In Brazil, the organophosphate temephos was, for decades, the insecticide of first choice used by the Ae. aegypti control programs, with its indiscriminate use favoring the selection of resistant populations. [39, 40] This insecticide continues to be used in some Asian and American countries, [41] although in Brazil it was replaced by others with a different mode of action in 2014. [40] It was within this context, however, that the RecR colony was established, for studies related to resistance to temephos, [24] and it has since been maintained under selection pressure for more than 40 generations. Previous work by us using a microarray chip targeting 200 Ae. aegypti genes selected for possible involvement with metabolic resistance led to the identification of a small set of upregulated genes in the RecR colony. [33] The topmost two CYP genes found here to be upregulated in the RecR colony, belonging to the CYP6 and CYP9 families (CYP6AG7 and CYP9J24), were also found to be upregulated in the limited microarray analysis carried out previously. Other genes found to be upregulated in the previous analysis, and also identified here, are genes encoding several enzymes such as GSTE2 and GSTE3, the CCEae3A esterase, an aldehyde oxidase and the thioredoxin peroxidase. The microarray approach was limited in the number of genes investigated, but it does confirm the consistent upregulation of the cited genes and reinforces the validity of the current transcriptomic results.
The analysis described here is consistent with other transcriptomic studies carried out with different species of insecticide-resistant mosquitoes and using related approaches. [34, 36–38, 42–48] In Ae. aegypti several studies have investigated resistance to pyrethroids as well as temephos. [16, 34, 36, 42, 43, 45, 49] As observed from our data, some of the most relevant results seen are related to the upregulation of different sets of CYP genes. Indeed, genes belonging to the CYP3 clan, which include both CYP6 and CYP9 families, [50, 51] were readily found early on to be associated with insecticide resistance and xenobiotic metabolism. [15, 16, 35, 45, 51–53] The CYP6 family, the most represented in the CYP3 clan, is specific to insects and has evolutionary relationships with the vertebrates CYP3 and CYP5 families. Our results reinforce a role for specific CYP6, and CYP9, proteins in mediating metabolic resistance to temephos and which also might induce cross-resistance to other relevant insecticides. Relevant examples include CYP6BB2, CYP6F3, CYP6M9, CYP6Z9, CYP9J6, CYP9J26 CYP9J28 and CYP9M5. Other upregulated CYP genes found here belong to the CYP2 and CYP4 clans, which nevertheless are known to have roles in development of sensory organs and odor production, respectively. [50, 51] Our results also evidenced a possible role for the gene encoding CYP315A1, a Halloween gene, in insecticide resistance and since Halloween genes are known to encode enzymes that mediate the synthesis of ecdysteroids, insect-molting hormones which control the periodic molts of growing insects, [54–56] this might reflect changes in insect development associated with insecticide resistance. The molecular mechanisms associated with the resistance mediated by the CYP genes still need to be better defined, but a study investigating the transcriptome of An. funestus resistant to pyrethroids identified a cis-regulatory polymorphism in the CYP6P9A gene which is associated with its overexpression and the reduction in effectiveness of insecticide-treated mosquito nets. [57] Closely related homologues to the CYP6P9A gene on the Ae. aegypti genome were identified as upregulated in our RNAseq data, but it remains to be seen whether similar mechanisms are associated with their upregulation.
Our study also identified a small number of upregulated genes encoding different GST enzymes. The Epsilon class GSTs, specifically GSTE2, have been frequently studied in African populations of An. funestus and An. gambiae, and blamed for resistance to DDT. [58, 59] GSTE2 has also been identified as important for the metabolism of insecticides in Ae. aegypti resistant to pyrethroids, DDT, and temephos[43, 60, 61]. In our previous analysis, the upregulation of GSTE2 found for the RecR colony was found to be associated with a RecR-specific allele. [25] These results are then in agreement with GSTE2 being the topmost upregulated GST observed here. Other GSTs from the same class, for instance GSTE4 and GSTE7, were also reported to be upregulated in different studies [34, 43], which is consistent with GSTE4 also being found to be upregulated here. In our data, however, we did not identify any member of the Delta class in the differentially expressed genes, contrasting with the observation in An. sinenses where this GST class was strongly associated with resistance to deltamethrin. [47]
Several early studies also indicated that the esterase family of enzymes participate in organophosphate metabolism in Ae. Aegypti. [6, 12, 62, 63] A subsequent analysis found the CCEae3A transcript to be upregulated in mosquito populations resistant to temephos and deltamethrin, [43] and this was followed by gene expression analysis from the total transcriptome of mosquito populations resistant to temephos, Ae. albopictus from Greece and Ae. aegypti from Thailand, where both CCEae3A and CCEae6A genes were found to be specifically upregulated. [37, 38] Considering the RecR colony, a QTL linked to resistance to temephos, on chromosome 2, was found associated with multiple esterase genes which include three confirmed to be upregulated here, encoding CCEae3A, CCEae1C, and CCEae3C. [64] Our results are then consistent with multiple esterase genes being upregulated in RecR and likely other mosquito populations resistant to temephos, with CCEae3A being reproducibly upregulated in different studies. Nevertheless, our finding that the CCEae5C gene was downregulated in the RecR colony contrasts with a previous study where this gene was found to be upregulated in Ae. aegypti resistant to permethrin. [65]
Our transcriptomic analysis also led to the identification of various differentially expressed genes encoding proteases, kinases, and phosphatases, as well as non-coding RNAs, whose relevance for the resistance phenotype still needs to be better defined. Nevertheless, our protein-protein interaction analysis data are consistent with the identified clusters of CYPs, GSTs, and esterases serving as central orchestrators in cellular defense against xenobiotics. [66] These results were reinforced by the classification of genes differentially expressed in the Rec colony using Gene ontology (GO) terms, which also highlight the functional relevance of molecular function categories associated with oxidoreductase and hydrolase activities which were also significantly over-represented in Cx. quinquefasciatus resistant to permethrin. [67] Our findings thus show that although structurally different, organophosphate and carbamates insecticides induce common responses in terms of metabolic activity. Terms related to processes involved with DNA integrity, also found to be relevant, might further indicate that resistant larvae have a distinct pattern of response to DNA damage.
The most representative category obtained in our KEGG analyses was related to metabolism, with emphasis on the metabolism of ascorbate, glutathione, carbohydrates, amino acids and lipids, which may play an important role in the fitness of mosquitoes. In larval midgut tissue, temporal exposure to pesticides results in oxidative stress that alters the metabolism of ascorbate and glutathione. [68–70] Both glutathione and ascorbate are abundant and stable antioxidants that interact with many different substances and pathways while maintaining a typically reduced state. [71] Numerous earlier findings indicate that glutathione depletion modifies the glycogen metabolism in order to control ascorbate production. [72] The existence of a biological cost for maintaining resistance to temephos in mosquitoes from the RecR colony has also been implied and they are associated with a lower concentration of lipids and carbohydrates, when compared to susceptible individuals. [73] Overexpressed genes involved in lipid metabolism have also been observed in Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae resistant to Lysinibacillus sphaericus, [74] while the concentration of the amino acid arginine has been shown to increase in Cx. quinquefasciatus exposed to temephos. [75] In our data, a pathway related to the metabolism of arginine and seven other amino acids was also significantly represented in the RecR colony. It highlights yet another relevant pathway which might also be associated with resistance to temephos and which might require further investigation.