Approximately 15 million trimmed, filtered and merged reads (mean 58,000 reads) across 139 O. eperlanus (OE), 89 G. cernua (GC) gill mucus and 20 bakterioplankon (WF) samples resulted in 42.000 ASVs. The datasets were divided for filtering retaining 1552, 1393, 2364 ASVs for the individual datasets. Species accumulation analysis indicated that by the exclusion of rare taxa the microbiota were sufficiently captured in the datasets (see Fig A.1).
4.1. Bacterial gill communities deviate from bacterioplankton
Gill mucus communities were dominated by six phyla (> 1 % overall abundance) including Proteobacteria (54 %), Bacteroidota (27 %), Actinobacteriota (7 %), Firmicutes (5 %), Verrucomicrobiota (4 %), Deinococcota (2 %) at similar proportions between species (Tab. A.1). The bacterioplankton in contrast was composed of additional phyla Desulfobacterota (1.5 %), Acidobacteriota (2,3 %), Cyanobacteria (1,4 %), Nitrospirota (1,9 %), Gemmatimonadota (1,4 %), Chloroflexi (1,2 %) but lacked high abundances of Firmicutes (0.3 %) and Deinococcota (0.1 %).
Analyses of alpha diversity showed significantly higher richness and Shannon indices in free-living bacteria samples compared to the fish mucus communities, but no overall significant difference between the two fish species (Fig A. 3A & B)
The principal coordinates analysis in Fig. 1 showed a strong distinction between the bacterioplankton and the fish gill mucus community along Axis 1 and 2 summarizing 18.3 und 6.8 % variance. PERMANOVA indicated a significant distinction between fish (OE: F1, 143 = 28.775, R2 = 16 %, p = 0.001, GC: F1, 103 = 33.134, R2 = 25 %, p = 0.001) and bacterioplankton samples.
Presence-absence analyses indicated that roughly half of the detected ASVs (> 1600) are unique to the bacterioplankton while about 20 % (ca. 500) are shared between both fish and surrounding water (Fig. A 2A). The shared taxa make up about 50 ± 5 % in relative abundance on all three biomes. Taxa with the highest overlap between the biota (> 0.5 % relative abundance in both) comprise Luteolibacter, Persicirhabdus, Flavobacterium, TRA3-20, Ilumatobacter and Halioglobus, adding Polynucleobacter between GC and bacterioplankton (Tab. A. 2). Between free-living and fish-associated biota 1447 and 385 bacterial biomarkers at ASV level were determined, for the latter however the strains with significant abundances (> 0.2 % relative abundance) constituted all core taxa in the fish mucus (see next chapter).
Although significantly distinct (F1, 224 = 5.8978 R2 = 2.6 % p = 0.001), the two fish species showed a strong overlap with largest distinction indicated by the seasonal sampling along Axis 1. OE samples collected in autumn formed a prominently distinct cluster. Presence-absence analyses indicated that both species share more then 1000 ASVs while about 474 were unique to OE and 326 were unique to GC. Comparing the seasonal samplings for each species, relatively low amounts of ASVs (< 5 %) were unique to single seasons. Comparing the fish species, no indicator taxa were specific to OE, and only strains of Verticiella, Polynucleobacter and Candidatus Megaira were determined specific for GC at relevant abundance levels (> 0.2 %). In the temporal-spatial comparison within each fish species, few taxa appeared significant, only Acinetobacter strains were determined indicative for summer conditions in the estuary in both fish associated communities (see Tab. A. 4).
4.2. Stable estuarine core gill microbiota
The core microbiota (determined by prevalence) over seasonal and spatial samplings comprised 27 ASVs from 13 orders (21 genera) accounting for 30 ± 12 % in OE and 64 ASVs from 11 orders (30 genera) accounting for 50 ± 22 % of the overall relative microbiota abundance in GC (Fig. 3). Only a fraction of these taxa was present in the bacterioplankton (33 % OE, 20 % GC) accounting for < 1% of the bacterioplankton relative abundance (Fig. 3D). Elizabethkingia, the dominant bacterial taxon in the fish microbiota accounts for only 0.06 % of the relative abundance in the free-living community. The gill mucus core microbiota of both fish species were composed by only four phyla, in GC Proteobacteria (almost entirely composed of Enterobacterales) made up 56 % followed by Bacteroidota (almost entirely represented by Flavobacterales) with 36 % and Actinobacteria 5% and Deinococcota 2 %. In OE Bacteroidota made up 60 % followed by Proteobacteria 27 %, Actinobacteria 9 %, Deinococcota 3 %. OE showed a strong seasonal variation in autumn samples driven by the low abundance of Enterobacterales and Elizabethkingia. Most prominent, both fish species showed a strong decline in the abundance of core taxa in freshwater and Hamburg Port area only in summer (Ekm 651 – 633) (OE 18 %, GC 22 %) (Fig. 3B & D, highlighted).
4.3. Drivers in gill mucus bacterial composition
Redundancy analysis revealed that bacterial composition in the anadromous species O. eperlanus was strongly influenced by seasonal effects in environmental and biometric measures while a more pronounced spatial pattern appeared in the stationary species G. cernua (Fig. 4 A & C). The variances explained by the first two RDA dimensions varied considerably between the two species (OE 32 % and GC 17 %). Fitting environmental variables (envfit results Tab. A. 2) showed significant effects of temperature, salinity, PO4, NO3, NO2 and TOC on the gill mucus microbial communities in both species. OE samples showed a strong seasonal clustering for autumn along SPM, PO4 and GSI values, winter samples aligned along TOC and a combined cluster of spring and summer samples group along temperature where samples from the upper estuary (ML-633, TW-651) deviated with PO4. GC samples instead showed a stronger overlap for seasonal effects, again summer samples from the upper estuary (ML-633, TW-651) deviated strongest along with PO4, NO2 and Temperature axes. Interestingly physiological parameters other than age in GC and GSI in OE, were not significantly correlated to the bacterial composition in the parametric analysis. In addition, we evaluated the association between bacterial sample distances and physiological and environmental data as well correlation between bacterioplankton and fish mucus communities via individual non-parametric Mantel tests (Fig. 4 E, all results Tab. A 3). The results showed associations (r = 0.20 – 0.55) between bacterioplankton and environmental parameters (salinity, temperature, O2, SPM, NO3, PO4), however these were weaker for both fish species. OE was most strongly correlated with GSI (r = 0.67). There was overall overall no significant association between the bacterioplankton community and GC, and a slight overall trend between OE and free-living bacteria. A spatio-temporally resolved analysis for this species showed that only the microbiota of the autumn smelt were significantly associated with bacterioplankton (Fig. A. 4B).
4.4. Movement patterns & microbiota plasticity
The stable isotope ratios of δ13C from fish muscle reflects their long-term feeding preferences of several weeks to months depending on metabolic activity of the tissue and growth rates of the fish (Buchheister & Latour, 2010) that further enables the reconstruction of migration. These data indicated that OE gathering in the estuary autumn just arrived from the North Sea. As described above, the bacterial core taxa in this group were rare (Fig. 3B), while mantel tests indicated a significant association to the bacterioplankton communities (Fig. A. 4B). Analyzing the bacterial taxa shared between with the estuarine bacterioplankton while excluding the core taxa in the fish mucus community, showed a steady increase in abundance in upstream direction from 15 % in the estuarine mouth to 26 – 29 % in the middle section until 47 % in the harbor area (Fig. A. 4A). OE caught in winter (3 months after the autumn animals) completed the spawning process (as indicated by low GSI indices) but still showed a strong marine isotope signal. The core microbiota and abundance of shared taxa with bacterioplankton however aligned to summer and spring animals (Fig. 3 A & B). In contrast, GC samples range all year within the signal boundaries of the estuary and show a strong spatial pattern for sampling station along the course of the estuary (Fig. 3 D & E).
4.5. Bacterial network response
We performed separate network analyses on the centered-log ratio (CLR) transformed bacterial data from the gill mucus of both fish host species and water samples to explore patterns in interacting taxa and relate sub-networks (modules) to environmental drivers. The role of individual taxa in mediating environmentally driven functions was explored via intra-network connectivity (Kin) and abundance correlation to prevailing pressures. For the analysis we focus on the main factors determined by RDA in section 4.3. WGCNA clustered the gill mucus taxa into 13 and 16 sub-networks for OE and GC, respectively, and 24 for the bacterioplankton (Fig. 5C, Fig A. 6). Both fish mucus assemblage networks resulted in highly overlapping sub-networks correlated to the dominant environmental drivers.
The prevalence determined core-taxa (section 4.2) were also reflected within networks of both species in the dominant modules OE6 and GC8 overlapping in 70.5 % and 90.1 % in abundance with prevalence determined taxa (Fig. 5 & Fig. A. 5) and by 80 % and 96 % with each other. OE6 summarized 33 – 37 % in overall abundance in summer, spring and winter but only 14 % in autumn while GC8 summarizes 36 – 60 % over all seasons. OE6 is dominated by Elizabethkingia (40.9 % within module abundance), Enterobacteriaceae (24.8 %), Enterobacter (11 %), Citrobacter (10.8 %), identical to GC8 with Elizabethkingia (37.4 %), Enterobacteriaceae (27.2 %), Enterobacter (12.3 %), Citrobacter (12.5 %).
Uncorrelated taxa (OE0 & GC0) make up 20 % of the overall microbial abundance in both species driven by Luteolibacter, Asinibacterium, Clostridium sensu stricto 1 strains and Rhodobacteraceae in GC. In migrating autumn smelt the amount of uncorrelated taxa raised to 49 %.
4.5.1. Salinity
Freshwater conditions in the estuary are correlated with ruffe network module GC11 (r – 0.36 to salinity, P **, 3 – 20% bacterial abundance in upstream direction) characterized by Polynucleobacter (54% module abundance proportion), Verticiella (27 %) and Candidatus Megaira (10 %). In smelt (OE4, r – 0.54, P ***, 2.5 – 17 % in upstream direction) showed uprises in Rhizobiales Incertae Sedis (7.8 %), Xanthobacteraceae (4.5 %) and nitrobacteria Ellin6067 (8 %), Hyphomicrobium (7.5 %), Gaiella (5.9 %).
The mesohaline conditions on the contrary are correlated with Persicirhabdus (33.9 %), Ilumatobacter (10.5 %) and Halioglobus (10.4 %) in OE3 (r 0.72, P ***, 17 – 0 % in upstream direction), Less abundant, GC7 (r 0.77, P ***, 3 – 0.1% in upstream direction) is composed of Halioglobus (17.6%), Persicirhabdus (8.1 %), Ilumatobacter (6.7 %), Candidatus Symbiobacter (4.9 %) and Luteolibacter (4.6 %).
4.5.2. Temperature
Elevated temperatures were highly correlated with smelt module OE5 (r 0.61, P ***, 6.5 % overall abundance) composed of Chryseobacterium (22.3 % module abundance proportion), Alkanindiges (9.9 %), Psychrobacter (9.5 %), Deinococcus (7.8 %) and Paracoccus (6.5 %). Likewise, ruffe GC5 (r 0.4, P ***, 7.1 % overall abundance) consisted of Chryseobacterium (12.8 %), Paracoccus (10.4 %), Deinococcus (10.4 %), Ornithinicoccus (6 %). In both fish species the same strains of Flavobacterium (r 0.7) and Ornithobacterium (r 0.6) showed the highest correlations to elevated temperature values.
On the contrary, lowered temperatures were highly correlated to OE1 (r -0.77, P ***, 21.2% in winter) dominated by Chryseobacterium (17.1 %), Flavobacterium (13.6 %), Deinococcus (9.3 %). GC6 (r -0.63, P ***, 6 % in winter) consists of Escherichia-Shigella (6.9 %), Sphingomonas (9.1 %), Thermomonas (5.2 %), Deinococcus (9.3 %), Weeksellaceae (4.8 %), Flavobacterium (8.9 %).
4.5.3. Desoxygenation
In both fish species, highly similar modules correlated with deoxygenation and nutrient levels (OE7: DO -0.53***, PO4 0.53***, NO2 0.34 *** and GC2: DO -0.49***, PO4 0.54***, NO2 0.56***) overlapping in 63 % of the ASVs. OE7 was largely dominated by Acinetobacter (66.4%, A. lwoffii 31.1 %, A. johnsonii 10.17 %), Exiguobacterium (5.5 %), Macrococcus (4.6 %) and Pseudomonas (4.4%). Similarly, GC2 was composed by Acinetobacter (54.2%, A. lwoffii 20.6 %, A. johnsonii 10.7%), Macrococcus (7.9 %), Shewanella (5.4 %, S. baltica 2 %, S. putrefaciens 0.6 %), Chryseobacterium (4.6 %), Aeromonas (4.5 %) and Pseudomonas (3.8 %). While these taxa account for only 4% in overall microbiota abundance in both species, sampling groups from the upper estuary (Ekm 651 – 633) in late summer reached 31.7 % and 22.2 % with individual samples peaking above 60% relative abundance.