a. Density characteristics of Arctic cyclones
Assessing the ability of CMIP6 models to simulate Arctic cyclones using ERA5 reanalysis data has been discussed in Song et al. (2021). The results showed that the 12 CMIP6 models and their ensemble mean were able to simulate the spatial and temporal distribution features of variables of Arctic cyclones. Building on this assessment, we conduct a further analysis of the changes in Arctic cyclones during different periods of the 21st century relative to the changes observed during 1995–2014. We examine variations in Arctic cyclone density and multiple climate elements that are indicative of Arctic cyclones.
Figures 2a, 2b, 2c and 2e show the DJF and JJA mean track density responses for the SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios. The patterns are very similar between two scenarios. The areas with the highest density of Arctic cyclones are predominantly located in southern Greenland and the Gulf of Alaska.
Changes in track density are quiet different for SSP1-26 than SSP5-85, which reflects the sensitivity to increasing levels of anthropogenic climate change. All scenarios present a different pattern of storm track changes, especially over the land (Fig. 2c, 2d, 2g and 2h).
Future projections under the SSP1-2.6 scenario indicate a smaller variation trend in cyclone track density during winter and summer, with fluctuations ranging between − 0.3 to 0.3 (500 km)−2 per month/10 year. However, an opposing trend is observed in winter and summer near the southern part of Greenland, where there is a significant decrease in the number of Arctic cyclones (ACs) during winter but an increase during summer. In the area of sea south of Alaska, there is a significant increase in ACs during winter. It is worth noting of in the medium-term periods of 21st century show a significant increase in the number of cyclones over north of the Queen Elizabeth Islands but disappeared in the long-term periods of the 21st century (Fig. S1).
On the other hand, the pattern that poleward shift of ACs seen in the winter gets larger in magnitude in SSP5-8.5. There is a significant decline in the number of ACs during winter over southern Greenland, the Barents Sea, and the Gulf of Alaska, while an opposite trend is observed over northern Greenland and the Bering Strait. In winter, ACs in the subtropical Pacific and northern Europe are projected to decrease significantly, while those in the eastern subtropical Atlantic tend to increase, with changes of around 0.1 (500 km)−2 per month/10 year.
However, in JJA, under SSP5-8.5, the track density (trkden) of ACs is projected to decrease significantly around a majority of the Northern Hemisphere (NH), except for areas such as the Arctic Ocean, offshore Greenland, and around the subtropical Pacific. A significant decline is evident in various regions including North America, most parts of northern Europe, northern Asia, the North Atlantic, and the North Pacific, as observed in several previous studies (Zappa et al., 2013; Crawford et al., 2017; Akperov et al., 2019; Prestley et al., 2021). Compared to winter ACs, the track density (trkden) of Arctic cyclones is projected to decline slightly in most areas during summer (see Fig. 2). Looking at ACs in the three periods individually, the pattern gets significantly larger in magnitude beginning at medium-term periods of 21st century in DJF, but for JJA, significant changes begin at the long-term periods of 21st century (Fig. S1)
Additionally, the projected cyclogenesis (loc_gen) and cyclolysis (loc_lys) patterns are shown in Fig. 3. In SSP1-2.6, there are not clearly changes in the spatial distribution of the linear trend in loc_gen and loc_lys. An overall reduction in cyclogenesis and cyclolysis is larger for the higher emission climate change scenarios (Fig. 3e–h).
In the cold season, there is a significant decrease in ACs formed in southern Greenland, Alaska, Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea and a slight increase in Arctic Ocean and Northern Greenland. There is also a significant reduction in the number of ACs dying in the North Pacific, Alaska and Arctic Oceans in SSP5-8.5.
In the warm season, there is more evidence of a decline in cyclogenesis over the continents than over the oceans. This is evident in Asia, North America, Bering Sea and north Atlantic Ocean, where less cyclolysis are present.
However, in JJA (Fig. 3f), the patterns of loc_gen change are very similar to those of DJF (Fig. 3e) with the exception of the waters off southern Greenland. Summer stands in sharp contrast with winter of cyclolysis (loc_lys) in the Arctic Oceans and North Pacific.
As for the frequency of merging and splitting events, there is no significant change over NH under the SSP1-2.6 scenario. In DJF, the regions of note are the waters off southern Greenland, North Pacific Ocean and Alaska, where significant decreases in the number of merge (loc_mrg) and split (loc_spl) ACs are observed that are larger with increased future warming (as illustrated in Figs.S2). In JJA, there is a significant decrease over the Northeastern Asia, the North Pacific Ocean, Alaska, the Greenland Sea and the Denmark Strait which are opposite to DJF. All scenarios present a similar pattern of ACs merge and split.
b. Arctic cyclone intensity
Various metrics have been used to describe ACs intensity, but some studies found that different definitions of cyclone intensity yielded similar patterns and future changes (Chang 2017; Valkonen et al., 2023). However, our results demonstrate contrasting changes in some regions, which used the different intensity metrics.
In DJF, there is significant decrease in cyclone intensity (dsqp) over the waters off Greenland, Bering Strait, Alaska, Chukchi Sea and Chukotka Mountains, which gets larger in magnitude with the higher emission climate change scenarios. An overall reduction in North Pacific, Alaska and south of Greenland in ACs depth and an increase over Bering Strait, Chukchi Sea, North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean, which have almost opposite patterns compared to dsqp (Fig. 4).
In JJA, the feature of note is the significant decrease over Atlantic in dsqp that are larger in depth. Over Central Asia and Europe, an increase in ACs intensity is identified.
The magnitude of intensity change is greater in winter than in summer (Fig. 3). There is no significant change in Arctic cyclone intensity in SSP1-2.6. Looking at intensity (dsqp) of ACs in the three periods individually, the pattern gets significantly larger in magnitude beginning at near-term periods of the 21st century in DJF, but for JJA, the changes are not pronounced in three periods of the 21st century (Fig. S3).
Regarding the max_dpdt (Fig. S5) (Occurrences of maximum deepening rate density of Arctic cyclones), it is observed that cyclones with high values of maximum deepening rate are concentrated over the ocean during winter, whereas during summer, they are concentrated on land and over the south of Greenland. As greenhouse gas emissions increase, more Arctic cyclones are expected to intensify explosively in the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea during the winter, and more cyclones are likely to reach their maximum deepening rates in the Greenland Sea and on the eastern side of the North American continent during the summer.
c. Arctic cyclone size and speed
Additionally, in DJF, the radius (loc_radius) is expected to increase in most parts of the Arctic region (as seen in Fig. S4), except in the North Pacific. However, in the summer months (JJA), there is a significant decrease in radius in the North Atlantic, with an increase in other areas. That is why several areas are showing an increase in cyclone depth but a decrease in the Laplacian of central pressure (Fig. 4). Cyclone depth is just the edge pressure minus the central pressure, so if the average storm size increases, the depth is also likely to increase even if the local intensity at the center of the storm (which is independent of size) weakens.
We have also shown that, in DJF, the center moving velocity (center_v) of ACs is projected to decrease in the vicinity of the land-sea interface under the SSP5-8.5 scenario (Fig. S4) and increase in ocean. In JJA, speeds of ACs generally decrease at mid-latitudes and increase at high latitudes, in contrast to the DJF.
Overall, the results suggest that with the increasing future warming, the number of ACs will decrease. The Arctic is likely to experience more slow-moving, large-scale, and weak-intensity ACs. And the reduction of merge or split of ACs inside the Arctic Circle is projected.
d. Percentage distribution of other characteristics
Figure 5 presents the percentage distribution of lifespan, minimum central pressure (min_p), radius (avg_radius), and track length (trlen) of Arctic cyclones during the end of the 21st century (2081–2100) (See Table 2 for a detailed definition).
Under the SSP5-8.5 scenario, in terms of the lifespan of Arctic cyclones during DJF and JJA at the end of the 21st century, the proportion of short-lifespan ACs (< 3 days) in winter is reduced by 2.2%, 1.9% respectively, while the model median increase in the proportion of ACs moving longer than 3 days is seen in Fig. 5a and 5b. The extreme lifespan of ACs is 8.5 days in DJF, albeit of a smaller magnitude than in JJA. Changes in lifespan are smaller for SSP1-2.6 than for SSP5-8.5. However, the percentage distribution of lifespan for both seasons and SSPs is similar to that during the evaluated period (1995–2014), they all show the largest spread for shortliving cyclones.
The analysis of the min_p percentage distribution (Figs. 5c, 5d) shows the largest spread for 980–990 hPa in historical and SSPs. The changes of min_p in contrasting climate scenarios are quite different. The deep ACs in DJF (JJA) (defined as the top 10% of the min_p distribution) is around 961 hPa (983 hPa). In DJF, a decrease (increase) as a percentage is evident with the min_p above (below) 980 hPa in SSP5-8.5, while for SSP1-2.6 shows less of a shift and even some increase in 990-1000hPa. Those with min_p ranging from 990 to 1000 hPa decrease by 1.4% for SSP5-8.5 in model mean. In summer there are no evident changes with increased warming. Additionally, the projections show that there will be a higher percentage of deep ACs in the future for SSP5-8.5 in both seasons.
Figures 5e and 5f illustrate the projected percentage changes in radius (avg_radius). The large ACs in DJF (JJA) (defined as the top 10% of the avg_radius distribution) is around 925 km (891 km). There is a greater increase of large ACs in both season and SSPs with the stronger climate change scenarios, with an increase by 1.8% and 1.1% in DJF and JJA for SSP5-8.5. The distribution of the avg_radius in DJF (JJA) also shows a somewhat higher proportion in the classes of 400–500 km (500–600 km) in the historical median. As for small ACs (300–400 km), in the median model for SSP5-8.5, there is a reduction in DJF and increases in JJA of 0.4% and 0.2% respectively. The results are not robust with regard to the model used.
The percentage distribution of track length (Figs. 3a, b) does not exhibit particularly large variations across different scenarios. The track length percentage distribution shows the largest spread for short-length (1000–2000 km) ACs. The long-length ACs in DJF (JJA) (defined as the top 10% of the trlen distribution) is around 8087 km (6790 km). There is a slight increase (decrease) of 0.2% (0.9%) in the percentage distribution of long-length ACs in DJF (JJA). The results are robust with regard to the model used, for the small range between maximum and minimum values.
Collectively, changes in the percentage distribution of values are all smaller for SSP1-26 than for SSP5-85, which demonstrates the model's sensitivity to escalating levels of anthropogenic climate change. For all seasons, and all future experiments, the model mean of lifespan and trlen are similar, indicating a robust across the models and a relatively small change in percentage distribution of track length and lifespan. min_p and avg_radius percentage distribution of Arctic cyclones differs in winter and summer and also varies under the two SSP scenarios. The proportion of long lifespan, deep and large radius of ACs will increase in the future.