This study applied a novel nanoparticle-based MS strategy to identify SASPs from monocytes in fully supplemented culture conditions and revealed circulating senescence signatures that predict aging-associated clinical traits in humans. MS-based proteomics allows a comprehensive unbiased characterization of the cell secretome. Yet, the large numbers of proteins, such as albumin in FBS, in most culture media are a major hurdle in MS-based analysis of SASP proteins. Our group and others addressed this issue by using serum-free media30,32,41-44. However, prolonged absence of serum profoundly alters cellular phenotypes, metabolism, and viability. We initially observed dramatic loss of viability and induction of differentiation under serum starvation in THP-1 cells (data not shown), necessitating a new approach compatible with serum supplementation. Serum starvation can also trigger inhibition of mTORC1, initiate autophagy45 and reduce protein synthesis, which greatly alter the global proteome of the cells and degrade the reliability of markers from the secretome. Moreover, mTOR is a potent regulator of the SASP in cultured cells46,47. Application of the automated, nanoparticle-based workflow here enabled the comprehensive profiling of the SASP in THP-1 monocytes under fully supplemented culture conditions and free of the confounders of starvation.
Our workflow adapted a recent technology that enables comprehensive proteomic analysis of the circulating proteome. This workflow leverages nanoparticles to aid in comprehensive detection of proteins in samples with a large dynamic range of protein concentrations31,35,36,48. In this approach, the protein mixture bound at the surface of nanoparticles in a protein sample, termed the ‘protein corona’, contains a reduced protein dynamic range and allows the detection and quantification of proteins that are normally undetectable in blood. The composition of the protein corona is reproducible and quantitative and, therefore, can be utilized for blood biomarker studies31,36,49,50. Because serum supplementation essentially produces the same dynamic range problem as conditioned medium, we reasoned that the same workflow would enable the comprehensive, quantitative, and unbiased profiling of the SASP under fully supplemented culture conditions. Indeed, we detected a dramatically increased number of human peptides in conditioned medium supplemented with FBS.
Despite the differences in the workflow and cell types between this study and our published SASP Atlas30, which focused on senescence signatures in fibroblasts, there were notable similarities in the composition of the SASPs. Here, we detected at least a threefold increase in the SASP proteins versus SASP Atlas proteins. This is likely due to a combination of factors, likely including the different MS instrumentation and the fact that SASP factor secretion is greater in serum-supplemented conditions. Nonetheless, more than 40% of the published irradiation-induced fibroblast SASP factors were also detected in the inducer-matched monocyte SASP from the current study. Among the key pathway similarities were cellular detoxification and regulation of apoptotic processes and oxidative stress–induced pathways. Furthermore, the current study identified other well-known signatures of senescent cells. Prominent among these were highly elevated interferon-related proteins (Fig. 3e) and, most significantly, MX1, ISG15 and IFITM3 (FDR < 1e-25). Among all SASP factors, MX1 exhibited the largest and most significant protein increase (55-fold change, FDR = 2.23e-14). Notably, multiple interferon-response associated proteins significantly elevated in the monocyte SASP (FDR < 0.05) are among the proteins increased with age in plasma of BLSA participants (FDR < 0.05), including IFI16, OAS1, IFIH1, IFNGR1, IF9, IRF4, OASL and related pro-inflammatory cytokines. Moreover, OASL was selected among other top proteins in our high impact senescence panel (Fig 7a) based on its association with multiple clinical traits and ranked highest in the panel in importance, based on the average magnitude of its association with each trait. Collectively, these results further reinforce the robustness of the type-1 interferon response in senescent phenotypes and highlight their potential as senescence-associated biomarkers in circulation.
Our results are consistent with the premise that senescent cells, particularly senescent monocytes, may either contribute to or be driven by declines in diverse age-related and obesity-related clinical outcomes, including loss of mobility, increased body fat (BMI, fat percentage, waist size), increased blood pressure, elevated triglycerides and lipids, elevated glucose and A1C, and inflammation (CRP and IL6). These findings are also consistent with previous studies in multiple aging cohorts identifying senescence markers that are associated with diverse clinical traits of aging, such as frailty and cognitive decline. For example, SASP proteins, such as ICAM1, MMP7 and Activin A, have been associated with a decline in physical activity in participants of the LIFE study28. In addition, plasma levels of 13 core SASP proteins, including CTSB, a component of the monocyte SASP, are associated with all-cause mortality and multimorbidity in the BLSA25. Few of the published SASP-derived protein associations were observed in the present study, highlighting the heterogeneity in senescent cell phenotypes based on cell-type. For example, GDF15 is notably missing from the monocyte SASP, while the most important SASP proteins (based on the number of associations, Fig 7a) identified in the present study are not among circulating senescence factors currently described22. These results are in line with the expected heterogeneity of senescent cells based on cell type, and that diverse SASP emerging from different senescent cell populations might drive different phenotypes. These results further suggest the importance of developing type-specific (senotype-specific) senescence biomarker signatures for drawing connections between senotype and phenotype in future studies.
One of the striking findings of this study are the robust associations between the monocyte SASP and obesity-related outcomes, such as BMI and body fat, which were among the strongest associations observed. Of note, elastic net models based on monocyte SASP predicted out-of-sample waist size, triglycerides, fat mass in multiple compartments, BMI, fasting glucose, A1C, and blood pressure. An exploratory analysis of body-fat depots in the BLSA revealed that fat deposits in different locations, including thigh, arms, abdomen, and different types, including visceral, subcutaneous, and intramuscular, were all strongly predicted by a monocyte SASP elastic net model (Spearman correlation ranging from = 0.5074 to 0.7473, Fig 5a). However, body fat percentage, a measure of body fat corrected to overall body size, was most strongly predicted (cor=0.7913), suggesting that fat proportion, rather than overall mass, is likely associated with senescence. The associations of monocyte SASP and body fat and related outcomes is notably independent of age and other covariates (Fig S3a, Table S4). These results suggest a potential link between monocyte senescence and obesity. While the direction of causality cannot be definitively determined in the present study, there is ample evidence to support obesity as a driver of cellular senescence. Culture conditions that mimic aspects of obesity, such as high free-fatty acids or glucose, can drive cells into senescence in vitro 51-53. Senescent cells accumulate in obesity and high-fat diet, particularly in adipose tissue54,55. Furthermore, the transplantation of senescent preadipocytes into mice fed high fat diet exacerbates declines in walking speed and endurance when compared with normal diet56. Obesity drives senescence in glial cells in mouse brains and their removal resulting in restored neurogenesis57. Thus, evidence strongly points to obesity as a disease-associated senescence inducer that can be decoupled from aging. Additionally, results from the CALERIE trial demonstrate the reduction of senescence biomarkers in individuals over 1-2 years of calorie restriction, further suggesting a link between senescence burden and diet, body composition and metabolism58. We speculate that at least some of the clinical traits described in this study can be attributed to obesity-associated senescent cells. Indeed, we observe that monocyte SASP-based elastic net models predict key obesity-associated clinical outcomes related to metabolism (fasting glucose, A1C), lipids (triglycerides, cholesterol), and blood pressure. Collectively these findings suggest the importance of considering obesity as a contributor to senescence and senescence-associated outcomes in humans. Importantly, these associations suggest that obese individuals may be among those that benefit most from senotherapeutic interventions, and we propose that this population should be considered for inclusion in future trials of senolytics and senomorphics.
Given the known age-associations of senescent cells and many SASPs, one of the potential concerns of the present study, and all studies of senescence, are the potential contribution of covariates such as aging to the associations with age-related clinical outcomes, and whether they can be separated from age-related processes. In this study, we were indeed able to show that predictive models based on SASP added value to models that include covariates (age, sex, race, and eGFR) and were clinically meaningful in predicting outcomes such as obesity. Further, to mitigate the risk of overfitting our models, which are based on large numbers of features, elastic net modeling was leveraged in this study. To further test the strength of the model, we were able to show that our elastic net model selected on monocyte SASP far outperformed linear models based using the same number of randomly selected proteins across the 7k SomaScan assay (Fig S5a). To ensure the robustness of the findings, we report associations are based on prediction out-of-sample clinical outcomes (independent of the training set), including a subset of the clinical associations that replicated across BLSA and InCHIANTI (Fig 6a).
One of the clinically meaningful findings of his study was that, despite the large number of total SASP proteins identified, a relatively small panel of these also robustly predicted a set of age- and obesity-associated clinical outcomes, including inflammation (IL6, CRP), lipids (HDL, LDL), glucose (A1c, fasting glucose), blood pressure, walking speed and pace, and BMI. Notably, even though a fraction of this panel was measured in both BLSA and InCHIANTI for replication, multiple predictions were replicated across aging studies, supporting the robustness of using selected high impact proteins, for clinical associations. A defined panel of proteins may be clinically advantageous in that the full panel, or selected proteins, can be more readily tested and applied in multiple studies without building new models or making costly measurements of large numbers of proteins. In future studies, it will be of interest to further validate this panel in diverse human cohorts and test their utility to predict a range of aging- and obesity-related outcomes. Several proteins in the panel are consistent with senescence biology and have known associations with outcomes with elevated senescent cell burden. Notably, the cytokine CCL18 (also known as PARC) previously showed the strongest association with mortality among 28 SASPs in a study of 1923 individuals over the age of 6559, and has been associated with disease-progression or negative outcomes in a range of diseases including cancer 60, atherosclerosis 61, and lung disease 62. Glycoprotein nonmetastatic melanoma protein B (GPNMB) is a senescence-associated protein that, when targeted with a senolytic vaccine, results in the reduction of senescence burden and improvements in aging and obesity-related outcomes in mice, including improved glucose homeostasis on high fat diet, and reduced aortic plaque size in APOE KO mice63. LGALS3BP is a previously reported core SASP30, is associated with diverse malignancies64 and sepsis65. In future studies, it will be valuable to validate the associations of the set of proteins in the high impact senescence panel with elevated senescence burden and evaluate their potential roles as either drivers or biomarkers of disease outcomes.
This study has several limitations. SASP factors in plasma can be contributed by a variety of cells and tissues in the body. Thus, it is not possible to track the originating tissues of SASPs in circulation or to verify whether circulating proteins were released by senescent cells or other secreting cells with common secretory factors, such as activated immune cells. Senescence signatures are numerous and heterogeneous by cell type3, and examining clinical associations of senescence signatures from a variety of tissue types is warranted. Studying the SASP from specific cell types can help dissect the role of individual cells in the progression of age-associated clinical traits. In future studies, it may be of interest to identify tissue-specific (senotype-specific) senescent signatures and examine their clinical associations in human cohorts. These studies may shed light on the contributing tissue and senotype-specific senescent cell populations on aging- and obesity-related outcomes and identify more sensitive and specific biomarkers. One limitation of the cross-study validation performed is the difference in the proteomic panels applied in each study, where the BLSA was performed on the newer generation of the SomaScan panel versus the InCHIANTI study. While this affected the strength of the predictions, multiple outcomes remained significant with smaller panels, highlighting some of the more robust associations. It will be valuable going forward to test the cross-study validations both in studies that utilize the complete proteomic assay, and in studies that utilize different proteomic platforms such as UK Biobank, to better understand the predictors that are most robust to differences in proteomic methods. Finally, longitudinal proteomic measurements will be useful in future studies for evaluating whether SASP protein trajectories can be more sensitive in predicting clinical outcomes.
In summary, we showed that SASP factors from monocytes have a high association with aging-associated clinical traits and can serve as biomarkers to predict biological aging. Using nanoparticle-based enrichment coupled with MS enabled comprehensive characterization of the secretome from senescent monocytes in culture in serum-supplemented culture conditions. Our results highlight a novel approach to study the cellular secretome under physiological conditions. Moreover, this study sheds light on clinical associations of circulating monocyte SASPs in human longitudinal studies and identifies possible biomarkers of senescence that could potentially inform future senotherapeutic trials in obese and aged individuals.