3.1 Vulcanization characteristics
Table 2 Table 3 and Fig. 1 reflect the vulcanization characteristics and vulcanization curves of different ratios of TPI/LDPE and TPI/HDPE hybridized SMPC during dynamic vulcanization, respectively. During dynamic vulcanization, process safety is reflected in the scorch time Tc10. The vulcanization process is safer the longer the scorch duration.. The results show that the charring time Tc10 shows a slow increasing trend with the change of the proportion of shape memory composites (SMPC). As a result, the processing safety of the dynamic vulcanization process increases significantly with decreasing TPI content and increasing PE content. The amount of time needed for the rubber to attain its maximum crosslinking density is known as the optimal curing time (Tc90). According to the data of vulcanization characteristics, it can be seen that Tc90 increases gradually with the change of SMPC ratio. This is because TPI is the main component involved in cross-linking in a dynamic vulcanization system, whereas PE hardly reacts with sulfur, making it difficult to produce mesh cross-linking. Therefore, SMPC is more difficult to reach the maximum degree of crosslinking, so it takes longer.
The minimum torque ML of SMPC decreases as the ratio of TPI to PE changes. Since ML indicates a material's fluidity, it follows that when the PE concentration increases during the first melting step of dynamic vulcanization, the fluidity of SMPC decreases. In the hot vulcanization stage, the vulcanization curve rises rapidly due to the cross-linking reaction between TPI and sulfur. As the ratio changes, the system's torque differential MH-ML(∆M) diminishes. Since MH-ML indicates the material's degree of cross-linking, it can be concluded that when PE content rises, SMPC's degree of cross-linking drops noticeably. This is due to the fact that as the ratio of SMPC changes, the TPI within SMPC that can chemically react with sulfur decreases, and less crosslinking network is formed, thus decreasing the degree of crosslinking. In addition, TPI/LDPE composites are consistently more cross-linked than TPI/HDPE composites. This is due to the fact that compared to LDPE, HDPE is denser, the molecular chain is more regular, and fewer molecular chains are able to physically cross-link with TPI, resulting in a lower degree of cross-linking.
Table 2
Vulcanization characteristics of TPI/LDPE composites
Group | Tc10/s | Tc90/s | ML/dN·m | MH/dN·m |
A1 | 7.46 | 21.45 | 0.83 | 6.07 |
B1 | 8.08 | 22.31 | 0.68 | 5.03 |
C1 | 8.57 | 24.15 | 0.55 | 3.71 |
Table 3
Vulcanization characteristics of TPI/HDPE composites
Group | Tc10/s | Tc90/s | ML/dN·m | MH/dN·m |
A2 | 2.92 | 8.38 | 0.77 | 5.08 |
B2 | 3.08 | 8.60 | 0.49 | 3.53 |
C2 | 3.24 | 9.49 | 0.36 | 2.07 |
3.2 Mechanical properties
The static tensile stress-strain curves of hybridized SMPCs made of TPI/LDPE and TPI/HDPE, with varying ratios, at 23°C are displayed in Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 depicts the difference in fracture stresses for different ratios of SMPCs. For the fracture strain in Fig. 2, it can be found that the strain decreases gradually with the increase of PE by the decrease of TPI in SPMC. This is because, when it comes to macro-stretching, TPI's molecular chains show more deformation than PE's since they are more prone to deformation. For the fracture stresses in Figs. 2 and 3, it can be noticed that the fracture stress decreases with the change of scale. The maximum values were increased by 167.7% and 184.9% compared to the minimum values of SPMC fracture stress for TPI/LDPE and TPI/HDPE, respectively. This is mainly due to the fact that with the change of SPMC ratio, the molecular chain inside the composite is more chaotic, and the intermolecular interaction force is greatly reduced by mechanical shear, so the tensile strength gradually decreases. In addition, it can be seen that the tensile strength of the TPI/HDPE composites with different ratios is higher than that of the TPI/LDPE composites. This is probably due to the fact that the density, hardness and crystallinity of HDPE are higher than that of LDPE, and during tensile deformation, the crystalline region will hinder the deformation of the composite material, and it requires a high force to break the crystalline part, so the tensile strength of the TPI/HDPE composite material is always higher than that of the TPI/LDPE composite material. Comprehensively comparing the stress-strain at fracture at different ratios of different SMPCs, the optimal physical and mechanical properties were found when the ratio of TPI/HDPE was 8:2.
Figure 2 Stress-strain curve of composite material
3.3 Crystallization properties
The crystallization characteristics of different ratios of SMPC are presented in Fig. 4, where Figs. A and B show the cooling crystallization and elevated temperature melting curves, respectively. Figures C and D show the melting temperatures of components TPI and PE, respectively. To get the crystallinity (Xc) of the two components, the enthalpies of melting of each component may be entered into Eq. (1), as shown in Figs. E and F. Combined with Fig. 4, it can be found that the variation of the ratio of the two components has a great influence on the crystallization properties of TPI. Figure C shows that the melting temperatures (Tm) of TPI are all shifted to lower temperatures as the proportion of SMPC is changed. This indicates that as the TPI content decreases, TPI is more likely to melt at lower temperatures, which means that the thermal stability of TPI decreases. In addition, it can be seen from Fig. D that the Tm of PE are shifted to high temperature with the change of SMPC ratio. However, the movement is more minute, which indicates that as the PE content increases, PE requires higher temperatures to melt, meaning that the thermal stability of PE is enhanced. As can be seen from Figures E and F, as TPI decreases PE increases, Xc (TPI) decreases significantly while Xc(PE) increases significantly. In addition the Xc(TPI) of TPI/HDPE is always higher than the Xc(TPI) of TPI/LDPE at a given ratio. This is due to the high degree of regularity of the HDPE molecular chain, during dynamic vulcanization the part of the TPI molecular chain involved in cross-linking is reduced, the crystalline part is increased, and the TPI molecular chain is arranged in a more regular manner. As shown by the vulcanization characteristics, TPI/LDPESMPC has a higher degree of cross-linking than TPI/HDPE, and the TPI molecules that have been cross-linked are broken up into tiny pieces and scattered throughout the composite matrix. This disrupts the ordering of the molecular chains within the TPI, ultimately leading to a gradual decrease in Xc(TPI). In addition, the Xc (HDPE) of TPI/HDPE is always higher than the Xc (LDPE) of TPI/LDPE. This is due to the fact that HDPE has a more regular and dense molecular chain than LDPE in the composite component, and therefore the composite containing HDPE has a higher degree of crystallinity in the same proportion.
Figure 5A shows the X-ray diffractograms of pure TPI, LDPE and HDPE and Fig. 5B shows the XRD spectra of the composites tested with different ratios. From the figure, it can be seen that the characteristic peaks of TPI, corresponding to diffraction angles (2θ) of 18.7° and 22.6°, respectively, and LDPE, corresponding to diffraction angles (2θ) of 21.3° and 23.7°, respectively; and HDPE, corresponding to diffraction angles (2θ) of 21.5° and 23.9°, respectively, can be seen. The three characteristic peaks between 30° and 40° are the XRD characteristic peaks of ZnO. The results show that the addition of additives does not affect the characteristic peaks of TPI, LDPE and HDPE, and TPI, LDPE and HDPE crystallize independently without eutectic. This implies that the two will not influence one another's crystallization in a given domain, which is a need for the triple shape memory characteristics.
3.4 Microstructural characterization
Figure 6 shows the microstructure of SMPC tensile sections at different scales. As the PE concentration rises, it is evident that the specimens have more holes in them. This is because the orderliness of the matrix molecules is destroyed by the random insertion of PE as a scattered phase into the TPI matrix. Furthermore, the molecular organization of PE is not significantly affected by the cross-linked TPI, and the dynamically vulcanized TPI is only partly vulcanized. When the ratio of TPI:PE is 8:2, the specimen has the fewest holes and the smoothest substrate surface, forming a flat, continuous organization. The results show that with the change of the ratio during the dynamic vulcanization process, the two components interlock with each other and the molecular chain arrangement is disorganized. The degree of TPI sulfidation's influence on crystallinity was found to be very compatible with the microstructure alterations of the sections in the DSC tests, hence enhancing the experiment's dependability.
3.5 Shape memory properties
Figure 6 shows the shape memory curves of DMA tests for different ratios of hybridized SMPC. As can be seen from the figure, the shape memory strain curve shows a stepwise recovery. There are two applied stresses and two withdrawn stresses in the figure. The stages experienced by the triple shape memory are, in order, fixation of PE, fixation of TPI, return of the second temporary shape and return of the first temporary shape. In this case, the stage of fixing the temporary shape before the second withdrawal of stress and the stage of returning to the initial shape after the second withdrawal of stress. All curves show a clear shape recovery process with a large shape recovery rate.
Figure 7 shows a schematic diagram of the principle of triple shape memory performance of TPI/PE composites. The disorderly dispersed lines in the figure indicate the macromolecular chain segments, and the red and blue colors indicate the molecular chains of TPI and PE, respectively. The red squares represent the crystallization zone of TPI and the blue squares represent the crystallization zone of PE. The yellow circle indicates the point of cross-linking of the molecular chain of the composite. When the temperature of the composite is above the melting temperature of the PE, all crystallized regions melt and the crystallized regions of TPI and PE form temporary shapes during stretching and cooling. After unloading the tension the composite is heated again and the crystalline zone melts and returns to its initial shape driven by the restoring force of the crosslinked network.
The crystalline region of TPI acts as a reversible phase, while the cross-linked portion and crystalline region of PE act as a stationary phase. The energy stored in the stationary phase and the reversible phase is gradually released when the temperature rises above the Tt of the two components. This causes the molecular kinetic energy of the reversible phase molecular chain to increase and the micro-Brownian motion to intensify, which forces the stationary phase to return to the entropy disorder state and realizes the shape recovery.
Tables 4 and 5 show the fixation and recovery rates of the triple shape memory properties of SMPC with different ratios. Where the fixation rate and the recovery rate were calculated by the following equation, respectively.
For the shape fixation rate (Rf) in the table, it can be seen that Rf1 gradually increases while Rf2 gradually decreases as the ratio changes. This is because the PE content gradually increases as the ratio changes, and in the first fixation stage, more crystals are involved in the first stage of fixation as the temporary shape is mainly fixed by the crystallized regions of PE. Thus, Rf1 gradually increases and TPI gradually decreases. In the second fixation stage, the temporary shape is fixed mainly by the crystalline regions of TPI, and the crystalline fraction of TPI involved in the second stage of fixation decreases, so Rf2 gradually decreases. In addition, as TPI content decreases and PE content increases, Rr1 gradually decreases while Rr2 gradually increases. This is because the first return to the temporary shape needs to reach the melting temperature of TPI, at this time the TPI crystalline region melts to become an amorphous form, the TPI crosslinked network is not limited by the crystalline region, and begins to shrink back to the initial state. As the TPI content decreases, the crosslinked network formed by the TPI matrix decreases, and the restoring force to return to the temporary shape decreases, so Rr1 gradually decreases. In addition, the second time to return to the temporary shape, it is necessary to reach the melting temperature of PE, at which time the PE crystallization region melts to become an amorphous form, and the crosslinked network, without the restriction of the PE crystallization region, begins to return to the initial state. As the PE content increases, there is more cross-linked network formed by the PE molecular chains to provide the restoring force, so Rr2 gradually increases.
Ra is the average of the fixation and recovery rates for each shape. From the table, it can be seen that there is the highest Ra when the ratio of TPI/LDPE composites is 7:3, which indicates that at this time TPI/LDPE composites have the best triple shape memory properties. TPI/HDPE composites have the highest Ra at a ratio of 8:2, when TPI/HDPE composites have the best triple shape memory properties. Therefore, the shape memory properties of TPI/HDPE composites are more excellent than TPI/LDPE composites at the same ratio.
Table 4
Shape memory properties of TPI/LDPE composites
TPI/LDPE | Rf1/% | Rf2/% | Rr1/% | Rr2/% | Ra/% |
8:2 | 48.1 | 98.4 | 91.7 | 68.8 | 76.8 |
7:3 | 74.3 | 97.9 | 81.4 | 79.2 | 83.2 |
6:4 | 88.4 | 94.7 | 64.8 | 82.6 | 82.6 |
Table 5 Shape memory properties of TPI/HDPE composites
TPI/HDPE | Rf1/% | Rf2/% | Rr1/% | Rr2/% | Ra/% |
8:2 | 81.9 | 96.9 | 99.6 | 72.6 | 87.8 |
7:3 | 96.0 | 89.8 | 83.0 | 76.3 | 86.3 |
6:4 | 96.9 | 84.2 | 50.0 | 82.7 | 78.5 |