Anomalous cosmic ray (ACR) particles are high first-ionization-potential (FIP) neutrals, such as oxygen, that have their origin outside the solar system and drift inwards towards the Sun. In the heliosphere they become singly ionized ions that have a typical energy in the range of 5 - 50 MeV/n (Klecker et al., 1998, Potgieter, 2013a, Giacalone et al., 2022). Temporal variation of cosmic ray particles correlates closely with solar activity at different timescales (Potgieter, 2013b) with the 11-year solar sunspot cycle being the most dominant long-term variation. On the other hand, shorter-period variations like the 27-day synodic rotation and the first harmonics of this period, the 13.5-day and 9-day periodicities, correlate with the passage of co-rotating interaction regions which have their origin in solar coronal holes (Sabbah and Kudela, 2011; Kotzé, 2020; Modzelewska and Gil, 2021). Solar activity variations within the 0.3 – 2 year periodicity timescale, which includes the Rieger period (150 – 160 days), have recently been attributed to magnetic Rossby waves (Korsós et al., 2023). Dikpati et al (2018) reported that Rossby waves provide evidence of magnetic patterns around the solar tacholine, the region where the solar magnetic field is accumulated. A recent study by Gurgenashvili et al. (2016) showed that the Rieger period has a strong dependence on solar activity level, and Feng et al. (2017) showed that these periodicities in sunspot indices have a strong correlation with the solar magnetic field.
The modulation of cosmic ray (CR) particles in the heliosphere is influenced by properties of the solar wind as well as the orientation of the solar magnetic field and solar activity level. Around solar minima CR modulation is predominantly driven by drifts, while around solar maximum it is affected by enhanced diffusion resulting from a complex magnetic structure (Potgieter, 2013b). Drift effects are also responsible for the 22-year cycle in CR modulation as CR ions are sensitive to the polarity of the solar magnetic field. Particularly, positively charged particles drift inward along the near-equatorial heliospheric current sheet (HCS) when the solar magnetic field is negatively orientated (qA < 0 minima), e.g., during the minimum of solar cycle 23/24 (SC23/24), while these particles drift outward along the HCS during positively oriented solar magnetic fields (qA > 0 minima), e.g., during the minimum of solar cycle 24/25 (SC24/25). Solar activity levels were anomalously low during both the minima of SC23/24 and SC24/25, resulting in much lower than usual interplanetary magnetic field strengths which was accompanied by unusually small tilt angle values of the heliospheric current sheet. In fact, during the minimum of SC24/25 the tilt angle was more than 50% lower than during the minimum of SC23/24 (Rankin et al., 2022). This resulted in the highest recorded levels of GCR intensities (Rankin et al., 2022) as observed by both spacecraft and ground-based neutron monitors (NM). A recent study by Rankin et al. (2022) of CR oxygen particles, using the Parker Solar Probe, revealed that the ACR component is remarkably similar across the minima of solar cycle 23/24 and solar cycle 24/25.
The periodicity behaviour and modulation, particularly, of GCR’s has been a topic of investigation for several decades, using both ground-based NM data (Gil and Mursula, 2017; Kotzé, 2020) as well as space-based satellite data using, e.g., the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) satellite (Leske et al., 2010; Kotzé, 2021). A recent study by Kotzé (2023) found an energy and solar-polarity dependence for the 27-day and 13.5-day periodicities of proton, carbon, and oxygen GCR particles observed by ACE/CRIS and SOHO/EPHIN spacecraft during SC23 and SC24. Larger powers of these periodicities were observed during positive polarity intervals (qA > 0; SC24) than negative polarity (qA < 0; SC23).
The different characteristics between the minima of SC23/24 and SC24/25, combined with opposite drift patterns, provide a unique opportunity to investigate the periodicity behaviour of, particularly, ACR oxygen ions, and to compare their variation to the periodicity behaviour of GCR particles during the same time interval (Kotzé, 2023). Previous studies (Fu et al, 2021; 2023) indicated that oxygen energy spectra below about 30 MeV/n are dominated by ACRs, in contrast to the GCR component that occur at higher energies.