3.1. XRD analysis
Figure 1(b) shows the results of an XRD analysis of the item, which assessed its crystallographic phase and phase clarity. In accordance with the accepted diffraction pattern of JCPDS no. 77-0010, the cubic copper ferrite samples show peaks at 2 theta of 18.1°, 30.1°, 35.5°, 43.2°, 53.7°, 57.1°, and 64.1°. Additionally, a few diffraction peaks at 32.63, 38.85, 48.95, 58.55, 65.99, and 68.36◦ are attributed to monoclinic CuO (PDF No. 65-2309). A little peak in the diffraction peak at 2θ = 23.8° corresponds to the (002) plane of rGO. The goods are very pure since no other reflections coincide with the peaks of other pollutants. The narrow, sharp peaks further show that the CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO nanoparticles are well-crystallized. The formula D=kλ /(βcosθ) from the Debye-Scherrer formula determines the dimension of the crystal. In this case, the formula is (Disthemeansize of the grain diameter, (hk l) is the index of the crystal plane, k is the Scherrer constant, which is always 0.89, Ύ is the half peak width of the diffraction peaks, and θ is Bragg's diffraction angle). The X-ray wavelength of Cu Kα is 0.15416 nm. Furthermore, for CuFeO2/CuO@rGO, they are around 16 nm. An improved XRD image reveals an R3m space group. The parameters used for refinement are a = 3.86 Å, b = 3.86 Å, c = 20.06 Å, α = 90.00◦, β = 90.00◦, and the volumetric ratio is 258.87 Å3. According to the findings shown above, the CuFeO/CuO@rGO have been properly prepared [30–31]. The renowned refining pattern, as seen in Figure 1(c), clearly illustrates the crystalline structure of CuFe2O4. Figure 1c (inset) further displays the crystal structure of CuFe₂O₄ According to the refined XRD structure, CuFe₂O₄ belongs to the Fd3m space group.
3.2. Morphological analysis
We used the FESEM equipment with an EDS to look at the surface shape and elemental distribution of the CuFeO2/CuO@rGO precursor. The picture displays, at various magnification levels, the scanning electron micrographs of CuFe₂O₄ precursors Fig. 2(a–c) and CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGo Fig. 2(d–g). Fig. 2(a-c) depicts the cross-linked grid layout, and the picture shows an evenly dispersed structure that looks like bricks. As a result, there were more activity-accessible spots, more surface area, and higher porosity. During an electrochemical reaction, the electrolyte ions may more easily reach and come into contact with this more convenient aisle. Fig. 2(d-g) show the continuous growth of needle-like rGO on the cross-linked grid structure of CuFe₂O₄. The EDS elemental mapping of CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO, as shown in Fig. 2(h) indicates that Cu, Fe, C, and O are consistently present in this compound. Because CuO@rGO spreads out evenly on the CuFe₂O₄ surface, it makes sure that the benefits of each component are maximized and that many active sites for electrochemical processes are acquired, which greatly improves electrochemical performance [32]
3.3. BET analysis
We used the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) technique to look at the surface area of the materials. We may determine the specific surface area and pore distribution of the composite by measuring the N2-adsorption and desorption isotherms using the BET technique. The presence of a hysteresis loop at lower and medium pressures and the small quantity of N2 adsorption and desorption even at high pressure indicate that CuFe₂O₄CuO contains several macro and middle pores. When it comes to N2 adsorbed or desorbed, CuFe₂O₄, CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO, and similar materials exhibit a higher quantity. The middle-higher pressure area shows a visible hysteresis loop with a classic IV-type isotherm. Fig. 3(a). The findings from the BJH distributions of pore sizes provided more proof in favor of this theory Fig. 3(b). The surface area of the CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO sample was determined to be 108.7 m2g−1, while the pore size was determined to be 8–10 nm. The CuFe₂O₄ samples, with their 97.4 m2 g−1 surface area and 10-15 nm pore size, exhibit lower values than these [33-34].
3.4. XPS analysis
It is possible to validate the composition of the elements and the valence states of CuFe₂O₄/CuO using XPS analysis. If you look at the whole spectrum in Fig. 4(a), you can see that Cu, Fe, O, and C are there. The C 1s with a binding energy of 285.2 eV served as the basis for calibrating all the peaks. In the Cu 2p core-level spectra Fig. 4(b), the two main peaks at 933.6 and 953.8 eV, accordingly, were Cu 2p3/2 and Cu 2p1/2. Extra evidence for Cu2+ existence came from the satellite peak (abbreviated "Sat.") at 941.6. The Cu 2p high resolution (HR) XPS spectra Fig. 4(c) revealed two distinct peaks at 711.4 and 724.6 eV, correspondingly, for Fe 2p3/2 and Fe 2p1/2. A separation of 15.4 eV in energy among the two primary lines further demonstrated the existence of Fe3+. To handle the peak distinguishing and attachment, you may utilize XPS Peak 4.1. Fig. 4(d) showed the O 1s spectra with the corrected maxima. The CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO layer physically and chemically collected water molecules, which were linked to it [35-36].
3.5. Electrochemical studies
3.5.1 Three-electrode Configuration.
Researchers examined the electrochemical characteristics of CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO employing a three-electrode setup that included a platinum wire for the counter electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) for the reference electrode, and nickel foam loaded CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO as the working electrode. Using a potential window of 0-0.6 V and scan speeds ranging from 10 to 150 mVs-1, the CV curves of CuFe₂O₄ and CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGo Fig. 5(a-b) are shown. These experiments proved that CuFe₂O₄/CuO has pseudocapacitive characteristics in an electrolyte solution containing 1 M KOH. A large body of literature attests to the pseudocapacitive characteristics of CuFe2O4. The redox processes in CuFe₂O₄ arise from the intervalence charge transfer between Cu2+/Cu+ and Fe3+/Fe2+, and they usually manifest in the positive potential range in an alkaline electrolyte solution. The calculated values for specific capacitance are displayed in Fig. 5(c). As the scan rate rises, the voltammetric current increases, indicating that the two samples exhibit capacitive activity. The creation of a diffusion layer explains this pattern; this layer lowers the current by blocking the electrolytic ion's path to the electrode. In a similar vein, the absence of diffusion layer development near the electrode allows for a higher current density [37]. The aqueous 1M KOH electrolyte is primarily responsible for controlling the charges between the electrodes. Aqueous electrolytes have a high conductivity because they are not very viscous. Therefore, the increasing OH concentration, which demonstrates a substantial current response of the electrode, is responsible for the rise in peak intensity. Because the potassium hydroxide solution contains more OH-ions, which increase conductivity and ionic mobility, the material exhibits better capacitive behavior. Using an aqueous electrolyte requires a short potential window because the electrolyte decomposes quickly in water [38-39]. The presence of highly conductive graphene oxide (GO) on the electrode, which provides support for the CuFe₂O₄ structure and promotes rapid redox reactions, is responsible for this. The presence of rGO regulates the electrode's structural integrity, which in turn promotes the samples electrochemical properties [40-41]. According to cufe2o4, the square root of scan rates is correlated with the peak anodic and cathodic currents in a typical diffusion-controlled electrochemical operation. Here, the slope of the line between log I and log v is characterized by b = 1.308 for CuFe₂O₄ and b = 0.372 for CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO (Fig. 5d-e). While compared with CuFe₂O₄, the CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGo electrodes CV curves show a greater capacitance due to their biggest integrated area when swept at the same speed. Under the same testing conditions, the specific capacitance of pure CuFe₂O₄ is only 698, 680, 672, 652, 630, 607 Fg−1 at scan rates of 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 150 mVs−1, compared to 1050, 1038, 1005, 989, 956, 914 Fg−1 for the CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO composite. The scanning rate is directly proportional to the difference between the anodic and cathodic peaks; as the scanning rate drops, the anodic peak rises. One possible explanation is that an enhanced electrical dipole is the result of the oxidation non-oxidation process. It serves as a scan rate indicator by showing the particular capacitance fluctuation over time. This proves that the capacitive mechanism is the main driver of the voltage as it rises. Based on the results shown in Fig. 5(f), At scan speeds of 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 150 mVs−1, the CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO electrode's contribution to the overall capacitance is 96.12%, 93.11%, 91.11%, 86.36%, 83.76%, 83.11%, and 798.77%, respectively. This proves that capacitive coupling is the main factor. It shows the expected pattern of a rising surface capacitance component with rising sweep speed over the whole current response. Fig. 6 (a-b) shows the galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD) curves of the CuFe₂O₄ and CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO electrodes at various current densities 1, 3, 6, 10, and 20 Ag−1. It is clear from these curves that the faradaic charge storage mechanism is the material's primary mode of operation. We determined the specific capacitance value of the electrode materials by analyzing their charge/discharge patterns. We were able to determine the specific capacitance value of the electrode material by analyzing these power patterns. At current densities of 1, 3, 6, 10, and 20 Ag−1, the specific capacitance values of CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO were 2101, 2053, 2053, and 1993 Fg−1, accordingly. At current densities of 1, 3, 6, 10, and 20 A/g, the specific capacitance values of CuFe₂O₄ were also determined to be 1150, 1098, 1033, 995, and 982 Fg−1. In the image, we can see the correlation between current density and the specific capacitance values of CuFe₂O₄ and CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO electrodes. At 1 Ag−1, the CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO electrode exhibits a remarkable value of 2110 Fg-1 Fig. 6 (c). The issue of cycle stability is crucial when thinking about the real-world applications of supercapacitors. Fig. 6 (d-e) shows the results of an examination of the electrode's cycling stability during 2000 cycles at a current density of 1Ag−1 from 0.0 to 0.6 V. The specific capacitance retention for CuFe₂O₄ electrodes at 1 Ag−1 was about 90% after 2000 cycles, whereas for CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGo electrodes it was 95%. Electrodes with a higher surface area availability, shorter ion diffusion routes, and higher sample electrical conductivity may have a higher rate capacity. This electrode has better electrochemical performance than those given in the literature [42-43].
We used an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) setup with an open-circuit potential and an amplitude of 5 mV AC voltage to measure the electrical conductivity of the HCs-based electrode throughout a frequency range of 0.01 Hz to 100 kHz. In the Nyquist plots, a semicircle denoted the high frequency and a straight line the low frequency (Fig. 6f). The internal resistance (Rs) is the sum of three components: active material resistance, ion resistance of the electrolyte, and contact resistance between the active material and the current collector. The inclusion of CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO has boosted electrical conductivity, as the CuFe₂O₄ compositeS resistance (Rs) value is 1.8Ω, which is smaller than CuFe₂O₄ value of 4.1Ω, as shown in the EIS plots fitted using the similar circuit model (Fig). It can see the results of the curve fitting for Rs, Rct, CdI, Zw, and Cp in Table 2.
3.5.2 Two electrode configurations.
In order to elucidate the CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO electrode potential for device applications, Using activated carbon (AC) as the anode and CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO as the cathode, an asymmetric supercapacitor was designed, in Fig. 7(a), an ASC device schematic is displayed. The CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO electrode is stable over the potential window of 0–0.6 V, and the active carbon exhibits a proper potential window ranging from – 1.1V to 0 V, as illustrated in Fig. 7(b). Within the potential window of 0–1.5 V, the customary CV curves were obtained in Fig. 7(C). The exceptional reversibility of the product is confirmed by the symmetrical shape of the GCD curves. Fig. 7(d) displays the scan rate-dependent GCD curves of the CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO/AC ASCs. The total capacitance of the CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO //AC ASCs device was explained by the combined capacitance of the EDLCs and the Faradaic pseudocapacitance, as shown in Fig7(e). The hybrid ASC-typical form of the CV curve and its relative stability, when the scan rate is increased, suggest that the ASC device exhibits trustworthy capacitance behavior. The curve showed a broad redox peak and a quasi-rectangular shape. It also showed that the CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO and the EDLC-type AC material contributed to the HSC capacity. As the scan rate increased, the CV curve shape remained largely unchanged, indicating the HSC's superior rate capability. At 1 Ag−1 respectively, the specific capacitance of the prefabricated device is 1568 Fg−1. Simultaneously, at a current density of 1 Ag−1, at 93% capacitance retention can be attained over 10000 cycles suggesting that the asymmetric supercapacitor device has excellent electrochemical stability. Fig. 7(f) displays the capacity retention and coulombic efficiency of the hybrid ASC cell as a function of cycle number. After 10,000 cycles, there is very little capacity loss as a result. In the produced hybrid ASC cell, positive and negative electrodes made of CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO and AC electrode materials show outstanding cycle stability and discharge reversibility. Fig. 7(g) shows the results of a cycle stability test performed on a CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO /AC //ASC at a current density of 1 Ag− 1. There are no significant changes in the asymmetrical supercapacitor cycling performance. Furthermore, as demonstrated by Fig. (7h), there have been remarkably few deformations over the last 10000 cycles, indicating improved cycling performance. The device EIS test results before and after thousands of cycles are shown in Fig. 7(i)), which also shows that during the reaction process, the ohmic resistance decreased and the electron diffusion resistance increased. The medium-frequency regions line with a smaller slope and the high-frequency region's smaller semicircle both demonstrate this. The energy and power densities of supercapacitors are shown graphically in the Ragone plot. The CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO //AC hybrid ASC Ragone curve is depicted in Fig. 8(a). The energy density and power density of the ASC device were also ascertained and the equations can be used to calculate the energy density (E, in Whkg−1) and power density (P, in Wkg−1) of an ASC device. P = E/t and E = 1/2CU2, respectively. Compared to previously published ASC devices, the energy and power densities in this research are greater [53-58]. The practical applicability of the resulting material was demonstrated by the successful illumination of an LED bulb by two CuFe₂O₄/CuO@rGO //AC ASC devices connected in series Fig. 8(b) indicating that there is a great deal of practical application potential for this device. Table 1 shows a comparison of the current work with previous literature [44-52].