His research design in compliance with the existing predicted framework was a crucial phase. From 2016 to 2020, the following research project looked into the relationship between environmental awards, financial performance, and environmental disclosure quality in non-financial companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange. The study method includes a grading system to measure environmental disclosure quality and data analysis using the regression analysis on STATA-17 software.
3.1. Model Specification
This This study examines the impact of environmental award and financial on environmental disclosure quality. The present study was carried out with the help of four variables: Environmental disclosure quality (EDQ), Environmental award (EA), Financial Performance, Return on assets (ROA), Profit margin (PM), Return on equity (ROE), Firm Size (FS) and Firms age (FA). All the Variables are consistent with prior studies (Cormier et al., 2005; Solikhah & Maulina, 2021). The study employs the econometric method and multiple regression model (OLS) to formulate a regression model.
Research Model.
Hypothesis 1
EDQi,t = β∅ + β1(EA)i,t + β2(FA)i,t + β3(FS)i,t + µt
Hypothesis 2
EDQi,t = β∅ + β1(ROA)i,t + β2(PM )i,t + β3(ROE)i,t + β4(FA)i,t + β5(FS)i,t + µt
EDQi,t = β∅ + β1(ROA)i,t + β2(PM )i,t + β3(ROE)i,t + β4(EA)i,t + β5(FA)i,t + β6(FS)i,t + µt
EDQ = Environmental Disclosure Quality
EA = Environmental Award
ROA = Return on assets
PM = Profit Margin
ROE = Return on equity
FA = Firm Age
FS = Firm Size
β ∅ = Constant
β 1, β2, β3, β4, β5 = Slop of coefficients
3.2. Measurement of Environmental Disclosure Quality
Environmental disclosure quality is the dependent variable in this study, and a proxy is used to quantify it: compliance with laws, pollution prevention, environmental management, and sustainable development, consistent with existing studies (Solikhah & Maulina, 2021). We used a score of one to three. Three for an item explicitly described and discussed in monetary or quantitative terms, two when an item is explicitly discussed, and one for an item discussed in general (Cormier et al., 2005). After calculating the total score in four proxies, a percentage of the total score obtained is calculated, and a higher score indicates a significant level of transparency and data disclosure. Alfalih, Abdulaziz. (2022).
3.3. Measurement of Environmental Disclosure Quality
Saringat (2019) argues that recognition in the form of an award motivates organizations to improve their environmental performance therefore impact of environmental award on the EDQ will also be assessed. Environmental awards positively affect the quality of environmental disclosure (Solikhah & Maulina, 2021); therefore, the environmental award is used as an independent variable in this study. In order to assess whether a company has received an environmental reporting award from any of the recognized institutions like ICAP, PSX, ACCA-WWF, or any other accredited institute as mentioned in the annual report is considered for this purpose, in the relevant year, any environmental award is awarded to the company, we allocated one otherwise 0 is given.
3.4. Measurement of Financial Performance
In this research, we used return on assets, equity, and profit margin to measure financial performance, consistent with a previous study conducted by Solikhah and Maulina (2021). Additionally, return on equity, return on capital, net profit margin, dividend per share, and earnings per share are used in India to gauge a company's success (Sarumpaet, 2006). This information is taken from the companies' annual reports.
3.5. Control Variables and its Measurements
Prior literature finds that the quality of environmental disclosure improves with firm size (Deegan & Gordon, 1996; Bewtey & Li, 2000). We used the natural log of total sales (LnSALES) to measure the size of the firm being used as a control variable (Cormier et al., 2005).
According to the resource-based approach, older businesses are thought to have much more resources than younger firms, which will impact the organization's performance. For this reason, firm age is utilized as a control variable based on the notion that businesses accumulate resources through time (e.g., Autio et al., 2000; Akben-Selcuk, E., 2016).