In this study, we investigated the effects of pharmacological inhibition of CSF1R in aged mice on alleviating various age-associated hippocampal abnormalities. Strikingly, we found the enhancement of hippocampus-dependent cognitive function and synaptic plasticity in the aged mice treated with PLX. Moreover, this treatment increased the expression of presynaptic vGluT1, postsynaptic PSD-95, and perisynaptic brevican, previously reported to influence excitatory synaptic transmission. These changes were specifically detected in the CA1 str. radiatum, but not in str. oriens, correlating with a layer-specific reduction in the complement protein C1q that tags synapses for synaptic modifications by microglia.
Several previous works have studied the effects of altered density of microglia in young and aged mice. The inhibition of CSF1R could deplete up to 99% of CNS microglia, although they rapidly repopulate after the termination of treatment [17, 41, 42],with a recovery rate of 20% and 80% for 7 and 14 days’ post-PLX treatment, respectively[41, 43]. Therefore, two microglia populations can exist after PLX treatment, the resident and the newly formed. Several studies using different CSF1R inhibitors showed varying degrees of microglia depletion depending on the length of treatment and concentration. Interestingly, there seem to be age-related differences in the response of microglia to PLX3397 treatment. In a study by Yegla and colleagues the aged rats showed a more robust reduction in microglia after 21 days of PLX3397 treatment compared to young animals [44]. Noteworthy, the number of Iba1 + cells were significantly higher in the aged compared to young controls, where PLX treatment led to a reduction rate of approximately 50%. This study also reported that microglia depletion leads to impaired synaptic and cognitive function in aged rats. A new study explored how PLX5622 affects microglia in young versus old mice. For a week, mice received either a low (300 mg/kg) or high (1200 mg/kg) dose. Notably, both doses significantly reduced microglial cells in the motor cortex. Young mice showed reductions of 44% and 84.4% for low and high doses, respectively. Similarly, aged mice experienced reductions of 32% and 80%. Interestingly, the low dose appeared to reduce inflammation by preventing astrocyte activation. However, the effects on synaptic plasticity and cognition were not elucidated [45]. Another recent study investigating the effects of a 7-day treatment with PLX5622, which resulted in 89% microglial depletion in aged mice, suggests that microglial depletion followed by repopulation leads to the rescue effects in the context of spatial learning and memory, and LTP [18]. Similarly, our study highlights the beneficial effects of PLX treatment in aged mice.
One critical question is whether 90% microglia depletion without repopulation is clinically friendly to CNS functions in aged humans considering the risks of infection. Moreover, it has been shown that complete inhibition of the CSF1R results in the death of mice in adulthood [46, 47], indicating the survival of mice beyond adulthood critically depends on the presence of microglia. Therefore, we attempted to study the effects of PLX3397 in the aged mice, at concentration which did not deplete microglia but rather resulted ina modest reduction of microglia by 14%, 27%, and 25% in the CA1, DG, and RSC, respectively, after 28days of treatment, bringing microglia numbers back to the level of young controls.
After depleting 14% of the aged microglia in the CA1 of aged mice, the resident microglial population had slightly modified structural features. One such feature is the increase in the size of resident-aged microglia without any alteration in the degree of activation, as we observed no differences in soma and branching area by using Iba1 + signals [48, 49]. We hypothesized that the CSF1R inhibitor might preferentially target senescent microglia, but to our surprise, the treatment increased the amount of ferritin and AF, subcellular structures in the soma of aged microglia [50, 51], despite no changes in CD68 and TREM2 were detected. A study by Burns and colleagues showed that the level of AF increases with aging and strongly correlates with microglial size [52]. Also, the ferritin protein is critical in aged microglia, regulating the iron content in the brain by binding to iron [53, 54]. With 14% depletion of microglia without room for repopulation coupled with the enhanced production of iron in the aged brain [54], it is possible that the increased sequestering of iron by the resident-aged microglia together with the increased AF content might explain the observed increase in the overall microglial size in aged mice treated with PLX.
The aged brain is highly populated by microglia that are in a perpetually activated state that coincides with age-related cognitive and synaptic decline [55]. Additionally, activated aged microglia are in a senescent state and continuously produce inflammatory cytokines and express phagocytic phenotype [54, 56]. Aging is strongly associated with the decline in hippocampus-dependent cognitive functions, in aged mice and humans. A study by Vegh and colleagues showed reduced object recognition as well as spatial learning and memory in the hippocampus of aged mice [10, 22]. Studies have also shown that the depletion of microglia with repopulation, other than reducing neuroinflammation [57], also enhances cognition and synaptic transmission in aged mice [18]. Likewise, in the present study, although aged mice failed to discriminate between the stably located and displaced objects, the PLX-treated aged mice displayed an enhanced long-term NOLT memory. Noteworthy, microglial depletion enhanced neither NORT nor spatial learning and memory in aged mice. One explanation might be that according to the study by Elmore et. al in 2018, the repopulation of microglia after depletion is essential for enhancing spatial learning and memory performance in aged mice. Also, the newly formed microglial population in the aged mice brain can attain the morphology and functions similar to the resident microglia [41] or young mice, including mRNA profiles [43]. In the context of synaptic plasticity and transmission, which are the mechanisms underlying memory acquisition and storage [58], reports indicate that LTP enhancement in aged mice brains after PLX treatment relies on microglial repopulation [18]. That indicates that microglia functions in the aging brain impair synaptic plasticity. Contrarily, here we report for the first time that mild microglial depletion without repopulation can enhance LTP-dependent synaptic transmission in the hippocampus of aged mice. To better explain these findings, we investigated the effect of PLX treatment on both synaptic and synaptic pruning markers in the hippocampal CA1, aiming to identify correlates for the enhancement of NOLT performance and LTP. Consistent with these findings, the reduction of microglia led to the elevated intensity of vGluT1 and PSD-95. Whilst vGluT1 is normally reduced in the hippocampus of aged rodents and contributes to the impairment of memory formation and synaptic transmission[59–61] contradictory data has been reported about the expression of PSD-95 depending on the observed age point and brain region [62–64]. One interesting observation was that these effects were exclusive to the CA1 str. radiatum, the region that contains synapses potentiated during LTP experiments and facilitates memory formation[65, 66] .
In the CA1 str. radiatum, we also identified a reduced expression of the complement protein C1q after PLX treatment that may explains the increase in numbers of synaptic puncta. Microglia cells are the primary source of C1q in the brain [67]. Previous research has shown that high doses of PLX5622 (1200 mg/kg) reduce C1q levels in the hippocampus of adult mice [68]. Our study suggests that even lower doses may have a similar effect. During development, the interaction between microglia and components of the complement cascade, including C1q and C3, are known to be involved in the pruning of synapses in an activity-dependent manner and therefore in the maturation of synaptic circuits [69–71]. A more recent study shows that these mechanisms also play a part in Alzheimer’s disease where the inhibition of either C1q, C3, or microglia prevents the early synapse loss characteristic of the disease pathology [72]. Our time-lapse analysis directly demonstrated the elevated elimination of spines after inoculation of Tau proteins derived from AD patients, with the rate of spine elimination correlating with the expression of complement proteins [73]. In the hippocampus of aged mice, C1q is strongly upregulated in proximity to synapses and this is associated with cognitive decline. However, aged C1q-deficient mice have similar spine numbers as wild-type controls, suggesting that C1q may induce synaptic modifications rather than changes in the balance in spine formation/elimination in these conditions.