Marine turtles form a long-lived taxonomic group with complex life cycles, including expansive hatchling dispersals and adult ocean-scale distributions (Musick and Limpus 1997; Casale et al. 2007; Arendt et al. 2012; Casale et al. 2013; Read et al. 2015). Reproductive individuals undertake important philopatric-induced migrations as they return to their natal beaches to breed and nest (Meylan et al. 1990; Bowen and Karl 2007). This ecological trait enhances the formation of population structures by reducing gene flow among groups of individuals mating at geographically separated locations (Bakker et al. 2010). Ultimately, it can lead to a loss of genetic diversity and adaptive potential (Stiebens et al. 2013). Defining both the geographic distribution of population units and their level of connectivity is therefore required to set up efficient conservation actions (Wallace et al. 2010; Fitzsimmons and Limpus 2014; Wallace et al. 2023). To tackle this challenge, coherent population boundaries must be established (Wallace et al. 2011). Spatially explicit ’Management Units’ (MUs), defined as functionally independent population segments (Wallace et al. 2010, 2023), are powerful tools to set appropriate short-term targets for conservation (Wallace et al. 2010; Bourjea et al. 2015; Tolve et al. 2018). However, the delineation of population units is not always straightforward, and it requires a clear understanding of both conservation objectives and threats to the species of interest (Moritz 1994; Taylor and Dizon 1999). For the purpose of this paper, we will consider the MU at the resolution of the genetic stock as we aim to identify consistent management spatial frameworks at the functionally independent population scale (Fitzsimmons and Limpus 2014; Wallace et al. 2023).
The loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) shows a cosmopolitan distribution in warm and temperate waters of the globe. It has been classified as ‘Vulnerable’ in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List on a global scale since 2015 (Casale and Tucker 2015, 2017). However, the South Pacific subpopulation, designated as a genetically distinct ‘Regional Management Unit’ (Boyle et al. 2009; Wallace et al. 2011; Fitzsimmons and Limpus 2014; Limpus and Casale 2015), suffered a strong demographic collapse and was therefore listed as ‘Critically Endangered’ in 2015 (Limpus and Casale 2015). Nesting aggregations of this subpopulation are restricted to the western part of the ocean basin. Eastern Australia is considered to aggregate a large majority of its nesting activities (Limpus and Limpus 2003), and the remaining of this subpopulation is essentially breeding and nesting in New Caledonia (Limpus and Casale 2015; Bourgogne et al. 2024).
In New Caledonia, two large nesting areas have been described (Limpus et al. 2005; Barbier et al. 2023; Bourgogne et al. 2024) (Fig. 1-A,B): the ‘Roche Percée’ beach (RP), on the commune of Bourail (Limpus et al. 2005; Barbier et al. 2023); and the ‘Grand Lagon Sud’ area (GLS), off the southern end of the main island (Bourgogne et al. 2024). Both areas support several 10s of nesting females every year, combining for an 10–25% of all nesting activities reported in the South Pacific subpopulation (Limpus and Casale 2015; Barbier et al. 2023; Bourgogne et al. 2024). They are roughly 150 km apart, yet show different habitat structures and threats of varying natures and intensities. As such, these nesting areas are currently rather managed as distinct conservation units with specific actions addressing specific local threats. However, the connectivity between these two nesting areas has never been evaluated. As a result, it is still unclear whether they should be considered as a single or two distinct MUs, which could have significant repercussions upon the definition and spatial framework of the management strategies to be implemented.
The main objective of this study is therefore to provide a first-time assessment of the connectivity pattern between the RP and the GLS nesting areas at different temporal scales, using concurrently three different techniques:
(1) Telemetric surveys were used to evaluate the spatial dispersion of adult loggerhead females within the nesting season and to test their fidelity to their nesting areas at an intra-seasonal scale. They derived from a collaborative program, designed to identify migratory corridors and foraging grounds of females nesting in New Caledonia (Oremus 2023).
(2) Capture-Mark-Recapture (CMR) data allowed us to test females’ fidelity to their nesting areas on a multi-seasonal scale. These data are essentially based on the long-term flipper tag recovery survey conducted at the RP beach since 2006-07 (Barbier et al. 2023). Additional data were collected at the GLS area since the 2016-17 nesting season.
(3) Molecular analyses have contributed to clarify inter-generational connectivity by testing the existence of a gene flow between the reproductive population segments. A tendency for males to show less fidelity to their native breeding grounds than females has been reported in marine turtles (Casale et al. 2013; Beal et al. 2022). Since males rarely come ashore (Fitzsimmons et al. 1997), direct monitoring of their movements through telemetry and CMR is extremely challenging. In this study, we have therefore included both mitochondrial markers and nuclear microsatellite markers to assess maternal and bi-parental gene flow between both nesting areas (Fitzsimmons and Limpus 2014).
Considering that the RP and the GLS areas are both under the management authority of the Southern Province of New Caledonia, the application of this study is to provide local policy-makers with a coherent and prioritized conservation strategy in the context of proximate yet geographically discontinued nesting areas facing heterogeneous threats.