4.1 Sedimentological attributes
The halite mineral shows many crystal shapes depending on the variation in salinity (e.g., Aquilano et al., 2016). Geisler-Cussey (1997) suggested three intervals of salinity. The first ranges from 320 to 325 g/l, whereas crusts of halite cubes are precipitated. The second varies from 325 to 370 g/l, whereas crusts of chevron halite are formed. The third shows halite crusts with cubic hopper and skeletal faces at salinity > 370 g/l. The precipitation rate of halite in the crystallization ponds is not the same during the year months. The summer months had high precipitation rate of halite crystals than the winter months. Taher et al. (2014) revealed that the brine solution is passing through two main stages. The first stage is a concentration stage, during which the evaporation causes the reduction of the bittern and the precipitation rate is low, so it produces large halite crystals on the floor of the pond. In the second stage (crystallization stage), the solution is reaching the maximum saturation point, so the evaporation rate is less than in the first stage and the precipitation rate is higher. This produces fine crystals of halite in the form of rafts that accumulated into crusts (Fig. 4B and C). The presence of clustered cubic euhedral halite crystals (Fig. 6A) indicates bottom crystallization and static conditions for the pond solution (Schoenherr et al., 2009 and Filippi et al., 2011). Large halite crystals were also recorded since the evaporation rate is slow and the bittern solution is slightly supersaturated (Palmer, 2007). Halite crystals of more than a half of centimeter in size constitute aggregates of interlocking crystals or consolidated layer at greater depths on the pond floor (e.g., Herut et al., 1998). Hopper and chevron textures contain many primary fluid inclusions (Fig. 7A-D), which indicate that the halite crystals were formed and precipitated in a shallow brine lacking evidences of drying or desiccation, where they are formed as bottom-nucleated precipitate crystals in modern shallow brine ponds (Benison and Bowen, 2013 and Warren, 2016).
The inner zonation in the halite crystals indicates growth in shallow subaqueous conditions; such zonation is most likely attributed to the rapid change in growth rate (Goodall et al., 2000). Chevron and cubic halite crystals (Fig. 4D, E and Fig. 7) indicate the bottom crystallization, low rate of precipitation and static conditions for the pond solution (Warren, 2006; Schubert et al., 2009; Taher et al., 2014; Wang and Lowenstein, 2017 and Ercan, et al., 2019). Chipley and Kyser (1994) revealed that the chevron halite texture is ambiguously distinctive for growth at the surface. El-Shafeiy (2007) revealed that the formation of halite mound (Fig. 4F) could be a result of rapid nucleation of halite crystals or encrusting non-evaporitic materials such as plant roots and wood pieces that present in the end of the crystallizer margin, or as a result of a residue from the pre-existing halite crust of the former season. The existence of irregular subhedral to distorted platy halite crystals (Fig. 6B, C) denotes the dissolution of the halite crystals in the studied crystallization pond 1 and indicates a variation in solution concentration and salinities with the preservation of dark fluid inclusions (Filippi et al., 2011 and Gracia-Veigas et al., 2011). The irregular subhedral to platy halite crystals are most likely formed in shallow parts of the pond as a result of adding and withdrawing of solution from the pond (e.g., Levy et al., 2018). Shearman (1970) revealed that the repeated phases of flooding and desiccation cause the halite crusts to develop the characteristic irregular subhedral to distorted platy halite crystal textures. Pink halite bands were recognized in crystallization pond 1 (Fig. 4A, B). Red and pink color in halite bands and brine solution is most likely attributed to the entrapment of red halophilic bacteria (Dunaliella salina) and microorganisms in the halite crystals (Schubert et al., 2009). Such microorganisms are characterized by their efficiency to save an intracellular sodium chloride concentration lower than the extracellular one (Castanier et al., 1999 and Weinisch et al., 2018). This can be ascribed to the bacterial metabolism that is relying on the ionic pumps which are governed by the pigment activity. This results in raising the total salinity in the proximity of cells and colonies growth, local saturation and as well as supersaturation, if the solution is extremely concentrated. Prescott et al. (1993) attributed the pink or reddish color to be resulted from the existence of patches bacteriorhodopsin and retinal-based pigments in the cell membrane and as patches (purple membrane). These pigments are partially authentic for the coloration of halite depositing brines in saltworks. Prescott et al. (op. cit) added that they are only synthesized under low oxygen existence, which is the case of El-Bardawil Lake crystallization ponds. Castanier et al. (1999) revealed that the halite hopper structures (Fig. 4D) are always formed on active parts of the bacterial colonies, whereas the shape of the external edges of the halite crystals is related to the volumes and shapes of the growing colonies.
Halite crystals that are precipitated in summer as rafts and plates are transported in suspension by aroused supersaturated brine solutions out of the channels and creeks during pumping processes. Later on, these crystals become the nuclei of further halite precipitation forming halolites or halite ooids (Fig. 6B and Fig. 7C, D). The well-rounded shape of these halolites is most probably owed to the wind rolling action which is very common in the study area. Many authors considered that the halolites are produced from the conjugated growth of halite crystals and winding processes in supersaturated stirred saline solutions (e.g., Sonnenfeld and Perthuisot, 1989 and Perthuisot et al., 1993). Similar halolites were recorded by Tekin et al. (2007) from the Tuz Golu (Turkey). They are represented by nucleus (coarse-grained halite) surrounded by cortex of concentric halite lamina with a radial fabric and inner to outer zonation. Each zone refers to different morphological and mineralogical features. Castanier et al. (1999) described spheroids or similar halite bodies in Lake Assal, Republic of Djibouti and solar saltworks in Berre (France) as bacterial biocrystalline build-ups, which are very distinctive for the precocious stages of halite formation in brine solutions attaining saturation, oxygenation and fairly affluent in organic matter. Castanier et al. (op.cit) confirmed that the halophilic bacterial colonies play an essential role in the generation of the halolites through the metabolism process that maintains local saturation. It is highly accepted that only little groups of microbes can live in high salt concentrations in brines. These are Cyanobacteriaceae like Phormidium sp. (Thomas and Geisler, 1982), Halobacteriaceae (Larsen, 1984) and Ectothiorhospira (Imhoff et al., 1989). Additionally, Perthuisot et al. (1990) depicted nanoscopic semispherical bodies within carbonate bacterial strata (huntite) in Sabkhat El-Melah (Tunisia), which are colonies or clusters of carbonated bacteria where halite crystals formed as a type of skeletal mineral adapted to each colony size. Nevertheless, in El-Bardawil Lake crystallization ponds, the halolites could be formed due to agitated conditions during pumping operations combined with biological factors that have a significant influence on the complexity of the cortex.
In the present study, the fluid inclusions are recorded with all the recognized halite textures (Figs. 6 and 7). They act as sealed micro-chambers and preserved their saline content against surroundings external changes as long as they still closed, thus there is no change contamination of their content (e.g., Schubert et al., 2009). Fluid inclusions are classified into primary and secondary types (Benison and Bowen, 2013). The primary inclusions are formed during crystal growth, whereas the secondary ones are formed after the growth of the host crystal (Blamey and Brand, 2019). Two-phased fluid inclusions (gas and liquid) are very rare. The presence of the fluid inclusions was greatly changeable, relying on the biomass type added to primary solution (Schubert et al., 2009).
4.2 Environmental impacts
El-Bardawil Lake belongs to the dry lands of the southern Mediterranean coastal zone with a low winter rainfall of about 200 mm/year (Khalil and Shaltout, 2006) and evaporation rate of about 2000 mm/year (Levy, 1980). The increase in salinity is owed to the absence of the outflow from the lake except for the withdrawal implemented by the saltworks companies. The main factor causing the salinity increase in water is the evaporation through the total surface area of the lake. This directly results in raising the concentration of soluble salts and hence increases the salinity. The water surface depends on the variation of water levels which accordingly affects the salinity (Warren, 2016).
The estimated annual volume of water lost by evaporation from the El-Bardawil Lake can be calculated using the formula:
V1 = (E*A)/1000….………… (1)
Where: V1 is the annual volume of water lost by evaporation (million cubic meters/year), E is the evaporation rate by mm/year and A is the total area of El-Bardawil Lake (629 km2; Embabi and Moawad, 2014). Using the above equation, substituting the evaporation rate (E) by 2000 mm/year, the annual volume of water lost by evaporation from El-Bardawil Lake is about 1258 x 106 m³/year.
The estimated annual volume of rainfall water to El-Bardawil Lake can be calculated using the formula as follows:
V2 = (F*A)/1000….………… (2)
Where: V2 is the annual volume of rainfall (million cubic meters/year), F is the rainfall rate by mm/year and A is the total area of El-Bardawil Lake (629 km2). Using the above equation, substituting the rainfall rate by 200 mm/year, the annual volume of waterfalls rains to El-Bardawil Lake is about 125.8 x 106 m³/year.
The estimated annual volume of seawater makeups to El-Bardawil Lake can be calculated using the formula as:
V3 = V1-V2….………… (3)
Where: V1 is the annual volume of water lost by evaporation (million cubic meters/ year) and V2 is the annual volume of rainfall (million cubic meters/year). Using the above equation, the total seawater should be entering the lake to maintain its level in is about 1132 x 106 m³/year.
The estimated annual total dissolved solids enter from the Sea to El-Bardawil Lake can be calculated using the formula:
T1 = V3* T2/1000….………… (4)
Where: T1 is the total dissolved solids enter the lake in ton per year, T2 is the Mediterranean seawater total dissolved solids (kilograms per cubic meter) which is about 38 kg/m3 and V3 is the annual volume of seawater makeups the lake (million cubic meters/year). Using the above equation, the total dissolved solids enters the lake from the seawater is about 43 x 106 ton /year. Accordingly, El-Bardawil lake acts as nature reservoir for marine salts with high potentiality for extraction and crystallization of high pure halite mineral which can be acted as raw material in numerous industries (food, pharmaceuticals, glass-making, waste and water treatment and textiles).