AKI according to KDIGO criteria, with the highest incidence among the extremely preterm group. On Cox regression, asphyxia, sepsis, invasive ventilation, and acidosis were significant risk factors for AKI. Resolution of AKI was seen mostly in asphyxia cases, and mortality was highest in stage 3 AKI.
The incidence of neonatal AKI varied from 8.4–63.3%(1). In the AWAKEN study(2), the incidence of AKI was 48% in extremely preterm and 37% in the very preterm and late preterm combined group. Our results are almost similar to the AWAKEN study.
We found 4 risk factors (asphyxia, sepsis, invasive ventilation and acidosis) were significant in our study. Of these perinatal asphyxia, sepsis, invasive ventilation were consistent significant risk factors in other studies (1, 2, 5, 18, 19). Intraventricular hemorrhage has also been found as significant risk factor of AKI on multivariate analysis in our study, as Algadeep et al (19) noted. Amongst the physiological and lab parameters we found acidosis (pH < 7.30) was notifiable significant risk factor for AKI. This parameter has not been reported in previous studies.
In systematic review(1), there was increased risk by 3 times for congenital heart disease (CHD), 6 times for Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), in our study these risk factors were significant on univariate analysis but on multivariate analysis and cox regression analysis they were not statistically significant. Probable reasons being our smaller sample size compared to systematic review, differences in categories included under CHD and NEC, also possibly other variables included in our multivariate analysis have stronger influence on the risk of AKI, masking the effects of CHD and NEC.
Data from multiple studies showed that AKI is related to poor outcomes (2–4, 20). In Jetton et al (21) study, neonates with AKI had 4.6 times higher mortality and 8.8 times longer duration of hospitalization compared to non-AKI group. In our study mortality rate in AKI was 45/115 (39%) compared to non-AKI group which was 5/161 (3%) p < 0.01. Late AKI had higher mortality than early AKI. In our study we uniquely also studied the outcome of AKI as per the cause, and found that AKI resolution rates were better in asphyxia group compared to sepsis and shock group.
We also studied the anthropometric parameters like weight and head circumference centile at discharge, it was noted that discharge weight centile was better in non-AKI group compared to AKI group. Though this is a short term outcome, but might act as baseline data for longterm follow up, as the data regarding these outcomes are limited from available literature.
Recently Wazir et al. (13) proposed a neonatal AKI risk stratification score (STARZ). Variables used were age at NICU admission, need for PPV at labour room, < 28 Weeks of gestation, significant heart disease, sepsis, post admission (within 12 hours) of serum creatinine \(\:\ge\:\) 0.98 mg/dl, urine output < 1.32 ml/kg/hour, nephrotoxic drugs, inotropes usage. It predicted the increased risk of AKI at 7 days after admission. The scoring model had 95.6% negative predictive value, 80.5% positive predictive value, 87.4% specificity, and 92.8% sensitivity. Though it had a better sensitivity and specificity, it had many variables and needs validation in larger cohort. Similarly, Qian hu et al (22) developed a predictive nomogram for the early detection and management of VLBW infants at high risk of developing AKI from a retrospective study. Gestational age, red blood cell count within 3 days of birth, serum calcium concentration within 3 days of birth, maternal age \(\:\ge\:\) 35 years and pulmonary arterial hypertension or myocardial injury were the predictive factors in their model.The area under the curve(AUC) was 0.794 (95% CI: 0.754-0834), and sensitivity was 75% specificity of 71% here they had followed only the the serum creatinine criteria of KDIGO definition. This study has variables whose association with AKI are less described in literature, requiring further validation. Compared to these, our AKI risk prediction scoring system is easy to use with less easily accessible components and better predictive value.
Strengths of the study
Firstly, this was a prospective cohort study, done following adherence to KDIGO criteria and secondly has a sufficient sample size for a risk prediction model that can be used for early identification of AKI.
Limitations of the study
Though we had used KDIGO criteria for defining AKI, we used the reference baseline creatinine from the mean values of the previously established nomograms. This might be one of the reasons for a higher incidence of AKI in our population. External validation of our risk prediction model to be done.