We carried out a hydroclimatic assessment of the hydroelectric reservoirs installed in cascades on the Tocantins River, based on historical series of precipitation (between the years 1970 to 2023), flow (years 1995 to 2023), temperature and radiation (years 2006 to 2018). Our results indicated that the reservoirs are different in their hydroclimatic conditions, both spatially and temporally, forming a hydroclimatic gradient. We observed trends of reduction in precipitation and flow, as well as an increase in temperatures. Flow rates increased from upstream to downstream, following the rhythm of precipitation defined by seasonality (dry and rainy periods). It was evident that, due to seasonality, the reservoirs suffered from the increase in thermal amplitudes, evaporation and radiation, with evaporation being an important indicator of drought and increasing as temperatures increase (Han and Singh 2023). We also revealed drier scenarios, with low flow and high temperatures. Climatic conditions conditioned by the seasonality of precipitation, evaporation and radiation showed a strong correlation with reservoir flow. In addition, socioeconomic factors exerted strong anthropogenic pressure on the river basin. These implications suggest that the functioning of these ecosystems is being governed by hydroclimatic and anthropogenic changes, capable of influencing energy production, reducing ecosystem resilience and hindering the survival of aquatic organisms (Costa et al. 2003; Domingues and da Rocha 2022; Kåresdotter et al. 2023; Von Randow et al. 2019).
The spatial differences in hydroclimatic variables demonstrate the geographic diversity of hydroclimatic conditions. This was corroborated by the climate mapping carried out by the National Water Agency (ANA, 2009), which classified the climate of the reservoirs into three categories, according to Köeppen, in Am, Aw and Cwa. From upstream to downstream, we observed an increasing gradient of precipitation, discharge and net evaporation. A group of four reservoirs, located at the beginning of the cascade (SM, CB, SS and PA), presented high hydroclimatic similarity, with little variability in discharge, precipitation and evaporation. In contrast, the last three reservoirs, which are further away (LA, ES and TU), showed significant differences between themselves and in relation to the others. The hydroclimatic similarity found in the first four reservoirs generates hydrological interdependence controlled by the first reservoir (SM), which was designed to regulate the discharges of the others. This indicates that climate impacts affect these reservoirs equally.
Hydroclimatic and geomorphological differences, such as discharge, precipitation, and altitude, are the main drivers of river forces (Larkin 2020). As latitudes and altitudes decrease, the greater the climatic differences found. Nutrient and sediment transport is also reduced in these similar reservoirs, especially because the first, SM, is of the accumulation type with a high retention time (750 days). Excess sediment implies a reduction in the useful life of the reservoir, and sedimentation increased by the effect of the cascade installation of dams leads to a situation of oligotrophication downstream (Maavara et al. 2015, 2020; Wei 2020).
Our results suggest that hydroclimatic variations in reservoirs are reflections of seasonal cycle characteristics, with greater hydroclimatic dissimilarity during the rainy season. During this period, flow rates and temperatures have greater standard deviations and the reservoirs present greater hydroclimatological dynamics. Unlike the dry season, especially in July and early August, flow rates are stabilized by hydroelectric operators to meet the regional beach season. Reservoirs are influenced by the regional climate, which reveals consistent patterns of dry and rainy weather, with flow rates drastically decreasing during dry periods and slowly increasing during rainy periods. This generates a water deficit that is slowly replenished, generating a low water period of more than 6 months. Seasonality is a critical factor for these reservoirs, whose purpose is to generate electricity. A hydroelectric reservoir in the Tapajós River sub-basin in the Amazon River basin revealed a 27% loss in installed capacity during the dry season (Arias et al. 2020; Hofmann et al. 2023). The Tocantins River reservoirs experienced alarming reductions in their flows during the dry season. Serra da Mesa-SM, the largest reservoir in Brazil and one of the largest in the world in terms of water volume, reached the end of the 2020 drought with only 9% of its useful volume (ONS, 2021). Other Amazonian reservoirs, such as Belo Monte (Xingu River), Girau and Santo Antônio (Madeira River), produced below-projected targets due to strong regional seasonality and climate change (Hofmann et al. 2023). Our findings are consistent with recent long-term analyses for Brazil, which have observed streamflows being influenced by precipitation seasonality (Junqueira et al. 2020; Swanson et al. 2021). Ecologically, longer periods of drought have widespread implications for freshwater ecosystems. Droughts reduce habitat areas, increase water residence time, alter biogeochemical cycles, and increase solute concentrations in the water. This impacts aquatic food chains (Gómez-Gener et al. 2020) and species population densities, excluding sensitive species and increasing species more adapted to drought (Aspin et al. 2019).
Our trend analysis applied to hydroclimatic variables showed negative trends for precipitation and flow, and positive trends for temperatures in the studied reservoirs. Recent studies in tropical regions agree with our results, indicating negative trends in precipitation in Brazil in the Cerrado and Amazon biomes (Dai 2021; Liang et al. 2020; Liu and Wang 2022). These studies pointed to the occurrence of droughts caused by reduced rainfall, increased temperature, high evaporation, and changes in vegetation cover. From the high correlation between precipitation and flow and their negative trends presented in our study, we expect that years with lower precipitation also present the lowest flows in the Tocantins River reservoirs. Other studies corroborate our findings, revealing climate trends for the Cerrado biome, where six of the seven reservoirs analyzed here are located, indicated a reduction of up to 50% in the total rainfall recorded in the dry period (Hofmann et al. 2023) with a consequent reduction in flow (Jong et al. 2021). For the Amazon, the biome of the last reservoir of the cascade analyzed, there are trends for dry periods to become even more severe (Liang et al. 2020). The National Water Agency confirmed that 2015, 2016, and 2017 were the driest years with the lowest flows in the last 87 years. The National Electric System Operator (ONS) reported that, in TU, the last reservoir of the cascade and with the highest precipitation index, 2016 was the year with the lowest annual flow in 80 years (ONS 2024). These events are attributed to the El Niño meteorological phenomenon which, in 2015 and 2016, led to an increase in drought risks (Dai 2021) influenced by global warming (Shin et al. 2022). Given the magnitude of the hydroclimatic changes that already occurred in 2015, 2016 and 2017, which resulted in water deficits in the reservoirs analyzed here, it is clear that any hydrological and management study must take hydroclimatic trends into account in its planning.
The results presented here support the idea that climate is a key driver of the contrasting patterns in reservoir flows. It is evident that the observed climate patterns are consistent with streamflows, and the high linear correlation between streamflows and precipitation, as well as between streamflow and evaporation, clearly indicate that streamflows were dependent on regional climate. In addition to dams themselves, precipitation is the main driver of hydrological processes (Tang et al. 2009) and has the potential to influence streamflows in hydropower reservoirs (X. Wu et al. 2018; Yan et al. 2021). Studies have warned about the significant influence of climate on hydropower systems (Mekonnen et al. 2022; Moran et al. 2018; Sun et al. 2023), with predictions of a reduction in safe water levels for electricity generation. Under these hydroclimatic conditions, with reduced precipitation, increased temperatures and reduced flows, improving water consumption management and reinforcing the monitoring of licenses are suggested, to maintain water flow downstream (Sigalla et al. 2023).
In addition to climate change, it is important to highlight the clear human influences on the reservoirs. The greatest demand for water withdrawal in the Tocantins-Araguaia basin is for irrigation (44%), with areas exceeding 30,000 hectares (ANA 2023a). We observed a high demand for water, especially in the State of Goiás, where the Serra da Mesa reservoir (SM) is located. Paradoxically, we found a high negative correlation between precipitation and water withdrawal. This contrast suggests that lower precipitation led to increased water withdrawal in the portion of the river with the lowest average annual precipitation and flow. In a scenario of a trend of reduced precipitation and increasing demand for water, the reductions in flow rates may be aggravated. In addition to the withdrawal of water directly from the reservoirs, there is a large extraction concentrated in the main tributaries that supply water to these reservoirs, such as large irrigation projects that use water from the Araguaia River, the main tributary to the TU Reservoir (ANA 2023a).
The high withdrawal of water from the tributaries of the micro-basins is a strong indication that the loss of flow and the increase in water deficits may be exacerbated. This represents a major challenge to maintaining the balance between the growing demand for water and the conservation of ecological functions in the basin. The significant increase in population in all states where the reservoirs are located, together with the increased withdrawal of water, raises major concerns not only in terms of electricity production, but also ecological ones (Arias et al. 2014; Jong et al. 2021; Tornés et al. 2022). The hydrographic region of the Tocantins River includes the six largest states of the federation, in addition to the federal capital (Brasília), in terms of economic development, with GDPs above the national average. The sectors of the economy revolve around animal production, irrigated agriculture, industry, mining and thermoelectricity (ANA, 2024). This could lead to water shortages if there is no efficient management of water resources throughout the river basin.
We note that the basin’s strategic water resources plan, prepared in 2006 to 2009 and not yet implemented, foresees the growth of agricultural, hydroelectric and mining ventures, but does not consider the possible impacts of global climate change on a regional scale. This scenario is common in developing countries, where there is little or no water resources legislation that addresses climate change (Moran et al. 2018). However, concerns about hydroclimatic changes have grown in recent years (Hong et al. 2023; Liang et al. 2020; Moshir Panahi et al. 2020; Sigalla et al. 2023). Studies have shown concerns about the supply of water to humanity (Drenkhan et al. 2015; Jongman et al. 2015), demonstrating that changes in precipitation and evaporation have changed population density and increased human conflicts (Kåresdotter et al. 2023). In addition, some authors claim that the reduction in available water can cause food and water insecurity (Shin et al. 2022; Tiwari et al. 2023; Trisurat et al. 2018). Therefore, it is important to include in the basin's strategic plan the mitigation of conflicts resulting from increased demand for water and hydroclimatic changes. It should also include the identification of where there is the greatest withdrawal of water, what the implications are for river flow and ecosystems, and how future increases in water withdrawal may affect the sustainable use of water in the Tocantins-Araguaia river basin.