3.1. Bimetallic nanocolloids optical and morpho-chemical features
Bimetallic nanocolloid (BiMNPs) synthesis mediated by phenolic compounds (PCs) was systematically investigated to obtain the maximum information varying the reaction medium. Optimal pH and time were studied using catechin (CT) as model-PC using the reaction mix M2, following the procedure reported in section 2.4; CT was used since it is widely found in food and has a well-known ability to form MNPs [14]. The plasmonic signal was monitored at 430 and 550 nm, typical of the maximum LSPR of AgNPs and AuNPs, respectively [5].
The pH was studied between 6–12 (Fig. S1A). pH 9.0 was selected since represents the best compromise between LSPR peak intensity and reproducibility for both wavelengths; at this pH, PC’s hydroxylic groups are ionized and prone to easily donate electrons. pH values lower than 9.0 result in scarce BiMNPs production, whereas higher values induce casual and unreproducible synthesis [5, 15]. The BiMNPs reaction time has been also studied (Fig. S1B); 10 min resulted enough to achieve reproducible synthesis and stable colloids.
Figure 1A-C reports the colorimetric and LSPR profile of BiMNPs obtained, in the optimized conditions, for increasing amounts of p-coumaric acid (p-CM), rosmarinic acid (RM), and CT; these PC were selected as model molecules since belong to different chemical classes and possess different chemical structures, stereochemistry, and reducing phenolic moieties [16].
The reported spectra show the three different types of BiMNP nanostructures that can be obtained with different PCs (see below); they are achieved employing the reaction mix M1. In Fig. 1D-F, to better appreciate the differences between LSPR signatures and the LSPR maximum (λmax) shifts, the first derivative was used to process the spectra [3, 17]; the ‘zero-crossing’ points coincide with the λmax.
The PC chemistry drastically influences the BiMNPs synthesis; indeed, in the same conditions, different LSPR 'signatures' and colloid colors are obtained. In all the cases, the plasmonic signal intensity varies according to the PC concentration, while the color changes not only in intensity but even in hue depending on the nanostructure formed.
In detail, p-CM, a mono-phenol, induces the synthesis of BiMNPs characterized by a broad peak with fixed LSPR maximum (λmax) at 560 ± 8 nm (Fig. 1A and D), attributed to a nanostructure with the prevalence of Au [2, 18]. Increasing p-CM amounts led to LSPR intensity increase and peak broadening; this is due to larger light scattering, classically related to multi-metal structure enlargements [19]. Coherently with the constant λmax, the colloids retain the same color hue (purple).
RM, a conjugated ortho-diphenol, gives rise to a narrow absorption peak that, for increasing concentration, shows a blue shift with λmax moving from 550 ± 6 nm to 510 ± 5 nm (Fig. 1B and E); this plasmonic profile is typical of Ag/Au alloys where the resonance of the two nanometals is merged [18–21]. The λmax shift indicates an increase in the Ag-amount in the BiMNPs [18]. This BiMNP compositional metal evolution is confirmed by the shift of the colloid color from purple to orange.
CT, an ortho-diphenolic flavanol, displays two peaks that indicate the contemporary synthesis of AgNP (λmax = 430 ± 3 nm) and AuNP (λmax = 540 ± 4 nm) that resonate independently (Fig. 1C and E) [2, 18]. The AgNP occurs at higher CT amounts, and this triggers the colloid color switch from purple to ruby-red.
To better understand the BiMNPs formation route, the synthesis was attempted with reaction media containing only Ag+ (Fig. S1C) and Au3+ (Fig. S1D). No AgNPs were observed for the three PCs tested, while a slight AuNP signal was observed for p-CM and RM. This suggests that the BiMNP production is probably triggered by small AuNPs that work out as nucleation centers for Ag nanostructuration/synthesis [3, 15]. Eventually, to better attribute the observed LSPR profile to the different nanostructures, the Turkevich method (use of citrate as reduction agent) was employed to produce AgNPs, AuNPs, mixed populations of AgNPs/AuNPs, and Ag@Au core-shell NPs [2, 18]. The obtained plasmonic profiles (Fig. S2) correlate with those obtained with the PC, confirming their ability to drive different nanostructure generation according to the PC chemical structure.
The morphological and chemical nature of BiMNPs were further investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS); Fig. 2A-C shows the TEM micrographs of BiMNPs synthesized with p-CM (A), RM (B), and CT (C) revealing a different nanostructuration.
The bi-metallic nature of the obtained nanoparticles is highlighted by the different electron densities of Au and Ag atoms, this results in a distinct contrast where the gold is darker than silver [15, 22]. As hypothesized by the LSPR spectra, the nanostructure arrangement obtained is related to the PC employed for the synthesis.
p-CM leads to spherical-shaped Ag/Au MNPs with heterogeneous Ag and Au arrangement (Fig. 2A); spherical MNPs are the most stable energetically, and their formation is reported for small molecules with low AoC (e.g., citrate, ascorbic acid, sodium borohydride, phenolic acids, etc.) [2, 23]. Indeed, p-CM is the simplest and smallest cinnamic acid with low antioxidant capacity [16]. BiMNPs synthesized with RM result in a structure often named 'nanosponge', where the Ag and Au are intimately co-arranged (Fig. 2B) [24]; this can be attributed to the RM conformational flexibility and terminal ortho-phenolic moieties which enables the formation of complex metal nanostructure [25]. On the other hand, CT is characterized by strong reducing capacity but higher structural rigidity, caused by the adjacent benzenic rings; this, as reported in Fig. 3C, leads to the formation of an AgNP/AuNP mixed population, which tends to be grouped in aggregates [23].
XPS analysis was performed to deepen the chemical state of the BiMNPs. Figure 2D-F reports the Ag3d and Au4f spectral region of BiMNPs synthesized with p-CM (D), RM (E), and CT (F). XPS high-resolution spectra of PCs-mediated BiMNPs confirm the copresence of Ag and Au, reporting the two spin-orbit coupling of Ag (3d3/2 and 3d5/2) and Au (4f5/2 and 4f7/2) [26, 27]. As control, XPS analysis was also performed on AgNP, AuNP, mixed populations of AgNP/AuNP, and Ag@Au core-shell NPs formed with citrate according to Turkevich method. Furthermore, monometallic AuNP and AgNP were formed using the three PCs studied when possible.
The observed binding energies (BE) are listed in Table S2; for all the BiMNPs formed with PC both Ag and Au are at the metal/zero valent state, and are characterized by a constant splitting doublet of 6.0 eV and 3.7 eV [26, 27]. Among the employed PC, RM and CT preserve the binding energies observed for monometallic AgNP and AuNP; whereas p-CM displays a behavior similar to Ag@Au core-shell NPs formed with the citrate, suggesting the formation of a similar nanostructure [26–28]. The Au/Ag ratio of the different BiNMPs was also calculated, using Ag3d5/2 and Au4f7/2 peak intensities (Table S3). As expected, CT demonstrated the higher Au/Ag ratio because of the co-presence of distinct monometallic NPs, followed by RM and p-CM; the lower Au/Ag observed for p-CM can be attributed to the Ag@Au core-shell arrangement. In brief, XPS analysis confirms the relationship between the PC-structure with the BiMNPs formation and nanostructure arrangement.
3.2 Plasmonic indexes definition
The reactivity of the different bimetallic synthesis mixtures: mix 1 (M1), mix 2 (M2), mix 3 (M3), and mix 4 (M4), characterized by different metal precursors ratios (section 2.4), were tested toward 9 PCs belonging to different chemical classes i.e. mono-phenols (p-HB, p-CM, NR), ortho-diphenols (CA, RM, CT), and trihydroxy-phenols (GA, EL, TN); the PCs structure and acronyms are reported in Fig. 3A, while classes and sub-classes are listed in Table S1.
Figure 3B shows the picture of the whole set of BiMNPs, while Fig. 3C reports the UV-Vis spectra obtained for M1; spectra for M2, M3, and M4 are reported in Fig. S3. The different reaction mixtures give rise to BiMNPs characterized by different colors and LSPR signatures. The metal precursor ratios also affected the bimetallic nanocolloidal arrangement. M1 gave rise to colloids for the whole set of tested PCs; M2 and M3 exhibited a higher reactivity towards PCs with high molecular weight (i.e., TN, CT, and NR); whereas M4 was more sensitive to ortho-phenolic structures (i.e., CT) with more resolved LSPR signatures compared to the other reaction mixtures.
According to LSPR signatures collected from the bimetallic colloids (Fig. 3C and Fig. S3), the maximum information concerning the BiMNP arrangements is given at wavelengths of 430, 510, 550, 600, and 650 nm; these have been already associated with Au- and Ag-based NPs characterized by different nanoarchitectures [18, 21]. To extract the maximum information to evaluate the PC profile pattern, improve the recognition ability, and amplify the LSPR variations, four plasmonic indexes (PI) were introduced.
The PIs λ430, λ550, and λ650 are obtained by the maximum LSPR absorbance associated with a specific colloidal structure, divided by the absorbance at the relative baseline wavelength (see section 2.4). In particular, λ430 is related to the formation of isolated silver nanoparticles (AgNP/AuNP mixed population); λ550 is usually associated to bimetallic nanostructures with the prevalence of Au; λ650 is characteristic of spherical-shaped BiMNPs with a heterogeneous Ag and Au arrangement. The PI λ510 was obtained by the ratio of the 2 peaks at 510 nm and 550 nm; this evidences the presence of Ag in the BiMNP structure, in fact, PI λ510 can be associated with bimetallic nanostructures where Ag and Au are intimately co-arranged (i.e., nanosponges).
3.3 Phenolic clustering in food using plasmonic Indexes
The ability of the plasmonic indexes selected to return information in food samples was challenged carrying the BiMNPs synthesis in 13 samples; in particular, ground and whole cloves (Cl1 and Cl2, respectively), coffee powders of different brands (Cf1, Cf2, and Cf3), roasted coffee beans’ peel (Cf4), green teas of various brands (Gt1, Gt2, and Gt3), dried mint leaves and mint infuse (Mn1 and Mn2, respectively), dried sage (Sg) and dried thyme (Ty) have been tested.
To have a quantitative idea of the PC patterns for each sample, HPLC–MS/MS targeted analysis according to a method already developed by our group was also run [29]. Table S4 reports the data obtained; a total of 31 different PCs were identified and quantified. Table S5 lists the PCs amount grouped for class (mono-phenols, ortho-diphenols, trihydroxy-phenols) and sub-classes (Benzoic acid, Ba; Cinnamic acid, Ca; Flavonoid, Fld; Benzoic/Cinnamic acid, Ba/Ca; Conjugated Ca; Conjugated Ba) according to their chemical structure. The samples present a heterogeneous composition characterized by a prevalent class of PCs; this is in agreement with the literature [30–33].
A classification of the food samples based on the PCs quantified via HPLC-MS/MS was attempted using the unsupervised multivariate hierarchical clustering (AHC) algorithm; the detailed procedure used is reported in section 2.7. The resulting heatmap of Fig. 4 shows that the AHC algorithm clustered the 13 food samples in four groups, named cluster-a, -b, -c, and -d.
The clusters' distance was computed using the Dunn index, and resulted equal to 1.22, proving a clear separation. In detail, cluster-a includes samples characterized by the prevalence of trihydroxy-phenols (i.e., Cl1 and Cl2) and cluster-b samples with a high relative abundance of chlorogenic acid (i.e., Cf samples); cluster-c is characterized by a remarkable amount of flavonoids with trihydroxy- (i.e., epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin gallate) and ortho-phenolic moieties (i.e., catechin). Samples with high content of ortho-diphenols, (particularly rosmarinic acid) are grouped in cluster-d (i.e., Mn1, Mn2, Sg, and Ty). Taking a look at the heatmap, both cluster-a and b are characterized by a lower total phenol content (TPC) with respect to cluster-c and cluster-d.
These sample extracts, at different dilutions (from 1:10 to 1:1000), were also used to produce BiMNPs in the proposed array format. Fig. S4, as an example, reports the plasmonic spectra obtained with the reaction mix M3 for samples Cl1, Mn1, Gt1, Cf1, and Sg1; Fig. S5 reports the pictures of the complete BiMNPs set. The colloidal suspensions, as expected, resulted in different colors that can be attributed to different BiMNP nanostructure arrangements, generated by the different PC patterns of the samples. The values of the four plasmonic indexes (PI: λ430, λ510, λ550, and λ650) proposed in section 2.2, extrapolated from the BiMNPs spectra of the samples were quite reproducible (RSD ≤ 4.4%; n = 3). In Fig. S6, it is possible to appreciate how PIs allow clear visualization of the prevalent PC classes of the samples.
The ability of the proposed PIs to identify the prevalent phenolic class in food samples was initially evaluated using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Figure 5A and 5B report the score and loading plots for PC1, PC2, and PC3 respectively, obtained employing as dataset the PIs of pure phenolic compounds from the four reaction mixtures (M1, M2, M3, and M4); all data employed for statistical analysis are obtained from triplicates. The loadings represent the contribution of each PI to the principal components.
As shown in Fig. 5A, the PC1 axis highlighted the difference among the PIs (i.e., λ430, λ510, λ550, and λ650) representing 49.6% of the explained variance; PC2 and PC3 also give their contribution to the spatial separation of the PIs, expressing 22.2% and 17.8% of the variance, respectively; these data, demonstrate the different information brought by the selected plasmonic indexes that cover the 89.6% of the explained variance. PIs derived from the four reaction mixtures are grouped according to the wavelength, resulting spread in all the quadrants, indicating their ability to return different information.
In the score plot of Fig. 5B, which gives information on the phenolic compounds, low molecular weight phenolic structures with carboxylic acid functions (p-CM, p-HB, CF, and GA) are separated by the other phenolic compounds along PC1. Polyphenols with a dimeric or oligomeric structure (i.e., RM, EL, and TN) are well separated along PC2. Interestingly, despite their similar structures, NR and CT are separated, this is due to their different antioxidant capacity (AoC); indeed, NR is a low-reactive mono-phenol, and CT is an ortho-diphenol. From these data, it is clear that PIs give different outputs according to the reaction mix composition, depending on the structure and AoC of the single phenolic compound [5].
Figure S7A and S7B report loading and score plots obtained by the full set of PIs collected from food samples. In this case, despite the explained variance being higher (52.8% PC1, 28.9% PC2, and 8.1% PC3) and the PIs results spread along the quadrants, the majority of the samples are grouped regardless of their phenolic pattern not allowing a clear classification of the samples.
The classification ability of the PIs was then tested via partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), to assess the indexes' ability to assign the samples to the four clusters (a, b, c, and d) defined with HPLC-MS/MS; a ‘leave one out’ procedure was used in cross-validation. The detailed PLS-DA procedure applied is described in section 2.7. PLS-DA is a descriptive modeling that emphasizes differences in datasets through a supervised algorithm enabling data classification [34]. To increase the performance and overcome the overfitting effect, PLS-DA was carried out by a k-fold (k = 10) cross-validation strategy [10, 35]; the classification performance of predictors conducted by permutation tests (100 cycles) is reported in Table S6 where the high value of the predictive parameter indicates the discriminant accuracy of the model (Q2Y ≥ 0.974) and the success of the classification.
The data of PLS-DA are appreciable in Fig. 6. From the 3 components obtained (total variance explained 88.1%) is clear that cluster-c is well-classified thanks to the opposite contribution of λ550 and λ650 in the 1st component; on the 2nd component cluster-a is discriminated by the inversely proportional contribution of λ510 and λ430, whereas cluster-b is well explained by λ430. Correct classification of cluster-d is achieved by the synergic and positive contribution of all the PI explained by 3rd component.
Table S7 lists the PLS-DA data regarding the classification in fitting and cross-validation pointing out that the discriminant multivariate approach using PIs from the four reaction mixtures, taken one by one, did not accurately predict the food samples classification. This observation proves that to predict the representative phenolic classes of samples, consistent with clusters achieved by HPLC-MS/MS analysis, the synergic contribution of the PIs from the four reaction mixtures needs to be taken into account.
3.4 Smartphone-based calibration-free colorimetric score for antioxidant capacity evaluation
According to the plasmonic profile, BiMNPs return naked-eye visible colors. Using a simple smartphone camera, BiMNPs array color was used to evaluate the samples' antioxidant capacity (AoC). The rationale of this approach relies on the PC's ability to drive the formation of nanocolloidal ‘probes’ with different color-hue and hue-intensity (HI) according to the phenolic class and amount present in the sample, respectively, resulting in a colorimetric tag array.
RGB hue intensities were collected for each BiMNP colloids. To define an antioxidant capacity total score (AoC T.S.), the BiMNPs color was parametrized, dividing the different responses into four quartiles (Q) associated with a different score and colorimetric tag, coherently with the RGB hue collected: Q1 = score 1, gray-tag; Q2 = score 2.5, yellow-tag; Q3 = score 5, red-tag; Q4 = score 10, black-tag. The detailed quartiles definition and AoC T.S. extrapolation are described in section 2.8. and graphically resumed in Scheme 1. Fig. S8 reports the score grid for the full sets of PC standards (pure compounds) along with the extrapolated AoC T.S.; interestingly, the BiMNPs array profile and the relative AoC T.S. are different and peculiar for each PC (Fig. S5). The AoC T.S. was able to distinguish the different PCs according to their antioxidant capacity: TN > CT > NR > RM > GL ~ EL > CF > p-CM > p-HB. This PC antioxidant classification ability is in agreement with classical photometric assays [5].
The bimetallic colorimentric score was tested for food sample analysis; in this case, the score grid columns report different sample dilutions (D.F.). Figure 7 reveals the ability of the colorimetric score to differentiate the samples, and reveal the AoC; Fig. S5 shows the pictures from which the data have been collected.
Table S8 lists the AoC T.S. obtained for the 13 samples, in all the cases reproducible data were obtained (RSD ≤ 5.4, n = 3). Higher AoC T.S. was registered for green teas, followed by mints, ground cloves, coffee powders and dried sage. As expected, the samples with the lower score resulted the whole cloves, dried thyme, and roasted coffee peal. The food reactivity trend is coherent with the representative PCs and their concentration (Table S5). Indeed, green tea samples are the more reactive due to their phenolic pattern rich in ortho-diphenolic structure and flavonoids functionalized with ortho- and trihydroxylic groups, whereas ground clove is among the highest reactive sample due to the presence of the three-hydroxyphenols pattern and their content.
To further shed light on the information returned by the BiMNPs array, samples were analyzed with three consolidated photometric assays for total phenolic content (FC), antioxidant capacity (ABTS), and total flavonoids (AlCl3) evaluation; the detailed procedures of the conventional methods used are given in section SI.2.6, while the data obtained are reported in Table S8. Sample classification is totally in agreement with the three assays, and appreciable correlations were obtained comparing the data with FC (r = 0.87), and ABTS (r = 0.82); interestingly, the AoC T.S. encloses information concerning both AoC and total phenol content. As expected, the bimetallic colorimetric array does not highlight a strong correlation with the AlCl3-based assay (r = 0.61), since this method enables the assessment of flavonoids only.
Noteworthy, the bimetallic nanoparticle score is a calibration-free system able to return absolute scores concerning PC AoC, and to classify samples containing complex phenolic patterns without the need for external calibration and reference standards.