Our study results are in agreement with similar studies, which have compared OPN to RAPN, indicating longer operative time for RAPN, but shorter length of stay3. While previous studies have shown less estimated bleeding in patients undergoing RAPN compared to OPN, the difference in bleeding between the groups did not reach statistical significance in our study. However, less bleeding has been repeatedly documented for patient series comparing OPN and RAPN3,6. It has been hypothesized that the relatively lower bleeding volumes demonstrated by RAPN is due to the superior vision and instrument control provided by the da Vinci surgical system, which limits bleeding and allows for selective coagulation3,6. We underline that the learning curve of RAPN is included in the data provided in the present study. While OPN was well established as the state-of-the-art surgery in the period of time from which these data were collected, the data in the RAPN group contains the very first procedures performed at our department. Although the steepness of the learning curve of RAPN probably relies on individual talent, skills and previous experience, a minimal number of 30 procedures has been suggested by Mottrie and others in order to master RAPN as a method7. However, in a later publication by the same group, the relationship between experience and warm ischemia time displayed a steep slope reduction within the first 100 cases and did first reach a plateau after 150 cases, while the learning curve for complications failed to reach a plateau, even after 300 cases8. We therefore speculate that estimated bleeding would have been significantly lower in the RAPN group, if more patients had been included the study.
Warm ischemia time is often considered a measure of the renal injury sustained during partial nephrectomy, regardless of whether the surgery is performed as an open or minimally invasive procedure. However, one important difference between the study groups is that the majority of the procedures in the OPN group was achieved without clamping the renal artery. In comparison, the renal artery was clamped in all the cases in the RAPN group, in order to complete the resection of the tumor. During an open off-clamp partial nephrectomy the bleeding may be controlled by gently applying manual pressure on the edges of the resected renal parenchyma. Although off-clamp partial nephrectomy may also be performed robotically, the lack of tactile feedback from the daVinci system makes it more difficult to control bleeding by applying direct pressure to the kidney in this setting. However, other techniques such as the application of multiple ultrasound-guided stitches in the tumor bed before resection has been described with excellent results9
The postoperative drop in GFR commonly observed within the first 48 hours after partial nephrectomy is frequently utilized as evidence of acute kidney injury. A postoperative decline in GFR was also observed in both groups in the present study, but there was no significant difference between the groups. Excluding the seven on-clamp cases in the OPN group decreased the mean drop in GFR from 12 ± 11 to 11 ± 11 ml/min/1.73m2, indicating a small but significant correlation between the postoperative drop in GFR and warm ischemia time (Pearson correlation 0.29, p < 0.05). In general, assessment of acute kidney injury in partial nephrectomy represents a challenge due to the lack of an adequate biomarker10. A biomarker of tubular injury is warranted since the kidney tubule is the most metabolically active segment of the nephron and therefore uniquely susceptible to ischemic and nephrotoxic insults10,11. We previously utilized histological injury score, urinary albumin and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio in order to distinguish the acute kidney injury between two groups of pigs which both exhibited a sixfold rise in serum creatinine following renal ischemia reperfusion injury12.
An interesting finding in the present study is the significant lower positive surgical margin rate observed in the RAPN group compared to the OPN group. Although several studies have indicated fewer positive surgical margins in RAPN when compared to OPN3,6,13–16, the present study represents only the second report to our knowledge of statistically significant differences in favor of RAPN compared to OPN with respect to positive surgical margin rate. Tan and others reported positive surgical margins of 10.9% in the OPN group and 3.5% in the RAPN group respectively, in a study of similar size, which also included the learning curve of the cases in the RAPN group17. Positive surgical margins usually occur in 2–8% of partial nephrectomies and may reflect the quality of the surgery. The reason for the unexpected high positive surgical margin rate in the OPN group in the present study is not known. Both low surgeon volume, which has been suggested as a risk of positive surgical margins by some authors18, or the relatively small sample size are possible explanations. In general, great effort should be invested in avoiding positive surgical margins in partial nephrectomy, since it at least in theory raises the question of whether cancerous tissue remains in the resection bed19. A recently published meta-analysis based on 39 studies found no difference in survival among partial nephrectomy patients with positive surgical margins, although an increased risk of recurrence and metastatic disease was reported20.
Study limitations include the small sample size, retrospective design, lack of randomization and the unequal number of patients in each group. The fact that the learning curve is included in the RAPN group supports the case for RAPN as an excellent concept for nephron sparing surgery, also in a department of relatively low volume.