The most significant findings of this study were that the gel in D3 before the tensile process showed better regeneration-promoting ability—through application of a traction force—than the gels in D5, D10, and D15 before the tensile process. Although the tendon gels in all the four groups were histologically mature after the application of a traction force, those in D3 and D5 before the tensile process were significantly immature compared to the gels in D10 and D15 before the tensile process. Based on the histological and immunohistological evaluations, we inferred that maturation of the tendon gel through mechanical stress induced by muscle contraction after the junction between the tendon parenchyma and tendon gel started from the fifth day onwards. On the other hand, surface and molecular analyses indicated that tendon gels in D3 before the tensile process, although histologically immature, were actually mature like in normal tendons owing to the traction force unlike the gels in D5, D10, and D15. Therefore, the tendon gel in D3 showed high potential as a novel biomaterial for applications in regenerative medicine.
Concerning histological properties, tendons comprise 55–70% of water and 30% of extracellular matrix, which in turn is primarily composed of aligned type I collagen fibers as well as other components, such as elastin, decorin, biglycan, and fibromodulin [21]. Furthermore, tendons generally contain only a few flat tenocytes [22,23], but in the gels of D3 and D5 observed in this study, many round cells—also considered tenocytes—were actually observed. According to the research by Ohashi et al. [13] with murine models, tenocytes were generated at the edges of the tendon in the early stage; subsequently, they were spread throughout the gel and their shape was changed from round to flat, indicating maturation. These findings are similar to ours. In this study, we observed a histologically significant difference between tendon gels in D3/D5 and D10/D15 before the tensile process. We attributed this result to the completion of the connecting junctions between the tendon parenchyma and tendon gel after the fifth day in many tendon gels. Consequently, the contraction of the gastrocnemius exerted traction stress on the tendon gel, which was thought to promote morphological changes in the tenocytes and collagen maturation, as revealed by Torigoe et al. [11] and Ohashi et al. [13] using murine models.
With regards to the immunohistological evaluation, interestingly, collagen fibers are organized in hierarchical levels in tendon tissue; more specifically, tropocollagen—a triple-helix peptide chain—gathers in fibrils, fascicles, tertiary bundles, and ultimately in the whole tendon [24]. When the extrinsic and intrinsic regeneration processes are mixed—like in clinical scenarios—tenocytes and collagen fibers become aligned in the direction of mechanical stress with concurrent decreases in type III collagen and water content in the forming scar tissue [4]. Furthermore, the increased activity of collagenases eventually supports the resorption of type III collagen, as well as its subsequent replacement with type I collagen over an extended period [2,25]. In this study, no extrinsic regeneration occurred owing to the utilization of the film model method, and we added forced traction to the tendon gel in the tensile process which is not a clinical situation. Therefore, the results of our immunohistological evaluation are not considered similar to those of the natural regeneration occurring [4] in clinical scenarios. However, this result shows that the tissue composed of type I collagen, as in the case of a normal tendon, is regenerated in a short period of time by applying a traction force to the tendon gel produced by the intrinsic regeneration. Similar to the results of the EVG staining, the results of the immunohistological evaluation showed type I collagen only in D15 and type III collagen in D10 an D15 before the tensile process, and no collagen fiber at all in D3 and D5. This fact is supported our hypothesis that the maturity of the tendon gel was gradually achieved after the junctions between the tendon parenchyma and tendon gel were formed.
Concerning the molecular structural evaluation performed in this study, the presence of peaks close to 1,750 cm-1 was confirmed in all the four groups after the tensile process. The peak was higher in D3 than in D5, D10, and D15. According to the cross-linking models [26–28], the FT-IR spectrum is analyzed as follows: the first cross-linking reaction is known as aldol condensation where a saturated -CHO group is formed [26], resulting in a peak close to 1,750 cm-1. Furthermore, the height of this peak relates to the extent cross-linking. Therefore, no peak was found in normal mature tendons [20], as shown by our results. As highlighted by a previous study [29], while the structural stability of collagen fibers is affected mostly by intermolecular cross-links rather than intramolecular cross-links, collagen fibers are more strongly bound together when more fibers are cross-linked in type I collagen. In addition, mechanical stress is an essential element for maturation of collagen fibers [20,30]. Kwansa et al. [31] also indicated that application of a traction force promotes cross-linking between the amino- and carboxy-terminal extremities of the collagen fibers, which structurally strengthen the whole collagen tissue. Therefore, the result of this study showed that intermolecular cross-links occurred more frequently in D3 than in the other groups.
According to our surface analysis using AFM, thick collagen fibers similar to those in normal tendons were identified in D3 after the tensile process. We considered that the intermolecular cross-links formed in collagen on applying traction force actually led to collagen maturation; moreover, the presence of thick collagen fibers, equivalent to those in normal tendons, was confirmed even on the surface of the tendon gel. On the other hand, in D5, D10, and D15, as the -CHO peak was small, the number of intermolecular cross-links was also considered small as thick collagen fibers were not detected during surface analysis. According to molecular and surface analyses, the D3 tendon gels before the tensile process can form collagen intermolecular cross-links and thick collagen fibers through traction force and subsequently undergo maturation.
Considering the histological and structural evaluations together, the histologically immature tendon gels, such as those in D3, were considered to be in a pre-mature stage, where histological and structural maturity would ultimately be achieved through traction force, in contrast to D10 and D15. As the collagen in tendons is organized in hierarchical levels [24], we believe that the intermolecular cross-linking occurred along the traction direction in the tensile process because the tendon gels in D3 before the tensile process contained many tropocollagen molecules. Conversely, collagen molecules were cross-linked in multiple directions in D10 and D15 owing to the multidirectional traction forces exerted by muscle contraction in vivo; consequently, the number of cross-links after the tensile process in vivo was small and the collagen fibers were thin. Although the tendon gels in D5 before the tensile process were also immature histologically and thick collagen fibers—albeit thinner than those in normal tendons—were observed after applying traction force, a significant difference between D3 and D5 after the tensile process was detected in structural analysis. We believe that although immature, D5 was more mature in vivo than D3. Therefore, the tendon gels in D3 before the tensile process are more suitable for maturation using traction force and have better regenerative potential as artificial biomaterials. In a preliminary study, day-1 and day-2 tendon gel models (three tendon gel samples for each day) were also prepared; however, no tendon gel of appreciable size could be obtained.
An advantage of this study was that the animal experiments were conducted using the film model method; together with the careful removal of both paratenon and synovial tissues, this method eliminated extrinsic regeneration activity, which inhibits the intrinsic regeneration process. Therefore, elastic fibers or new blood vessels suggesting extrinsic healing [4] were histologically detected in the tendon gel specimens. Furthermore, the possibility of regenerating tendons histologically and structurally similar to those before injury was actually verified through application of traction force to the early-stage tendon gel in D3. We believe that our findings can lead to two possibilities in clinical scenarios: first, if an in vivo environment capable of removing the extrinsic regeneration component is created in future—perchance using the inhibiting factors of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) [32,33] or some inflammatory factors [34]—then tendons similar to those before injury could be regenerated. Second, the early-stage tendon gel could potentially be used as an artificial biomaterial because it could form an artificial tendon through the application of traction force. Furthermore, owing to the characteristics of the thus-matured tendon gel, we believe that new therapeutic options could be ultimately added to other treatments for tendon injuries, such the ones involving stem cells, growth factors, collagen fiber scaffolds, and/or gene transfer among others [35–38]. In future, the performance of the early-stage tendon gel as an artificial biomaterial should be verified through clinical research. Nonetheless, we believe that this study provides useful basic knowledge concerning scar-free intrinsic tendon regenerative processes.
However, there were some limitations in our study. First, immobilization of the lower limbs after surgery was not performed; consequently, differences in the maturation of tendon gels depending on the activity of the rabbit might have occurred. However, as the variation in the histological maturity score of tendon gels in each group was rather small, it is unlikely that the study results were significantly affected by this limitation. Second, the stressing technique was based only on a constant unidirectional traction force; therefore, actual muscle contraction—which consists of cyclic movement patterns—could not be reproduced, and additional research using cyclic traction should be conducted for achieving more clinically relevant results. Third, as tenocytes— eventually related to intrinsic healing—were not specifically stained, proving that the tendon gel cells were tenocytes was not possible. Nevertheless, as the paratenon was removed and no new blood vessels were observed in the tendon gel, tenocytes were considered present in the tendon gel; however, this aspect must be investigated further in future studies. Fourth, no statistical comparison among the four groups after the tensile process was performed for histologic evaluation, as the tendon gel after the tensile process was separated from the tendon. Therefore, the preparation of tissue specimens oriented in the fiber direction was rather difficult, and it was not possible to judge either the C or J area using the scoring system. However, tendon gels after tensile process uniformly changed according to the histological evaluation, and no significant difference was found. Finally, some problems related to the generation period of tendon gels in human tendons and the methodology for creating an intrinsic-healing-only environment in vivo must be solved to facilitate future clinical application of our findings.