3.1. Chemical composition analysis of pretreated substrates and prehydrolysates from dilute acid pretreatment
To assess the effect of prehydrolysates (PH) on the enzymatic hydrolysis and yeast fermentation, PH and the corresponding pretreated substrates (AP) were collected from the dilute acid pretreatment of poplar. Their chemical compositions were evaluated and represented in Table 1 (AP) and Table 2 (PH). Compared to raw poplar, the content of ethanol extractive of AP was increased from 3.21–16.79% after dilute acid pretreatment. Extractives of pretreated substrates have been reported to be the decomposed lignin and other minor components of biomass (waxes, starches, tannings, etc.,) after pretreatment (Lai et al., 2014), so the increasement of ethanol extractives showed a potentially good decomposition of lignin. Although the acid insoluble lignin (AIL) did not alter too much (23.49–23.59%) after the pretreatment, the decrease of acid soluble lignin (ASL) from 2.30–0.64% may be related to the reaction during the dilute acid pretreatment as well (Hsu et al., 2010). Based on the content of glucan and xylan in the raw poplar, the glucan in AP increased from 39.83–52.40% while the xylan was decreased from 15.11–2.65%. This may be due to the better thermal stability of cellulose (mainly composed of glucan) than hemicellulose (mainly composed of xylan) in the acidic pretreatment (Shen et al., 2010). With the high recovery rate of 98.87%, the major of glucan was proved to be maintained in the pretreated substrates. However, the content of xylan was decreased with the recovery rate of only 12.65%. This means more than 87% of xylan was released as xylose or further degraded into yeast fermentation inhibitors like furfural and acetic acid in PH under this pretreatment condition (Yoon et al., 2014).
Table 1
Chemical compositions of raw material and dilute acid pretreated substrates (AP)
Biomass | Composition (%) | Recovery rate (%) |
Ethanol Extractives | Glucan | Xylan | Acid insoluble lignin (AIL) | Acid soluble lignin (ASL) | Glucan | Xylan |
Raw material | 3.21 ± 0.09 | 39.83 ± 0.33 | 15.11 ± 0.22 | 23.49 ± 2.71 | 2.30 ± 0.01 | - | - |
AP | 16.79 ± 0.08 | 52.40 ± 0.06 | 2.65 ± 0.59 | 23.59 ± 0.49 | 0.64 ± 0.01 | 98.87 | 12.65 |
Table 2
Concentrations of monosaccharides, inhibitors, and total phenolic content (TPC) in the prehydrolysate (PH).
Prehydrolysates | Monosaccharides (g/L) | Inhibitors (g/L) | TPC (mg/L) |
Glucose | Xylose | FA | AA | LA | HMF | Furfural |
PH | 3.48 | 0.78 | 1.50 | 5.82 | 0.26 | 1.50 | 5.42 | 2678.42 |
To determine the degraded monosaccharides and inhibitors from hemicellulose and cellulose in the prehydrolysates (PH), its chemical composition, including the fermentation inhibitors degraded from the monosaccharides and lignin, has been analyzed by HPLC (Table 2). The amount of total phenolic content (TPC) was analyzed by the method of Folin–Ciocalteu and presented in Table 2 as well. With the high pretreatment temperature of 180°C, the glucose concentration was comparable (3.48 g/L) while the xylose concentration (0.78 g/L) in PH was relatively low, which may be the reason of a comparatively high concentration of furfural (5.42 g/L) compared to what we reported previously (Sheng et al., 2020). High content of acetic acid (5.82 g/L) is another indicator of the severe degradation of hemicellulose under 180°C. Furthermore, FA, AA, LA, and HMF have been revealed as the fermentation inhibitors degraded from glucose (Rackemann et al., 2016). The concentrations of FA, LA, HMF in PH were 1.50 g/L, 0.26 g/L, and 1.50 g/L, respectively, which were relatively high compared to what reported before. Consistently, the decomposition of lignin was intense as well considering the 2678.42 mg/L phenolic compounds (TPC) observed. The high inhibitor content of PH may make it a good candidate to reveal the effect of inhibitors on the enzymatic hydrolysis, which has not been fully elucidated before.
Besides the observation of sugar degradation compounds and lignin degradation compounds analyzed by HPLC, the other chemical components of PH were further analyzed by GC/MS and shown Fig. 1 and Table 3. The concentrations of furfural and HMF were 3117.21 mg/L and 465.61 mg/L, which were divergent from the number examined by HPLC (5417 mg/L and 1494 mg/L, Table 2). This may be related to the content loss during the liquid-liquid extraction process before GC/MS sample injection and the higher sensitivity of HPLC (Hao et al., 2007). In total, 16 potential phenolic inhibitors, including phenol, vanillin, and syringaldehyde, were identified and quantified by GC/MS and represented in the TIC spectrum (Fig. 1). Except the three aromatic acids and phenol, 15 of them are phenolic aldehydes and ketones, which are believed to be the most toxic to the yeast fermentation even with relatively low concentration (Xie et al., 2012). Therefore, PH and AP are good candidates to examine the effect of prehydrolysates and its phenolic compounds on the enzymatic hydrolysis when the tolerably high toxicity of PH and good recovery of cellulose of AP are considered.
Table 3
Concentration of inhibitors in the prehydrolysate.
GC peak | Compound name | Retention time (min) | Concentration a (mg/L) |
1 | Furfural | 5.24 | 3117.21 |
2 | 5-Methylfurfural | 5.59 | 50.83 |
3 | Phenol | 6.07 | 86.91 |
4 | 2-Methoxyphenol | 6.92 | NA |
5 | Benzoic acid | 8.09 | 18.45 |
6 | HMF | 8.63 | 465.61 |
7 | 3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzaldehyde | 9.51 | 12.30 |
8 | Vanillin | 10.07 | 87.73 |
9 | Guaiacylacetone | 10.55 | 21.32 |
10 | 1-Hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propane-2-one | 11.13 | 17.63 |
11 | Hydroxypropiovanillone | 11.58 | 20.91 |
12 | 1-(3,4,5-Trihydroxyphenyl)propane-1,2-dione | 12.00 | 5.74 |
13 | Syringaldehyde | 12.13 | 184.88 |
14 | Homosyringaldehyde | 12.41 | 50.01 |
15 | 1-Hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-propanone | 12.75 | 32.80 |
16 | Syringylacetone | 12.88 | 83.63 |
17 | 1-(4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)propane-1,2-dione | 13.26 | 41.81 |
18 | 2-Hydroxy-1-syringyl-ethanone | 14.42 | 121.75 |
19 | (4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzoyl)-acetaldehyde | 14.54 | NA |
| Total amount of inhibitors | | 5245.63 |
a The concentrations of the inhibitors were calculated based on the integration area of each compound. |
3.2. Effect of prehydrolysates and its phenolic compounds on enzymatic hydrolysis
With the addition of the highly toxic PH into the enzymatic hydrolysis, the digestion of Avicel (Fig. 2a) and pretreated substrates (AP) by the cellulase enzymes were the first to be evaluated (Fig. 2b). The enzymatic hydrolysis of both Avicel and AP was dramatically inhibited by PH: the 72 h hydrolysis yield of Avicel was deduced from 81.75–48.13% when PH was added into the hydrolysis system. Similarly, the glucose yield of digested AP was reduced from 46.62–27.74% with PH. Analogous to what we hypothesized, the phenolic compounds-rich PH was particularly inhibitory to the enzymatic hydrolysis to both pure cellulose (Avicel) and pretreated substrates (AP).
Furthermore, the enzymatic hydrolysis of Avicel with the addition of FA, AA, LA, HMF, and furfural, were investigated separately and together and represented in Fig. 3 to distinguish the effect of sugar degradation compounds and lignin degradation compounds. The addition of PH in the enzymatic hydrolysis of Avicel deducted the final glucose yield from 83.17–48.13%, while the addition of FA, AA, LA, HMF, furfural, and these five carbohydrates-derived inhibitors together (All) brought this number to 80.51%, 81.16%, 82.74%, 82.05%, 79.31%, 59.90%, respectively (Fig. 3a). As shown in Fig. 3b, the addition of FA, AA, LA, HMF, and furfural all showed little degree of inhibition on the 72 h hydrolysis yield of Avicel (FA: 3.20%, AA: 2.42%, LA: 0.52%, HMF: 1.34%, and furfural: 4.64%). This was consistent with the weak inhibition of acid and furan aldehyde on the yeast fermentation reported previously (Wang et al., 2020). These components may poison the crucial proteins of cellulase in the enzymatic hydrolysis due to analogous reasons as they negatively affect the metabolic activity of the micro-organism (Jönsson & Martín, 2016). However, all the above inhibitors together (“All” in Fig. 3) showed an inhibition degree of 15.58%, which was slightly higher than the sum of inhibition degree (12.12%) of the above inhibitors. This may be related to the additive effect of several inhibitors together (Basak et al., 2020). More interestingly, the inhibitory effect of PH was 42.13%, which means the net degree of inhibition of phenolic compounds from prehydrolysates was 26.55% on the enzymatic hydrolysis, when their single concentration (< 184.88 mg/L) and total concentrations (2678.42 mg/L) were both much lower than the carbohydrates-derived inhibitors (0.26–5.82 g/L). This suggested the suppression of phenolic compound on the enzymatic hydrolysis was much stronger than the inhibition degree of carbohydrates-derived inhibitors. This huge variance between the inhibition of PH and all carbohydrates-derived inhibitors together (Fig. 3a) should be due to the phenolic compounds coming from the decomposition of lignin. According to previous reports, phenolic compounds are thought to be the most detrimental factors for the membranes of microbes and the metabolism inside of the microbial cells (Palmqvist & Hahn-Hägerdal, 2000), therefore, their inhibition could be alike when they hydrophobically and chemically interacted with cellulase enzymes.
In order to test the characteristic inhibition of phenolic compounds, different loads of resin were applied to adsorb 20%, 50%, and 75% of TPC in PH (named as PH-20, PH-50, and PH-75) (Table 4), and the corresponding removal rate of the carbohydrates-derived inhibitors in the prehydrolysates were shown in Fig. S1. Extra FA, AA, LA, furfural, and HMF were added back into PH-75 to match the same amount of carbohydrates-derived inhibitors in PH and named as “PH-75 (Add inhibitors)”. The effect of phenolic inhibitors on the enzymatic hydrolysis was further explored when PH, PH-75, PH-75 (Add inhibitors) were added into the enzymatic hydrolysis of Avicel (Fig. 4a) and AP (Fig. 4b), respectively. Compared to the 33.62% (from 81.75–48.13%) inhibition of PH addition in the Avicel, the glucose yield of Avicel with the addition of PH-75 and PH-75 (Add inhibitors) after 72 h enzymatic hydrolysis was decreased from 81.75–66.52% (15.23% inhibited) and 61.65% (20.10% inhibited) (Fig. 4a). Although all 5 carbohydrates-derived inhibitors did not make much difference in the inhibition of enzymatic hydrolysis (4.87% difference between PH-75 and PH-75 (Add inhibitors)), around 40% of degree of inhibition was eliminated when 75% of TPC were removed in Avicel hydrolysis (PH-75 (Add inhibitors)). This indicated various inhibition levels for different phenolic compounds with distinguishing adsorption affinity to the resin (Sun & Zheng, 2021). Phenolic compounds with double bonds and aldehyde/ketone groups have been reported to show stronger inhibition on the microbial organisms (Xie et al., 2016). The reason behind their different inhibition levels on the cellulase enzymes may be similar. Correspondingly, the final glucose yield for enzymatic hydrolysis of AP was deducted from 46.62–36.00% (PH-75) and 33.20% (PH-75 (Add inhibitors)) when PH could decrease this yield to be 27.74%. Only 29% degree of inhibition was eliminated when 75% of TPC were removed in AP hydrolysis with PH. This means similar distinguishing inhibition of different phenolic compounds on the enzymatic hydrolysis. Moreover, the inhibitory effect of PH, PH-75, PH-75 (Add inhibitors) in the enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated substrates were variant to those in the pure cellulose.
Table 4
Contents of acid, furan derivative inhibitors, and total phenolic compounds in prehydrolysates and prehydrolysates treated with resin.
Prehydrolysates | FA (g/L) | AA (g/L) | LA (g/L) | HMF (g/L) | Furfural (g/L) | TPC (mg/L) |
PH | 1.33 | 5.96 | 0.23 | 1.44 | 4.96 | 2395.84 |
PH-20* | 1.28 | 5.80 | 0.16 | 1.21 | 3.28 | 1924.09 |
PH-50* | 1.18 | 5.34 | 0.14 | 0.88 | 1.55 | 1116.85 |
PH-75* | 0.82 | 3.36 | 0 | 0.24 | 0.21 | 667.84 |
* PH, PH-20, PH-50, and PH-75 indicate prehydrolysates with 0%, 20%, 50%, and 75% TPC removal treated by resin adsorption, respectively. |
Therefore, the prehydrolysates from dilute acid pretreatment of poplar showed strong inhibition on the enzymatic hydrolysis of pure cellulose and pretreated substrates, which mainly originated from some certain types of phenolic compounds in the prehydrolysates but not the carbohydrates-derived inhibitors including FA, AA, LA, furfural, and HMF.
3.3. Effect of prehydrolysates and its phenolic compounds on the yeast fermentation
To compare the effect of prehydrolysates and its phenolic compounds on yeast fermentation and the enzymatic hydrolysis, the PH and the partially detoxified PH including PH-20, PH-50, and PH-75, were added into the fermentation of sugar control by S. cerevisiae, respectively (Fig. 5). The results showed that PH and PH-20, which contain more than 1924.09 mg/L TPC (Table 4), could completely stop the fermentation of yeast cells. The glucose consumption in both cases was less than 1 g/L and the corresponding ethanol production was less than 0.5 g/L. In comparison to the inhibition of PH in the enzymatic hydrolysis, PH terminated the metabolism of yeast cells and killed the cells while it only partially inhibited the enzymatic hydrolysis by cellulases. This may be because the high toxicity of PH could poison not only the function of intracellular proteins like cellulases, but also other significant metabolisms like ATP and energy consumption, etc (Wang et al., 2018). Under the same condition of prehydrolysate addition, the simpler enzyme assisted hydrolysis reaction would be just hindered but not completely terminated. Interestingly, with higher loading of resin in the prehydrolysate detoxification, PH-50 and PH-75 became not only fermentable with 6 OD of S. cerevisiae, they even showed higher fermentability (higher glucose consumption rate and ethanol productivity) with yeast cells than those in the artificial pure sugar controls. In PH-50, 16.76 g/L of glucose was fully consumed with the ethanol production of 5.07 g/L (fermentation completed after 12 h, ethanol evaporated to 3.82 g/L after 48 h), while the same inoculation of yeast finished its consumption of 15.09 g/L glucose with the ethanol production of 5.74 g/L (fermentation completed after 9 h, ethanol evaporated to 5.27 g/L after 48 h) in PH-75. In both detoxified prehydrolysates, yeast finished their consumption of glucose in 9–12 h when the cells finished 16.28 g/L of glucose with ethanol production of 4.88 g/L in 48 h completely in sugar control. Yeast cells converted similar amount of glucose in a higher rate with detoxified prehydrolysates, which means the promotional effect other than inhibitory effect on the fermentation of S. cerevisiae in PH-50 and PH-75. This stimulation may be related to the promotional effect of the less than 50 mM salts of AA (< 1.440 g/L, Table 4) on the fermentation rate and productivity of S. cerevisiae as reported previously (Cao et al., 2014), the limited amount (< 3.28 g/L as indicated in Table 4) salts of FA and LA may further improve the stimulatory effect on the yeast fermentation. Therefore, because of the complex metabolism of the active cells, prehydrolysates showed distinct inhibition on the enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation. PH with different amounts of inhibitors hindered the enzymatic hydrolysis all the time. However, PH with high concentration of phenolic inhibitors could deactivate the fermentation of the yeast cells while PH with low concentration of inhibitors stimulated the fermentation.
To distinguish the inhibitory effect of phenolic compounds and the carbohydrates-derived inhibitors, FA, AA, LA, HMF, and furfural were added into the fermentation of sugar controls, respectively and altogether, in comparison to yeast fermentation in the real prehydrolysates (PH). The glucose consumption and ethanol production of yeast cells in the fermentation were evaluated and represented in Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b. Compared to the sugar control, the addition of FA, LA, and HMF, respectively, showed merely no inhibition on the fermentation of yeast cells. Interestingly, the addition of AA even improved the glucose consumption rate and promoted the complete conversion of 19.30 g/L of glucose to only 12 h and improved the final ethanol yield from 6.75 g/L to 7.88 g/L. The addition of FA, HMF and even all inhibitors together showed similar promotion on final ethanol yield (7.49 g/L, 7.64 g/L, 7.68 g/L). Moreover, the addition of FA, LA, and HMF, improved the ethanol production rate of yeast (slope of ethanol production curve). This was consistent with what discussed above about the stimulatory effect of salts of weak acid in the fermentation of sugar control. The fermentation of sugar control with furfural showed the strongest inhibition with the addition of individual inhibitor. It slowed down the completion of 19.14 g/L of glucose by yeast from 24 h to 48 h with the ethanol production of 6.80 g/L, which is similar to that of sugar control (6.75 g/L). Compared to the individual inhibitors, yeast in the sugar control with all carbohydrates-derived inhibitors together (All, including FA, LA, AA, HMF, furfural) even had higher glucose consumption rate (completed in 24 h) than it with furfural only (completed in 48 h). The final ethanol production was 7.68 g/L, which was 1.13 g/L higher than it in the sugar control. This was potentially because the stimulatory effect of salts of weak acids concealed the obvious inhibition of furfural. Importantly, PH was not fermentable even when all the carbohydrates-derived inhibitors only showed limited inhibition together (slower rate but completion of glucose in 24 h still). These results emphasized the strong inhibition of phenolic compounds to the yeast fermentation. In the supplementary information, the fermentability of detoxified prehydrolysate, PH-75, and its fermentation with the addition of all individual inhibitors discussed above (FA, LA, AA, HMF, furfural) was examined and compared with PH. Resin detoxification made the PH actively fermentable to generate 7.51 g/L ethanol with 18.59 g/L of glucose in 9 h. The addition of all carbohydrates-derived inhibitors and around 25% of TPC (PH-75 (Add inhibitors)) decreased the fermentation rate of yeast cells but not the ethanol yield of 7.51 g/L out of the glucose consumption of 19.39 g/L in 24 h (Fig.S2 a and b). Overall, the prehydrolysates from dilute acid pretreatment of poplar showed strong inhibition on yeast fermentation and could even terminate the cell metabolism completely. This inhibitory effect may mainly come from phenolic compounds in the PH. But this strong inhibition could be eliminated and turned into stimulatory effect on the fermentation when the TPC was controlled under 1116 mg/L.
3.4. Effects of prehydrolysates and Tween on the SSF of pretreated substrates
To apply the above understanding of the prehydrolysate inhibition on the enzymatic hydrolysis and yeast fermentation in the practical use, SSF of water washed pretreated substrates (AP) and unwashed pretreated substrates (UNAP) containing prehydrolysates was conducted with the addition of PH (Fig. 7). Since the surfactant of Tween 80 was reported to be beneficial on the enzymatic hydrolysis by the release of non-productive binding between cellulase and lignin (Hou et al., 2022), and also detoxification of the phenolic compounds (Lee et al., 2015; Qin et al., 2016), Tween 80 was added before the initiation of the SSF to overcome the inhibition of prehydrolysates (Fig. 7). For the enzymatic hydrolysis in the first 24 h, the addition of Tween significantly improved the 24 h glucose yield of AP from 7.78 g/L to 14.52 g/L and UNAP with PH from 3.64 g/L to 7.55 g/L before the change of culture temperature and the addition of yeast. This means that the stimulatory effect of Tween 80 worked in both cases of enzymatic hydrolysis even when the pretreated substrates were not washed with the prehydrolysates together. After the enzymatic hydrolysis for 24 h, the culture temperature was dropped down to 30°C and 6 OD of yeast cells were inoculated in the hydrolyzed substrates and prehydrolysates. The glucose from enzymatic hydrolysis in the washed substrates (AP) and the washed substrates with Tween (AP + Tween) was started to be consumed right after the inoculation of yeast, which means the glucose consumption rate of yeast was higher than the glucose accumulated from the following enzymatic hydrolysis of the washed substrates after yeast inoculation. The final ethanol production reached 6.25 g/L for AP with Tween added when 14.52 g/L of accumulated glucose in the enzymatic hydrolysis and some undetected further hydrolyzed glucose were all consumed in 48 h of yeast inoculation. While for AP without any surfactant, the ethanol production was only 2.48 g/L when at least 7.78 g/L of accumulated glucose was consumed in 12 h (Fig. 7a and b). The final ethanol yield was promoted by 152% after Tween 80 was added to the SSF process of AP. This may be the toxicity of the residual lignin on the surface of the washed substrates to the yeast cells as it did to the cellulase in the enzymatic hydrolysis (Zhang et al., 2012). Furthermore, with the addition of Tween 80, the initial glucose consumption rate (6 h) of AP + Tween was also promoted from 0.63 g/L/h (AP) to be 1.34 g/L/h. This indicates the stimulatory effect of surfactant in yeast fermentation by its benefits to overcome the inhibition from PH (Li et al., 2018b). For the unwashed substrates (UNAP + PH, UNAP + PH + Tween) after the inoculation of yeast, glucose continued to be accumulated for 3 h to 5.63 g/L for UNAP with prehydrolysates (UNAP + PH), and continued to be accumulated for 12 h to 10.10 g/L for UNAP with prehydrolysates and Tween 80 (UNAP + PH + Tween) (Fig. 7a). Glucose concentrations were steady for UNAP + PH (5.57 ~ 5.72 g/L) and UNAP + PH + Tween (9.87 ~ 10.10 g/L) after these time points, which means no obvious glucose consumption or accumulation was observed from the 36th h of SSF to the termination of the process (72 h). 2.83 g/L and 2.96 g/L ethanol were produced with UNAP + PH and UNAP + PH + Tween in 6 h and 12 h of yeast inoculation, respectively (Fig. 7b). Ethanol concentrations were steady for UNAP + PH (2.71 ~ 2.82 g/L) and UNAP + PH + Tween (2.82 ~ 3.02 g/L) after the 30th and 36th h of SSF process, which means the fermentations of UNAP + PH and UNAP + PH + Tween were stopped after 6 h and 12 h of yeast inoculation, respectively, even when there was 5.63 g/L and 10.10 g/L glucose left in UNAP + PH and UNAP + PH + Tween. With the addition of highly toxic prehydrolysate, the promotion of Tween 80 in the final ethanol yield was around 7.10% when 76.6% of glucose promoted to be accumulated. This correlates with the previous finding that strong inhibition from prehydrolysates showed more obvious inhibitory effect on yeast fermentation than enzymatic hydrolysis or even terminated its reaction and metabolisms. The potential detoxification effect of Tween 80 on the SSF may be due to the alleviation of the attachment between the prehydrolysate inhibitors, especially the phenolic compounds, and the cellulase enzymes (Alkasrawi et al., 2003). It has also been suggested that surfactant may solubilize the hydrophobic PH inhibitors by embodying them into micelles, and thus weaken their interaction with the cell membrane, therefore, eliminate their inhibition on the yeast cells (Guan et al., 2018). Therefore, Tween 80 could benefit both enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation of washed substrates without prehydrolysates and promoted the overall ethanol production from the pretreated substrates. It can also benefit the enzymatic hydrolysis of unwashed substrates with prehydrolysates by the stimulation on glucose consumption, however, show no obvious promotion of the subsequent fermentation when the prehydrolysate showed strong inhibition on the fermentation. So, the beneficial effect of Tween 80 in SSF process may be only valid for washed substrates without prehydrolysates, but not for the unwashed substrates with prehydrolysates.