Current malaria prevention tools, notably ITNs and IRS, have yielded significant gains but remain challenged by numerous biological threats such as insecticide resistance and variations in vector behaviors [34, 65–69]. These interventions primarily target the nocturnal and indoor-biting behaviors of the major Afro-tropical malaria vectors, including An. gambiae sensu lato and An. funestus, which are the main vectors in Tanzania. These vectors are most active during the night when people are typically protected by ITNs. However, there is mounting evidence showing significant extended biting activity among these vectors, coinciding with periods when people are engaged in activities such as farming, fetching water, and other livelihood tasks, leaving them unprotected by ITNs [25, 43, 70–72]. One reason for the historical neglect of these biting patterns is the biases in traditional entomological survey methods, which typically overlook daytime mosquito activity [73, 74]. Since such atypical behaviors might reflect a broader risk spectrum and multiple potential protection gaps beyond the reach of ITNs, there is a need to investigate these patterns in different contexts. This study therefore investigated the 24-hour patterns of mosquito bites and human exposures, focusing on both the diurnal and nocturnal biting patterns of the malaria vectors in rural southeastern Tanzania.
Overall, the findings of this study suggest that while most of the biting activity of the two dominant malaria vectors, An. funestus and An. arabiensis remains at night, the risk of day-biting malaria vectors is not insignificant. This new paradigm challenges the current near-universal focus on nighttime interventions and underscores the need to address residual malaria transmission through enhanced vector control strategies that consider both diurnal and nocturnal biting patterns.
It was observed that nocturnal biting by An. arabiensis peaked between 7 pm and 11 pm, while An. funestus exhibited a delayed peak, being most active from 1 am to 3 am. These patterns have been observed in multiple studies before [25, 75–78], and An. arabiensis are in particular known to be very active in early evenings and early sessions of the night, often readily biting outdoors or indoors. This species is therefore less readily impacted by ITNs than the more endophilic, endophagic, and late-biting An. funestus [46, 79] The daytime host-seeking collections, from 6 am to 7 pm, accounted for 14–15% of the total host-seeking mosquitoes for both species. It was shown, however, that the daytime hourly pattern of the host-seeking females was only marginally different between these species, the observed differences being mostly due to the higher densities of An. funestus caught in this study. Notably, An. arabiensis displayed increased activity from 7 am to 11 am and a sharp rise in the early evening from 6 pm to 7 pm, whereas An. funestus showed smaller daytime peaks from 10 am to 12 pm. This daytime activity of major malaria vectors, though modest, aligns with human activities, indoors and outdoors, such as household chores, farming, and fetching water during which people are unprotected by ITNs. The findings are a piece of additional evidence to several recent findings of extended biting by malaria vectors in Africa [36, 80, 81]. In particular, they confirm the now seemingly ubiquitous patterns of An. funestus, the predominant vector in our study area, having extended morning to mid-morning biting activity [35, 36, 38, 82].
Analysis of indoor and outdoor biting rates also revealed significant differences between the species and between the nocturnal and diurnal time ranges. At night, just over half (54.5%) of An. arabiensis were caught outdoors, but this increased significantly to 80.4% indoors during the day. Similarly, An. funestus were primarily caught indoors both at night (57.1%) and during the day (69%). The greater percentages of indoor biting during the day are likely driven by temperature differences, with indoor areas being cooler than outdoors during the day. More importantly, these patterns suggest that while ITNs are effective in targeting indoor-biting mosquitoes at night, additional tools or approaches are needed to cover the fraction of biting that happens during the daytime indoors. The other main vector control tool, IRS is likely to continue being effective both day and night [31], most people do not use any personal protection against malaria vectors during the day. Moreover, the effectiveness of ITNs is absent during the day except in cases where the vectors remain fully susceptible, where community benefits arising from the mass mosquitocidal effects of ITNs might be impactful more [8, 10].
Another parameter examined was the physiological states and parity rates of the mosquitoes collected. A high proportion of unfed mosquitoes were found during the daytime, with more than 58% of day-biting and 72% of diurnal-biting mosquitoes being unfed. This likely reflects the host-seeking state at which the mosquitoes were collected during their diurnal and nocturnal activity cycles. The parity rates were generally high but were notably higher in daytime collections for An. arabiensis (82.57% indoors and 79.47% outdoors) compared to nighttime catches. For An. funestus, the parity rates were comparable between day and night. These high parity rates likely reflect the near absence of newly emerged unfed mosquitoes foraging indoors at these hours. More importantly, it suggests that many of these mosquitoes might had potentially been exposed to infective blood meals and survived more than one gonotrophic cycle, increasing the risk of malaria transmission. Indeed, higher parity rates are regularly reported for An. funestus compared to An. [33, 57–59], and in households far from aquatic habitats [84], but are more likely a result of our biased sampling design, which focused mostly in and around households. Additionally, Plasmodium-positive mosquitoes were detected in both day and night-time collections of An. arabiensis. These results imply that there is indeed an risk of malaria infections associated with these day-biting mosquitoes, irrespective of the small numbers collected during daytime and are in agreement with the results of a recent study from the Central African Republic [85].
Human behaviors and activities significantly contribute to exposure risk during different times of the day and night [25, 43, 86]. In this study, several activities, including farming, fetching water, and other livelihood tasks, were identified as having the potential to elevate the risk of mosquito bites during periods of high mosquito activity when people are not protected by ITNs. These findings correlate with previous observations in various settings, including East Africa [25, 43, 87], West Africa [64, 65], several other African settings [37, 72, 90], and the South Pacific [91]. This study showed overlaps between human activities and mosquitoes both indoors and outdoors, in the mornings and evenings. This overlap may contribute to significant human-vector contacts [72, 76, 89, 92, 93]. In the evenings, previous studies have reported multiple peri-domestic activities happening before people eventually go under their nets. These behaviors typically result in lower protective efficacy of ITNs, even in settings where ownership and use of ITNs are high [7, 37, 86, 94]. Unfortunately, community surveys also revealed a general lack of awareness about the risk posed by day-biting mosquitoes, which has implications for malaria prevention practices. Educating communities about the importance of protection during daytime activities and implementing strategies that extend protection beyond nighttime, such as daytime repellents or protective clothing, could therefore be critical in reducing malaria transmission.
The findings of this study highlight the limitations of current malaria control interventions that primarily target nocturnal and indoor-biting mosquitoes. The modest but significant daytime and outdoor biting activity observed necessitates a re-evaluation of vector control strategies to include measures that address mosquito activity throughout the entire 24-hour period. Compared to the 14.8% Anopheles biting observed in this study, earlier studies demonstrated that these fractions could reach 20–30% in some settings [23], further emphasizing the need to expand both the surveillance and control programs to include 24-hr cycles. Future research should investigate the full implications of this extended spectrum of biting on malaria risk in the villages and whether significant additional interventions are warranted. One way to address this is by careful re-evaluation of existing vector control tools. For example, while ITNs may be less effective on day-biting mosquitoes, IRS, by targeting resting mosquitoes at all times, can remain effective regardless of the biting patterns [95–97].
Indeed, a careful evaluation of the current interventions is essential for safeguarding at-risk populations and achieving the goal of malaria elimination, especially in regions with persistent transmission despite high ITN coverage. Integrating comprehensive entomological and human behavior data can inform more effective and responsive malaria control measures, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of interventions and reducing the burden of malaria in endemic areas [25, 43, 86, 98] Interventions such as larval source management, which targets mosquitoes at their source could be highly effective as a complementary tool alongside ITNs and IRS [28]. Personal protection such as repellents or long-sleeved clothing and mosquito repellents are other options, although their consistent use in low-income settings might be low. Regarding ITNs, even though these are typically used at night, there is scope for ITNs or even untreated nets for young children and babies sleeping indoors during the day, as well as for any invalids or elderly people who spend most of their time indoors. Overall, the extended range of locations and times when biting exposure occurs highlights the need for interventions that can protect individuals both indoors and outdoors throughout the day, particularly in areas with high malaria transmission where outdoor activities are common
The study had several limitations that could potentially bias our findings. Firstly, it was conducted during the dry season, when adult Anopheles mosquito populations are typically low, and we could not estimate 24-hour patterns and malaria transmission risks during the wet season due to time and funding constraints. Moreover, in the dry season, people are more likely to spend time outdoors compared to the rainy season, which may likely have led to over-estimation of exposure to risk outdoors or underestimated exposure risk indoors Secondly, while molecular analysis was performed, it relied heavily on findings from previous studies in the region due to limited time and laboratory resources. Thirdly, for confidentiality, human behavior observations in the peri-domestic area were conducted in a subset of households with a literate volunteer, potentially missing observations in other households or when volunteers were unavailable. Finally, the study was limited to two villages, which may not represent the entire population or environment, restricting the generalizability of our findings.
We recommend comprehensive longitudinal studies with larger sample sizes to fully understand the role of day-biting in sustaining persistent malaria transmission and its implications for current vector control tools. Additionally, with increasing evidence of day-biting mosquitoes, it is recommended to include diurnal biting mosquitoes in routine entomological surveys to accurately estimate their contribution to persistent malaria transmission and inform the development and deployment of effective vector control interventions