3.1 Effectiveness of mitigation measures
Waste storage for collection: A variety of methods are used to store waste whilst it is awaiting collection by the municipal authorities, ranging from storing it loose in piles on the ground, through to storage in dedicated enclosed containers.33 Experts scored the relative effectiveness (on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being the most effective score) of mitigation measures (Figure 1: A1 – A7) for reducing emission of plastic at the waste storage stage for two scenarios; one where a rigid container is not provided, and conversely, two, where a rigid container is provided.
The experts judged that the most effective means of reducing plastic emission during the waste storage stage where no rigid containers are provided is to “use rigid containers” (A1) (Figure 2a). This judgement was broadly agreed upon, with 12 out of the 16 experts scoring it as the single most effective intervention, all of whom gave it a score >90. If a rigid container is not provided, for example due to budget restraints or due to colored bags being preferred as often the case for source-separated curbside recycling schemes34, 35, “storing the waste in bags” (A2) is considered the second most effective mitigation measure with a score of 70 (mean). However, some experts raised concerns that bags are susceptible to being opened by animals, for instance, black vultures are reported to open bags in search of food on Brazilian beaches.36
For waste stored in a rigid container (Figure 2b), “sufficient capacity of the container” (A5) was considered most effective mitigation measure, implying that overflowing containers is an important emission source. This agrees with the findings of Wagner and Broaddus37 who studied litter generation following curbside collection of recycling in the city of Portland, USA and noted overflowing open-top containers are a common occurrence that have potential to generate significant volumes of litter. The following three most effective mitigation measures were “fully enclosed sides” (A6), “provision of a container lid” (A7) and “discarding the waste in bags within the rigid container” (A2), demonstrating that experts considered the level of containment of waste as important.
Loading of waste: Experts also assessed the effectiveness of mitigation measures for the loading stage (Figure 1, B1 – B6), where waste stored (either loose, bagged or containerized) is transferred to the refuse collection vehicle. Experts largely agreed (mean score = 84) that although the use of bags (B1) has limitations for long-term storage of waste due to the potential for them to be opened (e.g., by animals), they make the collection (loading) easier than would be the case for loose waste, and therefore substantially reduce the probability of plastic emission (Figure 3a). The care taken by loaders to handle waste without spilling it (B2) was also considered to be highly effective by most of the experts, with a mean score of 80. Although the remaining mitigation measures (B3 – B6) had lower mean scores, these scores still suggest relatively high effectiveness and therefore should not be interpreted as unimportant. Instead, the lower means scores were a result of greater variation in the opinions of experts, particularly for the mitigation measures of “Well operated collection system ensuring a very low number of missed collections” (B3), “Containers exchanged, rather than emptied” (B4), and “Waste easily transportable to collection vehicle” (B5). It was apparent from justifications provided by the experts that opinions differed as to whether the most important phase of loading the waste was the movement of the waste to the vehicle, the loading of that waste into the vehicle, or wider failings in the collection system (e.g., missed collections).
Waste transport: The transport stage (Figure 1, C1 – C8) reflects the manner by which waste is transported in the primary or secondary collection vehicle, and for which vehicle design varies substantially around the world.33 The “covering of waste” during transport (C1), for example by use of tarpaulin or netting, was considered to be the most effective mitigation method by half of the respondents (n =8), resulting in a mean score of 90 (Figure 3b). The next most effective mitigation measures were “waste is not piled higher than the sides of the vehicle” (C2) with a mean score of 80, and that the “vehicle has rigid sides that fully enclose the waste” (C3) with a mean score of 74. A common collection modality in the Global South is where waste is collected from households using manually powered vehicles (e.g., handcarts) before being transferred (typically on the side of roads) to larger motorized vehicles.33 To reflect this reality, an additional mitigation was added to Round 2 at the suggestion of experts: to have a “well-functioning interface between transport vehicles” (C6). There was wide disparity amongst the responses about how important this mitigation measure was, with relative effectiveness estimates scoring between 5-100. Responses on the use of “waste compaction” (C4) in waste collection vehicles (mean = 69) had a similar uncertainty with six experts ranking this as the most effective intervention (score of 100) and four experts scoring 30 or less.
Temporary storage and sorting of waste: Collected waste is often transported to transfer stations where it is temporarily stored before being transferred to its final destination (e.g., disposal sites or treatment plants) in larger vehicles. Occasionally, waste may be sorted to recover recyclables in transfer stations, or at a dedicated site (e.g., Material Recovery Facility – MRF).33 In either case, the mitigation measures for reducing plastic emission are similar, and are grouped here under the temporary storage and sorting stage (Figure 1, D1 – D7).
The most effective mitigation measure for preventing emissions from the temporary storage and sorting of waste is “locating the site indoors” (D1), scoring a mean value of 94 and unanimously scored highly by experts (Figure 4a). The “use of perimeter walls or fencing” (D3) also scored relatively highly (mean score of 68), but experts noted its effectiveness would depend on the height of the perimeter. Likewise, if sorting of recyclables is occurring, then disposing of reject material in the formal system (D2) had a mean effectiveness score of 72, with some experts assuming that practicing otherwise would result in open dumping of the rejects. The “use of bags to store waste” (D5) was rated as having a lower effectiveness (mean score of 51) compared to the earlier SWM stages. We propose the effectiveness of bags may therefore negatively correlate with the volume of waste managed at each stage of the SWM system.
Land disposal: Land disposal mitigation measures (Figure 1, E1 – E8) cover the various techniques that may reduce plastic debris emission across all forms of land disposal (e.g., from open dumpsites to engineered controlled landfills), regardless of whether the practice is solely implemented for the direct control of litter or as part of wider land disposal facility management.
Waste deposited at land disposal sites can be periodically covered by material such as soil to prevent windblown litter; reduce odors; reduce the risk of fire; and deter rodents and birds.38, 39 Experts suggested that “providing daily cover” (E1) is by far the most effective mitigation measure, giving it a mean score of 97 (Figure 4c). By contrast, “providing monthly cover” (E8) was given the lowest relative effectiveness score of 32, demonstrating that the frequency of cover is critical in reducing plastic emissions from land disposal.
Open uncontrolled burning is a form of plastic pollution9 with major negative impacts on human health and the environment.40 However, burning plastic is also a mitigation measure that reduces material available for physical debris emissions. For example, fires are often started deliberately on disposal sites to reduce the volume of waste or to recover metal.40, 41 The mitigation measure “open burning encouraged” (E7) was therefore presented to experts as a possible means of reducing plastic debris emissions. Microplastic emissions as a consequence of open burning were not considered because our scope only included macroplastic emissions (physical objects >5mm in size).
Experts disagreed on the effectiveness of open burning resulting in a wide range of answers (0-90) (Figure 4). Those that scored open burning as highly effective often justified this based on its ability to reduce total material available to be emitted, whereas those that ranked it low claimed burning results in emission itself therefore is not effective. Despite that the scope of the work was limited to debris emissions, as detailed in the training and feedback workshop, we speculate that some experts still considered open burning as an emission.
Additional operational control measures often implemented at land disposal sites include mechanical “compaction of waste” (E2), “designated discharge zones” (E4) for unloading of waste, “considering the wind speed and direction during waste discharge” (E5), and use of “portable litter screens” (E6) for capturing windblown litter.42 Each of these mitigation measures were scored as having mid-to-high relative effectiveness (mean scores of 75, 59, 54 and 53 respectively). Despite that these measures were not considered to be as effective as daily cover, they can be applied easily at low cost with the use of basic or repurposed machinery (e.g., agricultural tractors with attachments can be used at small or rural disposal sites to achieve basic levels of control).33 As such, our results suggest that effective mitigation of plastic emissions from open dumpsites does not require them to be upgraded to full controlled engineered landfills, but instead can be achieved by implementing practices that fall under basic levels of control, as defined by the UN-Habitat Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT).43 Such an incremental improvement of open dumpsites to basic control according to the WaCT ladder has also recently been advocated for by Wilson,44 especially when municipalities do not have the ability to afford or implement such measures.
3.2 Plastic debris emission factors
We define plastic emission factors as the percentage of plastic debris emitted into the environment from a SWM stage compared to total plastic waste at that stage.9 Expert estimates of plastic emission factors are shown in Figure 5 for the five main SWM stages and assuming the presence of no mitigation measures (No Mitigation Measure Scenario) and all mitigation measures (All Mitigation Measures Scenario).
All SWM stages were considered to have substantially higher plastic emission factors for the No Mitigation Measures Scenario compared to the All Mitigation Measures Scenario. For instance, the most-likely value for plastic emission factors during the waste storage stage was estimated by experts at 20% for the No Mitigation Measures Scenario compared to just 1% when all mitigation measures are present. Implementing mitigation measures at the waste storage stage would therefore expect to reduce plastic emissions into the environment from this stage by 95%. Similarly high reduction potentials were assessed for the other SWM stages, with land disposal having the lowest reduction potential at 80% based on the median most-likely emission factor value. This implies that implementing mitigations has the potential to reduce plastic emissions into the environment by at least an order of magnitude. In addition, the range between the upper and lower plausible limits was also much smaller for the All Mitigation Measures Scenario compared to the No Mitigation Measures Scenario. This difference would suggest that mitigations not only reduce the most likely emission of plastic, but also reduces overall potential for emission of plastic. These results suggest that solid waste management infrastructure and practice-based interventions are important for reducing plastic pollution debris and therefore are justified as a major consideration in any potential Plastic Treaty.
The plastic emission factors shown in Figure 5 allow a comparison of the magnitude of plastic debris emissions across each SWM stage. For a no mitigation scenario, the storage and loading stages have higher emissions factors than other SWM stages (for both most-likely values and plausible ranges). If correct, this would mean that for absolute emissions reduction, municipalities should prioritize mitigations at these two stages of solid waste handling. As discussed in Section 3.1, possible effective mitigations include: (i) ensuring households have a rigid storage container with high levels of containment, and (ii) encouraging households to dispose of their waste in plastic bags, because it limits dispersion of debris during both storage and loading.
The experts assessed that emission factors for the no mitigation scenario decrease as we progress through the SWM stages from storage for collection to disposal (Figure 5). For example, most likely emission factors show 20% of plastic is expected to be emitted from the storage stage compared to 10% at disposal. This decrease is more prominent for the upper plausible limits (50% at the storage stage, reducing to 20% at the disposal stage). Without any form of mitigation measure, both stages involve similar conditions in that waste is dumped in piles on the ground, therefore, the expected reduction in emissions must come about by some other means. We propose that the reductions observed are due to scale issues. As waste progresses along the SWM system, operations become more centralized and waste is aggregated. The aggregation of material results in fewer, larger piles of waste, with lower surface area to volume ratio exposed to the elements; limiting the amount of plastic emitted.9 By contrast, smaller piles of waste, such as those produced by a single household, would have a much larger surface exposed to the environment and are unlikely to be compacted. A higher proportion of this waste would therefore be expected to be emitted.
Emission factors were also predicted to reduce as waste progresses through the SWM system for the all mitigations scenario. With the exception of land disposal, estimated to have the highest emission factors of all stages. Expert justifications for these high values largely focused on the concept that small amounts of emission are unavoidable even in well-managed sites. It is unclear why experts considered these “unavoidable emissions” to be greater at the disposal stage than at previous stages, especially given the previously discussed aggregation issue. However, one possible explanation is that experts found quantifying accurate values for a small amount of emissions challenging. For instance, experts provided justifications stating that in the loading stage for an All Mitigation Measures Scenario, emissions would be only a small number of items maximum - “Emptying a well-managed wheelie bin of mixed plastic into a refuse truck, I would expect to see no more than one carrier bag or bottle top escape”. Despite this, and considering the scenario provided to experts was 110 kg of plastic for loading, the expert stated their most-likely estimate as 0.2% equating to 220 grams of plastic which at roughly 5 - 15 grams per item, would represent 15 – 44 items. This difficulty in estimating very small percentages was foreseen by the authors, hence the ready reckoner spreadsheet (SI – Ready Reckoner) was provided to experts to assist in converting item estimates to mass or percent estimates; however, it is unclear how many experts relied upon this tool.
The minimum and maximum plausible values in Figure 5 are not symmetric around the most likely value (as would be expected if a Gaussian distribution applied): the maximum plausible values are larger. If we were to plot these results as probability distributions (e.g., triangular distribution, SI – Section S5), they would be positively skewed. A positively skewed distribution implies that the larger extreme emission values occur less frequently than the lower extreme emission values, for example, only occurring during adverse weather events. However, these rare events may still contribute to the overall mass of plastic emitted given their high emission factor. This importance of extreme events is in agreement with findings relating to plastic transmission in the environment, whereby infrequent but extreme events, such as (flash) flooding, can lead to large movement of plastic waste.45
3.3 Comparison with existing approaches to emissions
Comparison of the emission factors in this work to those used in the literature is challenging because the majority of plastic pollution quantification methodologies13-17 rely on the concept of “mismanaged waste” to estimate emissions and do not practically distinguish between the SWM stages and practices. Some of the few notable exceptions use emission factors only for disposal sites and vary considerably (Table 1). For example, emission factors for the maximum amount of debris emitted from open dumpsites ranged between works from just 0.41% wt. to 20% wt. However, our results suggest that emissions are often higher at the collection and loading stages: we therefore recommend that these stages are given more consideration in future plastic pollution quantification models. Furthermore, the emission factors were either estimated by experts in an unstructured manner or based on unvalidated conceptual models. The emission factors defined and quantified here provide a more structured, accountable, and updatable basis for establishing emission factors, offering potential for wider standardization.
Table 1: Emission factors used in other models which are comparable to those quantified in the present study. Emission factors for out-of-scope parts of the solid waste management (SWM) system are not shown (e.g., littering or uncollected waste).
Name of methodology
Emission factors
Spatio-temporal quantification of plastic pollution origins and transportation (SPOT)9
Collection system emissions: 0.0001% - 4.0%
Mismanagement of sorting rejects: 0 – 83% (as a percentage of sorting rejects, includes open burning)
Uncontrolled disposal emissions (exc. open burning): 0.006% - 0.41%
Emissions factors are based on conceptual models that aim to account important phenomena and available literature in emission estimates. The emission factor ranges shown here are those at the national level and relate to emission of MSW. The proportion of the MSW emission that is plastic varies for each emission source depending on composition data.
Waste Flow Diagram (WFD)28
Collection emissions: 0.1% – 10.8%
Informal value chain emissions: 0.1% – 2.5%
Formal sorting emissions: 0-100% of rejects
Informal sorting emissions: 0-100% of rejects
Transportation emissions: 0.001% – 0.5%
Disposal emissions (with flooding): 3% – 81%
Disposal emissions (no flooding): 0.00075% - 1%
Emission factors assumed. A decision tree method was used to link emissions potential with on-the-ground observations. The values shown in this table are for the minimum and maximum possible values only and relate to plastic.
Plastic Waste Discharges from Rivers and Coastlines in Indonesia46, 47
Emissions from disposal sites:
Sanitary landfill = 0%
Controlled landfill = 2% (low), 3% (mid), and 5% (high)
Formal dumpsite = 5% (low), 10% (mid) and 20% (high)
Authors term emissions as “mismanaged waste available for wash-off”. It is unclear how term relates to the definition of emissions used in this work. Emission factors assumed.
Plastic Drawdown48
Emissions from disposal sites:
9% (urban waste)
20% (resort waste inc. emissions during transfer by boat)
9% (island rate based on 4% dumped and 5% blown off landfill)
Emission factors applicable to the Maldives only and based on interviews with local stakeholders. Emission factors appear to include other parts of the SWM system such as transportation.
Evaluating scenarios towards zero plastic pollution49
Emission from dumpsites = 2% (rigid plastic), 16% (flexible or multi-material plastic)
Post-collection emissions = 5%
Emission factors assumed based on distance to water and reflecting item properties (e.g., likelihood of movement by wind).
Plastics in the global environment assessed through material flow analysis, degradation and environmental transportation50
Emissions from disposal sites:
Sanitary landfill = 0.1%
Controlled landfill = 0.5%
Open dumpsites = 5%
Emission factors assumed. Emission factors were also calculated for microplastics and plastics production although these are not listed in this table. Emissions were assigned to different compartments (e.g., residential, soil, water).
Abbreviations: MSW = Municipal solid waste; SWM = Solid waste management
3.4 Transmission of plastic items
Expert judgements on the transmission of plastic items are defined here as time taken for an item to be displaced 100 m, with results shown in Figure 6. Experts allocated a score of 100 to the item expected to move 100 m first, with all other values assigned relative to this, considering comparative time. Plastic bags were ranked the most mobile item by 75% of the experts (mean score 95), with other plastic film the second most mobile with a mean score of 80. Experts agreed these flexible items were most susceptible to movement by wind, although also commented that they had a higher likelihood of becoming entangled (i.e., trapped in vegetation). Expanded polystyrene containers also scored high for mobility, with experts stating these too could be blown by wind, but also that they would float and move if exposed to surface runoff. This ability to float was raised as a key parameter for movement by many experts (n = 6), hence the relatively high scores for items such as drink bottles, PTT’s and single-use food service items. However, experts noted that it cannot be taken for granted that these items always float, as bottles or containers may be crushed, have part of their contents remaining inside, or not be air-/ water-tight (e.g., bottles missing lids). Each of these would result in changes in the item density (which is of relevance here rather than the plastic material density) and therefore reduced likelihood of floating.
The items with the lowest propensity to move included other dense plastic items, other small dense plastic items and sanitary products, with mean scores of 13.4, 23.5 and 37.1 respectively. It was suggested that other large dense plastic items are unlikely to move by wind or surface runoff, whilst sanitary products may absorb water (e.g., diapers), restricting their movement. These results highlight that plastic items exhibit large variability in both the mechanisms by which they can be transmitted, and the time required to do so. We therefore recommend that plastic pollution models account for item-level variability when predicting plastic emissions into the environment and transmission in it.