The results related to the Stroop test, aimed at evaluating cognitive inhibition in individuals, in two dimensions of interference score and interference time, showed differences. While in the interference score component, the Neurolight group showed greater improvement, in the interference time component, the cognitive training group performed better. These results can be discussed from two perspectives. First, both cognitive and combined physical-cognitive training have improved individuals' inhibition, but the effectiveness differences of these two types of training can be noted. For a more precise analysis of this phenomenon, attention should be drawn to how these two components are calculated. While the interference score is the result of the difference in the number of errors individuals make in congruent versus incongruent trials, the Neurolight group was able to reduce errors in incongruent trials. In other words, they could better control the interference resulting from color processing versus word meaning processing, indicating improved performance resulting from this type of training. On the other hand, it appears that only when individuals can improve performance accuracy or interference score, the evaluation of interference time becomes meaningful. In this regard, there is a possibility that the improvement in interference time or the increase in speed in incongruent trials may result in decreased performance accuracy and consequently increased interference score. Therefore, since maintaining accuracy alongside speed is the main instruction in these types of tests [30], doubts exist regarding whether the improvement in interference time alone can indicate interference control. Consequently, it can be inferred that the reduction in impulsivity and impatience in controlling responses and the increase in performance accuracy in incongruent trials due to the combination of cognitive and physical training have occurred, which can be considered among the advantages of this type of training. Furthermore, because computer-based cognitive training involve sitting behind a computer or tablet, individuals may become accustomed to rapid responses and somewhat conditioned to it. In this regard, Ten Brinke et al. demonstrated that both cognitive and cognitive-physical training can lead to similar .improvements in Stroop test performance [10].
The results of the n-back memory test indicated that there was no significant difference between the groups in terms of the number of correct responses, and the progress trend from pre-test to post-test was almost the same across groups. However, in terms of the reaction time variability, the cognitive-physical training group showed better performance. Since this component is related to the processing speed, it seems that the rapid updating of information, which is one of the foundational components of executive control in working memory [35], has been enhanced as a result of these exercises. Furthermore, the reduction in the reaction time variability due to Neurolight training may be an indicator of improved central attention and auditory processing ability [36]. Considering the hierarchical model of executive functions that attention is involved in both working memory and inhibition tasks [3], it appears that attentional capabilities have been enhanced as a result of Neurolight exergame. These findings align with studies which have reported beneficial effects of combining the cognitive and physical exercises [26, 37, 38]. Based on the cognitive stimulation hypothesis, physical activities coordinated with cognitive demands activate the same brain regions used for higher-level cognitive control processes [13, 39]. For the relationship between physical activity and cognition, the assumption is that cognitive demands, when pre-activated by the same cognitive processes during physical activity as in a cognitive task, lead to better cognitive performance [40]. In this regard, it has been demonstrated that cognitive-motor Exergames improve neural efficiency, which can manifest in faster information processing [38]. Also, it has been reported improvements in information processing speed as a result of this type of training [26]. However, Adcock et al. showed that although improvements in executive functions were observed in elderly individuals as a result of cognitive-motor exercises, no noticeable changes in brain gray matter were observed [41].
One concept that can be discussed in this regard is the topic of cognitive training. These trainings, such as computer-based training, which target memory, attention, and visual and auditory processing, are associated with cognitive enhancement in healthy older individuals. However, their effectiveness, especially in terms of transfer to real-world situations, is debatable [42]. Other studies using the same intervention method have also shown that engaging in brain training games improves executive function and processing speed in healthy older individuals [43]. However, most studies indicate that the effect size for cognitive interventions alone is very small [42, 44]. Therefore, based on the current findings, it may be possible to enhance their effectiveness by combining cognitive and physical exercises. Evidence suggests that cognitive and physical training may complement each other and contribute to improving brain structure and function and cognition [19, 45].
These findings can be discussed in terms of how the cognitive challenges in the Neurolight protocol can enhance cognitive functions. This finding is supported by research showing that motor coordination and balance exercises can also have positive effects on cognitive functions [46–49]. It has been showed that exercises involving both balance and cognitive challenges reduce activity in the right and left prefrontal cortex during walking, indicating greater efficiency and freeing up attentional resources for other tasks [25]. Also, it has been demonstrated the role of the prefrontal cortex and its lateral posterior component in performing balance tasks [50]. Accordingly, performing balance tasks activates these regions, which play a role in higher brain functions such as inhibition and working memory. Based on this perspective, executive functions are primarily associated with the prefrontal cortex and other related brain regions, and interventions that affect the prefrontal cortex may also affect executive functions [51].
Finally, in addition to analyzing the physical and cognitive benefits of Neurolight exercises, it can be noted that in this type of exercise, individuals spend time equivalent to one exercise session, but benefit simultaneously from the advantages of both physical and cognitive exercises. This means that motor skills, physical fitness, and cognitive functions are practiced simultaneously. Liao et al. showed that the combination of cognitive Exergames not only improves cognitive function but also affects individuals' walking performance, although this effect was observed only in dual-task walking [38]. There is evidence that confirmed the effectiveness of cognitive Exergames in improving motor cognitive functions, which play a role in preventing falls in the elderly [52]. Also, it has been demonstrated that cognitive-motor game-based exercises not only improve cognitive function but also enhance motor performance [53]. This finding is consistent with the observed improvement in motor performance in the elderly in this study, indicating a common basis for motor and cognitive aspects in this age group. Therefore, it seems that adding motor challenges such as balance and fine movements to aerobic exercises has increased the cognitive demand of the exercise, resulting in observed beneficial effects [54]. On the other hand, it is also possible that aerobic exercises act as a trigger to prepare individuals for subsequent exercise interventions, in addition to any positive physiological effects it may have [55]. In this regard, the effects of aerobic exercise appear to have synergized with the motor skill exercises used in the present study, enhancing their effectiveness. It is suggested that a combined cognitive and physical intervention may have greater benefits for cognition compared to either intervention alone. In the aspect of combining cognitive exercises with physical challenges, two points can be noted: firstly, cognitive and physical exercises are paired and enhanced each other's relative effects, and more cognitive activities occur during movement in individuals' daily lives. On the other hand, fewer cognitive decisions and activities performed in isolated environments. In this regard, there is finding that combining cognitive and motor exercises in adults can prevent cognitive decline in adulthood and thus prevent aging [56].
The present results can be considered as a preliminary study in the effectiveness of cognitive-physical exercises using the Neurolight system. Based on its findings, the use of this exercise system can be suggested to coaches and therapists working with the elderly. However, the extends of its use and effectiveness range can be further tested in future research. Therefore, future research could focus on increasing the utilization of the system, improving software, hardware, and user interface. Additionally, by examining and analyzing internal data within the exercise period, the trend of changes and increasing the level of intelligent difficulty can be more fully demonstrated. Moreover, this system can be evaluated for cognitive disorders such as learning disabilities, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and other age groups.