In the STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) field of math, women's total employment and academic choices are still relatively underrepresented(Ellis et al., 2016). Gender is considered to be one of the most pervasive and enduring influences on personal goals, aspirations, and behaviors. For this reason, a growing body of literature emphasizes the central role of gender in promoting equity in science education (Koul, Lerdpornkulrat, & Poondej, 2016). Women are underrepresented in STEM fields and the roots of this underrepresentation start early(Master& Meltzoff, 2020). Boys in Germany report more interest than girls in math in elementary and middle school (Frenzel, Goetz, Pekrun, & Watt HM, 2010), and boys in the United States report more interest than girls in computer science and engineering by age six. In the literature on math and science education, gender inequality is classically defined as lower female enrollment in higher secondary math and science courses and lower female enrollment and retention in college physical science courses (Sadler, Sonnert, Hazari, & Tai, 2012). Thai women are less than half as likely as Thai men to work in science and technology, and women are still underrepresented in high-paying careers in STEM fields (Sadler et al., 2012; Koul, Lerdpornkulrat, & Poondej, 2016).
Middle school is the important stage of STEM engagement, because the choice of whether students intend to pursue science careers in particular often occurs during middle school (Master& Meltzoff, 2020). Wiebe, Unfried and Faber(2018) showed that students' attitudes towards STEM careers are not static in primary school but stable and flat in secondary school, while men are more interested in physical science.
Math and physics are considered essential subjects in preparation for high earning careers in STEM fields (Sadler et al., 2012e & Henriksen, 2013). In the short term, negative math gender stereotypes affect adolescent girls' learning, motivation and performance in related subjects such as physics. In the long run, negative math gender stereotypes may have a profound impact on girls' future math-related career motivation and math-related field choices (Zhao, Zhang, Alterman, Zhang, & Yu., 2018). Studies have found that men's self-efficacy in math and science is significantly higher than women's (Pajares, 2002). Even with good grades, women often conceptualize science and math as demanding, difficult subjects—a concept that has been found to influence women's self-efficacy and career decisions (Britner & Pajares, 2006). In fact, math-related careers, especially in engineering and computer science, are stereotyped as masculine and seen as inconsistent with female gender. Stereotypes about gender and math ability suggest that women are less capable of math than men (Franceschini, et al., 2014). Therefore, these common gender stereotypes also affect girls' perceptions of their physics abilities (i.e., self-efficacy) before they enter the classroom. The internalized social stereotypes and prejudices of female students can affect their self-efficacy in taking any physics course. Although women are not underrepresented in algebra-based physics courses, these social stereotypes still influence their motivational beliefs in these courses (Cwik & Singh, 2021).
1.1.Gender stereotypes in math and physics
In both math and physics, gender stereotypes exist. An analysis of female students' perceptions reveals that mathematics and physics are perceived as negatively correlated with female gender identity(Makarova & Herzog, 2015). Conversely, male students tend to view mathematics as negatively associated with female gender, while they perceive chemistry and physics as positively linked to male gender identity. Similar to the definition of math stereotypes, physics stereotypes include that "boys perform better than girls in physics" (Song, Zuo, Wen, & Jin, 2016). In terms of fields or disciplines, disidentification of a field or discipline would make individuals decrease their interest in the field or discipline or stay away from the field or discipline, and even change their choice of major and career, and the same phenomenon can be found through implicit association tests or self-report measurements (Cvencek, Meltzoff, & Greenwald, 2011) in both childhood and adulthood (Kneeskern & Reeder, 2022).
Research on math stereotypes finds that girls generally have a lower sense of identity with math and believe that boys are more suited to learning math. The results are consistent across primary school students (Dweck, 2007), middle school students (Wang, 2010) and college students (Li, 2016). Math stereotypes affect math performance differently for boys and girls; for boys, math stereotypes can promote their math performance (Smetackova, 2015; Steffens & Jelenec, 2011), while for girls, math stereotypes can cause a decline in their learning motivation and attitude (Jouini, Karehnke, & Napp, 2018; Liu, 2018). With increasing age, math stereotypes are increasingly damaging to girls' math interest and motivation (Smith et al., 2007), which further affects girls' math performance (Song & Liu, 2011). The activation of stereotype will have a negative impact on the mathematical academic performance of girls (Smith & Postmes, 2011).
Physics and math are both STEM fields, and similar to research on math stereotypes, many studies have shown that physics stereotypes cause girls to perform worse in the field, but for boys, physics stereotypes make their performance better. For example, girls are more likely to believe that girls do not have the ability to learn physics and believe that such ability can partly explain the difference in physics performance between them and boys (Malespina, Schunn, & Singh, 2022). Some researchers have also found that physics stereotypes affect students' physics performance by affecting their self-efficacy in physics learning (Li, 2019). Smith (2004) found through a stereotype task experiment that stereotype threat leads to worse academic performance in girls. Some researchers have also reported that physics stereotypes can reduce the physics procrastination behaviour of boys by increasing the physics procrastination behaviour of girls (Song et al., 2016).
1.2. Academic self-efficacy in math and physics
Self-efficacy was first proposed by Bandura (1977), and it is an individual's belief in how well he or she can complete a task before he or she wants to do something. Zhao (2000) further put forward the concept of "math self-efficacy", which is an individual's belief in his or her ability to perform mathematical tasks. Physics academic self-efficacy in is manifested in the internal subjective judgement that one can learn physics well, the external investment in learning physics and the persistence when encountering difficulties in physics learning. Finally, it shows an ability to learn physics (Wu, Hu, & Peng, 2011).
There are also significant gender differences in academic self-efficacy in math and physics. Compared with students with low academic self-efficacy in math, students with high academic self-efficacy in math persist in math problems longer and are more accurate in mathematical calculation (Hoffman, Schraw, 2009; Fast et al., 2010). Jiang's (2015) research found that junior middle school boys' sense of academic self-efficacy in math was higher than that of girls, and the difference was significant. The research of Ismatullina et al. (2022) pointed out that for easier math, girls show higher gender stereotypes and lower self-efficacy, while boys have higher math and overall academic self-efficacy. Li (2021) studied the academic self-efficacy of middle school students and found that there was a significant gender difference, with male students significantly higher than female students. Smith (2011) found that in both general and introductory physics courses, women's self-efficacy in learning physics in introductory courses was lower than that of men, and the difference increased from precourse to postcourse. Sawtelle, Brewe and Kramer (2010) obtained the same results in lecture-based physics courses. Nissen and Shemwell (2016) found that there is gender difference in physical academic self-efficacy, and boys are significantly better than girls.