Anther dehiscence under VPD conditions
Anther dehiscence, which is the final stage of flower development, involves complex cellular degeneration to allow pollen release. Internal water status plays a crucial role in influencing the dehydration of anthers and the shrinkage of the tangential outer wall, thus providing the necessary force for anther dehiscence [26]. Externally, low relative humidity accelerates anther dehiscence, whereas increased relative humidity delays or inhibits this process [12, 27–29].
According to the tested VPD conditions, relative humidity significantly impacted the timing of strawberry anther dehiscence. While there was no significant difference in anther dehiscence between the VPD conditions of 2.06 and 1.58 kPa, lower relative humidity promoted dehiscence, and high relative humidity at a VPD condition of 0.33 kPa effectively delayed anther dehiscence (Fig. 3). Similarly, anther dehiscence was delayed with increasing relative humidity, effectively at 97%, whereas the dehiscence of detached anthers accelerated at 33% and 64% in apricot and peach, respectively [13]. In strawberries, anther dehiscence was delayed but still occurred at high relative humidity (Fig. 3c). This indicates that anther dehiscence occurs at a specific developmental stage, regardless of relative humidity. Once the anther dehiscence stage is reached, environmental conditions affect the process.
However, this mechanism varies among species, as increased relative humidity inhibited anther dehiscence in Ricinus communis L. [12], whereas the species with stomata on the anthers may be more effectively affected by relative humidity conditions [26]. The anthers with the tall type of stamen started to dehisce first and those with the short type of stamen dehisced last in all the VPD conditions (Fig. 3). In Allium triquetrum, the anther dehiscence time differed between the inner and outer whorl, which had varying filament lengths according to their positions, with the inner-whorl anthers dehiscing earlier than the outer-whorl anthers [14]. These results indicate that VPD can effectively control the timing of strawberry anther dehiscence, suggesting the possibility of regulation through environmental control before applying mechanical pollination methods.
The process of pollen release after anther dehiscence is also effectively influenced by the VPD conditions. Strawberry pollen releases a clump structure, which is advantageous for self-pollination, while smaller clumps or individual pollen grains are effective for distance cross-pollination [30]. Strawberry pollen has a tectum on the sexine [31] and appears to be released in clumps, influenced by the distribution of pollenkitt on the tectum. Strawberries, suitable for insect and wind pollination, maintain a balance in terms of stickiness [32].
The pollen clump ejection index was determined to evaluate the extent of pollen clump release according to VPD. The anthers were dehisced for 60 min under a VPD condition of 2.06 kPa (Fig. 4). However, the pollen clump ejection index did not increase at 1 h and began to change at 2 h in the tall type of stamen (Fig. 3, 4). The pollen ejection index began to change at 3 h in the tall type of stamens under a VPD condition of 0.33 kPa, whereas, under VPD conditions of 2.06 kPa, the change was not significant after 3 h (Fig. 4). These results indicate that a sufficient amount of time is required for pollen to be released outside after anther dehiscence and high relative humidity conditions inhibit the subsequent release of pollen from the anther.
Cell degeneration and shrinkage were observed in the anthers of the tall and medium types of stamens at 3 h under a VPD condition of 2.06 kPa (Fig. 5). The anthers of the tall and medium stamens were more affected by relative humidity than those of the short stamens. The cause of asynchrony of anther dehiscence in A. triquetrum was potentially attributed to the timing of anther dehiscence, which might be regulated internally for each anther and whorl [14]. In Fragaria vesca, strawberry flower developmental stages 5–7 include stamen initiation and development; at stage 9, medium- and tall-type stamens elongate, and later, at stage 11, filaments of short stamens elongate [5]. The earlier dehiscence of medium and tall stamens and their response to VPD are likely due to the differences in their relative developmental stages. In strawberry flowers, the different dehiscence patterns of stamens of varying heights may be a factor influencing fruit development. When applying mechanical pollination to fertilize the hundreds of pistils spirally arranged on a receptacle, this can be important.
Mechanical vibration to induce self-pollination
Commercially cultivated strawberries are pollinated using pollinators such as honeybees or bumblebees. Bees generate vibration in various behavioral contexts, including pollen collection [33], suggesting that pollen release is related to the mechanical shaking of anthers caused by the direct physical contact of floral structures with bees [18]. Various external mechanical shaking methods were applied to disaggregate pollen clumps into smaller clumps or pollen grains through combinations of frequency and Grms vibration. The percentage of detached pollen clumps increased with increasing Grms at most frequencies (Fig. 6). These findings are similar to the suggestion that pollen release is influenced more by acceleration, displacement, or velocity than by the optimal frequency of buzz pollination [34]. In addition, these results align with findings that pollen release depends on the velocity or acceleration of the vibration applied to anthers by bees [18, 35].
Frequencies of 100 and 800 Hz with 40 m s−2 more effectively detached pollen than the other frequency and Grms combinations (Fig. 6). These results indicate that specific frequencies are effective for disaggregating the pollen clumps of strawberry flowers. In studies on the frequency of bee vibrations and pollen, bumblebees can change the frequency and duration of vibration on numerous flowers to increase the pollen release from the anthers [36, 37]. Additionally, vibrations at the resonance frequency of stamens can increase pollen removal for smaller bees that cannot reach the required acceleration to release pollen [38, 39]. These experimental results indicate that pollen release can be influenced by frequency.
The attached pollen on the stigma was recognized after the vertical vibration treatments. Strawberry flowers are hypogynous, with each pistil forming an individual unit on the surface of a raised receptacle [5]. Marketable fruits do not have deformities owing to the successful pollination of the numerous pistils on the receptacle, which are evenly fertilized by pollen. Deformed strawberry fruit production can be caused by various factors [40, 41], especially damage to flower organs due to extreme environmental conditions during the flower developmental stages [42–45] or insufficient pollination by bees [46–48]. Ensuring sufficient pollination on indoor vertical farms is essential, as these farms provide an optimal cultivation environment throughout the period.
To induce self-pollination through vibration pollination and evaluate its effectiveness, assessing the pollens detached owing to the vibration treatment that pollinated all the flower pistils is necessary. As a result of the detached pollen clump, 100 and 800 Hz frequencies were effective. However, the detached pollens were most evenly distributed on the pistils at 100 Hz (Fig. 6, 7). Notably, a frequency of 100 Hz was relatively effective even at the lowest Grms, with over 90% at 30 and 40 m s−2 (Fig. 7). The effects of vibration vary depending on the floral morphology, as the arrangement of stamens, with anthers either tightly held together or loosely arranged, influences vibration transmission [49]. The anthers of strawberry flowers are loosely arranged, and such floral structures would benefit from whole-flower vibration for effective pollination. To develop effective mechanical pollination systems, pollens detached from clumps must adhere evenly to the stigma during the pollination process. Considering all factors, the most effective vibration frequency for pollinating strawberry flowers was 100 Hz.
Development of mechanical pollination system
Developing a novel pollination system is essential in indoor vertical farming because of several challenges associated with traditional pollination methods. Various comparative experiments on different pollination methods for strawberry fruit production have been conducted. The development of achenes was the most effective in the order of self-pollination, wind, and insect pollinators [8]. There was no significant difference in fruit fresh weight among self-pollination, pollination via vibration, and hand pollination [50]. In the experiment of ultrasonic radiation on strawberry pollination, 40 and 50 Hz were effective in producing marketable fruits, but it was not easy to establish a correlation between frequency, irradiation time, and the proportion of marketable fruits [9]. These results suggest that external stimulation can enhance pollination efficiency, excluding the effects of insect pollinators. However, existing pollination methods often result in a high incidence of malformed fruits because of the unique morphological characteristics of strawberries, and they have not yet entirely replaced the need for insect pollinators.
Herein, strategies to enhance the effectiveness of mechanical pollination were employed by adjusting the VPD conditions and using precise vibrations. The sampled flowers were used to assess the pollination efficiency, and vibrations were applied after exposure to VPD conditions. Various factors must be considered when applying VPD control and vibrations in actual strawberry cultivation. For flowers attached to plants, the response time of anthers varies depending on the attached or sampled flowers according to the environment conditions, and the direction of applied vibrations also changes. Future studies should explore the outcomes of using vibration pollination in conjunction with insect pollinators and evaluate the feasibility of using solitary vibration pollination. The findings of this foundational research can be utilized as preliminary data before implementing an effective mechanical pollination system. Developing precise control systems for mechanical pollination systems could further be an important solution for enhancing pollination in controlled agricultural environments.