Analysis of agro-morphological characteristics
The field data generated across all 20 qualitative traits from the collection of genetic material consisting of twenty C. esculenta and thirty X. sagittifolium accessions were analyzed to characterize the cocoyam population used in the current study. High variability was observed for the morphological descriptor traits measured on a qualitative scale, with shape of the leaf base being the most striking morphological trait that differentiated the two cocoyam species from each other (Fig. 1).
Differences in leaf characters
As indicated in Table 3, variations were detected in five out of the nine leaf-associated (phenotypic) traits that were used for the assessment of the twenty C. esculenta accessions. In majority of the accessions, the leaf blade margin was predominantly undulate (80%) while it was entire for the remaining 20%. Overall, there were about 75% of the accessions where leaf blade colour was green while that of all others was either yellow or slightly yellowish-green (25%). Invariably, the leaf blade margin colour delineated these accessions into five groups including purple (35%), orange (25%), yellow (20%), green (15%) and pink (5%) while that of the leaf main vein was either yellow (55%) or green (45%). Similar percentages were equally detected regarding the level of wax in the leaves.
For the thirty X. sagittifolium accessions, six out of the nine leaf-associated traits revealed variations while there were striking similarities among the remaining three (Table 4). Unlike that of C. esculenta where it was similar for all accessions, predominant shape of the leaf lamina varied in the X. sagittifolium accessions and grouped them into two categories. The more abundant was cup-shaped and was observed in 86.67% of the accessions while the remaining 13.33% had an erect-apex down. For leaf blade margin, three variants were detected with 73.34% of the accessions being undulate, 13.33% sinuate and the remaining 13.33% were entire. The leaf blade colour grouped the X. sagittifolium accessions into either yellow or yellowish-green (60%) and green (40%), respectively.
Regarding the colour of the leaf blade margin, all the thirty accessions of this species could be grouped into four categories including yellow (60%), orange (20%), green (10%), and purple (10%), respectively. For the leaf main vein colour, 10% of the accessions were yellow while the remaining 90% were green. As for the leaf waxiness, 30% of all the accessions were detected to be low while the remaining 70% were considered to be medium.
Differences in petiole characters
Seven traits associated with the petiole were equally examined in the two cocoyam species. Significant variations were again detected among the twenty C. esculenta accessions (Table 3). For example, a petiole junction was detected amongst all of these accessions and the profile clearly delineated them into two groups, either as small (80%) or medium (20%), respectively. On the other hand, the colour of the petiole junction demonstrated that for 75% of the accessions, this was yellow while for the remaining 25% it was purple. For the colour of top-third of the petiole, 75% were purple while 15% were green and the remaining 10% were light green. Furthermore, the petiole colour of middle third was detected to be green (55%), purple (40%), or light green (5%), respectively. For petiole colour of the basal third, all the C. esculenta accessions were categorized into two groups, either as green (75%) or purple (25%). Three groups including green (70%), purple (25%), and pink (5%) were observed for the colour of the petiole basal-ring. Furthermore, the cross-section of the lower part of the petiole demonstrated that 80% of these accessions were closed while that of 20% was open.
Conversely, for the thirty accessions of X. sagittifolium variations were detected only in five out of the seven petiole-associated characters (Table 4). Unlike those of C. esculenta, the petiole junction was characteristically absent amongst all the thirty accessions of this species. For the petiole colour of top third, 13.33% of the accessions were purple, 16.67% were green and the remaining 70% were light green. The petiole colour of middle third was detected to be purple (3.33%), green (76.67%), and light green (20%) for the accessions. On the other hand, for petiole colour of basal third, the X. sagittifolium accessions were categorized into three groups as purple (13.33%), green (70%), and light green (16.67%), respectively, while the petiole basal-ring colour delineated all these accessions into four groups as purple (14%), green (78%), white (2%), and pink (6%), respectively. Furthermore, our evaluations equally revealed that the cross-section of the lower part of the petiole presented two variants. It was closed amongst 86% of the accessions while only that for 14% was open.
Differences in corm-associated traits
Like with the qualitative traits, significant variability was also detected in four agronomic (or yield-related) traits including corm shape, flesh colour of the central part of the corm, flesh colour of cormel and shape of cormel, which were used for evaluation of the performance of the two cocoyam species in this investigation. For example, 5% of the C. esculenta accessions (Table 3) had a corm that was conical in shape while that of 10% was round and for the remaining 85% of the accessions, corm shape was dumb-bell. In addition, an examination of the corm flesh colour of central part as well as that of the flesh colour of cormels demonstrated that for 70% of the accessions this was white, while for 15% it was pink and for the remaining 15% it was purple. For shape of the cormels, those from 5% of the accessions were conical, 90% were round and the remaining 5% were cylindrical.
On the other hand, for the corm shape there were five different presentations among the X. sagittifolium accessions (Table 4). These included round (10%), cylindrical (20%), elliptical (20%), dumb-bell (40%) and elongated (10%). For the corm flesh colour of central part as well as that of the flesh colour of cormel, the data recorded in this study demonstrated that for 50% of the accessions this was white, that for 23.33% was yellow, for 10% it was pink and that for the remaining 16.67% was purple. For shape of the cormels, those derived from 6.67% of the accessions were conical, 66.67% were round, 13.33% were elliptical and the remaining 13.33% were elongated.
Intriguingly, none of the accessions of both cocoyam species flowered during the course of the current investigation, which implies that flowering is not common amongst the major cocoyam species cultivated in Nigeria.
Principal component analysis of qualitative characters in cocoyam accessions
Standardization of the principal component analysis using data derived from the qualitative descriptors for both C. esculenta and X. sagittifolium, respectively, in a second series of experiments is presented in Tables 5 and 6. Principal component analysis for the characters in the C. esculenta accessions demonstrated that the first six principal components (PCs) with Eigen values greater than 1.00 were important and accounted for 83.58% of all variations. Factor loadings of different variables in principal component one (PC1) showed an Eigen value of 3.65 and contributed 22.82% of the total variability observed. The high loading values for this principal component were contributed by such traits as the cross-section of lower part of petiole, flesh color of the central part of the corm and flesh color of cormels. Principal component two (PC2) showed an Eigen value of 3.132 and accounted for 19.578% of the total variation observed. Petiole colour of basal third was detected as the most important trait contributing to total variability in this component. Principal component three (PC3) had an Eigen value of 2.17, which accounted for 13.57% of the total variation with petiole basal-ring colour as the important contributing variable. Principal component four (PC4) showed an Eigen value of 1.731 and accounted for 10.82% of the total variation observed. Petiole junction colour was detected as the most important trait contributing to total variability in this component. The fifth and sixth principal components (PC5 and PC6) presented Eigen values of 1.485 and 1.203, which accounted for 9.28 and 7.52%, respectively, of the variations (Table 5).
Principal component analysis for the qualitative traits in the thirty X. sagittifolium accessions evaluated demonstrated that the first six principal components (PCs) with an Eigen value greater than 1.00 were important and accounted for 79.49% of total variation. Principal component one (PC1) with an Eigen value of 3.91 accounted for 26.07% of the total variation. Essentially, petiole colour of top third, petiole basal ring colour, corm flesh colour of central part and flesh colour of cormel were the important contributing variables to this principal component. Principal component two (PC2), on the other hand, had an Eigen value of 2.25 and accounted for 14.98% of the total variation with shape of cormel as the major contributing variable. Principal component three (PC3) had an Eigen value of 2.01 and accounted for 13.40% of the total variation with leaf blade margin as the highest contributor. Principal component four (PC4) with an Eigen value of 1.42 accounted for 9.45% of total variation with leaf waxiness as the important trait that contributed to total variability. Principal component five (PC5) with an Eigen value of 1.28 accounted for 8.52% of the total variation. The major loading value for this component was contributed by leaf main vein colour. Principal component six (PC6) had an Eigan value of 1.06, which accounted for 7.08% of the total variation with predominant position of lamina surface as the only trait that accounted for the loading value for this component (Table 6).
Cluster analysis of qualitative characters in cocoyam
Given the high genetic variability in some of the morphological traits that were detected in the C. esculenta and X. sagittifolium species above, a significant but not perfect classification of the two groups was expected. In order to classify them on the basis of similarity indices, a single linkage cluster analysis based on Ward’s method was performed. Using the phenotypic descriptors, it was possible to delineate the genetic landscape of the two cocoyam species on the basis of their relationships.
In the resulting dendogram, the twenty C. esculenta accessions were grouped into four major (I – IV) clusters with cluster 1 represented by 3 accessions that all had pink corm flesh colour of central part and flesh colour of cormel while clusters II and III had 7 accessions that were represented by two sub-clusters, with the corm flesh colour of central part and flesh colour of cormel being white. Cluster IV had 3 accessions with the colour of the central part of the corm and cormel being purple (Fig. 2). This is an indication that colour of the flesh (or pulp) of corm and cormel are important traits in the characterization of C. esculenta accessions. On the other hand, the thirty X. sagittifolium accessions were divided into two major clusters. Cluster I had two well-supported sub-clusters that were represented by 20 accessions in sub-cluster IA, which consisted of plants with yellow corm flesh colour of central part and majority of white corm flesh colour of central part. Cluster IB was composed of accessions with yellow leaf blade colour, green leaf main vein colour, green petiole colour of middle third and a majority with pink corm flesh colour of central part. Cluster II on the other hand, had only 5 accessions, all with purple corm flesh colour of central part (Fig. 3).
Mean values and analysis of variance for quantitative characters in cocoyam accessions
The mean values of the eight quantitative parameters were analysed in the two cocoyam species evaluated in the current study. The data for the twenty C. esculenta accessions are presented in Table 7. Analysis of variance of the traits demonstrated that significant (p < 0.05) variations were observed among these accessions. For example, accession BND02 had the highest mean plant span (70.47cm) while accessions BND04 and UMA04 had the lowest (17.33cm). The highest mean plant height (36.10cm) was recorded in ORS03 while the lowest (9.67cm) was recorded in BND04 and UMA04, respectively. The mean number of suckers ranged from 1.00 in OWN05 to 6.00 in OWN06. Accession BND03 and UMA03 had the highest mean corm length (7.73cm) while OWN05 had the lowest (3.87cm). The mean corm weight ranged between 36.00g in BND04 and UMA04 and 116.00g in BND02. While the mean number of cormels ranged between 2.13 in ORS01 and 7.67 in ABS01 and UMA02, the mean weight of cormels ranged from 30.53g in ORS01 to 167.7g in OWN05. The highest mean yield value (6680.00kg/ha) was recorded for OWN05 while the lowest yield value (1392.00 kg/ha) was recorded for BND04 and UMA04.
The mean values of the eight quantitative traits equally evaluated in the thirty X. sagittifolium accessions are presented in Table 8. Analysis of variance showed that all the quantitative characters varied significantly (p < 0.05). Accession IFE01 had the highest mean plant span (76.50cm) while IBM01 had the lowest plant span (14.67cm). The highest mean plant height (51.17cm) was recorded in IFE01 while the lowest (8.50cm) was recorded in NWI01. The mean number of suckers ranged from 1.33 in ABK01 to 4.50 in OWN01. Accession ABS03 had the highest mean corm length (10.77cm) while ABK02 had the lowest (3.40cm). The mean corm weight ranged from 24.90g in NWI01 to 183.00g in ORA01 and UYO01, respectively. While the mean number of cormels ranged from 0.00 in eight of the accessions including UMN01, ABS02, ABS03, BND01, BND05, ORN01, OWN01 and UMA01 to 4.67 in AGT01, the mean weight of cormels ranged from 0.00g in eight accessions including UMN01, ABS02, ABS03, BND01, BND05, UMA01, ORN01 and OWN01 to 51.10g in ABK02. The highest mean yield of 4655.33kg/ha was recorded for ORA01 while the lowest yield value of 743.33kg/ha was recorded for NWI01.
Principal component analysis of quantitative characters in fifty cocoyam accessions
A combination of the field data derived from the eight quantitative traits subjected to principal component analysis demonstrated the presence of diversity among the C. esculenta accessions evaluated in this study. The top three principal components had Eigen values above 1.00 and accounted for 82.41% of variation when ordered among the accessions. The first principal component (PC1) with an Eigen value of 3.660 accounted for 45.75% of the total variation and was associated with characters such as plant span, plant height, corm weight, weight of cormel and corm yield. The second principal component (PC2) with an Eigen value of 1.835 explained 22.94% of variation and was mainly associated with the number of suckers and corm length. The third principal component (PC3) with an Eigen value of 1.097 contributed 13.71% of the total variation (as presented in Table 9).
For the X. sagittifolium accessions on the other hand, the first three principal components with Eigen values above 1.00 were significant, and accounted for 78.01% of the total variation. Principal component one (PC1) with an Eigen value of 2.869 accounted for 35.86% of the total variation with high loading values for plant span, plant height and corm weight. Principal component two (PC2) with an Eigen value of 2.268 accounted for 28.35% of total variation with high loading values for number of cormels, weight of cormels and yield. Principal component three (PC3) had an Eigen value of 1.104 and contributed 13.81% of the total variation with number of suckers as the main contributing variable (Table 10).
Cluster analyses of quantitative characters and outlier identification in cocoyam
To obtain a further overview of genetic dissimilarities between and within the two cocoyam species, phylogenetic relationships among the accessions were determined based on the eight quantitative (or agronomic) traits, which were generated separately for the C. esculenta and X. sagittifolium accessions, respectively. These led to a number of observations. In the resulting dendrograms following multivariate analysis, the two species each produced three major clusters. The twenty accessions of C. esculenta were grouped into three main clusters (Fig. 4). While cluster 1 had 10 accessions, cluster II had 9 and cluster III had only 1 accession (OWN05), which was identified as an outlier that was distinct and located farther away from the proximity of all other samples and recorded the highest mean values in such parameters as weight of cormel, and yield per hectare. Given these observations, this is an indication that this single outlying accession (OWN05) has good agro-morphological values and could be further selected for breeding purposes.
For the X. sagittifolium species, the multivariate analysis also grouped the thirty accessions into three (3) clusters as presented in Fig. 5. Cluster I was further characterized into two sub-clusters (IA and IB) with 11 accessions that recorded the highest mean value for plant height and corm weight. On the other hand, cluster II has only 2 accessions which recorded the highest plant span and weight of cormel while cluster III has two sub-clusters (IIIA and IIIB) with 17 accessions and recorded low values in plant span, plant height, corm weight, and weight of cormel, respectively. These observations overall support the notion that the accessions from both clusters I and II such as ABK02, ORA01, and several others, which recorded good agronomic characters could be maintained in an ex situ gene bank and used for future breeding purposes.
Nutritional profiles and anti-nutrient fingerprinting in cocoyam species
Cocoyam germplasm is a potentially rich source of natural variations and the genetic variability present in it can be exploited for the development of nutrient-rich food items. Building on this, the nutritional composition of each of the three representative accessions of C. esculenta and X. sagittifolium evaluated in the current study are presented in Table 11. While there were no significant (p > 0.05) differences detected in the moisture contents between and within the six accessions, there were differences in the ash contents with the maximum value (4.64%) detected in accession OWN02, which was statistically higher than the values recorded for all other accessions. Not surprisingly, the crude fibre content was not also significantly different among the accessions. For this parameter, values ranged between 1.51 in OWN06 and 2.43% in KET02. Generally, whilst the protein content ranged between 6.89% in OWN02 and 9.22% in KET02 with higher levels often recorded amongst the X. sagittifolium accessions than those of C. esculenta, the crude fat percentage recorded on the other hand ranged between 0.65 in UMA03 and 1.83 in OWN06 with no significant (p > 0.05) differences between the accessions of both cocoyam species evaluated.
Table 12 is a summary of the contents of various anti-nutritional factors including phytates, oxalates and hydrogen cyanide found in the six representative samples of cocoyam. It is striking that these components were comparatively higher in the three accessions of C. esculenta than in those of the X. sagittifolium species. While the phytate and oxalate contents of the C. esculenta accessions were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those of the representative X. sagittifolium accessions, no significant differences were detected in the levels of hydrogen cyanide between both species. Collectively, it is of great interest and importance that the levels of these anti-nutrients are rather low and below the established toxic levels to significantly interfere with the utilization of other nutrients in cocoyam.
To further assess the nutritional quality of the cocoyam species, the phytochemicals present in the six representative accessions including alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and phenols was equally evaluated through a series of independent investigations. As expected, the Colocasia accessions again had higher alkaloid contents than those of the Xanthosoma species with values that ranged between 0.51 in KET02 and 1.41% in UMA03 (Table 13). Regarding the content of flavonoids, the values differed significantly (P < 0.05) among the accessions examined in both species. Moreover, all the Xanthosoma accessions examined had higher levels of saponin than those of C. esculenta with values that ranged between 0.31% in OWN06 and 1.41% in UMA03 (Table 13).
Intriguingly, the contents of both tannins and phenols were significantly low in both species of cocoyam. For example, the tannin content ranged between 0.50 in OWN06 and 0.87 in KET02. Incidentally, two Colocasia accessions (OWN06 with 0.50% and UMA03 with 0.51%) had the lowest tannin contents while higher values were recorded in one of the Xanthosoma accessions (0.87%).
With respect to the content of phenols, the mean values ranged from 0.27 in OWN02 to 0.59 in BND05 (Table 13). Generally, the values were higher among the accessions of X. sagittifolium than in those of C. esculenta.
Mineral composition in different species of cocoyam
Comparison of the mean concentrations of five different mineral elements on a dry weight basis (mg/100g) between the three representative accessions of C. esculenta and those of X. sagittifolllium are presented in Table 14. There were considerable differences in the contents of the minerals, especially potassium and phosphorus, which varied significantly (p < 0.05) according to the cocoyam species. Potassium was the most abundant mineral in the accessions of both cocoyam species evaluated. The concentration of potassium was significantly very high, especially among the X. sagittifolium accessions, where it varied between 575.33 and 736.67mg/100g, thus confirming the assertion that cocoyam can be a good source of dietary potassium. Phosphorus content ranged from 74.32mg/100g in UMA03 to 310.25mg/100g in OWN02. As expected, all the six accessions also contained calcium and magnesium, albeit at varying concentrations and were the next most abundant minerals in both species of cocoyam. Sodium was the mineral element with the least value amongst all those evaluated in the current study. Its content was quite negligible in the accessions of both C. esculenta and X. sagittifolium, respectively. This is an assertion that has also been reported by Sefa-Dedeh and Agyir-Sackey (2002), and is particularly very noteworthy and fascinating viewed from the perspective of human nutrition. Overall, there were small but statistically significant differences between the three representative accessions of X. sagittifolium, which seemed to be nutritionally superior to those of C. esculenta in terms of the composition of mineral elements.