This study demonstrates how different monitoring methods, regarding wild bee communities, are complementary, with each method capable of collecting mutually exclusive species. Active and passive methods are often difficult to compare, and, to the best of our knowledge, only a few studies report comparison based on extensive sampling and a high effort in species resolution (Nielsen et al. 2011, Rhoades et al. 2017, O'Connor et al. 2018, Krahner et al. 2021, Kuhlman et al. 2021, Thompson et al. 2021). Furthermore, the strong dependence of these methods on habitat types, vegetation composition and bee fauna can weaken the comparison. Many studies point out the use of trapping, especially pan traps, as the most efficient monitoring method, as these can attract both more specimens and more species than other methods (Stephen and Rao 2005, Westphal et al. 2008, Nielsen et al. 2011, Krahner et al. 2021). However, the use of pan traps raises doubts regarding the effect of their repetitive and extensive use on the bee communities and bycatches of other insect groups (Gezon et al. 2015); as well as on the relative lack of standardisation due to the influence of vegetation (LeBuhn et al. 2012, Kuhlman et al. 2021). The efficiency of pan traps is highly dependent on the height of the vegetation and thus on the different heights at which the traps are placed, so that they are competitive with the surrounding vegetation (Westphal et al. 2008). Furthermore, as we also found, pan traps can lose efficiency when flowering coverage is abundant since, in addition to colour, many pollinators are attracted by other factors that characterise flowers but not pans (O’Connor et al. 2018). Finally, pan traps are subject to weather phenomena for at least 24 hours, thus resulting in high variability of the results, which may be affected by sudden violent weather phenomenons or to large animals tipping over, with consequent loss of sampling data (LeBuhn et al. 2012, O’Connor et al. 2018, Kuhlman et al. 2021). Our results are consistent with those of Cane et al. (2000) and Thompson et al. (2021) who reported that generally, hand netting captured more specimens and species than pan traps. In our case, however, the lower efficiency of pan traps could be due to other factors, and this is visible in the rarefaction and extrapolation curves divided by year. This study took place in an experimental field where areas were sown with strips of entomophilous plants specifically designed to attract pollinating insects. The strips were sown in the early spring of 2022 and monitoring took place immediately at their flowering, a couple of months after sowing (see Supplementary Materials). The flowering and vegetation coverage in that year was rather low due to the work carried out to sow the seeds and the fact that most plants generally have greater blooming in their second year (Kowalska et al. 2022). In addition, the areas are subject to high hydric stress during the dry summer season, so in the first year, vegetation cover and flowering did not reach high values. The traps were always placed on the ground and captured more species than transects, which in turn depended heavily on the presence of blooms on which to observe and net specimens. The flower coverage dependence of pan traps and transects is inversely proportional (O’Connor et al. 2018) and this is validated also in our study. Whereas as flower cover increases, walking transects are more efficient in attracting specimens, pan traps lose efficiency. Pan traps were less attractive to bees and transects captured more species in 2023. However, the total rarefaction and extrapolation curves are in line with the results of other studies in indicating the great potential of pan traps in attracting a high diversity of bee species at the same sample size (Nielsen et al. 2011, Hall 2018, O’Connor et al. 2018, Krahner et al. 2021). Pan traps catch many more singletons than transects, offering the possibility of attracting more species based on fewer captured specimens. However, an ideally exhaustive sampling of all species at a given site, based solely on the use of pan traps, would require a greater sampling effort than hand netting in terms of several sampling sessions and higher hours of placement of traps. Finally, pan traps tend to catch a more diverse and variable community of bees than hand netting which are inclined to sample much more similar communities each time. Our results are consistent with the study by Kuhlman et al. (2021) who also investigated seasonal and flower abundance patterns on the efficiency of pan traps and hand netting. In our case, hand netting was also crucial for the collection of parasitic genera that can sometimes be found feeding on nectar on some flowering species but are rarely attracted to pans. The use of artificial nests as an exclusive monitoring method entails, in the case of wild bees, the monitoring of only a fraction of diversity, that is confined to cavity-nesting species. As in Nielsen and colleagues (2011), nests captured the fewest specimens and species, with Osmia (5 species and 146 specimens) and Megachile (5 species and 31 specimens) being the most abundant, but they were crucial for capturing 8 species that had not been observed otherwise (5.2% of total species and 21.1% of Megachilidae species). Among Osmia, most individuals belonged to the species O. caerulescens, in contrast to the other species of Osmia that were mostly observed through walking transects and pan traps.
The wild bee communities sampled by hand netting and by pan traps were distinctive between the two monitoring methods, confirming, as already seen in other studies (Nielsen et al. 2011, O’Connor et al. 2018), that these two methods are highly complementary to each other. Some studies (Stephen and Rao, 2005; Hall 2018) support the hypothesis of a strong preference for the blue colour of traps for most of the wild bee fauna. In our study, there is no significant overall preference for one of the three colours, although, the greatest abundance of individuals and the greatest diversity of species was captured by the white and yellow traps. The blue traps, on the other hand, attracted both lower abundance and lower species diversity. According to Hall (2018) in the northern hemisphere the blue-coloured traps have greater attractiveness because of a greater abundance of bumblebees that prefer this colour. This study took place in a Mediterranean and lowland habitat and although bumblebees are, from an abundance point of view, the dominant group in the walking transects, very few specimens were caught with both blue and white traps. A possible explanation may also be that we used pan traps and not vane traps, unlike Hall (2018). The lower abundance of bumblebees sampled with pan traps is consistent with the results of Bell and colleagues (2023) who demonstrated that vane traps are more efficient at catching bumblebees than pan traps. The blue traps, however, attracted more exclusive genera than the others, in particular the genera Amegilla, Dasypoda and Tetralonia. These three are genera of long ligula bees, that have a strong preference for Boraginaceae and Malvaceae, all of which are flowers in the blue-purple range (Michener 2007). The blue traps also had greater attractiveness towards bees of the genus Eucera, which also have strong preferences towards Boraginaceae and blue purple Cichorioideae (Michener 2007). The white traps, on the other hand, attracted high abundances of Hylaeus (exclusive genus), and Systropha. These short ligula genera show preferences for white-coloured flowers such as Umbelliferae and Convolvulaceae (Michener 2007, Finally, yellow traps attracted abundant specimens of the genus Lasioglossum. Although the species of this genus are largely polylectic, they are often found foraging on mostly yellow-coloured Asteraceae (Michener 2007). These patterns indicate how indeed, according to the literature (Nielsen et al. 2011, Rhoades et al. 2017, Kuhlman et al. 2021), the most suitable sampling method is extremely influenced by the studied habitat and by the local composition of the bee fauna. Therefore, if interested in monitoring a particular group of bees, it is necessary to assess beforehand what might be the best method or combination of methods to capture the diversity of the entire group. In the Megachilidae family, we find genera and species with very diverse trophic and nesting habits (Michener 2007, Danforth et al. 2019). For example, within the genus Osmia or Megachile, we find species that nest in hollow stems and holes in wood, but also many species that prefer to nest on the ground or in snails (Michener 2007, Danforth et al. 2019). The trophic habits are also different, while the genus Megachile is known to be related to Fabaceae, the genus Chelostoma prefers Ranunculaceae and Asteraceae species ( This makes it difficult to identify a single sampling method. Our results showed that all three monitoring methods are strongly complementary. We did not find any Megachilidae species of conservation concern in our monitoring, but they are very important species concerning the pollination of fodder crops and fruit trees, and therefore of some importance to human activities (Ollerton et al. 2021). Furthermore, the use of artificial nests also makes it possible to investigate parasites, parasitoids and hyperparasites of these species, which make up a not-so-insignificant fraction of the biodiversity of an ecosystem (Klaus et al. 2024). Indeed, the only parasitic species among the Megachilidae was captured thanks to the use of artificial nests. In addition to this, it is also possible, through the use of nests, to investigate the species and quantity of pollen preferred by wild bees as well as the presence of pesticides and other pollutants in the stored pollen (Staab et al. 2018). These kinds of studies show that we should not underestimate the aspects of “standardised” monitoring, especially in the case of organisms as diverse as pollinators, and that we should always include more than just one method in our monitoring to best capture the biodiversity of a site, habitat type or a certain kind community.