The US opioid overdose epidemic has been a major public health concern in recent decades. There has been increasing recognition that its etiology is rooted in part in the social contexts that mediate substance use and access; however, reliable statistical measures of social influence are lacking in the literature. We use Facebook’s social connectedness index (SCI) as a proxy for real-life social networks across diverse spatial regions that help quantify social connectivity across different spatial units. This is a measure of the relative probability of connections between localities that offers a unique lens to understand the effects of social networks on health outcomes. We use SCI to develop a “deaths in social proximity” variable for observing the influence of social networks on opioid overdose deaths (OODs) in US counties. Our results show a statistically significant effect size for “deaths in social proximity” on OODs across counties in the United States, controlling for spatial proximity, as well as demographic and clinical covariates. The effect size of standardized “deaths in social proximity” in our cluster-robust linear regression model indicates that a one-standard-deviation increase, equal to 11.70 more deaths per 100, 000 population in the social proximity of ego counties in the contiguous United States, is associated with ten more deaths per 100, 000 population in ego counties. To further validate our findings, we performed a series of robustness checks using a network autocorrelation model to account for social network effects, a spatial autocorrelation model to capture spatial dependencies, and a two-way fixed-effect model to control for unobserved spatial and time-invariant characteristics. These checks consistently provide statistically robust evidence of positive social influence on OODs in US counties.