To create a multichannel bioelectronic sensor, we were inspired by how light signals are sensed and processed by the color vision system26, 27 (Fig. 1 top). Visual light is composed of a spectrum of colors, each associated with a specific wavelength. These wavelengths are first sensed by three different receptors and converted into electrical signals, which then travel through separate channels to finally reach a shared bipolar ganglion cell. This cell performs an algorithmic computation on these signals through the opponent process and outputs the results to the visual cortex, which comprehends the mix of wavelengths as color28.
Similar to the color vision system, we engineered a single strain of E. coli with two EET pathways controlled by specific analytes, which transforms the biological responses into electrical signal outputs (Fig. 1 bottom). To achieve this, we constructed transcriptional regulation systems capable of sensing target analytes and activating the expression of distinct EET pathways. The EET pathways then conduct electrons from the cytoplasm to electrodes to generate electrical signals at different redox potentials, referred to as electrochemical channels. The signals from each electrochemical channel are recorded by a potentiostat-controlled electrode, processed by a voltammetric algorithm, and encoded into 2-bit binary signal outputs. Each digit corresponds to a signal or lack thereof from individual channels, and thus, the various combinations of two analytes can be represented by four different 2-bit binary signals.
Design strategy for EET pathways
As the essential signal transduction channels, the two EET pathways need to be engineerable, produce measurable current, and have distinguishable redox potentials. The CymA-limited MtrCAB pathway (notated as the CymA pathway) from Shewanella oneidensis and the flavin synthesis pathway from Bacillus subtilis were selected because both have been successfully engineered into E. coli2, 6, 29 and the activation of each individual EET pathway delivers measurably higher current signals than the basal signal associated with the wild-type E. coli. The CymA pathway uses an outer membrane protein to transfer electrons to the electrode, generating an electrical signal when the cells contact electrodes. Flavins, cycle between reduced and oxidized states to deliver electrons from the cell interior to the electrode, acting as redox mediators to facilitate this signal transmission. Additionally, the redox potentials (E1/2) associated with the CymA and flavin pathways are differentiable (0 V and − 0.4 V vs. Ag/AgCl)6, 29, 30. Thus, we chose these pathways to form the basis for our sensing channels.
Constructing Two Electron Transfer Pathways in E. coli as Sensing Channels
To enable multiplexed sensing, we employed two different types of signal receptors coupled to the EET pathways. We first selected commonly used inducible promoters to individually sense and activate the two EET pathways and refer to this strain as inducer-E. coli (Fig. 2A and 2D, second column; detailed gene circuits in Fig. S1 top). Specifically, an isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)-activated promoter regulates the expression of the cymA gene. Since CymA is the rate-limiting step along the CymA-MtrCAB pathway2, a constitutive promoter regulates the mtrCAB genes from Shewanella oneidensis29. An anhydrotetracycline (aTc)-activated promoter controls the ribADEHC genes responsible for flavin synthesis from Bacillus subtilis as the flavin synthesis pathway25. To demonstrate applicability in environmental monitoring4, 5, we incorporated heavy metal-responsive promoters to detect multiple metals simultaneously into a separate strain and refer to this as heavy metal-E. coli (Fig. 2A and 2D, third column; detailed gene circuits in Fig. S1 bottom). In the heavy metal-E. coli, a modified arsenite-regulated promoter is used to activate cymA expression in response to the presence of As5, while flavin synthesis is regulated by a cadmium-inducible promoter to sense cadmium presence4. The subsequent electrical signals delivered via the different EET pathways are thus referred to as the CymA-Channel and the Flavin-Channel.
To optimize the expression of the individual pathways, we assayed the EET activity of the CymA pathway. To assess the expression of the CymA pathway, we incubated the inducer-E. coli or the heavy metal-E. coli with cell-impermeable molybdenum-based nanoparticles, a more sensitive particle for reporting on EET than commonly used WO331. With this assay, the nanoparticles undergo an electrochromic shift from white to blue based on the level of reduction by the CymA-Channel. (The blueness of the assay represents the expression level of CymA, as shown in Fig. S2). The cells were induced at different levels with IPTG (0 µM to 2500 µM) or arsenite (0 µM to 80 µM), and the color change of the nanoparticles was recorded (Fig. S3 and S4). The EET performance of the CymA-Channel is substantially enhanced when induced at 100 µM IPTG (p = 0.016) or 2.5 µM arsenite (p = 0.002) compared to non-induced cells (Fig. 2B). Thus, for all subsequent studies (unless stated otherwise), we induced cells with 100 µM IPTG or 2.5 µM arsenite to maximize EET activity while minimizing toxicity to cells.
The activation of the flavin synthesis pathway was characterized as a function of induction level using the intrinsic fluorescence properties of flavins (Fig. S4). The production of extracellular flavins peaked with induction at 4 µM aTc and was substantially improved after induction with 0.8 µM cadmium (Fig. 2E). Thus, for all subsequence experiments on the flavin synthesis pathway, we induced cells with 4 µM aTc or 0.8 µM cadmium.
To ensure our engineered heavy metal-E. coli can specifically detect target analytes without interference from other substances in environmental monitoring, we evaluated its specificity by exposing it to various metal ions (Fig. S5). The relative expression level of the CymA pathway was only positively activated by arsenite (Fig. S5A), while the extracellular flavin concentration showed a substantial increase in the presence of cadmium (vs. Co, p = 0.004, Fig. S5B). These results showed that our engineered bioelectronic sensor specifically responds to either arsenite or cadmium.
After optimizing the two EET pathways via optical measurements, we inoculated the engineered strains into bioelectrochemical systems (BES) to assess their electrical signal production. To do so, we inoculated the engineered E. coli at OD600 of 0.5 into the working electrode chamber, polarized the working electrode at 0.2 V vs. Ag/AgCl, allowed the current to plateau, and recorded the steady-state current (jss) as the signal output. Exposure of engineered E. coli to the target analytes–either IPTG or aTc, and arsenite or cadmium–led to an increase in the steady-state current (jss) through individual channels (Fig. 2C, 2F). For the inducer-E. coli, the non-induced jss was 7.6 µ− 2, serving as the control value. When cells were exposed to 100 µM IPTG, which activates CymA expression, the jss increased to 12.0 µ− 2 (Fig. 2C, middle). Similarly, when cells were exposed to 4 µM aTc, which enhances the extracellular flavin concentration, the jss increased to 11.5 µ− 2 (Fig. 2F, middle).
To evaluate our biosensor for heavy metal detection, we exposed heavy metal-E. coli across various combinations of arsenite and cadmium. The non-induced jss was 3.2 µ− 2, serving as the control value. When cells were exposed to 2.5 µM arsenite, which activates CymA expression, resulted in a higher jss of 8.1 µ− 2 (Fig. 2C right). Similarly, when cells were exposed to 0.8 µM cadmium, which enhances extracellular flavin concentrations, resulted in a higher jss of 4.3 µ− 2 (Fig. 2F right). Interestingly, the inducer-E. coli synthesizes less flavins compared to the heavy metal-E. coli, while achieving a higher jss (Fig. 2E, 2F). This is likely due to the high basal activity of the IPTG promoter, leading to a higher basal current response from inducer-E. coli32. Consequently, when the Flavin-Channel was activated by aTc, the inducer-E. coli produced a greater jss. In summary, when exposed to individual target analytes, the engineered strains delivered higher signal outputs compared to the control condition without analytes, demonstrating effective analyte detection by the individual channels.
To determine whether our engineered E. coli functions as a two-channel biosensor, we inoculated the inducer-E. coli and heavy metal-E. coli under various combinations of analytes (none of the analytes, either of analytes, or both of analytes) and monitored currents at a constant potential (Fig. S6). After the current reached the plateau, we measured the steady-state current (jss) across all conditions. However, the similarity in jss presented a challenge in distinguishing between each condition. Taking the inducer-E. coli as an example (Fig. 2G), jss generated from cells induced with 100 µM IPTG was 11.0 µ− 2, closely matching the 11.5 µ− 2 from cells activated by 4 µM of aTc alone. We then measured expression levels of the CymA and flavin synthesis pathways for the similar jss, showing that the similar signal output was due to different individual EET pathway activities: IPTG presence enhanced CymA expression, while aTc boosted flavin concentrations (Fig. S7). Similar current values were also observed for the heavy metal-E. coli: the jss from cells activated with 0.8 µM cadmium alone was similar to the basal current (Fig. 2H). These similarities in jss present challenges for multiplex sensing, underscoring the need to develop an advanced data encoding process for improved signal differentiation.
Developing a Redox-Potential-Dependent Algorithm for Signal Processing
To distinguish between the signals from different analyte conditions, we developed an algorithm that relies on the distinct redox potentials (E1/2) associated with the two EET channels. The redox potential of the CymA-Channel is more positive than that of the Flavin-Channel. Therefore, we employed double potential step chronoamperometry (DPSC) to individually evaluate and encode the oxidation process of the CymA-Channel and the reduction process of the Flavin-Channel. After measuring jss, we applied two different potentials to create two distinct redox conditions: one close to the midpoint potential of each EET pathway as the baseline, and the other to promote either oxidation dominance in the CymA-Channel (Fig. 3A) or reduction dominance in the Flavin-Channel (Fig. 3B). The corresponding current (j) for each potential was recorded for thirty minutes (Fig. 3C and 3D).
For the CymA-Channel, we recorded the baseline current at 0 V (Fig. 3C, dashed line) and the oxidation current at 0.2 V (Fig. 3C, solid line). As expected, the baseline current from heavy metal-E. coli was similar regardless of the presence or absence of arsenite. However, the oxidation current was higher from cells exposed to arsenite, measuring 10.2 µ− 2, compared to 3.9 µ− 2 in the absence of arsenite. This higher current is attributed to the overexpression of the CymA pathway activated by arsenite (Eqn. S6). Consequently, the higher ratio of oxidation current to baseline current correlated with the overexpression of CymA pathway (Eq. 1), indicating the presence of arsenite. Similarly, for the Flavin-Channel, we recorded the baseline current at − 0.2 V (Fig. 3D, dashed lines) and the reduction current at − 0.4 V (Fig. 3D, solid lines). Again, as expected, the baseline current from heavy metal-E. coli was similar regardless of the presence or absence of cadmium. However, the absolute value of the reduction current was higher from cells exposed to cadmium, measuring − 2.1 µ− 2, compared to − 0.5 µ− 2 in the absence of cadmium. This increase is attributed to enhanced extracellular flavin production via the flavin synthesis pathway (Eqn. S6), activated by cadmium. Therefore, the higher ratio of reduction current to baseline current correlated with the overexpression of flavin synthesis pathway (Eq. 2), indicating the presence of cadmium. By normalizing current ratios to the background condition in the absence of analytes, we obtained the relative current ratios (RCymA and RFL) for each channel (Eq. 3, 4). These relative current ratios are depicted as the function of time in a heatmap, where an increase in the darkness of the colors corresponds to increased relative current ratios and expression levels of each EET pathway (Fig. 3E and 3F). The CymA-Channel is depicted in pink, while the Flavin-Channel is presented in blue.
We observed a strong correlation between the presence or absence of analytes and the color patterns displayed on the heatmaps (Fig. 3E, 3F). For both the CymA-Channel and Flavin-Channel, the presence of analytes (marked as ‘+’) resulted in higher current ratios, leading to darker shades in the heatmaps. Considering the assessment of specificity, which is shown in Fig S5, the relative overexpression via both arsenite- and cadmium-responsive regulation resulted in about a 1.2-fold increase compared to the non-induced control. We set a threshold of 1.2 for both CymA-Channel and Flavin-Channel, assigning a ‘1’ when the ratio reached the thresholds (RCymA ≥ 1.2, RFL ≥ 1.2). Conversely, in the absence of analytes (marked as ‘–’), lower current ratios were calculated, and thus lighter colors were observed on the heatmaps and assigned a ‘0’ (Fig. 3E, 3F). Hence, a 2-bit binary signal configuration was implemented wherein four states are possible. The first digit indicates the signal associated with the CymA channel, specifically responding to the presence or absence of IPTG or arsenite. The second digit encodes the signal attributed to the Flavin channel in response to the presence or absence of aTc or cadmium. This configuration allows for the encoding of information related to the activation of the two EET channels concisely and distinctly.
Moreover, this procedure can be optimized into a shorter time frame for analyte detection. For the CymA-Channel, the algorithm takes about 10 min to detect the presence of IPTG and only 1 min to recognize arsenite (Fig. 3E and 3F, pink heatmaps). For the Flavin-Channel, it takes 2 minutes to detect the presence of aTc and 3 minutes to recognize cadmium (Fig. 3E and 3F, blue heatmaps). This fast detection allows a shorter polarization time of each potential instead of 30 min. For the rest of DPSC assessments, we shortened the measurement time for each potential to 15 min.
Detection Limits and Concentration-Response Signals
With the ability to differentiate signals at single concentrations of arsenite and cadmium, we proceeded to determine the lower detection limit of our sensor. We evaluated the current ratios (RCymA and RFL) for each channel by applying DPSC across various concentrations of arsenite and cadmium. To determine the detection limit of arsenite, we assessed RCymA and RFL by exposing heavy metal-E. coli to arsenite concentrations ranging from 0.1 µM to 2.5 µM. The RFL values remained below the set threshold of 1.2, consistent with the absence of cadmium (Fig. 4A). In contrast, an increase in RCymA was observed in response to the presence of As. Notably, RCymA reached 1.2 at an arsenite concentration of 0.1 µM, which is below the EPA limit. This ratio meets the pre-determined threshold, encoding a '1' to signify the detection of arsenite, with statistical significance (p = 0.035) compared to the control without arsenite. To assess the detection limit for cadmium, we evaluated the current ratios of RCymA and RFL by exposing heavy metal-E. coli to cadmium concentrations ranging from 0.045 µM to 0.8 µM (Fig. 4B). The RCymA values stayed below the established threshold of 1.2, consistent with the absence of arsenite. Conversely, a significant increase in RFL was noted in response to cadmium presence. Notably, at a cadmium concentration of 0.045 µM—which is the EPA's maximum allowable level for cadmium in drinking water—RFL reached 1.97. This value exceeds the threshold to encode a ‘1’, indicating the detection of cadmium, with statistical significance (p = 0.0046) compared to the control without cadmium. These results show our sensor enables the separate detection of heavy metals at EPA limits.
Detection of Heavy Metals in Environmental Samples
To investigate the ability of our sensor to function in complex environmental water samples, we compared our sensor in a laboratory medium and a water sample from Brays Bayou in the Houston area. Compared to the laboratory medium, which has a neutral pH of 7.05 and a low solution resistance of 1.5 kΩ, the environmental sample exhibits a slightly higher pH of 7.73 and a significantly higher solution resistance of 5 kΩ (Fig. 5A).
To assess the signal delivery capabilities of our sensor across different water samples, we measured the steady-state currents (jss) in response to arsenite and cadmium under four conditions: none, either arsenite or cadmium, and both. The jss was collected at a constant potential of 0.2 V with glycerol as the carbon source for both samples (Fig. 5B). Overall, jss responses in environmental samples were substantially lower compared to those in the laboratory medium. This decline in jss could be attributed to the high solution resistance in environmental samples. Additionally, distinct jss were recorded across the four analyte conditions in the laboratory medium, whereas similar jss were noted in environmental samples. Therefore, measurements of jss from the heavy metal-E. coli cannot enable multiplexed sensing in environmental samples.
To test whether our redox-dependent algorithm could accurately detect arsenite and cadmium, we first exposed the heavy metal-E. coli to only cadmium in both laboratory medium and environmental samples and applied the redox-dependent algorithm to convert the resulting signals to binary signal outputs (Fig. 5C). As described earlier, we recorded the baseline (j0V) and oxidation currents (j0.2V) to calculate the RCymA value. Notably, significant variability was observed among biological replicates in both baseline and oxidation currents. The variation in oxidation currents, from maximum to minimum values, was 2.4 µ− 2, accounting for about 53% of the average value. In contrast, this variability was markedly lower in the laboratory medium, amounting to only 8% of the average values (Fig. S8). Despite these variations, the calculated RCymA in environmental samples remained close to the average value at 1.01, which is below the threshold of 1.2. This indicated the absence of arsenite and reported as '0' for the CymA-Channel. For the Flavin-Channel, we polarized the electrode at − 0.2 V and − 0.4 V and recorded the baseline (j− 0.2V) and reduction currents (j− 0.4V) to calculate the RFL. A larger variation was observed in the reduction currents (j− 0.4V), while the baseline currents (j− 0.2V) remained relatively consistent. As a result, the standard deviation of the RFL values was larger, but the average RFL value, 2.06, substantially exceeded the threshold of 1.2, indicating the presence of cadmium and showing as '1' for the Flavin-Channel. Combining the individual encodings into a binary output of ‘01’ effectively corresponds to cadmium being present in the environmental samples.
With this result in hand, we applied the redox potential-dependent algorithm to detect four combinations of arsenite and cadmium using the heavy metal-E. coli in the environmental samples, as shown in Fig. 5D. As before, we distinguished signals from the CymA-Channel and the Flavin-Channel by using DSPC to determine RCymA and RFL. For the CymA-Channel, RCymA values below the 1.2 threshold (1.01 and 1) indicate the absence of arsenite, encoding as '0'; whereas values reaching or exceeding the threshold (1.24 and 1.20) indicate the presence of arsenite, showing as '1'. Similarly, for the Flavin-Channel, RFL values below 1.2 (1.11 and 1) indicate the absence of cadmium, showing as '0'; and values above the threshold (1.81 and 2.06) indicate the presence of cadmium, showing as '1'. Therefore, the combination of the heavy metal-E. coli and the redox potential-dependent algorithm effectively allows multiplexed detection of all four combinations of heavy metals in the environmental samples.