It is imperative to gather validity evidence for an instrument translated and culturally sensible to support its interpretation and to determine that it is being used for its intended purpose. Content, response process, and internal structure validity evidence was gathered to determine whether the Spanish translation of the MATE, i.e., the MATE-E, was adequately translated and adapted for Puerto Rican Spanish-speakers.
It was equally essential to conduct an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) that would assess the instrument’s internal reliability, as well as the structure in which the items within MATE-E are grouped. The EFA also facilitates the comparison of how the items are grouped in relation to the original instrument, and it facilitates determining if items measure the construct. After the translation and adaptation process, the MATE-E was administered to the PD participants on two occasions: before and after the educational phase of the PD program. Due to the sample size (n = 5), a Wilcoxon signed ranks and matched pairs test was performed to determine if there were significant changes in their acceptance of the theory of evolution upon treatment.
Content validity
There was a fundamental need to identify an instrument in Spanish that could measure the acceptance of the theory of evolution to conduct our research. Upon thorough revision, none were identified in the target language. The items of the MATE instrument were adequate for the research. The original instrument consists of 20 items (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient value of 0.98) that, after factor analysis, were grouped into a single factor corresponding to evolutionary theory (Rutledge & Warden, 1999). In another adaptation of the MATE done by Rutledge and Sadler (2007), they categorized the instrument into six concepts: process of evolution, scientific validity of evolutionary theory, evolution of humans, evidence of evolution, scientific community’s view of evolution, and age of the Earth. Consequently, Rutledge and colleagues' work provided the theoretical framework for translating and adapting the MATE instrument for Puerto Rican Spanish speakers.
Behling & Law (2000) explained that accurate translations reflect a thorough process of examining similarity in the meaning of each item in its original language and its target language. Given this context, the translation/back-translation technique was the first of two steps taken to gather evidence of content validity for MATE-E. The process was carried out as follows: (1) a bilingual, native Spanish speaker and fluent English speaker with education expertise translated the instrument from English to Spanish; and (2) a bilingual, native English speaker and fluent Spanish speaker with biology expertise translated the instrument from Spanish back into English. This process yielded three versions of the same instrument: the original, a Spanish translation, and a back-translation.
All three versions of the instrument (original, translation, and back-translation) were then prepared for the second part of the content validity evidence gathering process, which consisted in an evaluation from an expert panel. An item evaluation sheet was prepared and sent to the expert panel, for them to judge each item; and evaluate accuracy and clarity of its translation.
After the panel members evaluated the items, an online meeting was scheduled to discuss their evaluations. After this meeting, an updated version of the MATE’s Spanish translation (i.e., MATE-E) was generated that incorporated the panel’s comments and evaluations. Table 2 shows an example of how one of the items was evaluated by the expert panel.
Table 2 Item evaluation sheet sample
Table 2
Item evaluation sheet sample
Item # | Type | Statement | Translation | Clarity | Comments* |
A | I | Clear | Confusing |
16 | O | Evolutionary theory is supported by factual, historical, and laboratory data. | | | | | E1: La traducción no es 100% correcta, pero el mensaje es esencialmente el mismo. (Translation is not 100% correct, but the message is essentially the same) E2: ¿Laboratorios fácticos? (Factual laboratories?) E3: De la manera que se tradujo no mantiene el sentido de los tres tipos de datos incluidos en la premisa original. Sugiero: La teoría evolutiva es respaldada/apoyada por datos factuales, históricos y de laboratorio. (The way it was translated does not maintain the meaning of the three types of data included in the original premise. I suggest: Evolutionary theory is supported by factual, historical and laboratory data.) |
T | La teoría de la evolución está apoyada por datos históricos y de laboratorio fácticos. | | X (E1, E2, E3) | X (E1) | X (E2, E3) |
B | The theory of evolution is supported by historical data and laboratory results. | | | | |
O = Original item, T = Translated item, B = Back-translated item; A = Adequate translation, I = Inadequate translation; E1 = Expert 1, E2 = Expert 2, E3 = Expert 3 *For clarity purposes, expert comments are translated into English in italics. |
Response process
A focus group was carried out to gather evidence for MATE-E’s response process. Five high school students assented to their participation in this focus group. The students belonged to the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus’ Laboratory Secondary School. They had previously taken a middle-school biology course and were taking a high-school biology course at the time of their participation. As part of the focus group, they were asked to complete the MATE-E and then answer questions related to the items, their process to select an answer, and the wording on the instrument.
Participants deemed the instrument’s translated name and its instructions appropriate. They provided some recommendations to improve wording for some items and the instrument’s scale. A sample of the recommendations given by the focus group participants can be found in Table 3. Upon completing the focus group data analysis, a final online meeting with the expert panel was conducted to present the recommendations given by the students/ participants during the focus group and confer whether to accept these suggestions. The expert panel accepted the recommendations that lead to the final MATE-E instrument that was used for the pilot study and the administration to PD participants.
Table 3 Sample of focus group’s recommendations
Table 3
Sample of focus group’s recommendations
Item # | Statement evaluated by focus group | Recommendations | Statement as recommended |
16 | La teoría evolutiva está apoyada por datos fácticos (verificables) históricos y de laboratorio. *(Evolutionary theory is supported by factual, historical, and laboratory data.) | 1. Sustituir “teoría evolutiva” por “teoría de la evolución” (Substitute “evolutionary theory” for “the theory of evolution”) 2. Sustituir “datos fácticos (verificables)” por “evidencia.” (Substitute “factual (verifiable) data” for “evidence”) 3. Sustituir “de laboratorio” por “científica.” (Substitute “laboratory” for “scientific”) | La teoría de la evolución está apoyada por evidencia histórica y científica. |
*For clarity purposes, the original item, as well as translations for recommendations were added in italics. |
Pilot study and internal structure
To gather evidence for an instrument’s internal structure, there should be a correspondence between the test scores and its conceptual framework. To analyze this, Creswell (2012) recommended to perform “statistical procedures to determine the relationship among test item and test parts” (p. 163). A pilot study was done to gather evidence of the instrument’s reliability of responses and internal consistency of the scores. The MATE-E instrument was administered to students from the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus’ Laboratory Secondary School.
The research team invited 281 students from 8th, 10th, and 11th grade to participate in the pilot study. The pilot study took place via online meetings. The instrument was self-administered, responses were anonymous, and students did not receive any incentive for their participation. 185 students assented to their participation, of which 174 cases were valid. This means that 11 responses had missing data. Table 4 summarizes the profile of the pilot study participants.
Table 4 Pilot study participant demographics
Table 4
Pilot study participant demographics
Groups | Male | Female | Total |
8th grade | 27 | 25 | 52 |
10th grade | 6 | 13 | 19 |
11th grade | 8 | 16 | 24 |
11th grade | 13 | 22 | 35 |
11th grade | 13 | 7 | 20 |
11th grade | 11 | 24 | 35 |
Total groups: 6 | Total male: 78 | Total female: 107 | Grand total: 185* |
*There were only 174 valid cases among the 185 participants; 11 cases had missing data. |
Table 5 summarizes the descriptive statistics for the MATE-E pilot study. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was performed to measure normality. Test results show that data is normally distributed, D(174), = 0.065, p 0.066.
A reliability analysis was performed to check for MATE-E’s internal consistency. Since the test’s items are scored as continuous variables, the appropriate test for reliability is Cronbach’s coefficient alpha (1984). Results show that MATE-E’s Cronbach’s alpha based on standardized items is .879. George and Mallery (2003) stated that a Cronbach’s alpha of .879 is well within the range of a good (0.80 ≥ α < 0.90) internal consistency.
Table 5 Descriptive statistics for pilot study administration
Table 5
Descriptive statistics for pilot study administration
N | Valid | 174 |
Missing | 11 |
Mean | 76.48 |
Std. Error of Mean | .997 |
Median | 77.50 |
Std. Deviation | 13.146 |
Variance | 172.806 |
Skewness | − .786 |
Std. Error of Skewness | .184 |
Kurtosis | .980 |
Std. Error of Kurtosis | .366 |
Range | 5 |
Minimum | 0 |
Maximum | 5 |
The Cronbach’s alpha for MATE-E, though, is lower than the one reported in the original instrument, which is 0.98 (Rutledge & Warden, 1999). This may be due to factors such as a lower dataset than the original or due to cultural differences in translation and adaptation. However, it is noteworthy to point out that Cronbach’s alpha constantly remains in the range of a good internal consistency even if other items are deleted.
Additionally, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy index was calculated. Data shows that the sample used was adequate (KMO = .857). Similarly, a Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity was performed, and results were significant (p < .001). Both tests confirmed adequacy, which means an Exploratory Factor Analysis could be conducted.
Exploratory Factor Analysis for MATE-E
An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was conducted to study the underlying factors present in the MATE-E version of the instrument. Since this is a translated and adapted instrument, an EFA would be helpful in discovering the underlying factor structure of the instrument after its translation and adaptation. As part of the EFA, a Principal Component Analysis was conducted to identify MATE-E test’s factors.
Upon analysis, five components with Eigenvalues greater than 1 were identified. Despite Rutledge and Warden’s (1999) initial reporting of a standalone factor of evolution acceptance for the original MATE test, more recent research, such as analyses done by Metzger et al. (2018) point to the instrument having more than one factor (Barnes et al. 2019). Furthermore, Rutledge and Sadler (2007) discussed that the instrument has six concepts, and each item is grouped into only one of them.
Therefore, the extracted components may be considered for MATE-E factor categorization. Rutledge and Sadler’s (2007) concepts were considered when categorizing these factors. These five components also represent 59.472% of the total variance explained (see Table 6).
The cumulative percentage of the total variance explained (59.472%) for MATE-E’s EFA closely approximates Pituch and Stevens’ (2016) recommended 60% threshold of total variance explained for factor analysis. Figure 2 shows a Scree plot with the Eigenvalues from each component as extracted from the Principal Component Analysis.
Table 6 Total variance explained
Table 6
Component | Initial Eigenvalues | Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings | Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings |
Total | % of Variance | Cumulative % | Total | % of Variance | Cumulative % | Total | % of Variance | Cumulative % |
1 | 6.282 | 31.408 | 31.408 | 6.282 | 31.408 | 31.408 | 3.925 | 19.624 | 19.624 |
2 | 2.024 | 10.120 | 41.528 | 2.024 | 10.120 | 41.528 | 2.934 | 14.670 | 34.294 |
3 | 1.482 | 7.410 | 48.938 | 1.482 | 7.410 | 48.938 | 2.462 | 12.311 | 46.605 |
4 | 1.099 | 5.495 | 54.433 | 1.099 | 5.495 | 54.433 | 1.467 | 7.336 | 53.941 |
5 | 1.008 | 5.039 | 59.472 | 1.008 | 5.039 | 59.472 | 1.106 | 5.532 | 59.472 |
6 | .857 | 4.285 | 63.757 | | | | | | |
7 | .822 | 4.110 | 67.868 | | | | | | |
8 | .784 | 3.918 | 71.785 | | | | | | |
9 | .749 | 3.745 | 75.530 | | | | | | |
10 | .696 | 3.482 | 79.011 | | | | | | |
11 | .621 | 3.103 | 82.115 | | | | | | |
12 | .600 | 3.002 | 85.117 | | | | | | |
13 | .565 | 2.823 | 87.940 | | | | | | |
14 | .463 | 2.313 | 90.253 | | | | | | |
15 | .398 | 1.991 | 92.244 | | | | | | |
16 | .390 | 1.948 | 94.192 | | | | | | |
17 | .320 | 1.600 | 95.791 | | | | | | |
18 | .303 | 1.517 | 97.309 | | | | | | |
19 | .294 | 1.468 | 98.777 | | | | | | |
20 | .245 | 1.223 | 100.000 | | | | | | |
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. |
The Principal Component Analysis additionally informed how the MATE-E’s items correlated with each of the five components. The rotation method used for this analysis was Varimax with Kaiser Normalization and the test was adjusted to show correlations greater than .40. Results shown on Table 7 demonstrate that eight items correlate strongly with the first component, five items correlate strongly with the second component, four items correlate strongly with the third component, two items correlate strongly with the fourth component and one item correlates strongly with the fifth component.
Two of these items have strong correlations with more than one component. Item number 2 correlates strongly with the first and second component, while item number seven correlates strongly with the second and third component. However, item 2 has a stronger correlation to the first component, while item number 7 has a stronger correlation with the third component. Therefore, upon review, the team decided to group items 2 and 7 into the first and third component, respectively.
It is also important to point out that only one item correlates strongly with component 5. Despite this, the team has decided not to discard this component, nor this item. The item possesses the strongest correlation among all observed data. Table 7 shows the rotated component matrix. Reported results include correlations greater than .40 and items with overlapping component correlations.
Table 7 Rotated component matrix
Table 7
Item # | Component |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
3 | .727 | | | | |
20 | .724 | | | | |
16 | .694 | | | | |
18 | .658 | | | | |
1 | .654 | | | | |
8 | .625 | | | | |
12 | .563 | | | | |
2 | .515 | .440 | | | |
10 | | .790 | | | |
4 | | .727 | | | |
6 | | .657 | | | |
17 | | .515 | | | |
14 | | .448 | | | |
9 | | | .828 | | |
15 | | | .753 | | |
19 | | | .682 | | |
7 | | .453 | .455 | | |
13 | | | | .733 | |
5 | | | | .653 | |
11 | | | | | .853 |
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Rotation converged in 9 iterations. |
Figure 3 shows a path diagram for MATE-E’s Exploratory Factory Analysis. To further help visualize this diagram, the Eigenvalues, rotation sums of squared loadings and percent of variance explained is shown for each factor. Additionally, factors are named (names are also translated to English in italics for clarity) and the correlation for each item is also shown. As mentioned, Rutledge and Sadler’s (2007) concepts were considered when naming these factors.
Upon conducting Exploratory Factor Analysis, items were grouped into five components. After reviewing how the items were grouped within the components, as well as research results using the MATE instrument each factor was named as follows: Validez del proceso de evolución (Validity of the evolutionary process), Evidencia de la evolución (Evidence of evolution), Evolución de los humanos y otras especies (Evolution of humans and other species), Punto de vista de la comunidad científica en torno a la evolución (Scientific community’s view of evolution), and Edad de la Tierra (Age of Earth). These factors, its corresponding items, and some sample items are shown on Table 8. The final translated version of the MATE-E instrument is available on Additional File 1.
Table 8 Construct naming for MATE-E’s factors
Table 8
Construct naming for MATE-E’s factors
Factor | Construct names in Spanish (English translation in parenthesis) | Items | Sample items | Items in English |
1 | Validez del proceso de evolución (Validity of the evolutionary process) | 1, 2, 3, 8, 12, 16, 18, 20 | (20) La evolución es una teoría científica válida. | (20) Evolution is a scientifically valid theory. |
2 | Evidencia de la evolución (Evidence of evolution) | 4, 6, 10, 14, 17 | (14) La teoría de la evolución no puede ser correcta ya que difiere del relato bíblico de la creación. | (14) The theory of evolution cannot be correct since it disagrees with the Biblical account of creation. |
3 | Evolución de los humanos y otras especies (Evolution of humans and other species) | 7, 9, 15, 19 | (15) Los humanos existen hoy en día esencialmente de la misma forma en que siempre lo han hecho. | (15) Humans exist today in essentially the same form in which they always have. |
4 | Punto de vista de la comunidad científica en torno a la evolución (Scientific community’s view of evolution) | 5, 13 | (13) La teoría de la evolución genera predicciones comprobables en relación con las características de la vida. | (13) Evolutionary theory generates testable predictions with respect to the characteristics of life. |
5 | Edad de la Tierra (Age of Earth) | 11 | (11) La edad de la tierra es de al menos 4000 millones de años. | (11) The age of the earth is at least 4 billion years. |
The MATE-E test was translated to Spanish, adapted, and validity evidence was gathered with Puerto Rican Spanish-speaking high school students, based on the assumption that biology teachers will be at least as familiar with the language and content knowledge of the instrument. Gathering validity evidence with students has the advantage of allowing follow-up studies that measure the change in students’ acceptance of the theory of evolution, as well as measuring the effectiveness of educators in transferring the acquired knowledge into classes and classroom activities.
Administration to PD participants
Genome-to-phenome Professional Development Program description
The program was designed to provide a professional development opportunity for high school biology teachers on concepts related to evolution. The PD was developed using the train-the-trainer model. Master science teachers collaborated with Biology faculty from the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus to identify, design, develop, and offer learning modules on five topics related to evolution. This collaboration yielded five modules on the following topics: natural selection, adaptation, evolution, heredity, and gene expression. These modules were used during monthly PD sessions for participants.
Throughout the professional development sessions, master teachers instructed participants on the different topics, addressed misconceptions, provided learning materials, modeled sample classroom lessons, carried out learning activities, and offered ideas to modify lessons and activities to accommodate for diverse students. In addition to these monthly sessions, teachers participated in summer research experience in which they spent one week in dedicated laboratories at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus and spent three additional days doing field work and exploring climate change’s impact on different species. Participants were assigned to a research laboratory and each laboratory personnel were responsible for the participants’ development of laboratory research skills, as well as helping them establish the relevance of learning these skills to transfer their knowledge into the classroom and help their students understand and accept the theory of evolution.
Study question
To determine PD program’s effectiveness in changing participants’ acceptance of the theory of evolution, the following question was formulated: Is the designed professional development program effective in changing in-service high school biology teachers’ acceptance of the theory of evolution? The MATE-E test administration occurred on two occasions during the first phase of the PD program to address this question. The first administration was in December 2021, before the professional development experience began. The second one was in June 2022, when the teachers culminated their participation in the professional development sessions and the summer research experience.
Summary of the descriptive statistics
For the pretest, data from five participants were analyzed. The minimum score for these cases was 74, while the maximum was 95. According to the rating scales of the Measure of Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution (Rutledge, 1996), the levels of acceptance fluctuated between moderate and very high acceptance. On average, however, the score is 83.20, which places the acceptance average at a high level. The standard deviation of this data is 7.98, while its variance is 63.70 (see Table 9).
Table 9 Descriptive statistics for MATE-E administration to PD participants
Table 9
Descriptive statistics for MATE-E administration to PD participants
Min. Score | Max. Score | Avg. | Std. Dev. | Variance | Skewness | Kurtosis |
Statistic | Std. Error | Statistic | Std. Error |
74 | 95 | 83.20 | 7.98 | 63.70 | .598 | .913 | .408 | 2.000 |
80 | 99 | 91.40 | 7.54 | 56.80 | − .941 | .913 | .079 | 2.000 |
In relation to the posttest, data from five participants were analyzed. The minimum score of these cases was 80, while the maximum was 99. The five cases presented increases in their score between the pretest and the posttest (see Fig. 4). According to the classification scales of the original MATE instrument (Rutledge, 1996), acceptance levels fluctuated between high and very high acceptance. Compared to the pretest data, there were three participants whose acceptance level increased: one case from moderate acceptance to high acceptance level and two cases from high acceptance to very high.
Wilcoxon matched pairs and signed ranks test
Upon carrying out the Wilcoxon matched pairs and signed ranks test, it was found that all ranks are positive. This indicates that there was an increment in all participants’ acceptance of the theory of evolution, Statistical analysis for the test also showed that its Z score is -2.023 and its p value is .043. Data is summarized in Tables 10 and 11.
Table 10 Summary of signed ranks for MATE-E administration to PD participants
Table 10
Summary of signed ranks for MATE-E administration to PD participants
| | N | Average of ranks | Sum of ranks |
Posttest – Pretest | Negative ranks | 0a | .00 | .00 |
Positive ranks | 5b | 3.00 | 15.00 |
Tied ranks | 0c | | |
Total | 5 | | |
a Posttest < Pretest b Posttest > Pretest c Posttest = Pretest |
Table 11 Wilcoxon matched pairs and signed ranks test for MATE-E administration to PD participants
Table 11
Wilcoxon matched pairs and signed ranks test for MATE-E administration to PD participants
| Posttest – Pretest |
Z score | -2.023a |
Sig. (2-tailed hypothesis) | .043 |
a Z score based on negative ranks |