4.1 Comparison of Gridded Precipitation Datasets
Figure 5 shows the scatter plot of gridded precipitation data versus rain gauge data. As can be observed, based on the R values, the ERA5 product exhibits better conformity across all stations compared to the PERSIANN-CDR dataset, and the highest correlation corresponds to the Sepid Dasht Sazr station.
Based on the RMSE values, which indicate the differences between observed values and gridded data, it is clearly concluded that at the Tele Zang and Dez Dam stations, the P-CDR product is more suitable, while at the Tang Panjeh and Sepid Dasht stations, the ERA5 product has demonstrated better performance. The orientation of the gridded products is also indicated by the BIAS values. Therefore, it can be observed that at all stations, the P-CDR dataset underestimates the data, while the ERA5 database overestimates it. This aspect is visually represented by the aggregation of data concerning the line y=x in the figure.
4.2 Analysis of Flood Runoff Coefficient in the Study Basin
Table 3 lists the name of the flood based on its occurrence date, base flow, peak event flow, flood duration in days, rainfall from all stations, the average rainfall from the stations within the study area, and the runoff coefficient based on the rainfall of each station and the average runoff coefficient from the stations. The base flow values presented in the table reflect the moisture conditions of the basin before the occurrence of the flood, and the flood duration indicates whether the rainfall was widespread or localized within the study area; in other words, the longer the flood duration, the more widespread the rainfall has been, indicating a greater percentage of the basin area contributing to runoff.
As seen in Table 3, the average runoff coefficient in the Dez basin exhibits varied performance during different events. By comparing the runoff coefficients, base flow, and peak flood flow, it can be concluded that in many events, the spatial distribution of rainfall was not considered. As a result, the shown runoff coefficient may not represent the actual rate of conversion of rainfall to runoff. In other words, the distribution of precipitation that occurred in the Dez basin is such that the distribution of rain gauge stations was unable to capture the spatial distribution of precipitation, resulting in discrepancies between the shown rainfall rates at the study area's stations and the actual rates that occurred. This issue can lead to errors in estimating the runoff coefficient. For instance, in the floods on 03/11/2010 and 14/11/2018, it is observed that despite the base flow levels within a close range indicating similar moisture conditions and an average rainfall of 35 mm, the runoff coefficients differ significantly at 0.023 and 0.462, respectively. In contrast, the flood on 03/11/2010 suggests a widespread rainfall event, with the peak flow lasting for 25 days, but the recorded average rainfall from rain gauges showed 35 mm, leading to a calculated runoff coefficient of 0.023 for this event.
Similarly, in the floods on 08/01/2016 and 28/02/2019, which had the same flood duration of 8 days with similar moisture conditions and comparable peak flow rates, the average rainfalls were 61.62 mm and 9 mm, resulting in runoff coefficients of 0.059 and 0.368, respectively. This highlights the variability in rainfall distribution for example, in the flood on 11/01/2008, considering the base flow and peak flow rates of 142 and 159 cubic meters per second, respectively, it indicates that the rainfall event was localized and occurred near the rain gauge stations. All of this rainfall infiltrated, resulting in a very minimal amount of runoff produced. Meanwhile, the existing base flow in the river indicates that the moisture conditions of the area suggest that there had been rainfall in the days prior, and thus the runoff generated from this rainfall should have been more than the measured amount. In the flood on 12/04/2016, it is observed that the equivalent height of runoff is approximately 117 mm, and given the 25-day duration of the flood, it indicates a widespread rainfall over the basin. The moisture conditions of the basin are not dry, leading to a peak flow increase of up to about 5800 cubic meters per second. This not only suggests heavy rainfall in the region but also indicates snowmelt within the study area and an increase in peak flow rates.
4.3 Model Configuration and Preparation
After collecting information and correcting the biases in the gridded data using the QM method, input files were prepared, and the model execution steps included creating sub-basins, HRUs, and finally executing the model in the simulation period. In this study, to configure the model and delineate the sub-basins and waterways, a DEM map with a cell resolution of 30 meters was used. Accordingly, a total of 95 sub-basins were identified for the watershed. The next step in modeling involves introducing the necessary informational layers to form the hydrological response units to the model. These layers include land use maps, soil maps along with soil characteristic tables, and slope maps. Ultimately, by integrating the three layers of soil, land use, and slope, the watershed was divided into 2029 hydrological response units, and the required information was introduced to the model.
4.4 Evaluation of Simulated Daily Flow
Figure 6 illustrates the time series of observed runoff, simulated runoff, and the uncertainty ranges of model parameters, alongside the fitting coefficients and model parameter uncertainties using daily observed precipitation and P-CDR and ERA5 precipitation products. The evaluation and analysis of the desirability of model result uncertainties were conducted using the d-factor and p-factor indices. As shown in Figure 6, which depicts the simulation uncertainty of the model at a daily time step during the calibration and validation periods for both observational and gridded data, it is observed that in simulating the observed precipitation data, the p-factor values for the calibration and validation periods are 19% and 16%, respectively. This means that in the mentioned periods, 19% and 16% of the observed data fall within the 95% confidence band simulated by the model. Table 4 shows the performance of the SWAT model in estimating runoff from gridded precipitation models at a daily scale. Based on the R² values, it is determined what percentage of the observed data is explained by the modeled data; therefore, according to this parameter in the calibration period, 74% of the daily observed precipitation data was estimated by the SWAT model. However, based on this parameter's value in the validation period, it can be concluded that this model is unreliable for future periods.
According to the NSE values in the table, despite the fact that daily precipitation-runoff modeling with the SWAT model shows a high NSE coefficient, the low value of this coefficient in the validation period indicates that the modeling is not appropriate, and the model is essentially overfitted. The NSE coefficient gives more weight to maximum runoff values; thus, to provide a more comprehensive assessment and consider flow parameters, the KGE criterion was also used. The KGE values for simulating observational data in the calibration period (0.37) and in the validation period (-0.2) indicate that, in addition to the model's overfitting, the model performed better in estimating discharge during the calibration period than in estimating overall flow parameters.
Regarding the reasons for the poor performance of the model in simulating flow, it can be stated that, as mentioned above, a lack of an adequate rain gauge network and the spatial distribution of precipitation, along with potential issues in data collection and the measurement of rainfall and discharge, have prevented the model from accurately matching precipitation values with their corresponding discharge values. This situation has led the model to overestimate the simulated discharge values, resulting in unacceptable outcomes during the validation period, thereby making the precipitation-runoff modeling of observational data unsuitable.
Table 4- Comparing the performance of rain gridded data in the estimation of runoff by SWAT model on a daily scale
Precipitation Dataset
It is worth noting that the rainfall data from P-CDR and ERA5 products exhibit better performance compared to observational values during both the calibration and validation periods, as indicated in Figure 6 and Table 4.
Additionally, the lower evaluation indices in the simulation of observational precipitation-runoff data can be further understood when examining Figure 7, which shows daily precipitation and corresponding runoff for the years 2008-2009, 2014-2015 and 2016-2017 which is equivalent to the solar years 1387, 1393 and 1395. As clearly evident, the watershed's response to the available data is significantly different; for example, during the flood in March 2008, the measured rainfall was approximately 25 mm, resulting in a flood discharge of about 320 cubic meters per second, while in December of the same year, 47 mm of rainfall resulted in a discharge of 270 cubic meters per second.
This discrepancy highlights the inadequacy of the rain gauge stations or the problems associated with data recording.
Furthermore, despite improved spatial distribution of precipitation data, the low performance of gridded data can also be attributed to the role of snowmelt within the study area. For example, in the years 2008 and 2013, between May and November, there was no recorded precipitation, but base flow gradually decreased on non-rainy days at the beginning of the dry season, this indicates and demonstrates snowmelt in the study area. Therefore, it can be concluded that despite the significant improvement in the results of precipitation-runoff modeling with grid data, the low performance of this data can be attributed to the role of snowmelt within the study area. It is also noteworthy that some precipitation-runoff models, including the SWAT model, which do not accurately account for snowmelt in their computational core, are not recommended for modeling. This finding aligns with the research by Jaiswal et al. (2020).
4.5 Uncertainty in flow modeling
The uncertainty analysis was conducted for the three simulations using the SUFI2 method. The P-Factor and d-Factor values, which were calculated to assess prediction uncertainty, are presented in Table 4. The P-factor, which quantifies the proportion of observed streamflow within the 95% Prediction Uncertainty (95PPU) range, showed that the P-CDR model exhibited the least prediction uncertainty, achieving a P-factor of 0.89 during calibration and 0.78 during validation. Following this, the Era5 model recorded P-factors of 0.75 for calibration and 0.71 for validation. In contrast, the Gauge model failed to achieve an acceptable level of prediction uncertainty, as its P-factor was below
4.6 Evaluation of Simulated Monthly Flow
Figure 8 shows the time series of observed runoff, simulated runoff, and the uncertainty range of the model parameters along with the fit coefficients and uncertainty coefficients of the model parameters with input from observed monthly precipitation and the P-CDR and ERA5 precipitation products. As mentioned, the model has been overfitted in estimating runoff with input from rainfall measurement data., meaning that the calibration period indicators are suitable, but they are inadequate during the validation period. What appears to be important is that based on the NSE and KGE indices, the ERA5 model has demonstrated good performance in both calibration and validation periods. The P-CDR product also shows reasonable results in estimating monthly simulations, ranking second. The model's effective performance in estimating monthly runoff with input from gridded rainfall data supports the hypothesis that there may be errors in data collection and recording.