Herbivory, defined as the consumption of living plant tissues by animals, comprises a number of different processes like seed predation, browsing, grazing, mining, or bark peeling (Schowalter 2016). It is one of the most crucial disturbances within an individual plant’s ontogeny (Aguirrebengoa et al. 2018; Massad 2013; Selaković et al. 2017) and has major impacts on species composition and biodiversity of plant communities and ecosystems (Bernes et al. 2018). Starting with seedling herbivory, herbivores shape landscapes as their preference for certain seedlings leads to cascading changes in plant species communities, biodiversity, and forest regeneration (Cilles et al. 2016; Williams and Brodie 2023). The effects of leaf browsing and grazing on plants range from differences in morphology (Persson et al. 2005) to changes in metabolism (Gaquerel et al. 2014; Schrijvers-Gonlag et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2015) and alterations in interspecies competition (Sebata 2013). These small-scale effects can in turn lead to changes in species compositions of plants and animals (Wisdom et al. 2006), nutrient availability, and nutrient cycles (Abbas et al. 2012; Murray et al. 2013).
In temperate forest ecosystems, ungulates are one of the most impactful herbivores (VanderMolen and Webster 2021; Weisberg and Bugmann 2003). Ungulates prefer certain plant species or plant individuals to others as their availability, accessibility, nutrient value, defense status and many other factors can differ significantly (Holeski et al. 2016; Ingram et al. 2013). The selective feeding by ungulates can tip the scales in the inter-species competition of plants to favor one side or the other (Maxwell et al. 2019), as herbivory can lead to a complete disappearance of seedlings and smaller plants or reduced height growth of saplings and bigger individuals (Beguin et al. 2016; Hood and Bayley 2009). These effects can be exacerbated through inherently slow annual height growth due to environmental factors such as soil fertility (Zamora et al. 2001). Selective feeding can lead to changes in species composition, productivity, and biodiversity of plant communities (Royo and Carson 2022), which in turn might result in a change in animal communities (Seager et al. 2013). The extent of related changes also depends on environmental drivers (e.g., aspect or light availability), potentially reducing or amplifying impacts of ungulates on the vegetation (Kupferschmid et al. 2014, 2020).
Although wild ruminants are constitutive elements of many terrestrial ecosystems, their impact on vegetation can be assessed negatively from a human perspective if changes in spatio-temporal habitat use patterns, unnaturally high ruminant densities or local spatial concentration effects occur and threaten human interests (Reimoser et al. 1999, 2023; Reimoser 2003). Even in protected areas, herbivore influences can be assessed negatively from a human perspective if these influences hinder the achievement of previously defined conservation targets (Reimoser et al. 2022). This can also be the case in areas that target at process protection, e.g., when hunting is suspended in the protected area resulting in a high settling stimulus for wild ruminants, or when an area represents a more attractive habitat than the surrounding landscape for other reasons. In such constellations, excessive ruminant densities might occur, which may jeopardize conservation objectives. It is therefore highly relevant in managed forests, but also in forests in protected areas, to monitor wild ruminant impacts and, if necessary, to derive management needs and appropriate measures.
The impacts of ungulate herbivory on trees have been the subject of many surveys, with exclosure-control settings being the most common approach (Bellingham and Allan 2003; Casabon and Pothier 2007; Millett and Edmondson 2013; Pellerin et al. 2010; Reimoser et al. 2023; Russell and Fowler 2004; Tschöpe et al. 2011). By comparing vegetation data from a fenced plot to which the ungulates have no access, with vegetation data from an accessible control plot ungulates’ impacts can be separated from other driving factors. This allows for conclusions on the effect of ungulates on biodiversity, height growth, forest regeneration, species composition, and more (Hedwall et al. 2018; Kay and Bartos 2000; McGarvey et al. 2013; Perkovich and Ward 2022; Seymour et al. 2016).
As the most vulnerable part of a tree’s life cycle for ungulate herbivory lies in its early years, many exclosure studies particularly address these early stages and related community responses. However, the complexity of plant-animal interactions together with intra- and interspecific interactions between plants/species makes it difficult to translate recent influences of wild ruminants into impacts at later developmental stages. Compensatory mortalities, gap-forming and gap-filling dynamics, human intervention as well as interactions with abiotic drivers might play a decisive role. It has been shown that early ungulate herbivory has diverse effects on biodiversity (Nopp-Mayr et al. 2023) and height growth patterns (Nopp-Mayr et al. 2020) in later years and might be superimposed by responses to other environmental drivers. As a consequence, lasting effects of ungulate herbivory might be overestimated (Nopp-Mayr et al. 2020), when only covering the first years after germination and recording all tree individuals (total stem density) within monitoring schemes. In practice, surveys of herbivore impacts frequently only cover short periods of time, addressing immediate management needs, but largely ignore further-reaching effects that cannot be assessed within these windows of time. Thus, long-term surveys, documenting lasting effects of ungulate herbivory are needed, but still rare.
However, general transferability of outcomes of long-term surveys might not be automatically assumed, but potential representativeness only for specific conditions that allow for such a monitoring over decades might be given. This issue is of general relevance when monitoring ungulates’ impacts on forest vegetation on a long-term basis.
In the present study, we could address these two basic aspects of long-term monitoring in mountainous forests: (1) Possible long-term effects of herbivores on forest vegetation (i.e., on the species diversity and structural diversity of woody plants and on height growth patterns) and (2) possible biases of a long-term survey (by generating subsamples with different survey durations). Our study is based on a regular state-wide ungulate herbivory monitoring system in the westernmost state of Austria (Vorarlberg), which provides a unique data set of 30-year surveys. This is the longest lasting statewide ungulate impact survey in Central European mountainous forests with a large number of sample plots. Within this system ongoing ungulate impacts and their lasting effects on forest regeneration are monitored and evaluated, based on comparisons of ungulate exclosure plot data with data from open control plots accessible for ungulates. There are plot pairs, which have been recorded for the last 30 years having their fence intact the whole time.
The survey allowed us to explore potential advantages of long-term data sets, capturing the complex cascades of competition, compensatory mortality and more at later developmental stages, which would have been missed in the course of short- or mid-term surveys. This includes the following questions being relevant for management issues: (1) Are effects of ungulate herbivory in terms of tree or shrub species diversity detectable after a 30-year time span? (2) Is the structural diversity (in terms of height class diversity of trees) different in the fenced plots compared to the control plots after 30 years? (3) Do plot types (open access vs. exclosure) differ in height class distribution of trees on the long term? (4) Does the number of years till terminal shoots of trees outgrow the height of ungulate browsing differ between the fenced plots and the control plots? On the other hand, dividing the data set into subsets covering different windows of time allowed us to (5) test the extent to which long-term data are biased towards slow-growing sites.